Atheists Want Proof Of God?

You OP makes no sense. I am an atheist. I'll take your word for it that you believe in god. You don't have to prove it, I have no reason to believe that you would lie about it, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, other than to make we wonder where you get your information about atheists.

Since you are an "Atheist," prove there is no god and no possibility of a god?

Further, aren't you one of the AGW cultists, a Gaia worshipper who thinks a sentient earth is punishing mankind for carbon sins?
You don't prove there isn't, you prove there is.

Also, science is not a cult.
"Do you want to march a hundred million Christians into death camps"


it is YOUR side that talks about killing its enemies.

To accuse me of your own crimes is the act of a devious deplorable scoundrel.

Come on now scumbag, you Marxist piles of shit butchered 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century.

Mass murder is just your way of dealing with life.

Constitutional conservatives on the other hand have never butchered anyone. Yes, we had to put you fuckers down to make you give up your slaves, but you started that war, just like you started this one. Seems you evil fucks just don't learn.

You promote and defend a god and religion that espouses death to gays and atheists. You promote and defend politicians like roy moore who SPECIFICALLY STATE they want to arrest and prosecute gays simply for being gay.

YOU are the one who defends death camps.

Son, you're a fucking liar, you must be a democrat.

you moronicons are just so insultingly stupid.

I have no posters on my walls.

"Do you smoke dope?"

Yes. because unlike you I believe in freedom and I oppose a nanny state.

Sure fuckwad.

So, healthcare for illegal aliens is a "right, " is it sparky?
You're just a complete idiot.

Democrats are not marxists or communists. Every time you say that crap you confirm your total lack of active braincells.

As if there was any doubt after all this time.
Of course, that's dumb. What a stupid discussion. The egg appears in the fossil record long before the chicken.

If it's stupid, then why join in, dumbo haha?

You know, I had a discussion about a chicken with an atheist when he said the chicken came from dinosaurs. I said how can such a small chicken come from a big dinosaur? He could not explain.

Basically, atheists cannot explain how sexual reproduction developed from a single cell. Besides no proto chicken, no transitional fossils. I think this proto stuff came into being because the atheists couldn't explain how we have today animals not evolving. They couldn't explain why we still have apes and monkeys when they became humans.

Atheists are dumb. They want proof of God, but they believe stuff with no proof. I guess they believe anything to not be under a God with objective moral values.
Is putting others down making you feel better? Because I doubt that god would approve.

Making fun of you makes me feel good. You're such a pain in the ass with your why did God create retardation questions. Let's go over this again. He created perfect humans, right?
If it's stupid, then why join in, dumbo haha?
To point out that it is stupid, of course.

I said how can such a small chicken come from a big dinosaur?
Which was very stupid and embarrassing. If that person understood evolution,the only reason he didn't answer is because he didn't think someone so ignorant as you would understand. A 7th grader could answer that question.

Basically, atheists cannot explain how sexual reproduction developed from a single cell.
So what? Scientists CAN explain that ,wjether or not they are atheists. Damn you are stupid, dude.
You OP makes no sense. I am an atheist. I'll take your word for it that you believe in god. You don't have to prove it, I have no reason to believe that you would lie about it, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, other than to make we wonder where you get your information about atheists.

Since you are an "Atheist," prove there is no god and no possibility of a god?

Further, aren't you one of the AGW cultists, a Gaia worshipper who thinks a sentient earth is punishing mankind for carbon sins?
You don't prove there isn't, you prove there is.

Also, science is not a cult.

What does AGW have to do with science?

AGW is less credible than tarrot card reading and has less basis in scientific fact.
You OP makes no sense. I am an atheist. I'll take your word for it that you believe in god. You don't have to prove it, I have no reason to believe that you would lie about it, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, other than to make we wonder where you get your information about atheists.

Since you are an "Atheist," prove there is no god and no possibility of a god?

Further, aren't you one of the AGW cultists, a Gaia worshipper who thinks a sentient earth is punishing mankind for carbon sins?
You don't prove there isn't, you prove there is.

Also, science is not a cult.

What does AGW have to do with science?

AGW is less credible than tarrot card reading and has less basis in scientific fact.
But, you know less than nothing about AGW or science, so your opinion of either is worth less than nothing.
Of course, that's dumb. What a stupid discussion. The egg appears in the fossil record long before the chicken.

If it's stupid, then why join in, dumbo haha?

You know, I had a discussion about a chicken with an atheist when he said the chicken came from dinosaurs. I said how can such a small chicken come from a big dinosaur? He could not explain.

