Double Standard Mis-Justice, Again !!!


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2021
Lynden, WA, USA
If the Deep State tyranny gets away with this, then it should apply in reverse as well.

Marine Vet Zach Rehl Ordered To PAY BACK $100k In Military Benefits While Serving 15-Year Prison Sentence for Wrong Think​

If this patriot and citizen is to be penalized in this manner, than same should apply to the career political hacks who engaged betrayal and treason against our nation from @c. 2016 to present. They also should forfeit pay and benefits, passed to present.

This would include the Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's who have betrayed and sold out the USA to our enemies. Bad enough they got pay plus benefits while operating in elected office, but to receive same afterwards is further insult to injury. These DemocRATic scum need to be kicked to the street to dwell with the rats and vermin which they also are.

Traitors such as these do not deserve retirement pay and benefits paid by the citizens they betrayed!

In Respect;
Dave Bock

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