At what level are progs and Democrats traitors to our country?

How is it those most consistent with racism and GESTAPO in action and words ("liberals") are loudest to accuse others of racism and thought control?

Progs have gone in deep, and it's progressive. Their media and political forces are consumed by racism. But to them that means Trump is without a doubt racist. After all, he said "some are good people". But progressives heard "white nationalists are good people", and that's where much of the nonsense came from. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Sometimes men are women, sometimes women men, sometimes men have babies and marry, otherwise you're a bigot. Nature is the biggest bigot of all. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Trump runs the country, and he's doing the right things for our country, while the Dems wont budge a dollar for a wall. A wall that pencils out in all logic. But reason is not good enough for a prog. What's important is appearances in the name of racism, and the hope it pays off in future elections by migrants and college students. Thought-police dictate walls are now immoral,un-effective, and of course they're racist. Liberal news tells us daily how Trump supporters are made up of bigots, this phobe and that ism. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

When they're not spinning, ever notice the play is an ism card, and/or they direct attention at the object when they can't defend themselves? Concerning the wall they employ both. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

And in comes the Democrat's best in Nancy Pelosi, who desires to take a trip overseas instead of negotiating an end to "TRUMP'S" shutdown. Trump trumped her disposition by not supporting her plane trip. That might make him a womanizer, but I suppose it could be racist. Imagine the heat on Trump if this was reversed, OMG Trump's a trader and worse.

How is it prospective non-US citizens are more important than US citizens? The prog immigration policy acts to reduce the education of it's citizens, increases taxes, disrupts our livelihood, and reduces the standard of living. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

And Pelosi requests a delay in the State of the Union Address. They tell Trump and Americans to bend over and take it for political posturing, and I guarantee they fear Trump's words. Fuck the USA and her culture and traditions, because everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Trump made a great judge appt., and what do Dems do? They raped Kavanaugh and sold out the country by entertaining a story performed by someone who likely has a DSM, compliments the socialist deep state. And remember, women are always right and men pigs. All while it's "conservatives" who are sexist. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

We have an internet that censors conservative views and users, and they promote whatever views they feel righteous. Yet Trump is the traitor, because the Russians entered a minimal amount of resources against Clinton. Interesting to note there's only evidence of Democrats working with the Russians. They've also politicized the FBI etc. Yet somehow it's Trump who is the threat, because of stuff and things like that. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

The left desires to manipulate and revise the Constitution, such as the elect. college, so young Democrat California, and NY can run shit their way. They actively deny rights to conservatives, which is an institutional consistency beginning in school. Imagine kids go to college for an education, but are liberally indoctrinated instead. Our children's socialist education begins in the first grade, because again, it's progs who are the most vocal. - Everyday is indoctrination for the indoctrinated teacher.

But Trump is a traitor and racist, same with his supporters, and if they're non-white they're just stupid. - Everyday is projection for the progressive.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay
How do you feel about suborning perjury in others?
1st post
They are no longer doers, super dupe, the new b******* GOP are thieves and brainwashers. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. But thanks for 1929, 1989, and 2008 destruction of the world economy, not to mention wrecking the Middle East. Great job!
So they are not doers...than who is the main driver of our economy...welfare recipients?....
As Obama proved, the main driver of the US economy is our amazing natural resources and great workers. Now if we could just get the Republicans to stop screwing it up with trade Wars tariff battles corrupt bubbles and busts and basically just screwing the non Rich...
The United States became a rich nation by using tariffs.
They are no longer doers, super dupe, the new b******* GOP are thieves and brainwashers. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. But thanks for 1929, 1989, and 2008 destruction of the world economy, not to mention wrecking the Middle East. Great job!
So they are not doers...than who is the main driver of our economy...welfare recipients?....
As Obama proved, the main driver of the US economy is our amazing natural resources and great workers. Now if we could just get the Republicans to stop screwing it up with trade Wars tariff battles corrupt bubbles and busts and basically just screwing the non Rich...
The United States became a rich nation by using tariffs.
B*******. The United States has the greatest natural resources of any country in the world by far and only the greedy idiot bubble and bust corrupt GOP can screw it up, super duper. If they didn't have BS misinformation hate and character assassination propaganda, only the greedy idiot rich would vote 4 them..
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

The word “traitor” is so often used; it means nothing now.

