
Obama For America.

Everyone loves to throw the term "Orwellian" around, even when it doesn't apply.

If websites were being shut down, and people being sent to jail, that would be "Orwellian". Creating a campaign site to combat the rhetoric from the other side? Not so much.

It's a stupid idea from a political perspective, and it's not going to help him, but the whole "big brother" thing is a little histrionic.

Creating a List, Ass wipe.

You're normally not a moron, so I'll chalk the personal attack up to a bad day or something.

"Creating a list" of what?
Oh, they are all conspiracy nuts when a Democrat is in office, even though it was their guy who kept an 'Enemies List'.

Remember the Limbaugh rule: accuse the other side of what you yourself do.
Haven't read the whole thread, so I don't know who's signed up. I did, just so I can keep an idea on what they feel important. So far, I've been spammed twice. The latest is, I guess a request to enter a raffle for dinner with Dear Leader.

Friend --

Supporters like you are the reason I'm here, and the values we share have always made our organization more than just a political campaign.

So whenever I can, I want to take the opportunity to meet you. Last month, that meant I got to talk to folks in Iowa about small-business opportunities, and sit down with a group of volunteers from around the country who helped build this campaign in their communities this summer.

Today, I want to ask if you'll join me and three other supporters for a meal and conversation sometime soon.

Please donate $5 or more to be automatically entered for a chance to join me for dinner.

If this sounds a bit familiar to you, it's because we've done this before. In fact, my hope is that I'll be able to keep doing these dinners throughout the campaign.

They're a chance for me to talk one on one with people like you who are taking ownership of this campaign and connect with the work going on every day in neighborhoods across the country.

These dinners also set our campaign apart. No matter what our opponents do over the next 14 months, dinners like these are how we will continue to put people at the heart of this campaign -- and prove that we don't need checks from Washington lobbyists or special-interest PAC money to win an election. We can do it person to person, in our neighborhoods and backyards, and over the dinner table.

That's why I'm asking for your donation today. I hope you'll take a minute to help build this campaign. When you do, you'll have a chance to join me for dinner:

Maybe I'll get to thank you in person.


Arugula for you!!!!
That may not be the explicit intention, but you know Obamabots are going to give names, addresses, and phone numbers.

There's no way on the site to "report" individual people.

There's only a field to describe the "attack", or to link to a website.

You should at least visit the site before acting like an expert on it.


My neighbor, Bob Bobberino, 123 Main Street, Anytown USA, (123) 456-7890, said Obama is a big doodyhead.​

Oh, look. You can put text in a text field. Oh, the huge manatee! :(

Not to mention

Step one is:

"Content of Attack or Link"

( large box to describe attack or whatever)

Step two:

"Attack Type"

From there is a pull down menu and you can choose the following from:

TV Interview
Public Statement
TV ad
Video ad
Radio Ad
Robo Call

Step Three:

Here you can include photos or any attachment.

So it is pure bullshit that you can't report a person. Where do public statement's, rumors, emails, websites and blogs come from? People!
@thorninaz: "#attackwatch I saw someone purposely squeeze the Charmin in the grocery store."

@Libertarian_ish: "Every time a TSA Agent gives your privates a "high five" an #attackwatch angel of death is born!"

@JoeNYLaw: "Dear #attackwatch: After we turn in our children for thinking illegal thoughts about our Dear Leader, can we say Hi to Minister Goebells?"

@BradThor: "If only the #Obama administration could create an atmosphere where jobs materialized as quickly as #attackwatch jokes!"

Attack Watch: 5 Reasons the Obama Gatekeeping Web Site Is Pointless - International Business Times

They can make the site moot by not attacking him.

You sure do hate freedom of speech, don't you?
No, that was you, when you supported Bush's 'free speech zones' - like the Constitution can be 'zoned'.

I've kicked your ass again, haven't I? :lol:
Not at all, though I can understand why you're desperate to pretend you have.

1. You have no proof I supported Bush's free speech zones.

2. Free Speech Zones are a Democrat invention.

3. You want people who are critical of Dear Leader to not take advantage of their freedom of expression.

Deal with it.
I don't disagree with you, the site's a really dumb idea.

I'm just sick of people misusing the term "Freedom of speech".
Good thing nobody did that, huh?

It's really quite simple: Synthia wants people to give up their freedom of speech so his widdle feewings aren't hurt.

Fuck that shit.

