Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

The Dems will not want Sessions fired because he is their guarantor that Mueller won't be fired.

i respectfully disagree......Sessions is an idiot and a spineless puppet to Trump's bullying...whereas Rod Rosenstein is (at least) an honorable attorney who would resign if asked to fire Mueller.
Think it through. Rosenstein will buck Sessions up. If Trump fires Sessions, he has to fire Rosenstein as well, and Congress and Cabinet will land of Trump with the collective both foot.
As you remember there were accusations that Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his senate confirmation hearing. Everyone went along well he must have misunderstood the question. We know now that he did in fact lie, and he told one lie after another ever since.

After this we found out that Jeff Sessions did meet twice with the Russian ambassador, and he was asked (after he got caught) if he had spoke about the Trump campaign. He said NO that wasn't what the meeting was about, and the Trump campaign was not discussed.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Then this comes out:
"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign."
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Now the SLAM DUNK.

"Sessions’s participation in the gathering was detailed in court documents released Monday by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The adviser who offered to set up the meeting was George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, according to the documents. Sessions had not previously disclosed the meeting, despite being asked over multiple appearances on Capitol Hill whether he or anyone on the campaign ever discussed meeting with Russians. A Sessions spokeswoman declined to comment this week on the March 31 meeting with Trump and campaign advisers, including Papadopoulos. But on Thursday, a person familiar with Sessions’s recollections said that “people who remember the conversation” believed that Papadopoulos was proposing an idea of using his Russian contacts to try to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, “which was immediately rejected by then-Senator Sessions.”
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos


March 31, 2016 meeting where George Papadopoulos, was discussing his Russian plan to meet with the Russian Professor who claimed to have 1000's of Hillary Clinton's emails--and as you can see Donald Trump is at the table also. Apparently Jeff Sessions was adamantely opposed to it, and stated that if this leaked out--all hell would break loose.

But Jeff Sessions has continually lied (under oath about this,) and I imagine he will be removed as Attorney General on perjury charges.

Sessions' ONLY possible "defense":.............The onset of dementia......

Really, once again what Russian officials did the campaign have direct contact with?


The Russian Ambassador had 2 meetings with Jeff Sessions. That’s in addition to Mike Flynn’s phone calls. Wire taps of the Ambassador’s phone calls to the Kremlin say that Sessions was prepared to provide them with a report of the campaign’s progress.

Manaforte, Kuchner and Jr. all met with the Russian lawyer. Kuchner tried to have the Russians set up a back channel to the Kremlin. Flynn was a paid agent for the Russians and failed to disclose it. That’s in addition to his phone calls to the Russian Ambassador.

All of these people lied about meeting with or even knowing any Russians.

Roger Stone was quoting emails from the WikiLeaks dump hours BEFORE they were posted online.

If you were to substitute the names in this post with names of members of the Clinton campaign staff, the whole pack of you would be screaming “Lock her up” like a pack of rabid dogs.

Oh wait, you’re already doing that over the Uranium One deal, based on lies and innuendo.
As you remember there were accusations that Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his senate confirmation hearing. Everyone went along well he must have misunderstood the question. We know now that he did in fact lie, and he told one lie after another ever since.

After this we found out that Jeff Sessions did meet twice with the Russian ambassador, and he was asked (after he got caught) if he had spoke about the Trump campaign. He said NO that wasn't what the meeting was about, and the Trump campaign was not discussed.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Then this comes out:
"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign."
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Now the SLAM DUNK.

"Sessions’s participation in the gathering was detailed in court documents released Monday by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The adviser who offered to set up the meeting was George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, according to the documents. Sessions had not previously disclosed the meeting, despite being asked over multiple appearances on Capitol Hill whether he or anyone on the campaign ever discussed meeting with Russians. A Sessions spokeswoman declined to comment this week on the March 31 meeting with Trump and campaign advisers, including Papadopoulos. But on Thursday, a person familiar with Sessions’s recollections said that “people who remember the conversation” believed that Papadopoulos was proposing an idea of using his Russian contacts to try to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, “which was immediately rejected by then-Senator Sessions.”
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos


March 31, 2016 meeting where George Papadopoulos, was discussing his Russian plan to meet with the Russian Professor who claimed to have 1000's of Hillary Clinton's emails--and as you can see Donald Trump is at the table also. Apparently Jeff Sessions was adamantely opposed to it, and stated that if this leaked out--all hell would break loose.

But Jeff Sessions has continually lied (under oath about this,) and I imagine he will be removed as Attorney General on perjury charges.

John that you?

