Atheist grouped bullies school dropping nativity scenes from 3rd Christmas specail

FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

Why apologize. You've been letting others do the talking for you since you joined the board.

The constitution says no such thing.

There were state sponsored religions AFTER the union was established. They were writtien into the constitutions of the states and were eventually written out (and for good reason). But they were NEVER challenged. And a member of SCOTUS (what was that about constitutional scholars) indicated they could return.

The mutation of the bill of rights via selective incorporation only ended state involvment in promoting religion.

It never said anything about preventing the mix.

That justices like Steven O. Douglas have their heads up their asses can't be helped.

Nothing is totally settled and there might be a day when such a thing would be allowed AGAIN.

So, the constitution is on my side. You have case law, but it is far from settled.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

BTW, pisswad.....

Please define Trump seems to be an "insult" you want to throw at people that is supposed to make them feel bad.

Which I can't understand, since the right beat your ass in 2016 (resulting in NO Garland, instead Gorsuch and eventually Kevannaugh).

So, you can kiss my ass.

We understand you are a Trotsky fan...but it's best not to be so obvious.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

Why apologize. You've been letting others do the talking for you since you joined the board.

The constitution says no such thing.

There were state sponsored religions AFTER the union was established. They were writtien into the constitutions of the states and were eventually written out (and for good reason). But they were NEVER challenged. And a member of SCOTUS (what was that about constitutional scholars) indicated they could return.

The mutation of the bill of rights via selective incorporation only ended state involvment in promoting religion.

It never said anything about preventing the mix.

That justices like Steven O. Douglas have their heads up their asses can't be helped.

Nothing is totally settled and there might be a day when such a thing would be allowed AGAIN.

So, the constitution is on my side. You have case law, but it is far from settled.

I am certainly willing to accept the word of honorable people who have more knowledge than me in certain subjects. You haven't given me any reason to believe your knowledge is any greater than any other ranting right winger. Get back to me when you can show some reason to accept your judgment, or even give it some consideration. So far I've seen none.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

Why apologize. You've been letting others do the talking for you since you joined the board.

The constitution says no such thing.

There were state sponsored religions AFTER the union was established. They were writtien into the constitutions of the states and were eventually written out (and for good reason). But they were NEVER challenged. And a member of SCOTUS (what was that about constitutional scholars) indicated they could return.

The mutation of the bill of rights via selective incorporation only ended state involvment in promoting religion.

It never said anything about preventing the mix.

That justices like Steven O. Douglas have their heads up their asses can't be helped.

Nothing is totally settled and there might be a day when such a thing would be allowed AGAIN.

So, the constitution is on my side. You have case law, but it is far from settled.

I am certainly willing to accept the word of honorable people who have more knowledge than me in certain subjects. You haven't given me any reason to believe your knowledge is any greater than any other ranting right winger. Get back to me when you can show some reason to accept your judgment, or even give it some consideration. So far I've seen none.

Don't really give a fuck what you "accept" I said, you never do you own thinking.

I don't need you to accept my judgement.

When you hide under the skirt of other's who know more than you (and that is about anybody), then you get to stay there while the adults carry on.

Here is from Clarence Thomas himself......

Justice Thomas: State Religions Are OK
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

BTW, pisswad.....

Please define Trump seems to be an "insult" you want to throw at people that is supposed to make them feel bad.

Which I can't understand, since the right beat your ass in 2016 (resulting in NO Garland, instead Gorsuch and eventually Kevannaugh).

So, you can kiss my ass.

We understand you are a Trotsky fan...but it's best not to be so obvious.

Trump supporter is self explanatory, and I can understand why someone Should feel bad to be called that. The right has won a few skirmishes, but only by using dishonorable methods. I don't expect your run of luck to last much longer. Integrity always wins in the long run, and the right has none.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

BTW, pisswad.....

Please define Trump seems to be an "insult" you want to throw at people that is supposed to make them feel bad.

Which I can't understand, since the right beat your ass in 2016 (resulting in NO Garland, instead Gorsuch and eventually Kevannaugh).

So, you can kiss my ass.

We understand you are a Trotsky fan...but it's best not to be so obvious.

Trump supporter is self explanatory, and I can understand why someone Should feel bad to be called that. The right has won a few skirmishes, but only by using dishonorable methods. I don't expect your run of luck to last much longer. Integrity always wins in the long run, and the right has none.

Gorsuch was a skirmish ?

Kavennaugh was a skirmish ?

Keep trying Trotsky.

And no Trump supporter is not self-explanitory. It is a blanket statement by people like you who can't stand that you've pushed to the sideline while others run the show.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

Why apologize. You've been letting others do the talking for you since you joined the board.

