Atlantic Editor Concedes Central Claim Of Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong

The Atlantic Hoax is Dead ā€“ Bring on the Next Hoax!

7 Sep 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon

So, The Atlanticā€™s ā€œTrump hates the militaryā€ hoax died on the vine after about a 24-hour run. It died for the simple reason that Trumpā€™s public actions consistently in favor of the interests of the U.S. military and its personnel and retirees rendered the anonymously-sourced hit piece transparently unbelievable to anyone with functioning synapses in their cranial cavity, which of course excludes China Joe Biden.
The obvious hope of the Biden/Harris campaign and its corrupt media toadies was that this particular hoax would lead thousands of Trump supporters to finally abandon him out of disgust. Yeah, thatā€™s not going to happen.
No passenger on the Trump Train is leaping off over this story or for any other reason. The only disgust expressed by any real Trump supporter towards anyone involved in the obvious hoax is toward Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, the Atlanticā€™s corrupt owner who is also the poisonous Black Widow of Steve Jobs, and all the other Democrat media toadies like Jake Tapper and Jennifer Griffin who did everything they could to amplify it.
Think about it: Among your circle of friends, co-workers and acquaintances, do you know a single Trump supporter who has said he/she is going to vote for Creepy Uncle McWifeMolester on November 3? Of course you donā€™t because those people do not exist.
The corrupt media continues to trot out this parade of ā€œformer Bush officialsā€ and ā€œformer McCain campaign workersā€ and ā€œformer Romney peopleā€ who claim to be all like ā€˜Republicansā€™ and stuff and who just hate Trump and have signed a letter condemning him along with 400 of their fellow sippers of cheap zinfandel, but so what?
The Atlantic hoax has failed. Miserably. Gloriously. A truly epic fail.
Lacking any other alternative, the Democrats and their media toadies will simply mount the next hoax. We donā€™t know what form it will take or exactly when it will come, but we do know this: It will also be an epic fail, and it will be glorious.
That is all.


What they did was put out the ultimate LIE that proves that everything they say is a lie. When it isn't a lie it's still a lie because truth is often determined by context and the context of their lies is always a false narrative.

Harris/Bide and their deep state, MIC, and RINO collaborationists have extended the legal principal of 'falsus in uno falsus in omnibus to falsus in pluribus falsus in omnibus.' (Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - Wikipedia )
They have lied about so many things so consistently that we just have to assume every word out of their mouths every dot on a printed page is a lie. And our ears are closed to the notion that it could be otherwise.
It's like the lie "the threat is not China, it's Russia," a lie on which Tim Cook and Jobs's the Atlantic owning widow have been trying to bet their fortunes. Once Biden becomes zombie President do you think the CCP is going to refrain from taking everything they want, Apple and Taiwan included. What are we going to do - risk nuclear war? A question you have to turn around on the Chinese and convince them there is a very very bright red white and blue line in the Ocean starting 6 miles off the Chinese coast-line.
They can bet their own fortunes, but we refuse to have them use ours in their efforts. They can't bet ours and that is what they are trying to do.
Consider this.
Why would *any* voter to pick the party of violent rapists, murderers, arsonists, rioters and looters over the GOP at a time when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat prosecutors are aiding criminals instead of prosecuting them?
PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists want productive people harnessed to their communist schemes or dead. To the Dems, we are the kulaks that Stalin killed by the millions - wreckers and saboteurs and enemies of the state. Why would any productive person vote Democrat? Itā€™s like voting yourself into the grave.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are going for broke to eliminate Trump and the GOP... They have failed and they are well aware of their failure. They have only one option Left and are scared to use it...
I'm sure the Democrats are already working on the next Trump smear piece, that's all they do.
And they say they donā€™t play dirty. Dirty is their middle name! Just like they are good losers! Hahaha hahaha hahaha
It really makes no difference what trumpoholics believe because they believe any lies Trump tells. And it really makes no difference how much Trump denies his "Losers and Suckers" comment because he always lies and only his flock believes him. He dug his own hole by disparaging and denigrating veterans.