March 31, 2016 meeting where George Papadopoulos, was discussing his Russian plan to meet with the Russian Professor who claimed to have 1000's of Hillary Clinton's emails--and as you can see Donald Trump is at the table also. Apparently Jeff Sessions was adamantely opposed to it, and stated that if this leaked out--all hell would break loose.
Have you got any interactions between the campaign and high level Russian officials to ask for Russian help?
Try reading.

Try learning how to use the quote function, and some professor working in London is not a high level Russian official. According to you regressives any Russian citizen is linked to the Kremlin. I think I hear that ice cracking.

Almost no one knew at the time offer was made about Russian hacks of DNC and Podesta.

How did this professor?

The professor claimed they had the bitches emails, Podesta and the DNC weren't mentioned in any report I've seen. Funny thing, none of the bitches emails were released.


Well actually they were--you seem to forget about Debbie Wasserman--picking on Sanders. The reason 1000's weren't blasted out by Wikileaks is because there was nothing in them.

I guess that's Sean Hannity's new conspiracy--how Sanders was "cheated" out of the nomination. Well you can't consider getting your ass kicked by 3,775,431 popular votes as being "cheated" out of the nomination.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


So Urainum One and the Dossier file didn't work, so they're onto Sanders---:badgrin:

Now clearly a lot of you are still buying into the :bsflag:that a is being spun by your right wing web sites and your political soap box opera's that reguritate information and then spoon feed it back to you in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, which produce misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

FOX NEWS "normal" Journalists are even getting frustrated that they're only allowed to say so much about these indictments and investigations.

"Some employees at Fox News were left embarrassed and humiliated by their network's coverage of the latest revelations in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling, according to conversations CNN had with several individuals placed throughout the network.
"I'm watching now and screaming," one Fox News personality said in a text message to CNN as the person watched their network's coverage. "I want to quit." "It is another blow to journalists at Fox who come in every day wanting to cover the news in a fair and objective way," one senior Fox News employee told CNN of their outlet's coverage, adding that there were "many eye rolls" in the newsroom over how the news was covered.
The person said, "Fox feels like an extension of the Trump White House."
'I want to quit': Fox News employees say their network's Russia coverage was 'an embarrassment'


And the reason many of you don't know Jack "s...t" is because you have been living in a right wing media bubble for the last two decades--actually believing that all other media sources are FAKE news, when in reality the FAKE NEWS is your right wing news sites and right wing talk show hosts.

So when this comes crashing down on your heads, and it's going too--you remember where to point your blame fingers.

It's not entirely true
that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'reilly, Rudi Guiliani, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Joe Arpaio, the New York Post, Brietbart News, the Drudge Report, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed


Now they're running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship---:badgrin:

Reading hasn't killed anyone yet--you should try it with this article.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

At any rate--the best news source for these indictments and investigations is coming out of your Nemisis--MSNBC--specifically
Rachel Maddow who has been covering every detail out of these investigations for months now, which is why her ratings have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Last edited:
Interesting cause there had been talk of replacing him for not investigating the Clinton crime family. Also the crooked DNC money laundering. President Trump will get to the bottom of that, OP. Don't you worry.
Have you got any interactions between the campaign and high level Russian officials to ask for Russian help?
Try reading.

Try learning how to use the quote function, and some professor working in London is not a high level Russian official. According to you regressives any Russian citizen is linked to the Kremlin. I think I hear that ice cracking.

Almost no one knew at the time offer was made about Russian hacks of DNC and Podesta.

How did this professor?

The professor claimed they had the bitches emails, Podesta and the DNC weren't mentioned in any report I've seen. Funny thing, none of the bitches emails were released.


Well actually they were--you seem to forget about Debbie Wasserman--picking on Sanders. The reason 1000's weren't blasted out by Wikileaks is because there was nothing in them.

I guess that's Sean Hannity's new conspiracy--how Sanders was "cheated" out of the nomination. Well you can't consider getting your ass kicked by 3,775,431 popular votes as being "cheated" out of the nomination.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


So Urainum One and the Dossier file didn't work, so they're onto Sanders---:badgrin:

Now clearly a lot of you are still buying into the :bsflag:that a is being spun by your right wing web sites and your political soap box opera's that reguritate information and then spoon feed it back to you in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, which produce misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

FOX NEWS "normal" Journalists are even getting frustrated that they're only allowed to say so much about these indictments and investigations.