The constitution says no such thing.

There were state sponsored religions AFTER the union was established. They were writtien into the constitutions of the states and were eventually written out (and for good reason). But they were NEVER challenged. And a member of SCOTUS (what was that about constitutional scholars) indicated they could return.

The mutation of the bill of rights via selective incorporation only ended state involvment in promoting religion.

It never said anything about preventing the mix.

That justices like Steven O. Douglas have their heads up their asses can't be helped.

Nothing is totally settled and there might be a day when such a thing would be allowed AGAIN.

So, the constitution is on my side. You have case law, but it is far from settled.

I am certainly willing to accept the word of honorable people who have more knowledge than me in certain subjects. You haven't given me any reason to believe your knowledge is any greater than any other ranting right winger. Get back to me when you can show some reason to accept your judgment, or even give it some consideration. So far I've seen none.

Don't really give a fuck what you "accept" I said, you never do you own thinking.

I don't need you to accept my judgement.

When you hide under the skirt of other's who know more than you (and that is about anybody), then you get to stay there while the adults carry on.

Here is from Clarence Thomas himself......

Justice Thomas: State Religions Are OK

Oh My --- An idiot doesn't seem to care for my opinion. I can live with that.
It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

Why apologize. You've been letting others do the talking for you since you joined the board.

The constitution says no such thing.

There were state sponsored religions AFTER the union was established. They were writtien into the constitutions of the states and were eventually written out (and for good reason). But they were NEVER challenged. And a member of SCOTUS (what was that about constitutional scholars) indicated they could return.

The mutation of the bill of rights via selective incorporation only ended state involvment in promoting religion.

It never said anything about preventing the mix.

That justices like Steven O. Douglas have their heads up their asses can't be helped.

Nothing is totally settled and there might be a day when such a thing would be allowed AGAIN.

So, the constitution is on my side. You have case law, but it is far from settled.

I am certainly willing to accept the word of honorable people who have more knowledge than me in certain subjects. You haven't given me any reason to believe your knowledge is any greater than any other ranting right winger. Get back to me when you can show some reason to accept your judgment, or even give it some consideration. So far I've seen none.

Don't really give a fuck what you "accept" I said, you never do you own thinking.

I don't need you to accept my judgement.

When you hide under the skirt of other's who know more than you (and that is about anybody), then you get to stay there while the adults carry on.

Here is from Clarence Thomas himself......

Justice Thomas: State Religions Are OK

Oh My --- An idiot doesn't seem to care for my opinion. I can live with that.

Except it isn't your your own admission.

And you call someone an idiot who just handed you an argument you can't refute.

Typical Trotskyite crap. When beaten turn off the path.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged, Gish Gallop laced rant. Now calm down and wipe the spit off of your chin and tell us why you hate the constitution so much

It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

BTW, pisswad.....

Please define Trump seems to be an "insult" you want to throw at people that is supposed to make them feel bad.

Which I can't understand, since the right beat your ass in 2016 (resulting in NO Garland, instead Gorsuch and eventually Kevannaugh).

So, you can kiss my ass.

We understand you are a Trotsky fan...but it's best not to be so obvious.

Trump supporter is self explanatory, and I can understand why someone Should feel bad to be called that. The right has won a few skirmishes, but only by using dishonorable methods. I don't expect your run of luck to last much longer. Integrity always wins in the long run, and the right has none.

Gorsuch was a skirmish ?

Kavennaugh was a skirmish ?

Keep trying Trotsky.

And no Trump supporter is not self-explanitory. It is a blanket statement by people like you who can't stand that you've pushed to the sideline while others run the show.

I'll try to make it a little more clear. A Trump supporter is someone who supports Trump. Get it now dumb ass?
Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

Why apologize. You've been letting others do the talking for you since you joined the board.

The constitution says no such thing.

There were state sponsored religions AFTER the union was established. They were writtien into the constitutions of the states and were eventually written out (and for good reason). But they were NEVER challenged. And a member of SCOTUS (what was that about constitutional scholars) indicated they could return.

The mutation of the bill of rights via selective incorporation only ended state involvment in promoting religion.

It never said anything about preventing the mix.

That justices like Steven O. Douglas have their heads up their asses can't be helped.

Nothing is totally settled and there might be a day when such a thing would be allowed AGAIN.

So, the constitution is on my side. You have case law, but it is far from settled.

I am certainly willing to accept the word of honorable people who have more knowledge than me in certain subjects. You haven't given me any reason to believe your knowledge is any greater than any other ranting right winger. Get back to me when you can show some reason to accept your judgment, or even give it some consideration. So far I've seen none.

Don't really give a fuck what you "accept" I said, you never do you own thinking.