It really makes no difference what leftaholics believe because they believe any lie told against Trump. And it really makes no difference how much TDS sufferers insist "It's true . . . because I want it to be!" because they always lie and only their fellow morons believe them at this point. They dug their own hole by lying about everything and not even bothering to make it believable.

Nice to know you think veterans are ignorant pawns for you to manipulate the same way you think black people are. Is there anyone you DON'T view as cannon fodder in your political wars?

Lets just allow military voters to decide what they believe
Hilarious, Labor Day, and Trumpoholics are working their asses off defending the indefensible "Suckers and Losers" comments made by Donnie bone spurs.
Defend no one. Thereā€™s no story
This whole thread is trumpoholics defending an international story and #1 story in America. As usual, Trump defense is denial and delusion.
Name the person who said they heard the President say those words.
Tactics and methods used by Trump are now being used against him by his opponents. Hey, "people are saying". Losers and Suckers will be a Trump legacy forever. It will be repeated as folks piss on his grave.
name the person who was in the room and heard Trump say those words? Thanks in advance.

People are saying that Trump called the Military Losers
names of those people other than that it's a lie
This is the one reason why mainstream media must lose their first amendment right protection
Slander is not protected under the first amendment

Just following the lead of our President.

He never names his sources.....Why should I?
so no body heard him say those words it's all a lie?
and interesting that you make another false accusation against the president to dodge this lie against the president.
Many, many people heard it and their stories match

The accusations are true......
Let Trump convince us other wise
Damn right the stories match....

Everyone that has come forward (including Bolton, who is no fan of Trump) stated that the Atlantic is lying....

That's why the editor is backpeddling on his claim.....
Okay, so quote the Atlantic editor backpedaling on his claim then.....

Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White Houseā€™s account that President Trumpā€™s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.

Doesnā€˜t say the part about calling soldiers losers is not true
Then his "witnesses" need to step forward (if they even exist)....

No witnesses = no proof....
No they donā€™t.

Trump is once again trying to find and punish those who tell the truth about him. In this case, members of his staff spoke up and when other staff members told the same story, The Atlantic had verifiable sources.

Just because they protect their sources from a vindictive Trump, doesnā€™t make the story false
If they don't come forward, then there isn't any evidence that they even exist ....

See, I could say that 5 people called you a flaming faggot (and said they know it because they caught you in the act}...

Now if you question the allegation, would you consider it "proof" that the allegation is true if I said that I won't tell you who the witnesses are, and that they won't come forward???

Or would you say that my refusal to prove the statement true means that I'm lying????

Anonymous sources are anonymous for a reason. They fear retribution.

Trump has made it clear he will punish any staffer who dares to tell the truth. In this case, we have not one.....but four top staff members independently telling the same story.
There's another reason: Their stories are total horseshit.

As far was we know, we have no one who supports these sleazy accusations. The sources are made up from whole cloth. They don't actually exist.
How bout we have Trump offer immunity to any staffer who comes forward and testifies under oath?

Ask LTC Vindman how Trump reacted when he testified to Congress under oath
Hilarious, Labor Day, and Trumpoholics are working their asses off defending the indefensible "Suckers and Losers" comments made by Donnie bone spurs.
Defend no one. Thereā€™s no story
This whole thread is trumpoholics defending an international story and #1 story in America. As usual, Trump defense is denial and delusion.
Name the person who said they heard the President say those words.
Tactics and methods used by Trump are now being used against him by his opponents. Hey, "people are saying". Losers and Suckers will be a Trump legacy forever. It will be repeated as folks piss on his grave.
name the person who was in the room and heard Trump say those words? Thanks in advance.

People are saying that Trump called the Military Losers
names of those people other than that it's a lie
This is the one reason why mainstream media must lose their first amendment right protection
Slander is not protected under the first amendment

Just following the lead of our President.