"Some employees at Fox News were left embarrassed and humiliated by their network's coverage of the latest revelations in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling, according to conversations CNN had with several individuals placed throughout the network.
"I'm watching now and screaming," one Fox News personality said in a text message to CNN as the person watched their network's coverage. "I want to quit."
"It is another blow to journalists at Fox who come in every day wanting to cover the news in a fair and objective way," one senior Fox News employee told CNN of their outlet's coverage, adding that there were "many eye rolls" in the newsroom over how the news was covered.
The person said, "Fox feels like an extension of the Trump White House."
'I want to quit': Fox News employees say their network's Russia coverage was 'an embarrassment'

And the reason many of you don't know Jack "s...t" is because you have been living in a right wing media bubble for the last two decades--actually believing that all other media sources are FAKE news, when in reality the FAKE NEWS is your right wing news sites and right wing talk show hosts.

So when this comes crashing down on your heads, and it's going too--you remember where to point your blame fingers.

It's not entirely true
that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'reilly, Rudi Guiliani, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Joe Arpaio, the New York Post, Brietbart News, the Drudge Report, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed


Now they're running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship---:badgrin:

Reading hasn't killed anyone yet--you should try it with this article.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

At any rate--the best news source for these indictments and investigations is coming out of your Nemisis--MSNBC--specifically
Rachel Maddow who has been covering every detail out of these investigations for months now, which is why her ratings have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

AHHHH FAKE NEWS BOT. All the spam over this thread. Meanwhile Trump Russia hoax is still a hoax.
As you remember there were accusations that Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his senate confirmation hearing. Everyone went along well he must have misunderstood the question. We know now that he did in fact lie, and he told one lie after another ever since.

After this we found out that Jeff Sessions did meet twice with the Russian ambassador, and he was asked (after he got caught) if he had spoke about the Trump campaign. He said NO that wasn't what the meeting was about, and the Trump campaign was not discussed.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Then this comes out:
"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign."
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Now the SLAM DUNK.

"Sessions’s participation in the gathering was detailed in court documents released Monday by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The adviser who offered to set up the meeting was George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, according to the documents. Sessions had not previously disclosed the meeting, despite being asked over multiple appearances on Capitol Hill whether he or anyone on the campaign ever discussed meeting with Russians. A Sessions spokeswoman declined to comment this week on the March 31 meeting with Trump and campaign advisers, including Papadopoulos. But on Thursday, a person familiar with Sessions’s recollections said that “people who remember the conversation” believed that Papadopoulos was proposing an idea of using his Russian contacts to try to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, “which was immediately rejected by then-Senator Sessions.”
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos


March 31, 2016 meeting where George Papadopoulos, was discussing his Russian plan to meet with the Russian Professor who claimed to have 1000's of Hillary Clinton's emails--and as you can see Donald Trump is at the table also. Apparently Jeff Sessions was adamantely opposed to it, and stated that if this leaked out--all hell would break loose.

But Jeff Sessions has continually lied (under oath about this,) and I imagine he will be removed as Attorney General on perjury charges.

This is silly, it will blow over in a week other than on whine fest fake news reports....

Trump's non-stick ... y'all blew it with your 24/7 nincompoopery.


Ya think---:badgrin: This came after the meeting of March 31--this is in July 2016.

What the Trump campaign never realised is that they were being electronically monitored and watched by several Foreign intelligence agencies since 2015.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said."

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Then you have George Papadopoulos, who was arrested in July in Texas, whom has been working with Mueller--which is why he got off easy) until he plead guilty (October 31) doing a dial a crook for the last 2-1/2 months--clearly wired to the hilt.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

This is a cakewalk compared to Watergate.


And where in the hell is Michael Flynn--:badgrin:
Mike Flynn Offers to Testify in Exchange for Immunity

Eh, still a mountain out of a molehill that ends at a nothingburger..

I know it makes you and Shepard all hot n juicy but nothings going to come of it.

Political novices screwing up is the best y'all could hope for.

I say, move along little doggies, the milks run dry...:cow::cow::cow:

As you remember there were accusations that Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his senate confirmation hearing. Everyone went along well he must have misunderstood the question. We know now that he did in fact lie, and he told one lie after another ever since.

After this we found out that Jeff Sessions did meet twice with the Russian ambassador, and he was asked (after he got caught) if he had spoke about the Trump campaign. He said NO that wasn't what the meeting was about, and the Trump campaign was not discussed.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Then this comes out:
"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign."
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Now the SLAM DUNK.