This isn't my OP, and I believe I have one post in it at the time you posted this.
Indeed. The one where you want people to STFU and not criticize Dear Leader.
Your obsession with me is creepy. But it's amusing to know that I weigh so heavily on you, living rent-free in your head. :lol:

"I want the freedom to say whatever stupid shit I want without being called on it."

Typical leftist. :lol:
You said there was "No Way On The Site To 'Report' Individual People".

That is a flat out lie, bub.

I'll rephrase, and perhaps you'll understand my point.

There is no field on the site to "report" anyone. There is only a field to describe "the attack".

The site does not ask for who, when or where, nor does it ask for phone numbers, addresses, or names.
The truth is malleable to wingnuts. They mold it to their liking. We point and laugh.
Oh, look, another moron who thinks you can't input text into a text field. :lol:
There's no way on the site to "report" individual people.

There's only a field to describe the "attack", or to link to a website.

You should at least visit the site before acting like an expert on it.


My neighbor, Bob Bobberino, 123 Main Street, Anytown USA, (123) 456-7890, said Obama is a big doodyhead.​

Oh, look. You can put text in a text field. Oh, the huge manatee! :(
Ha! What were you just drooling on about freedom of speech?

Dumbass. :lol:
Pretty much everything goes straight over your head, doesn't it?

But that's only because you're stupid. :lol:

Yes, you have the freedom to inform on your neighbor, you little proto-fascist.
Did I perhaps phrase it badly? Sure.

Was there any question of my meaning? No.

Yeah. You said it was impossible to report someone.

Is there some new definition of "impossible" you're using?

This is just more of your dishonesty.
It's dishnoest to show how text can be input into a text field?

Oh, that's right : You're just flinging poo at random. Kerry on.
Like using anonymous comments below an article to buttress your arguments.
How is that dishonest?

Hint: It's not. Dumbass. :lol:
I just reported Rachel Maddow. She had the nerve to say the Obama lacks backbone!! How dare that skanky ladyboy say such a thing?
You're such a fucking bigot, and don't even realize it.
"Leave Rachel alone!!"


My neighbor, Bob Bobberino, 123 Main Street, Anytown USA, (123) 456-7890, said Obama is a big doodyhead.​

Oh, look. You can put text in a text field. Oh, the huge manatee! :(
Ha! What were you just drooling on about freedom of speech?

Dumbass. :lol:
Pretty much everything goes straight over your head, doesn't it?

But that's only because you're stupid. :lol:

Yes, you have the freedom to inform on your neighbor, you little proto-fascist.

He does come off as the type that would turn in his neighbor. He has an unauthorized play set in his backyard. Call the association.
CaféAuLait;4143551 said:
There's no way on the site to "report" individual people.

There's only a field to describe the "attack", or to link to a website.

You should at least visit the site before acting like an expert on it.


My neighbor, Bob Bobberino, 123 Main Street, Anytown USA, (123) 456-7890, said Obama is a big doodyhead.​

Oh, look. You can put text in a text field. Oh, the huge manatee! :(

Not to mention

Step one is:

"Content of Attack or Link"

( large box to describe attack or whatever)

Step two:

"Attack Type"

From there is a pull down menu and you can choose the following from:

TV Interview
Public Statement
TV ad
Video ad
Radio Ad
Robo Call

Step Three:

Here you can include photos or any attachment.

Get the facts. Fight the smears. — | Report an Attack

So it is pure bullshit that you can't report a person. Where do public statement's, rumors, emails, websites and blogs come from? People!
Apparently, the tex box must be labeled "Inform On And Denounce A Person" before the website will accept a name and address.

Right, USMB lefties? :rofl:
Ha! What were you just drooling on about freedom of speech?

Dumbass. :lol:
Pretty much everything goes straight over your head, doesn't it?

But that's only because you're stupid. :lol:

Yes, you have the freedom to inform on your neighbor, you little proto-fascist.

He does come off as the type that would turn in his neighbor. He has an unauthorized play set in his backyard. Call the association.
As Synthia demonstrated in his first post, he really does hate freedom of speech.
Pretty much everything goes straight over your head, doesn't it?

But that's only because you're stupid. :lol:

Yes, you have the freedom to inform on your neighbor, you little proto-fascist.

He does come off as the type that would turn in his neighbor. He has an unauthorized play set in his backyard. Call the association.
As Synthia demonstrated in his first post, he really does hate freedom of speech.

Only when we disagree with them. :lol:

Or when reality sets in on them. :)

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