He never names his sources.....Why should I?
so no body heard him say those words it's all a lie?
and interesting that you make another false accusation against the president to dodge this lie against the president.
Many, many people heard it and their stories match

The accusations are true......
Let Trump convince us other wise
Damn right the stories match....

Everyone that has come forward (including Bolton, who is no fan of Trump) stated that the Atlantic is lying....

That's why the editor is backpeddling on his claim.....
Okay, so quote the Atlantic editor backpedaling on his claim then.....

Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White Houseā€™s account that President Trumpā€™s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.

Doesnā€˜t say the part about calling soldiers losers is not true
Then his "witnesses" need to step forward (if they even exist)....

No witnesses = no proof....
No they donā€™t.

Trump is once again trying to find and punish those who tell the truth about him. In this case, members of his staff spoke up and when other staff members told the same story, The Atlantic had verifiable sources.

Just because they protect their sources from a vindictive Trump, doesnā€™t make the story false
Hearsay doesn't constitute evidence. It tales first hand witness testimony under oath to consider it evidence.

They're not protecting their sources. They're protecting their own asses.
Hilarious, Labor Day, and Trumpoholics are working their asses off defending the indefensible "Suckers and Losers" comments made by Donnie bone spurs.
Defend no one. Thereā€™s no story
This whole thread is trumpoholics defending an international story and #1 story in America. As usual, Trump defense is denial and delusion.
Name the person who said they heard the President say those words.
Tactics and methods used by Trump are now being used against him by his opponents. Hey, "people are saying". Losers and Suckers will be a Trump legacy forever. It will be repeated as folks piss on his grave.
name the person who was in the room and heard Trump say those words? Thanks in advance.

People are saying that Trump called the Military Losers
names of those people other than that it's a lie
This is the one reason why mainstream media must lose their first amendment right protection
Slander is not protected under the first amendment

Just following the lead of our President.

He never names his sources.....Why should I?
so no body heard him say those words it's all a lie?
and interesting that you make another false accusation against the president to dodge this lie against the president.
Many, many people heard it and their stories match

The accusations are true......
Let Trump convince us other wise
Damn right the stories match....

Everyone that has come forward (including Bolton, who is no fan of Trump) stated that the Atlantic is lying....

That's why the editor is backpeddling on his claim.....
Okay, so quote the Atlantic editor backpedaling on his claim then.....

Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White Houseā€™s account that President Trumpā€™s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.

Doesnā€˜t say the part about calling soldiers losers is not true
Then his "witnesses" need to step forward (if they even exist)....

No witnesses = no proof....
No they donā€™t.

Trump is once again trying to find and punish those who tell the truth about him. In this case, members of his staff spoke up and when other staff members told the same story, The Atlantic had verifiable sources.

Just because they protect their sources from a vindictive Trump, doesnā€™t make the story false
If they don't come forward, then there isn't any evidence that they even exist ....

See, I could say that 5 people called you a flaming faggot (and said they know it because they caught you in the act}...

Now if you question the allegation, would you consider it "proof" that the allegation is true if I said that I won't tell you who the witnesses are, and that they won't come forward???

Or would you say that my refusal to prove the statement true means that I'm lying????

Anonymous sources are anonymous for a reason. They fear retribution.

Trump has made it clear he will punish any staffer who dares to tell the truth. In this case, we have not one.....but four top staff members independently telling the same story.
There's another reason: Their stories are total horseshit.

As far was we know, we have no one who supports these sleazy accusations. The sources are made up from whole cloth. They don't actually exist.
How bout we have Trump offer immunity to any staffer who comes forward and testifies under oath?

Ask LTC Vindman how Trump reacted when he testified to Congress under oath
Fuck everyday journalism. What's important is to label people faggots and call that "news."
Actually, I saw an article in the National Enquirer that said aliens landed in Roswell, screwed all the sheep and jackasses, and gave us Democrats....

Now that's journalism!!!!

They even named their sources, and they had pictures!!!!

Guess that really proves that they are credible, doesn't it????
You read the National Enquirer.. 'Nuff said.
Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White Houseā€™s account that President Trumpā€™s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.

