Attack on Nancy Pelosi's home was 'not a random act', police say

Did you see the picture of the home? Did you see the glass in the windows was shattered from the inside?

That's first.

Second, if I have an intruder in my home and I call the police, I am NOT going to say, hey yeah, me and my intruder here, we're just going to wait for my husband to get home.


I'm gonna say get your police cars here NOW, I've been invaded.

But he didn't say that. I think Paul P. made a mess and he needed Nancy to clean it up...if you know what I mean
You are crazy is what I think! :rofl::rofl:

Come back in 6 months to a year, so we can see how well your conspiratorial mind worked!

I'm still waiting for millions of us vaccinated to fall over and croak....

At some point, reality has to sink in....or maybe not?

To each, his own... I suppose? That is what freedom is all about!
Still no motive huh?

Did anyone ask the guy?
Democrats don't care about everyday violence to the non-elite, so not sure why any of us should care about Pelosi's husband getting hammered by his gay lover/friend.

Which side destroys property for a year, defunds all police, let's criminals loose, and so on?

The right isn't perfect no. But they are responding to this shit, not instigating.
LOL, the far-right (fascists) Trump supporters on January 6, 2021 destroyed parts of the Capitol Building, doing so there were lots of signs and chants to get "Nancy" and the Vice President.

Don't pretend those storming the Capitol Building are not Republican Voters and true believers that trump/s election was stolen and were incited by The President on that day.

As to defunding the police, this is another BIG LIE. As to criminals being going free this is one more BIG LIE.
From the OP:

"This was not a random act. This was intentional. And it's wrong," San Francisco Police Chief William Scott told a news conference.

Well, duh!

Of course it was not random. This was somone who knew Paul Pelosi. That's why either Pelosi said that the intruder was a friend, or he said that the intruder said he was a friend (the pronoun in the statement makes it unclear without hearing the audio).

If the former, it is a case of domestic violence involving a third member of the Pelosi marriage. If the latter, it was Paul implying that the guy is delusional so the perp's claims of friendship can be explained away by the Dem media.

Good to know that the Chief of Police takes a firm stand that being in your underwear and hitting another guy in his underwear on the head with a hammer is "wrong." Pretty bold actually, considering his San Francisco constituents' varied taste in sexual foreplay.

Scott declined to comment further on a possible motive for the assault.

The motive is obvious. The gay nudist child groomer was mad at his friend Paul Pelosi, for some reason. "Another duh!"

There are many bizarre parts of this story and the way it is being reported. This is a smaller bit of craziness, but I feel like mentioning it, since this is such a fun story to needle Democrats with:

Oct 28 (Reuters) - Nancy Pelosi's husband underwent a successful surgery to repair a skull fracture and serious injuries to his right arm and hands suffered during a break-in at the couple's San Francisco home on Friday, the U.S. House Speaker's office said in a statement.

Paul Pelosi's doctors expect a full recovery, the statement said.

I've never heard treatment for a skull fracture referred to as a "repair." A full recovery by an 82 year-old man whose skull was fractured with a hammer? I'd like the name of the doctor who predicted that.
It seems to me they're not going to be able to sustain this for very long...the narrative that some MAGA clown broke in screaming for Nancy

It was a bizarre lover's spat

They only want to contain the story long enough for Nancy-Pants to be reelected. Given her contituency, that's pretty much in the bag already. But in the unlikely case that the Dems maintain the House, this story will be the nail in her coffin as Speaker.
MAGArats will say ANYTHING to keep from accepting blame for this.

Own it fuckers. It's who you are
Seems the posts above by damn liars each feed on and on each other creating BIG LIES without an iota of facts or evidence - typical of Republican Voters and bigots.
Seems the posts above by damn liars each feed on and on each other creating BIG LIES without an iota of facts or evidence - typical of Republican Voters and bigots.
What was a naked man with history of arrest for prostitution doing in Paul's house at 2am? And why was Paul also in his underwear when police arrived? Why are reports saying the two were "friends"
I’m no fan of the Pelosis but My theory is that the man told Paul he was a friend of Nancys( even though no one would believe him) and Paul had already made a call into Nancy and was waiting on advice on what to do and if she knew who he was. While waiting on Nancy’s advice,a melee ensued between the two men. No, this wasn’t MAGA,it was a nut in underwear. Now, that being said, if it turns out this guy has a history of prostitution then my theory changes completely.
I’m no fan of the Pelosis but My theory is that the man told Paul he was a friend of Nancys( even though no one would believe him) and Paul had already made a call into Nancy and was waiting on advice on what to do and if she knew who he was. While waiting on Nancy’s advice,a melee ensued between the two men. No, this wasn’t MAGA,it was a nut in underwear. Now, that being said, if it turns out this guy has a history of prostitution then my theory changes completely.
Its already proven he has a history of being a prostidude He also sexually abused kids


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