"Sessions’s participation in the gathering was detailed in court documents released Monday by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The adviser who offered to set up the meeting was George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, according to the documents. Sessions had not previously disclosed the meeting, despite being asked over multiple appearances on Capitol Hill whether he or anyone on the campaign ever discussed meeting with Russians. A Sessions spokeswoman declined to comment this week on the March 31 meeting with Trump and campaign advisers, including Papadopoulos. But on Thursday, a person familiar with Sessions’s recollections said that “people who remember the conversation” believed that Papadopoulos was proposing an idea of using his Russian contacts to try to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, “which was immediately rejected by then-Senator Sessions.”
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos


March 31, 2016 meeting where George Papadopoulos, was discussing his Russian plan to meet with the Russian Professor who claimed to have 1000's of Hillary Clinton's emails--and as you can see Donald Trump is at the table also. Apparently Jeff Sessions was adamantely opposed to it, and stated that if this leaked out--all hell would break loose.

But Jeff Sessions has continually lied (under oath about this,) and I imagine he will be removed as Attorney General on perjury charges.

Sessions' ONLY possible "defense":.............The onset of dementia......

Really, once again what Russian officials did the campaign have direct contact with?


The Russian Ambassador had 2 meetings with Jeff Sessions. That’s in addition to Mike Flynn’s phone calls. Wire taps of the Ambassador’s phone calls to the Kremlin say that Sessions was prepared to provide them with a report of the campaign’s progress.

Manaforte, Kuchner and Jr. all met with the Russian lawyer. Kuchner tried to have the Russians set up a back channel to the Kremlin. Flynn was a paid agent for the Russians and failed to disclose it. That’s in addition to his phone calls to the Russian Ambassador.

All of these people lied about meeting with or even knowing any Russians.

Roger Stone was quoting emails from the WikiLeaks dump hours BEFORE they were posted online.

If you were to substitute the names in this post with names of members of the Clinton campaign staff, the whole pack of you would be screaming “Lock her up” like a pack of rabid dogs.

Oh wait, you’re already doing that over the Uranium One deal, based on lies and innuendo.

Lawyers, professors and a some Russian female, not exactly credible Russian government officials. Sessions met the Ambassador in relation to his senate functions. It was widely know he was working for the campaign, had the Ambassador not asked how the campaign was going would have seemed strange to me. That does not equal cooperating with the Russians on the campaign.

If you have been paying attention, the Russians bought ads and their trolls targeted both campaigns, both sides of issues such as abortion and gun control, and about half the ads were published after the election.

Of course, Papadopoulos himself is the only source of evidence for this, right?
There's Donald Jr.s email.

That's evidence of nothing.

Don Jr.’s email is evidence that Don Jr. was willing to meet with Russian government reps to get comprising information from the Russian government on Hillary Clinton. In other words, “collusion”.

And then he lied about it.
so would you call it a willingness to meet with russians if you need to pay them millions for a fake dossier?

just trying to keep things on the same playing field.

Clinton’s lawyers hired a GPS to dig into Trump’s background. GPS hired a retired British M15 agent to do the field work. Steele had no contact with the Clinton campaign or their lawyers whatsoever.

There is a vast difference between a law firm hiring a marketing research company to do a background check on behalf of a client, and a member of the candidate’s family agreeing to meet with officials of a foreign government to “get dirt on” the opposition.

Given Trump’s extensive business dealings with Russian Oligarchs and his attempts even during the election campaign to jump start a hotel project in Moscow, as well as long-standing rumours that Trump was laundering money for the Russians through sales of real estate, it’s impossible to do a background check on Trump without tripping over Russians.

Before Russians starting buying Trump properties in Manhattan, Trump was broke and on a downward spiral. Now he’s worth billions. Much of it based on some very questionable sales of overpriced properties to Russians.

No members of Hillary’s campaign staff or her family were involved in talking to or coordinating with members of the Russian government and the material Steele uncovered was in fact turned over to the Republican Party and the FBI.

Trump keeps claiming there was no interference from Russia even as FaceBook and Google are testifying to a massive propaganda campaign which reached 126,000,000 Americans using very targeted advertising methods that FaceBook and Google use to sell furniture and cosmetics.

For years you all claimed that Obama was a “Manchurian Candidate” but more and more it appears that the real Manchurian Candidate is living in the White House right now.
Keep spinning Trump haters. Sooner or later the attorney general will launch the special investing on Crooked H. Just a matter of time till the president America elected gets the attorney general to do his job.
As you remember there were accusations that Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his senate confirmation hearing. Everyone went along well he must have misunderstood the question. We know now that he did in fact lie, and he told one lie after another ever since.

After this we found out that Jeff Sessions did meet twice with the Russian ambassador, and he was asked (after he got caught) if he had spoke about the Trump campaign. He said NO that wasn't what the meeting was about, and the Trump campaign was not discussed.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Then this comes out:
"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign."
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Now the SLAM DUNK.