Doesnā€˜t say the part about calling soldiers losers is not true
Trump's comments are not "true" until some people are willing to go on the record and objectively verify them.
How fucking stupid are you? That's sort of the whole point, champ.

Sounds like you just refuse to accept reality and prefer your own version of life. That makes you a moron.
How long will our USMB trumpoholics weep, cry, and whine about Trump's "Suckers and Losers" exposed insults? Surely, they can't stay in denial much longer.
There's no need to. The Atlantic has retracted the main point. People who were not afraid to reveal their identities and who were there the room with the President said it never happened. John Bolton didn't put any such bullshit in his book. The President of France said it didn't happen in France.

Liberals are the only little bitches whining about it now.
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There's no need to. The Atlantic has retracted the main point. People who were not afraid to reveal their identities and who were there in France with the President said it never happened. John Bolton didn't put any such bullshit in his book. The President of France said it didn't happen.

Liberals are the only little bitches whining about it now.
Get ready for much more of this in the next few months.
There's no need to. The Atlantic has retracted the main point. People who were not afraid to reveal their identities and who were there in France with the President said it never happened. John Bolton didn't put any such bullshit in his book. The President of France said it didn't happen.

Liberals are the only little bitches whining about it now.
Get ready for much more of this in the next few months.
No kidding! The frequency and the promotion of it will increase exponentially through the closing of the polls on Nov 3rd. The liberals are frantic. They had a Category 5 meltdown on Nov 9, 2016. On Nov 4, 2020, it will be worse.
How long will our USMB trumpoholics weep, cry, and whine about Trump's "Suckers and Losers" exposed insults? Surely, they can't stay in denial much longer.
There's no need to. The Atlantic has retracted the main point. People who were not afraid to reveal their identities and who were there in France with the President said it never happened. John Bolton didn't put any such bullshit in his book. The President of France said it didn't happen.

Liberals are the only little bitches whining about it now.
That is not seen in this thread, blogs, or news media and The Atlantic hasn't retracted the main point. Far from it. Other media has independently confirmed the main points. The topic is still being discussed every day as a major news story. Advertisements are being made and promoted. The military has turned on Trump big time.
Just because you hate the guy is no reason to abandon the truth completely.
You hate Trump, you want it to be true, good enough right? The funny thing is you go around saying everyone else is duped.
How long will our USMB trumpoholics weep, cry, and whine about Trump's "Suckers and Losers" exposed insults? Surely, they can't stay in denial much longer.
There's no need to. The Atlantic has retracted the main point. People who were not afraid to reveal their identities and who were there in France with the President said it never happened. John Bolton didn't put any such bullshit in his book. The President of France said it didn't happen.

Liberals are the only little bitches whining about it now.
That is not seen in this thread, blogs, or news media and The Atlantic hasn't retracted the main point. Far from it. Other media has independently confirmed the main points. The topic is still being discussed every day as a major news story. Advertisements are being made and promoted. The military has turned on Trump big time.
Oh, you mean that hack, Jennifer Griffin from Fox News?

The Atlantic posted bullshit and Jennifer Griffin polished it for them.

Both are dishonest assholes!

Griffin told Fox News that Steve Mnuchin was present when Trump uttered his vile statements. Griffin said this about the Treasury Secretary, ā€œMnuchin was in the Tank meeting at the Pentagon on July 20, 2017, when the president berated the Pentagon four-star generals, calling them losers, and dopes, and babies.ā€

[The story changed ā€” now itā€™s generals who were called losers and babies.]

Griffin continued, ā€œSo when Mnuchin says heā€™s never heard the president speak that way of the military or to generals thatā€™s patently false.ā€

ā€œI confirmed with people who were present at the meeting the president use those exact words in the Pentagon,ā€ Griffin unequivocally stated.

