
Wow. Talk about desperate. Here's their list of ATTACKS!

"The Obama administration has strengthened our borders while making our immigration system smart and fair. " Find out more

"President Obama is a friend to Israel, despite unfounded claims to the contrary." Find out more

"President Obama believes in common sense gun control laws compatible with Second Amendment rights. " Find out more

"Fact check: TARP was signed into law by President Bush, and the overall cost to taxpayers has been significantly reduced under President Obama. " Find out more

"President Obama was born in the United States and is an American citizen—period. " Find out more

"By providing assistance to auto companies, President Obama saved more than a million jobs and prevented the American auto industry from collapsing." Find out more

"The Affordable Care Act promotes quality, affordable health coverage for all Americans, regardless of the industry they work in or their union status." Find out more

"President Obama is eliminating outdated regulations while strengthening commonsense standards to promote health and safety." Find out more
Did I perhaps phrase it badly? Sure.

Was there any question of my meaning? No.

Yeah. You said it was impossible to report someone.

Is there some new definition of "impossible" you're using?

Do you really want to keep running around this bush? Who the fuck cares?

I phrased it badly, and corrected myself. How many more posts do you think you can make about it?

There's NO WAY you can avoid responsibility for your inane claim, bub.
Did I perhaps phrase it badly? Sure.

Was there any question of my meaning? No.

Yeah. You said it was impossible to report someone.

Is there some new definition of "impossible" you're using?

Do you really want to keep running around this bush? Who the fuck cares?

I phrased it badly, and corrected myself. How many more posts do you think you can make about it?
Dunno. I'm going to bed in a few minutes. :tongue:
Could you imagine Bush complaining so damn much? Setting up websites to fight the smears, whining about MSNBC...

This president is a failure.
Wow. Talk about desperate. Here's their list of ATTACKS!

"The Obama administration has strengthened our borders while making our immigration system smart and fair. " Find out more

"President Obama is a friend to Israel, despite unfounded claims to the contrary." Find out more

"President Obama believes in common sense gun control laws compatible with Second Amendment rights. " Find out more

"Fact check: TARP was signed into law by President Bush, and the overall cost to taxpayers has been significantly reduced under President Obama. " Find out more

"President Obama was born in the United States and is an American citizen—period. " Find out more

"By providing assistance to auto companies, President Obama saved more than a million jobs and prevented the American auto industry from collapsing." Find out more

"The Affordable Care Act promotes quality, affordable health coverage for all Americans, regardless of the industry they work in or their union status." Find out more

"President Obama is eliminating outdated regulations while strengthening commonsense standards to promote health and safety." Find out more

Talk about cruel jokes.

I bet Karl Rove started this site.
Not satisfied with [email protected], the O-Bots now have a special webpage for their community to report Smears and Attacks against Barack Obama and The Hopenchange Cause:

Get the facts. Fight the smears. — | Join Attack Wire

It's the perfect activity to keep TMN and the rest of the Barking Moonbats off the streets.

Dare I ask who's paying for this?
Obama For America.

OMG .... Brown Shirts are outside my window!!! :eek: :eusa_pray: :eusa_shhh:

It's too late ....they have seen me!!!!

Quick.... say the magic words.....

2+2=5 for as long as you say it does! Now go away!

Ring!!! Ring!!! Wake up time. :eek: :lol:

Fucking Orwellian if you ask me, so don't. :eusa_whistle:

Everyone loves to throw the term "Orwellian" around, even when it doesn't apply.

If websites were being shut down, and people being sent to jail, that would be "Orwellian". Creating a campaign site to combat the rhetoric from the other side? Not so much.

It's a stupid idea from a political perspective, and it's not going to help him, but the whole "big brother" thing is a little histrionic.

Creating a List, Ass wipe.
Yeah. You said it was impossible to report someone.

Is there some new definition of "impossible" you're using?

Do you really want to keep running around this bush? Who the fuck cares?

I phrased it badly, and corrected myself. How many more posts do you think you can make about it?