"Sessions’s participation in the gathering was detailed in court documents released Monday by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The adviser who offered to set up the meeting was George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, according to the documents. Sessions had not previously disclosed the meeting, despite being asked over multiple appearances on Capitol Hill whether he or anyone on the campaign ever discussed meeting with Russians. A Sessions spokeswoman declined to comment this week on the March 31 meeting with Trump and campaign advisers, including Papadopoulos. But on Thursday, a person familiar with Sessions’s recollections said that “people who remember the conversation” believed that Papadopoulos was proposing an idea of using his Russian contacts to try to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, “which was immediately rejected by then-Senator Sessions.”
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos


March 31, 2016 meeting where George Papadopoulos, was discussing his Russian plan to meet with the Russian Professor who claimed to have 1000's of Hillary Clinton's emails--and as you can see Donald Trump is at the table also. Apparently Jeff Sessions was adamantely opposed to it, and stated that if this leaked out--all hell would break loose.

But Jeff Sessions has continually lied (under oath about this,) and I imagine he will be removed as Attorney General on perjury charges.

He already has sent the house clarification which is legal and appropriate. Give it up already libs...there is no there there...LMFAO
Of course, Papadopoulos himself is the only source of evidence for this, right?
There's Donald Jr.s email.

That's evidence of nothing.

Don Jr.’s email is evidence that Don Jr. was willing to meet with Russian government reps to get comprising information from the Russian government on Hillary Clinton. In other words, “collusion”.

And then he lied about it.

Even if that was an accurate description of his email, which it isn't, "collusion" isn't a crime. However, political campaigns paying foreign governments for information is a crime.
Have you got any interactions between the campaign and high level Russian officials to ask for Russian help?
Try reading.

Try learning how to use the quote function, and some professor working in London is not a high level Russian official. According to you regressives any Russian citizen is linked to the Kremlin. I think I hear that ice cracking.

Almost no one knew at the time offer was made about Russian hacks of DNC and Podesta.

How did this professor?

The professor claimed they had the bitches emails, Podesta and the DNC weren't mentioned in any report I've seen. Funny thing, none of the bitches emails were released.


Well actually they were--you seem to forget about Debbie Wasserman--picking on Sanders. The reason 1000's weren't blasted out by Wikileaks is because there was nothing in them.

I guess that's Sean Hannity's new conspiracy--how Sanders was "cheated" out of the nomination. Well you can't consider getting your ass kicked by 3,775,431 popular votes as being "cheated" out of the nomination.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


So Urainum One and the Dossier file didn't work, so they're onto Sanders---:badgrin:

Now clearly a lot of you are still buying into the :bsflag:that a is being spun by your right wing web sites and your political soap box opera's that reguritate information and then spoon feed it back to you in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, which produce misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

FOX NEWS "normal" Journalists are even getting frustrated that they're only allowed to say so much about these indictments and investigations.

"Some employees at Fox News were left embarrassed and humiliated by their network's coverage of the latest revelations in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling, according to conversations CNN had with several individuals placed throughout the network.
"I'm watching now and screaming," one Fox News personality said in a text message to CNN as the person watched their network's coverage. "I want to quit." "It is another blow to journalists at Fox who come in every day wanting to cover the news in a fair and objective way," one senior Fox News employee told CNN of their outlet's coverage, adding that there were "many eye rolls" in the newsroom over how the news was covered.
The person said, "Fox feels like an extension of the Trump White House."
'I want to quit': Fox News employees say their network's Russia coverage was 'an embarrassment'


And the reason many of you don't know Jack "s...t" is because you have been living in a right wing media bubble for the last two decades--actually believing that all other media sources are FAKE news, when in reality the FAKE NEWS is your right wing news sites and right wing talk show hosts.

So when this comes crashing down on your heads, and it's going too--you remember where to point your blame fingers.

It's not entirely true
that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'reilly, Rudi Guiliani, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Joe Arpaio, the New York Post, Brietbart News, the Drudge Report, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed


Now they're running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship---:badgrin:

Reading hasn't killed anyone yet--you should try it with this article.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

At any rate--the best news source for these indictments and investigations is coming out of your Nemisis--MSNBC--specifically
Rachel Maddow who has been covering every detail out of these investigations for months now, which is why her ratings have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Deflections noted, do you have A.D.D., you seem to have a major problem addressing one issue at a time.

Even if that was an accurate description of his email, which it isn't, "collusion" isn't a crime. However, political campaigns paying foreign governments for information is a crime.

Collusion is just the common name given to the conspiracy charge, which is a crime.

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