How in the world can she confirm gossip and stick up for gossip as if it was fact?
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How long will our USMB trumpoholics weep, cry, and whine about Trump's "Suckers and Losers" exposed insults? Surely, they can't stay in denial much longer.
There's no need to. The Atlantic has retracted the main point. People who were not afraid to reveal their identities and who were there in France with the President said it never happened. John Bolton didn't put any such bullshit in his book. The President of France said it didn't happen.

Liberals are the only little bitches whining about it now.
That is not seen in this thread, blogs, or news media and The Atlantic hasn't retracted the main point. Far from it. Other media has independently confirmed the main points. The topic is still being discussed every day as a major news story. Advertisements are being made and promoted. The military has turned on Trump big time.
Oh, you mean that hack, Jennifer Griffin from Fox News?

The Atlantic posted bullshit and Jennifer Griffin polished it for them.

Both are dishonest assholes!

Griffin told Fox News that Steve Mnuchin was present when Trump uttered his vile statements. Griffin said this about the Treasury Secretary, ā€œMnuchin was in the Tank meeting at the Pentagon on July 20, 2017, when the president berated the Pentagon four-star generals, calling them losers, and dopes, and babies.ā€

[The story changed ā€” now itā€™s generals who were called losers and babies.]

Griffin continued, ā€œSo when Mnuchin says heā€™s never heard the president speak that way of the military or to generals thatā€™s patently false.ā€

ā€œI confirmed with people who were present at the meeting the president use those exact words in the Pentagon,ā€ Griffin unequivocally stated.

How in the world can she confirm gossip and stick up for gossip as if it was fact?
Poor Donald. The world is so mean to him. No one should be allowed to talk badly about Donald.
The Atlantic Hoax is Dead ā€“ Bring on the Next Hoax!

7 Sep 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon

So, The Atlanticā€™s ā€œTrump hates the militaryā€ hoax died on the vine after about a 24-hour run. It died for the simple reason that Trumpā€™s public actions consistently in favor of the interests of the U.S. military and its personnel and retirees rendered the anonymously-sourced hit piece transparently unbelievable to anyone with functioning synapses in their cranial cavity, which of course excludes China Joe Biden.
The obvious hope of the Biden/Harris campaign and its corrupt media toadies was that this particular hoax would lead thousands of Trump supporters to finally abandon him out of disgust. Yeah, thatā€™s not going to happen.
No passenger on the Trump Train is leaping off over this story or for any other reason. The only disgust expressed by any real Trump supporter towards anyone involved in the obvious hoax is toward Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, the Atlanticā€™s corrupt owner who is also the poisonous Black Widow of Steve Jobs, and all the other Democrat media toadies like Jake Tapper and Jennifer Griffin who did everything they could to amplify it.
Think about it: Among your circle of friends, co-workers and acquaintances, do you know a single Trump supporter who has said he/she is going to vote for Creepy Uncle McWifeMolester on November 3? Of course you donā€™t because those people do not exist.
The corrupt media continues to trot out this parade of ā€œformer Bush officialsā€ and ā€œformer McCain campaign workersā€ and ā€œformer Romney peopleā€ who claim to be all like ā€˜Republicansā€™ and stuff and who just hate Trump and have signed a letter condemning him along with 400 of their fellow sippers of cheap zinfandel, but so what?
The Atlantic hoax has failed. Miserably. Gloriously. A truly epic fail.
Lacking any other alternative, the Democrats and their media toadies will simply mount the next hoax. We donā€™t know what form it will take or exactly when it will come, but we do know this: It will also be an epic fail, and it will be glorious.
That is all.


What they did was put out the ultimate LIE that proves that everything they say is a lie. When it isn't a lie it's still a lie because truth is often determined by context and the context of their lies is always a false narrative.