Yeah, but everyday is opposite day for the prog. Definitions stand to be changed all the time, and it's done daily.

"Definitions stand to be changed all the time"


Progs do it 24/7. What was true yesterday stands to be changed today based on emotion, desire, and how their media chooses to present. Here's an extreme example. Sexual intercourse - Wikipedia

Did anyone in the Trump campaign have interactions with Russia during the campaign? The answer used to be no. Yesterday Rudy said that there may have been collusion between Russia and the campaign.

They are no longer doers, super dupe, the new b******* GOP are thieves and brainwashers. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. But thanks for 1929, 1989, and 2008 destruction of the world economy, not to mention wrecking the Middle East. Great job!
So they are not doers...than who is the main driver of our economy...welfare recipients?....
As Obama proved, the main driver of the US economy is our amazing natural resources and great workers. Now if we could just get the Republicans to stop screwing it up with trade Wars tariff battles corrupt bubbles and busts and basically just screwing the non Rich...
The United States became a rich nation by using tariffs.
B*******. The United States has the greatest natural resources of any country in the world by far and only the greedy idiot bubble and bust corrupt GOP can screw it up, super duper. If they didn't have BS misinformation hate and character assassination propaganda, only the greedy idiot rich would vote 4 them..

How come progs are so tarded now? Did you know the wealthiest people in the USA are "liberals", as are the wealthiest zip codes? For the critical application challenged progs, that means its conservatives who are in their pockets. And of course "only the greedy idiot rich would vote GOP". You really don't have an ounce of credibility. It's kind of not your faul. You're probably young, certainly weak-minded, and today's media preys on the weak minded.

So, only a Republican can fuck up the economy. You like to say shit that sounds cool, I get it, you're a prog. Your problem is history.......

Since 1970:

Early 70s. Nixon and Ford were POTUS, but they pulled out of the Democrat's Vietnam war, which had a direct impact on the economy. But Dems. love war.

Early 80s: Jimmy Carter was POTUS. Turns out Carter was Democrat. Look it up, you'll be surprised.

1990: Bush Sr. was POTUS

2000: Oh fuck, a recession on Clinton's watch before Bush Jr. took office. Say it aint so.

2007-2009: Bush Jr. and O'bummer were POTUS.
5th post
They are no longer doers, super dupe, the new b******* GOP are thieves and brainwashers. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. But thanks for 1929, 1989, and 2008 destruction of the world economy, not to mention wrecking the Middle East. Great job!
So they are not doers...than who is the main driver of our economy...welfare recipients?....
As Obama proved, the main driver of the US economy is our amazing natural resources and great workers. Now if we could just get the Republicans to stop screwing it up with trade Wars tariff battles corrupt bubbles and busts and basically just screwing the non Rich...
The United States became a rich nation by using tariffs.
B*******. The United States has the greatest natural resources of any country in the world by far and only the greedy idiot bubble and bust corrupt GOP can screw it up, super duper. If they didn't have BS misinformation hate and character assassination propaganda, only the greedy idiot rich would vote 4 them..

How come progs are so tarded now? Did you know the wealthiest people in the USA are "liberals", as are the wealthiest zip codes? For the critical application challenged progs, that means its conservatives who are in their pockets. And of course "only the greedy idiot rich would vote GOP". You really don't have an ounce of credibility. It's kind of not your faul. You're probably young, certainly weak-minded, and today's media preys on the weak minded.

So, only a Republican can fuck up the economy. You like to say shit that sounds cool, I get it, you're a prog. Your problem is history.......

Since 1970:

Early 70s. Nixon and Ford were POTUS, but they pulled out of the Democrat's Vietnam war, which had a direct impact on the economy. But Dems. love war.

Early 80s: Jimmy Carter was POTUS. Turns out Carter was Democrat. Look it up, you'll be surprised.

1990: Bush Sr. was POTUS

2000: Oh fuck, a recession on Clinton's watch before Bush Jr. took office. Say it aint so.

