ATF Operation "Fast and Furious" just botched?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
What the hell is going on? The "justice" dept calls the ATF debacle of shipping 2,000 semi-auto and full auto rifles and machine guns to Mexican cartels a "botched" operation but more information is coming out. An ATF agent purchased about a dozen hi-tech semi-auto pistols and sold them to a criminal. The theory was that the criminal would be arrested on the spot in a "sting" operation but it didn't happen. The weapons were transported to a warehouse and the agents went home. When they came back the weapons disappeared. Somebody should be indicted but the Obama administrations covers for the Holder "justice" dept and vice versa and the mainstream media pretends that political polls are the biggest story of the day.
What the hell is going on? The "justice" dept calls the ATF debacle of shipping 2,000 semi-auto and full auto rifles and machine guns to Mexican cartels a "botched" operation but more information is coming out. An ATF agent purchased about a dozen hi-tech semi-auto pistols and sold them to a criminal. The theory was that the criminal would be arrested on the spot in a "sting" operation but it didn't happen. The weapons were transported to a warehouse and the agents went home. When they came back the weapons disappeared. Somebody should be indicted but the Obama administrations covers for the Holder "justice" dept and vice versa and the mainstream media pretends that political polls are the biggest story of the day.

Do you really expect anything different from this administration and Obama's "justice" department?

After hearing more and more details of this supposedly "botched" operation where it looks more and more like it actually went according to plan, I'm becoming more and more convinced this is exactly what was supposed to happen with the exception of the role of the justice department in this plot becoming public knowledge. I think it is very possible this was actually an operation intended to be used as the foundation for a new round of creating an artificial demand for gun control. How do you argue against it if they can lie and pretend the mere existence of guns in THIS country is the real root cause of the criminal activities in Mexico and then point to the fact US guns ended up in the hands of Mexican criminals, thugs and drug cartels? While keeping it on the DL that this was actually planned to do just that of course. So they could insist that OUR guns are actually responsible for the corrupt and racist Mexican government, that OUR guns are responsible for the rampant criminal activities of drug cartels and therefore it is OUR responsibility to be good neighbors and abolish OUR right to bear arms. Except for it becoming public knowledge, this actually looks more and more to have gone according to plan the entire way -but makes NO sense for any other reason. But certainly it looks more and more like those running it knew exactly what was happening at every step of the way until it crossed into public knowledge that is. At least one American was murdered as a result of this plot already. More than one person belongs in prison for this -but I'm not holding my breath that this "justice" department will provide any justice here.
What the hell is going on? The "justice" dept calls the ATF debacle of shipping 2,000 semi-auto and full auto rifles and machine guns to Mexican cartels a "botched" operation but more information is coming out. An ATF agent purchased about a dozen hi-tech semi-auto pistols and sold them to a criminal. The theory was that the criminal would be arrested on the spot in a "sting" operation but it didn't happen. The weapons were transported to a warehouse and the agents went home. When they came back the weapons disappeared. Somebody should be indicted but the Obama administrations covers for the Holder "justice" dept and vice versa and the mainstream media pretends that political polls are the biggest story of the day.

Do you really expect anything different from this administration and Obama's "justice" department?

After hearing more and more details of this supposedly "botched" operation where it looks more and more like it actually went according to plan, I'm becoming more and more convinced this is exactly what was supposed to happen with the exception of the role of the justice department in this plot becoming public knowledge. I think it is very possible this was actually an operation intended to be used as the foundation for a new round of creating an artificial demand for gun control. How do you argue against it if they can lie and pretend the mere existence of guns in THIS country is the real root cause of the criminal activities in Mexico and then point to the fact US guns ended up in the hands of Mexican criminals, thugs and drug cartels? While keeping it on the DL that this was actually planned to do just that of course. So they could insist that OUR guns are actually responsible for the corrupt and racist Mexican government, that OUR guns are responsible for the rampant criminal activities of drug cartels and therefore it is OUR responsibility to be good neighbors and abolish OUR right to bear arms. Except for it becoming public knowledge, this actually looks more and more to have gone according to plan the entire way -but makes NO sense for any other reason. But certainly it looks more and more like those running it knew exactly what was happening at every step of the way until it crossed into public knowledge that is. At least one American was murdered as a result of this plot already. More than one person belongs in prison for this -but I'm not holding my breath that this "justice" department will provide any justice here.

We have already established, with mathematical precision, that the operation was carried out exactly as planned, until some ATF agents unexpectedly blew the whistle.

The burning question now is why the U. S. government was deliberately arming Mexican drug cartels. The most plausible theory offered so far explains it as a Machiavellian strategy by the Obama regime to justify calling for more stringent gun control legislation.

Watch for the Congressional Oversight Committee to ramp up the FAF hearings next summer/fall in time to help undermine Obama's reelection campaign.
We have already established, with mathematical precision, that the operation was carried out exactly as planned, until some ATF agents unexpectedly blew the whistle.

The burning question now is why the U. S. government was deliberately arming Mexican drug cartels. The most plausible theory offered so far explains it as a Machiavellian strategy by the Obama regime to justify calling for more stringent gun control legislation.

Watch for the Congressional Oversight Committee to ramp up the FAF hearings next summer/fall in time to help undermine Obama's reelection campaign.

Uncle Ferd says dey oughta be shakin' a hangman's noose at him...
Border agent's parents lash out against Eric Holder
Nov 11, 2011 - The parents of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry are lashing out against Attorney General Eric Holder and say they hold top Justice Department officials responsible for their son's death.
In separate interviews with Fox News, Josephine and Kent Terry blamed Holder and his top aides for their son's death near the U.S.-Mexico border nearly a year ago. Terry was killed by a weapon that was allowed to cross into Mexico as part of the ATF-run Operation Fast and Furious. Authorities allowed thousands of firearms to cross the border as part of an effort to trace the route of weapons from the United States to drug cartels south of the border. The secret operation became publicly know when an ATF agent spoke out about the program after Terry's slaying.

But the ire of the Terry family appeared to be exacerbated by Holder testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. Holder demurred at the opportunity to apologize to the family and instead expressed "regret" about the operation. The next day, however, Holder wrote a letter to the family in which he said he was "sorry for the tragic loss," Politico reported. But the apology apparently didn't soothe hurt feelings.

"I think they are liars and I would tell them that," Kent Terry said. "What would I say to Eric Holder? They would not be nice words." In a separate interview, Josephine Terry said: "If they never let the guns walk, maybe Brian would not have been out that day. I just can't believe our own government came up with a program like this that (let) innocent people get killed."

She charged that Dennis Burke, Arizona's for top federal prosecutor, told her in March that the whistleblowers' claims were false—despite having access to documents knowing that the two weapons found near her son's body were tied to Operation Fast and Furious. "Dennis Burke came up to my house and he said, 'No, none of them guns killed Brian. None of them,'" she said.


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