Harris/Bide and their deep state, MIC, and RINO collaborationists have extended the legal principal of 'falsus in uno falsus in omnibus to falsus in pluribus falsus in omnibus.' (Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - Wikipedia )
They have lied about so many things so consistently that we just have to assume every word out of their mouths every dot on a printed page is a lie. And our ears are closed to the notion that it could be otherwise.
It's like the lie "the threat is not China, it's Russia," a lie on which Tim Cook and Jobs's the Atlantic owning widow have been trying to bet their fortunes. Once Biden becomes zombie President do you think the CCP is going to refrain from taking everything they want, Apple and Taiwan included. What are we going to do - risk nuclear war? A question you have to turn around on the Chinese and convince them there is a very very bright red white and blue line in the Ocean starting 6 miles off the Chinese coast-line.
They can bet their own fortunes, but we refuse to have them use ours in their efforts. They can't bet ours and that is what they are trying to do.
Consider this.
Why would *any* voter to pick the party of violent rapists, murderers, arsonists, rioters and looters over the GOP at a time when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat prosecutors are aiding criminals instead of prosecuting them?
PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists want productive people harnessed to their communist schemes or dead. To the Dems, we are the kulaks that Stalin killed by the millions - wreckers and saboteurs and enemies of the state. Why would any productive person vote Democrat? Itā€™s like voting yourself into the grave.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are going for broke to eliminate Trump and the GOP... They have failed and they are well aware of their failure. They have only one option Left and are scared to use it...
Could be...

But it's not.

And you know it.
Just as we always knew, the guy responsible for this smear is a lying douchebag.
Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, admitted that a key detail of his article about Trump could be wrong during an interview with CNN on Sunday.​

ā€œWhen President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed the rain for the last-minute decision, saying ā€˜the helicopter couldnā€™t flyā€™ and that the Secret Service wouldnā€™t drive him there. Neither claim was true,ā€ Goldberg wrote in his piece published last week. According to Goldberg, President Trump was overheard saying he wanted to cancel the trip to the cemetery because ā€œitā€™s filled with losers.ā€
At least fifteen Trump administration officials who were with Trump on that trip have now disputed the Atlantic report, including former national security adviser John Bolton.
FOIA documents have also definitively proved that Trumpā€™s visit to the cemetery was canceled due to weather. When Goldberg was asked about evidence that the cancelation was due to inclement weather, he admitted that it was likely true.
ā€œIā€™m sure all of those things are true,ā€ he told CNN.
This admission by Goldberg completely undermines his entire story. Goldberg claimed the trip wasnā€™t canceled because of weather. Evidence proves this claim is false. Goldberg now admits that weather causing the cancellation is true. Why should we believe anything else in the story when the foundation of it is admitted to be incorrect?
And after all the Lefties here went to the wall in defense of his "integrity."

Atlantic Editor Admits Key Detail of Anti-Trump Hit Piece May Be Untrue.

ā€œWhen President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed the rain for the last-minute decision, saying ā€˜the helicopter couldnā€™t flyā€™ and that the Secret Service wouldnā€™t drive him there. Neither claim was true,ā€ Goldberg wrote in his piece published last week.

This dirt bag claims he has 4 cowards as his sources, meanwhile, at least fifteen Trump NAMED administration officials who were with Trump on that trip have disputed the Atlantic report, including former national security adviser John Bolton.

FOIA documents have also definitively proved that Trumpā€™s visit to the cemetery was canceled due to weather. When Goldberg was asked about evidence that the cancellation was due to inclement weather, he admitted that it was likely true.

ā€œIā€™m sure all of those things are true,ā€ he told CNN in a complete reversal. Goldberg also said he would continue to publish similar muck.
Fuck everyday journalism. What's important is to label people faggots and call that "news."
Actually, I saw an article in the National Enquirer that said aliens landed in Roswell, screwed all the sheep and jackasses, and gave us Democrats....

Now that's journalism!!!!

They even named their sources, and they had pictures!!!!

Guess that really proves that they are credible, doesn't it????
You read the National Enquirer.. 'Nuff said.
And the National Enquirer is actually willing to come forward with the sources, where people can see who is making the claims....

Sucks when the National Enquirer shows more credibility, and makes more of an effort to prove a claim, than the Atlantic does, doesn't it????

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