Back in my day, i wanted to be a Doctor, Fireman, Policeman, someone who really cared for other people. Today, people want to be like George Floyd.

yea that will work joe....if the guy gets his gun it will be used before he gets arrested.....drugs and prostitution are a different scenario....

Says who?

You see, the problem with you guys who say, Gun control will never work" have to pretend that Japan and Europe aren't a thing, where it works just fine.
how are you going to catch someone who buys an illegal gun when only 2 people may know about it?....come on joe lets hear it.....
Nice try but back in the day the trend seemed to be to avoid the draft, burn the Flag and smoke as much dope as you could get your hands on.
how are you going to catch someone who buys an illegal gun when only 2 people may know about it?....come on joe lets hear it.....

Undercover stings.... rewards for informing on people who have illegal guns.

Come on, man.The Europeans and Japanese have figured this out. America is like the class retard who keeps saying "I can count to Potato!"

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Back in my day, cops weren't sniveling cowards that shot people in the back.

Well then you never lived where I lived and never listened to songs like “ I shot the Sheriff “ because the Police haven’t change since I was a kid...
how are you going to catch someone who buys an illegal gun when only 2 people may know about it?....come on joe lets hear it.....

Undercover stings.... rewards for informing on people who have illegal guns.

Come on, man.The Europeans and Japanese have figured this out. America is like the class retard who keeps saying "I can count to Potato!"

So you want your former Soviet way of life back again?

Snitch on your neighbor so the Government will give you that Gold Star you always wanted?

What is next Joe?

Let me guess you want to use the No-Fly list and Social Media posting to deny someone of their Constitutional Rights, but only if they vote Republican...

The class retard is the one forgetting the U.S. has a Constitution while demanding the U.S. be more like the former Soviet Union you miss dearly...
So you want your former Soviet way of life back again?

Snitch on your neighbor so the Government will give you that Gold Star you always wanted?

What is next Joe?

Let me guess you want to use the No-Fly list and Social Media posting to deny someone of their Constitutional Rights, but only if they vote Republican...

The class retard is the one forgetting the U.S. has a Constitution while demanding the U.S. be more like the former Soviet Union you miss dearly...

Yawn, guy. The European Democracies and Japan ban guns, and they are freer than we are.

I don't feel Free if I have to walk past two security checkpoints to get to my desk, if we have to have active shooter drills, send our kids to school with bullet proof backpacks or backpacks that are clear to make sure little Timmy isn't bringing a gun to show and tell, have to put "ShotSpotter" technology in our cities because gunfire is so common people don't even bother calling it in anymore.
how are you going to catch someone who buys an illegal gun when only 2 people may know about it?....come on joe lets hear it.....

Undercover stings.... rewards for informing on people who have illegal guns.

Come on, man.The Europeans and Japanese have figured this out. America is like the class retard who keeps saying "I can count to Potato!"
joe we are talking about a person who wants to go somewhere and shoot somebody,he can go get the gun and shoot somebody the next do you do an undercover sting on that scenario?.....
joe we are talking about a person who wants to go somewhere and shoot somebody,he can go get the gun and shoot somebody the next do you do an undercover sting on that scenario?.....

Well, to start with, you go after the asshole who sells the gun. Then they won't sell to the guy they know is crazy.
geezus joe are you this far removed from reality?.....first off you may not know who sold the gun and secondly if the guy has the gun and shoots a bunch of people the day after he gets the gun, the damage is done.....
geezus joe are you this far removed from reality?.....first off you may not know who sold the gun and secondly if the guy has the gun and shoots a bunch of people the day after he gets the gun, the damage is done.....

obviously, you don't understand the concept of deterrence.

The Europeans have figured this out... so have the Japanese.

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

In black culture the highest honor is to commit crimes and to be killed by a cop. This is foreign to white people who teach their children to avoid crime and value your own life. George Floyd is considered a hero. Heroes are to be idolized and mimicked because they are shining examples of how to build a better society. A lot of us scratch our head as to why a mother would want her child murdered by racist cops or why she hopes that her son commits crimes as an adult. This is black culture. Honestly I can see why things are worse in black communities if these are their priorities. They are getting what they want and teaching their children what isimportant. It's weird if you ask me.

Getting murdered by racist cops should not be the highest prize to aspire to obtain in life. It really shouldn't, yet it is. I say again. WEIRD!

You're full of shit.
Did the OP grow up and do something to help people, or just post on the internet?
geezus joe are you this far removed from reality?.....first off you may not know who sold the gun and secondly if the guy has the gun and shoots a bunch of people the day after he gets the gun, the damage is done.....

obviously, you don't understand the concept of deterrence.

The Europeans have figured this out... so have the Japanese.
yea joe they will find all those
To be fair, George made a lot of money for his family and people riding his political coat tails.

He's worth a lot more dead than alive; he's just part of a growing billion dollar industry for black lawyers and pols like Sharpton and Waters. The very last thing they and BLM want is for their dumbass hood rats to stop escalating minor stops into big ass dramas and violence. They see there is nobody standing up to them and they have the full support of the Democratic Party and almost every multi-national corporation now. There is no resistance, and won't be until a lot of fat drunk Burb dwellers lose their $5 K riding lawn mowers and $3,500 outdoor grills.
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Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

In black culture the highest honor is to commit crimes and to be killed by a cop. This is foreign to white people who teach their children to avoid crime and value your own life. George Floyd is considered a hero. Heroes are to be idolized and mimicked because they are shining examples of how to build a better society. A lot of us scratch our head as to why a mother would want her child murdered by racist cops or why she hopes that her son commits crimes as an adult. This is black culture. Honestly I can see why things are worse in black communities if these are their priorities. They are getting what they want and teaching their children what isimportant. It's weird if you ask me.

Getting murdered by racist cops should not be the highest prize to aspire to obtain in life. It really shouldn't, yet it is. I say again. WEIRD!

You're full of shit.

I think it is weird.

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ | You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Why not when you can have a street named after you? What you get by being a doctor or lawyer is
verbal abuse and criticism of your expertise by imbeciles.
He's worth a lot more dead than alive; he's just part of a growing billion dollar industry for black lawyers and pols like Sharpton and Waters. The very last thing they and BLM want is for their dumbass hood rats to stop escalating minor stops into big ass dramas and violence. They see there is nobody standing up to them and they have the full support of the Democratic Party and almost every multi-national corporation now. There is no resistance, and won't be until a lot of fat drunk Burb dwellers lose their $5 K riding lawn mowers and $3,500 outdoor grills.
Sharpton is in a league of his own. He simply hates white people, is a bullshit artist, and MSNBC doesn't get it. Whenever he is on the air, I change the channel. Waters simply has different political views than you do.
Why not when you can have a street named after you? What you get by being a doctor or lawyer is
verbal abuse and criticism of your expertise by imbeciles.
Not everyone chooses a profession in order to get recognition.

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