B-2s over South Korea

I responded to your post, Gracie. I truly do not believe for a split second this is anything more than a bluff. He is bluffing. Ignore him, put on your sandals and go to lunch. Nothing but a diversion. This is a 28 yr old junkyard dog barking a threat as a favor to Russians and Chinese. They have him on a chain and he isn't going anywhere. This is all for show. Nothing more. - Jeremiah
US taxpayers drag South Korea behind it like a bad leg - a congenital bad leg. SK never benefited US taxpayers.

Probably the closest comparison is Israel in that direct expenses propping up these unnatural nations represent relatively little of the total costs to US taxpayers, as most costs are indirect. Think, SEATO, Iraq, etc.

Myopic idiot.

Is that it? Just the usual pantload of "substance"?

Publish the US profit on its investment in SK, please. How many dollars' profit has US involvement in Korea paid back to US taxpayers? How many US lives have been saved meddling in Asian civil wars?

Or is supporting SK, Israel, et al something like the heroin experience; a feelgood kick with complications? How much decent American blood and treasure can be pissed down feelgood drains before irreparable damage is done to the US?
US taxpayers drag South Korea behind it like a bad leg - a congenital bad leg. SK never benefited US taxpayers.

Probably the closest comparison is Israel in that direct expenses propping up these unnatural nations represent relatively little of the total costs to US taxpayers, as most costs are indirect. Think, SEATO, Iraq, etc.

Myopic idiot.

Is that it? Just the usual pantload of "substance"?

Publish the US profit on its investment in SK, please. How many dollars' profit has US involvement in Korea paid back to US taxpayers? How many US lives have been saved meddling in Asian civil wars?

You're as dumb as a rock. How much the US has profited from all of our trade with East Asia? How it has benefitted the US to keep vital shipping lanes through Asia open? How many lives have been saved in all the posssible - likely - wars not fought? How about all the lives we saved after the SEA tsunami? You're a short-sighted idiot and you should be grateful that your betters make such decisions for you.
Myopic idiot.

Is that it? Just the usual pantload of "substance"?

Publish the US profit on its investment in SK, please. How many dollars' profit has US involvement in Korea paid back to US taxpayers? How many US lives have been saved meddling in Asian civil wars?

You're as dumb as a rock. How much the US has profited from all of our trade with East Asia? How it has benefitted the US to keep vital shipping lanes through Asia open? How many lives have been saved in all the posssible - likely - wars not fought? How about all the lives we saved after the SEA tsunami? You're a short-sighted idiot and you should be grateful that your betters make such decisions for you.

Anyone who has swilled enough neocon kookade to trot out "wars not fought" is worth a laugh from time to time. Thing about "wars not fought" is this: opium fueled pipedreams are higher order thinking than citing false evidence like Reagan or some other cold warrior neocon cocksucker.

For all anyone knows things might be better without US meddling in Asia.

The number of Asians that put Asia in the rear view mirror as fast as they can figure out the paperwork is all the evidence anyone needs about Asia.
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The number of Asians that put Asia in the rear view mirror as fast as they can figure out the paperwork is all the evidence anyone needs about Asia.

The incredibly miniscule number compared to the over half of earth's population that DOES live in Asia, you stupid son of a bitch?
I wonder if Kim III got the message yet. :eusa_whistle:
What message?

That we will honor our obligations, defend our allies, and blow your worthless little ass all to hell if you ever make good on your ridiculous threats.

Will we? If North Korea actually invades South Korea the only way we will stop them is by using nukes, I seriously doubt that Obama would give that order.

To be fair, I don't think Bush would have either.
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What message?

That we will honor our obligations, defend our allies, and blow your worthless little ass all to hell if you ever make good on your ridiculous threats.

Will we? If North Korea actually invades South Korea the only way we will stop them is by using nukes, I seriously doubt that Obama would give that order.

To be fair, I don't think Bush would have either.

We could absolutely destroy the North Korean government and military without resorting to nuclear weapons if that option were the best one.
That we will honor our obligations, defend our allies, and blow your worthless little ass all to hell if you ever make good on your ridiculous threats.

Will we? If North Korea actually invades South Korea the only way we will stop them is by using nukes, I seriously doubt that Obama would give that order.

To be fair, I don't think Bush would have either.

We could absolutely destroy the North Korean government and military without resorting to nuclear weapons if that option were the best one.

North Korea has a standing Army of 1 million men and is 35 miles from the capital of South Korea. If they get through the DMZ minefield we couldn't even slow them down unless we use nukes. We might be able to bomb all of North Korea back to the stone age, but it wouldn't help Seoul.
Will we? If North Korea actually invades South Korea the only way we will stop them is by using nukes, I seriously doubt that Obama would give that order.

To be fair, I don't think Bush would have either.

We could absolutely destroy the North Korean government and military without resorting to nuclear weapons if that option were the best one.

North Korea has a standing Army of 1 million men and is 35 miles from the capital of South Korea. If they get through the DMZ minefield we couldn't even slow them down unless we use nukes. We might be able to bomb all of North Korea back to the stone age, but it wouldn't help Seoul.

Seoul would incur horrific losses due to all the conventional missiles North Korea could unleash at the outset of a hot war, but the DMZ would be a sea of blood if we wanted it to be, and the North would pay for their decimation of Seoul in a most definitive way.

And the South Korean military is not a bunch of pushovers. They are also at least 50 years ahead of the north in military technology. The North has a million malnourished, developmentally-stunted performers who have been convinced that synchronized goose-stepping and TKD forms make for a kick-ass military.
I wonder if Kim III got the message yet. :eusa_whistle:
What message?

That we will honor our obligations, defend our allies, and blow your worthless little ass all to hell if you ever make good on your ridiculous threats.

Defend our allies.
Yep - you supported the South Korean dictator after WWII and could never get out of it.
The US of Arse may well cause yet one more war because you forced a local arms race one step too far but remember, China won't want invading US forces on their doorstep and, considering how close Vladivostok is to the NK border, you may well find Russian forces in your way.
You cause the first Korean war by supporting SK's threats against the North, now you're doing it again and are just as likely to get your arses kicked again.

Remember the first one?
You were forced to stalemate but I suppose that's better than your defeats since then.

Do you guys realise, apart from a few places where you were fighting people who had no more than sharpened bananas to fight with, you've lost every war you've started and had thousands of dead troops to show for it?
Think I'm wrong, name an American victory against an armed force. You'll be hard pushed, there isn't one.

A war with NK would be a very messy affair so the body bag manufacturers are doing to love it.
Is there plenty of room in your graveyards or should you invade Mexico to make more space for your dead? :)
The North has a million malnourished, developmentally-stunted performers who have been convinced that synchronized goose-stepping and TKD forms make for a kick-ass military.

Remember when your government told you, Japs can't see properly because of their slanted eyes?


In one of the most famous, and perhaps most fantastic and blatant misconceptions of the Japanese, historian Arthur Marder thought the Japanese to be inherently inferior, especially in the art of war, for several reasons, one being “because of their eye slits… the Japanese fighter pilots could not shoot straight, and Japanese naval officers could not see in the dark” (65). Captain Vivian from Tokyo said that Japanese were incapable of springing surprise in battle because they have “peculiarly slow brains” (64). One needs only to obviously site the bombing of Pearl Harbor to disclaim that notion. Despite this, the West was still convinced during the early part of the war that Japan was of Japan’s inherently inferior. John Dower offers his explanation:

Propaganda has its uses but don't actually believe you're going to fight an inferior enemy because they'll kick your backsides into the sea.
I wonder if all this pro war rubbish will last when your people come home on cargo flights and don't need the in flight refreshments.

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