Attention Trump: "Black Lives Matter"shut down Bernie Sanders Rally


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
Stop lying Donald. You are not the only victim of protesters. The difference between Trump and the Left is that Trump promotes violence against protesters.

The ""Black Lives Matter" movement shut down a Bernie Sanders rally. They took over the stage.

FOX NEWS REPORTS: Bernie Sanders rally hijacked by "Black Lives Matter"
ATTENTION attention attention

lets go back and see if YOU posted and condemned them at the time it happened. you can play games for YOUR PARTY. but A LOT of us have Memories. the DNC has a bunch of losers who supports them. so sad
Here the little commies our universities and groups like the OWS, BLM is coaching and using for their tools.

take a look:

Free speech is only FOR THE THEM, the rest of you need to stay SILENT
Where the hell is there security for Bernie?

They were called off because it's ALL PLANNED and staged. just for the purpose of making threads like this and fooling the people, which is what the left is famous for.
Stop lying Donald. You are not the only victim of protesters. The difference between Trump and the Left is that Trump promotes violence against protesters.

The ""Black Lives Matter" movement shut down a Bernie Sanders rally. They took over the stage.

FOX NEWS REPORTS: Bernie Sanders rally hijacked by "Black Lives Matter"

And Bernie's people beat the shit out of them, right?
all of these 1000s of threads by these leftist dem. supporters on here over TRUMP trump trump trump, shows what happens when your life becomes wrapped up as one with a political party. and what do they use you for: useful tools, their slaves so they don't have to get their hands dirty and then go laugh at you behind your backs. gwad knock it off. it's become ugly and unbearable
Where the hell is there security for Bernie?

As candidates, aren't they all afforded SS protection?

I just read that SS had to drag a protester away from Trump on stage. But that protester managed to get to Trump and grab is leg. Not good.


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