There's NO WAY you can avoid responsibility for your inane claim, bub.

What are you waiting for? Me to "concede"? Who cares?

I've now accepted responsibility for my bad phrasing twice.

I phrased it badly, and corrected myself. How many more posts do you think you can make about it?

Did I perhaps phrase it badly? Sure.

Now, seriously. Do you want to talk about what my point actually was, or do you want to keep running around in circles?
Dare I ask who's paying for this?
Obama For America.

OMG .... Brown Shirts are outside my window!!! :eek: :eusa_pray: :eusa_shhh:

It's too late ....they have seen me!!!!

Quick.... say the magic words.....

2+2=5 for as long as you say it does! Now go away!

Ring!!! Ring!!! Wake up time. :eek: :lol:

Fucking Orwellian if you ask me, so don't. :eusa_whistle:

Everyone loves to throw the term "Orwellian" around, even when it doesn't apply.

If websites were being shut down, and people being sent to jail, that would be "Orwellian". Creating a campaign site to combat the rhetoric from the other side? Not so much.

It's a stupid idea from a political perspective, and it's not going to help him, but the whole "big brother" thing is a little histrionic.

Creating a List, Ass wipe.

You're normally not a moron, so I'll chalk the personal attack up to a bad day or something.

"Creating a list" of what?
No 'Mars Attacks' metaphors yet?

CaféAuLait;4140341 said:
I have nothing against watches or swatches. The O-Bots have launched ATTACK WATCH!

You know the ironic thing?

On the bottom of the page it says:

Paid for by Obama for America

Now if you go through the steps to make a report you are prompted to make a donation before you can make your report. You can report anything from a public statement to emails.

So not only is he getting a report he is getting money from those who report. :eusa_eh:

Shit! That's a great idea for a website and not even a dime of it has to go to Obama? Hell, with all the complaints that are bound to come in over the next 14 months, one could make a small fortune off that.

Then after the election the site owners could send out a little thank you note saying that 50% of the contributions went to Michelle Bachman's election campaign and the other 50% bought the site owners new condo on Miami's South Beach. :lol:

CaféAuLait;4140341 said:
I have nothing against watches or swatches. The O-Bots have launched ATTACK WATCH!

You know the ironic thing?

On the bottom of the page it says:

Paid for by Obama for America

Now if you go through the steps to make a report you are prompted to make a donation before you can make your report. You can report anything from a public statement to emails.

So not only is he getting a report he is getting money from those who report. :eusa_eh:

It's a campaign site. Why is it "ironic" that a campaign website would ask for donations to the campaign?
Haven't read the whole thread, so I don't know who's signed up. I did, just so I can keep an idea on what they feel important. So far, I've been spammed twice. The latest is, I guess a request to enter a raffle for dinner with Dear Leader.

Friend --

Supporters like you are the reason I'm here, and the values we share have always made our organization more than just a political campaign.

So whenever I can, I want to take the opportunity to meet you. Last month, that meant I got to talk to folks in Iowa about small-business opportunities, and sit down with a group of volunteers from around the country who helped build this campaign in their communities this summer.

Today, I want to ask if you'll join me and three other supporters for a meal and conversation sometime soon.

Please donate $5 or more to be automatically entered for a chance to join me for dinner.

If this sounds a bit familiar to you, it's because we've done this before. In fact, my hope is that I'll be able to keep doing these dinners throughout the campaign.

They're a chance for me to talk one on one with people like you who are taking ownership of this campaign and connect with the work going on every day in neighborhoods across the country.

These dinners also set our campaign apart. No matter what our opponents do over the next 14 months, dinners like these are how we will continue to put people at the heart of this campaign -- and prove that we don't need checks from Washington lobbyists or special-interest PAC money to win an election. We can do it person to person, in our neighborhoods and backyards, and over the dinner table.

That's why I'm asking for your donation today. I hope you'll take a minute to help build this campaign. When you do, you'll have a chance to join me for dinner:

Maybe I'll get to thank you in person.


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