Attorney is Suspended After Accusing Judge of Religious Prejudice


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Las Vegas attorney Jacob Hafter was suspended by the Nevada Supreme Court partly because he accused a judge of religious prejudice on social media. Jacob Hafter was suspended for six months in a November 17 court order, which claimed he made the comments with no basis in fact. The order also stated Hafter had made false statements under oath in another legal matter. Nearly half – three of the court’s seven justices – said they would have instead imposed a stayed suspension.

“The most serious instance of misconduct was Hafter’s intentional dishonesty in the statements he made under oath, which was done for his personal benefit,” four justices wrote. “By making such false statements, Hafter knowingly violated duties owed to the legal system and as a professional, which resulted in actual injury and had the potential to cause more serious injury.”
Attorney is Suspended After Accusing Judge of Religious Prejudice - Legal Reader

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