Basically, atheists cannot explain how sexual reproduction developed from a single cell. Besides no proto chicken, no transitional fossils. I think this proto stuff came into being because the atheists couldn't explain how we have today animals not evolving. They couldn't explain why we still have apes and monkeys when they became humans.

Atheists are dumb. They want proof of God, but they believe stuff with no proof. I guess they believe anything to not be under a God with objective moral values.
I would point out real world examples of animals evolving right now in modern times but I have a strong feeling that you would outright reject any reality that goes against your fantasy out of hand so there is little point in bothering.

The rest of us find the world an amazing place and those that truly believe in God rarely have to put his creation in a small box demanding that their limited mind understands how he created the universe. That is the height of arrogance.
I would point out real world examples of animals evolving right now in modern times but I have a strong feeling that you would outright reject any reality that goes against your fantasy out of hand so there is little point in bothering.

I have examples of natural selection from creation science. There aren't any beyond that.
Creationists want proof of the big bang. This is because the big bang theory has become secular/atheist science malarky to show that it was not God, but evolution out of nothing. I got it from Stephen Hawking while he was alive in his book, A Brief History of Time. In the book, Hawking, identifies the ultimate question behind everything. He wrote, "Today we still yearn to know why we are here and where we came from.

In the last chapter of his book he says:

‘We find ourselves in a bewildering world. We want to make sense of what we see around us and to ask: What is the nature of the universe? What is our place in it and where did it and we come from? Why is it the way it is?’

Hawking concedes that the important question of why the universe exists cannot be answered by means of equations and theories.

‘Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?’"

He died never able to figure out the theory of everything. The Bible states that it's God. However, the seculars and atheists will never admit it and never be able to show how it happened -- a universe ex nihilo, a universe from nothing. Hawking died and his final destination is doom because he could not figure out the theory of everything.

That said, here my evidence why big bang is ridiculous lol.

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They saw ancient ufo's. And explained it as best as they could with the current technology of the time.
a ‘god’ that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.
Oh? How do we perceive Him?
There is no extraterrestrial omnipotent deity who hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of mortals, and issues edicts of religious dogma all must obey lest transgressors are consigned to eternal damnation.

That ‘god’ as perceived by theists does not exist.
I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society.
Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?
In the link below you’ll find Supreme Court cases where theists sought to compel religious observance through force of law; to indeed force those free from religion to adhere to religious dogma.

Religious Liberty: Landmark Supreme Court Cases - Bill of Rights Institute
Creationists want proof of the big bang. This is because the big bang theory has become secular/atheist science malarky to show that it was not God, but evolution out of nothing. I got it from Stephen Hawking while he was alive in his book, A Brief History of Time. In the book, Hawking, identifies the ultimate question behind everything. He wrote, "Today we still yearn to know why we are here and where we came from.

In the last chapter of his book he says:

‘We find ourselves in a bewildering world. We want to make sense of what we see around us and to ask: What is the nature of the universe? What is our place in it and where did it and we come from? Why is it the way it is?’

Hawking concedes that the important question of why the universe exists cannot be answered by means of equations and theories.

‘Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?’"

He died never able to figure out the theory of everything. The Bible states that it's God. However, the seculars and atheists will never admit it and never be able to show how it happened -- a universe ex nihilo, a universe from nothing. Hawking died and his final destination is doom because he could not figure out the theory of everything.

That said, here my evidence why big bang is ridiculous lol.

This guy will explain it to you.

Is putting others down making you feel better? Because I doubt that god would approve.

Making fun of you makes me feel good. You're such a pain in the ass with your why did God create retardation questions. Let's go over this again. He created perfect humans, right?
No, god creates retards, go look in the mirror.
You OP makes no sense. I am an atheist. I'll take your word for it that you believe in god. You don't have to prove it, I have no reason to believe that you would lie about it, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, other than to make we wonder where you get your information about atheists.

Since you are an "Atheist," prove there is no god and no possibility of a god?

Further, aren't you one of the AGW cultists, a Gaia worshipper who thinks a sentient earth is punishing mankind for carbon sins?
You don't prove there isn't, you prove there is.

Also, science is not a cult.

What does AGW have to do with science?

AGW is less credible than tarrot card reading and has less basis in scientific fact.
But, you know less than nothing about AGW or science, so your opinion of either is worth less than nothing.

Well, now that the Himalayas are snow free and New York City is underwater, Australia is gone and the majority of people on earth are living in Antarctica, you moron cultists have proven just how credible you are.


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