I don't need you to accept my judgement.

When you hide under the skirt of other's who know more than you (and that is about anybody), then you get to stay there while the adults carry on.

Here is from Clarence Thomas himself......

Justice Thomas: State Religions Are OK

Oh My --- An idiot doesn't seem to care for my opinion. I can live with that.

Except it isn't your your own admission.

And you call someone an idiot who just handed you an argument you can't refute.

Typical Trotskyite crap. When beaten turn off the path.

You feel better after that rant dumb ass?
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.
It's not hating the constitution you moron.

Try reading the Bill of Rights and see what it says.

Nothing about stopping religion in schools or anywhere else.

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with the opinion of constitutional scholars over a long period of time instead of the opinion of some anonymous nut bag Trump supporter on the internet, unless you can show where you are more qualified than them to make that call.

BTW, pisswad.....

Please define Trump seems to be an "insult" you want to throw at people that is supposed to make them feel bad.

Which I can't understand, since the right beat your ass in 2016 (resulting in NO Garland, instead Gorsuch and eventually Kevannaugh).

So, you can kiss my ass.

We understand you are a Trotsky fan...but it's best not to be so obvious.

Trump supporter is self explanatory, and I can understand why someone Should feel bad to be called that. The right has won a few skirmishes, but only by using dishonorable methods. I don't expect your run of luck to last much longer. Integrity always wins in the long run, and the right has none.

Gorsuch was a skirmish ?

Kavennaugh was a skirmish ?

Keep trying Trotsky.

And no Trump supporter is not self-explanitory. It is a blanket statement by people like you who can't stand that you've pushed to the sideline while others run the show.

I'll try to make it a little more clear. A Trump supporter is someone who supports Trump. Get it now dumb ass?

So please show me where I said I support Trump.
Why apologize. You've been letting others do the talking for you since you joined the board.

The constitution says no such thing.

There were state sponsored religions AFTER the union was established. They were writtien into the constitutions of the states and were eventually written out (and for good reason). But they were NEVER challenged. And a member of SCOTUS (what was that about constitutional scholars) indicated they could return.

The mutation of the bill of rights via selective incorporation only ended state involvment in promoting religion.

It never said anything about preventing the mix.

That justices like Steven O. Douglas have their heads up their asses can't be helped.

Nothing is totally settled and there might be a day when such a thing would be allowed AGAIN.

So, the constitution is on my side. You have case law, but it is far from settled.

I am certainly willing to accept the word of honorable people who have more knowledge than me in certain subjects. You haven't given me any reason to believe your knowledge is any greater than any other ranting right winger. Get back to me when you can show some reason to accept your judgment, or even give it some consideration. So far I've seen none.

Don't really give a fuck what you "accept" I said, you never do you own thinking.

I don't need you to accept my judgement.

When you hide under the skirt of other's who know more than you (and that is about anybody), then you get to stay there while the adults carry on.

Here is from Clarence Thomas himself......

Justice Thomas: State Religions Are OK

Oh My --- An idiot doesn't seem to care for my opinion. I can live with that.

Except it isn't your your own admission.

And you call someone an idiot who just handed you an argument you can't refute.

Typical Trotskyite crap. When beaten turn off the path.

You feel better after that rant dumb ass?

What's the matter ? You triggered by the fact that you can't compete ?

Don't feel's your MO.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.

You should be on the next bus to the Supreme Court where you can explain that to them. For some reason, their rulings haven't gone by your logic. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that they have been wrong for so long.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.

You should be on the next bus to the Supreme Court where you can explain that to them. For some reason, their rulings haven't gone by your logic. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that they have been wrong for so long.

This is what confirms you as ignorant.

There is no right or wrong.

There is what is legal and not legal.

And it changes. How long did were government offices allowed to have nativities and the ten commandments in full view ?

And how long was school prayer allowed to last.

The court injected itself and redefined the boundaries.

But no boundaries are forever.

And your appeal was to the constitution which does NOT support your argument. These things lasted for a very long time. Until the FDR court went totally stupid.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.

You should be on the next bus to the Supreme Court where you can explain that to them. For some reason, their rulings haven't gone by your logic. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that they have been wrong for so long.

Because the Supreme Court is infallible, right? Like that time they ruled that blacks are property in Dred Scott vs Sanford?

And quit trying to run away from the questions at hand. For once in your life, just TRY some critical thinking. How are all the things I listed not an establishment of religion, but a nativity scene at a school is?
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.

You should be on the next bus to the Supreme Court where you can explain that to them. For some reason, their rulings haven't gone by your logic. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that they have been wrong for so long.

Because the Supreme Court is infallible, right? Like that time they ruled that blacks are property in Dred Scott vs Sanford?

