Bad-Ass Women in Contemporary Fiction


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
In this age of gender insanity, one cannot open a book, view a film, watch a cartoon, or click the TV remote without being confronted with a fictional Bad-Ass Woman.

Whether it's a police-person of some sort beating up a "football player" type, or an assassin working for a drug cartel, or the brutal merciless head of some government agency, the "toughest" person in every scene is a woman. The smartest engineer is a woman. The most brilliant doctor - internationally acclaimed - is a woman (assuming it's not a Black Guy).

In every S.W.A.T. team, fire house, Special Ops unit, or what have you, there is a woman, and she is both beautiful and always Right and/or victorious is whatever she does.

If there is a fist fight - something that is quite common in contemporary fiction - the woman always wins. If there is any sort of disagreement about facts or strategy, she woman always proves to be the one who is right.

And these Bad-Ass woman have NO INTEREST in maternity or spousal life, even though they are essentially ALL of the age when those issues confront real, human females.

Who, exactly benefits from these preposterous presentations of life? What is the point?

I suspect the message is to young, impressionable women, conveying the message that they can do ANYTHING a man can do, only better.

But that message is patent, ridiculous nonsense. I no longer find it entertaining.

The best soldiers are men. The best police are men. The best firefighters are men. The best leaders are generally men. The best doctors are men, the best engineers, the best architects, the best fighters, athletes, chess players, and on and on. Maybe it's because we are bigger and stronger, or maybe it is because the male Bell Curve is flatter than that of females. Doesn't matter. It just is.

Woman can be great lawyers, writers, musicians, pediatricians, accountants and, in their own sports, exceptional. Most of all, women can be great wives and mothers, which - as with Ford and "quality" - should be Job #1. Why is this vital REAL message never mentioned in fiction?
It's fiction. Your homo-erotic love of male characters won't make the Black Widow a dude.

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