And quit trying to run away from the questions at hand. For once in your life, just TRY some critical thinking. How are all the things I listed not an establishment of religion, but a nativity scene at a school is?

We had nativities and all kinds of things like that when I was in school and nobody complained.

They do it at the school in my town now.
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.

You should be on the next bus to the Supreme Court where you can explain that to them. For some reason, their rulings haven't gone by your logic. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that they have been wrong for so long.

This is what confirms you as ignorant.

There is no right or wrong.

There is what is legal and not legal.

And it changes. How long did were government offices allowed to have nativities and the ten commandments in full view ?

And how long was school prayer allowed to last.

The court injected itself and redefined the boundaries.

But no boundaries are forever.

And your appeal was to the constitution which does NOT support your argument. These things lasted for a very long time. Until the FDR court went totally stupid.

Great. All you need to do is convince the supremes that all the things you want changed should be changed. Let me know how that works out for you?
FaithWire – What’s the Christmas season without a few breathless complaints issued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation? A public elementary school in Oklahoma has reportedly removed a live Nativity scene from it’s annual Christmas show after one person notified FFRF, who then sent a threatening letter from an attorney warning the school they might be sued if they didn’t remove mentions of Jesus from their Christmas show. The letter, which you can read in full HERE,
Atheist Group Bullies School Into Dropping Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Special

YOU PPL WHO DO THIS ARE GUTLESS PIGS YOU WHORES NEED TO GTF OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! YOU COMMUNIST FKRS!! You go out and try to destroy everything and anything but instead let's teach kids how to fist each other and that girls are boys omfg you mother fkrs are gawd dam pond scum... oh wait pond scum actually helps for the good maybe we could call you pigs a cancer virus. You whores never go after Muslims though do you. You know what they would do to you pathetic asses that's why. Go there you useless pigs.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.

You should be on the next bus to the Supreme Court where you can explain that to them. For some reason, their rulings haven't gone by your logic. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that they have been wrong for so long.

Because the Supreme Court is infallible, right? Like that time they ruled that blacks are property in Dred Scott vs Sanford?

And quit trying to run away from the questions at hand. For once in your life, just TRY some critical thinking. How are all the things I listed not an establishment of religion, but a nativity scene at a school is?

They aren't infallible, but they are the last word when it comes to our laws. If you don't like their rulings, you have to convince them to change. That's how it works, even if you don't want it to work like that.
They are not Atheist. Because if they were Atheist, then they will not even care about a make-believe character in a Christmas show. It is just like if I don't believe in Mickey mouse. I will not complain if they put a statue of him in the front of the schools. Even though Mickey had murder seven friendly flies. But I will not get upset about it. it is because it's make believe. But unless they know that God isn't make believe. Basically they has more faith in God than some Christians that are out there.

No. The group is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They are just tired of listening to the crap, and the constitution says they don't have to hear it from our government.

Wrong as usual.

The Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" - that's it. A school nativity scene is not a law passed by Congress you absolute moron. But, as with virtually everything else in the Constitution, you PC tards twist the fuck out of everything and shop your activist judges to enforce it.

Got some cash in your pocket? It says "In God We Trust" on it.
Ever hear of the Liberty Bell? Leviticus 25:10 is engraved on it.
Ever visit the US Capitol building? "In God We Trust" is emblazoned above the House chamber doors.
Ever seen a Presidential inauguration? They swear on a Bible.
Ever met a military chaplain? They're on a government payroll.
Ever read the Declaration of Independence - that pesky document that declared us an independent nation? It directly references God. TWICE.
Oh and that holiday coming up next week that the government recognizes? That's a CHRISTIAN holiday.

So tell us more about how a goddamn nativity display establishes a state religion, assclown.
And once you've done that please inform us how much of a wretched asshole you need to be to attack a Christmas celebration put on by 3rd grade children.

You should be on the next bus to the Supreme Court where you can explain that to them. For some reason, their rulings haven't gone by your logic. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that they have been wrong for so long.

Because the Supreme Court is infallible, right? Like that time they ruled that blacks are property in Dred Scott vs Sanford?

And quit trying to run away from the questions at hand. For once in your life, just TRY some critical thinking. How are all the things I listed not an establishment of religion, but a nativity scene at a school is?

They aren't infallible, but they are the last word when it comes to our laws. If you don't like their rulings, you have to convince them to change. That's how it works, even if you don't want it to work like that.

They are changing. Apparently you missed these last 2 rulings:

Supreme Court Sides With Religious School In Church-State Case
Supreme Court rules government-maintained cross doesn't violate Constitution

So quit pretending that "separation of church and state" isn't completely subjective and determined by who controls the court at the time.

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