2007-2009: Bush Jr. and O'bummer were POTUS.
1929 1989 2008 ALL GOP bubbles and busts, and now Trump is screwing up Obama's economy with trade Wars and chaos and debt... And somewhere a corrupt bubble I'll bet...
They are no longer doers, super dupe, the new b******* GOP are thieves and brainwashers. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. But thanks for 1929, 1989, and 2008 destruction of the world economy, not to mention wrecking the Middle East. Great job!
So they are not doers...than who is the main driver of our economy...welfare recipients?....
As Obama proved, the main driver of the US economy is our amazing natural resources and great workers. Now if we could just get the Republicans to stop screwing it up with trade Wars tariff battles corrupt bubbles and busts and basically just screwing the non Rich...
The United States became a rich nation by using tariffs.
B*******. The United States has the greatest natural resources of any country in the world by far and only the greedy idiot bubble and bust corrupt GOP can screw it up, super duper. If they didn't have BS misinformation hate and character assassination propaganda, only the greedy idiot rich would vote 4 them..

How come progs are so tarded now? Did you know the wealthiest people in the USA are "liberals", as are the wealthiest zip codes? For the critical application challenged progs, that means its conservatives who are in their pockets. And of course "only the greedy idiot rich would vote GOP". You really don't have an ounce of credibility. It's kind of not your faul. You're probably young, certainly weak-minded, and today's media preys on the weak minded.

So, only a Republican can fuck up the economy. You like to say shit that sounds cool, I get it, you're a prog. Your problem is history.......

Since 1970:

Early 70s. Nixon and Ford were POTUS, but they pulled out of the Democrat's Vietnam war, which had a direct impact on the economy. But Dems. love war.

Early 80s: Jimmy Carter was POTUS. Turns out Carter was Democrat. Look it up, you'll be surprised.

1990: Bush Sr. was POTUS

2000: Oh fuck, a recession on Clinton's watch before Bush Jr. took office. Say it aint so.

2007-2009: Bush Jr. and O'bummer were POTUS.
And actually I am 67 and happily retired, with a master's in history. You are a GOP brainwashed functional moron.
The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 –
3 =
3 =
4 =
4 = The Fed - Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1 - Current Releasea
So they are not doers...than who is the main driver of our economy...welfare recipients?....
As Obama proved, the main driver of the US economy is our amazing natural resources and great workers. Now if we could just get the Republicans to stop screwing it up with trade Wars tariff battles corrupt bubbles and busts and basically just screwing the non Rich...
The United States became a rich nation by using tariffs.
B*******. The United States has the greatest natural resources of any country in the world by far and only the greedy idiot bubble and bust corrupt GOP can screw it up, super duper. If they didn't have BS misinformation hate and character assassination propaganda, only the greedy idiot rich would vote 4 them..

How come progs are so tarded now? Did you know the wealthiest people in the USA are "liberals", as are the wealthiest zip codes? For the critical application challenged progs, that means its conservatives who are in their pockets. And of course "only the greedy idiot rich would vote GOP". You really don't have an ounce of credibility. It's kind of not your faul. You're probably young, certainly weak-minded, and today's media preys on the weak minded.

So, only a Republican can fuck up the economy. You like to say shit that sounds cool, I get it, you're a prog. Your problem is history.......

Since 1970:

Early 70s. Nixon and Ford were POTUS, but they pulled out of the Democrat's Vietnam war, which had a direct impact on the economy. But Dems. love war.

Early 80s: Jimmy Carter was POTUS. Turns out Carter was Democrat. Look it up, you'll be surprised.

1990: Bush Sr. was POTUS

2000: Oh fuck, a recession on Clinton's watch before Bush Jr. took office. Say it aint so.

2007-2009: Bush Jr. and O'bummer were POTUS.
1929 1989 2008 ALL GOP bubbles and busts, and now Trump is screwing up Obama's economy with trade Wars and chaos and debt... And somewhere a corrupt bubble I'll bet...

ILMAO.....Say dumbshit, do you know who was running congress in 2008? How about 1929? Course you don't. Care to look or can't you handle it?

Interesting how TRUMP IS DESTROYING OBAMA'S ECONOMY..................The numbers don't support you, but facts are of little relevance to a prog, they just like to say stuff, cuz they so smart.

And ILMAO at wages...........I get it, you lack critical application. Proof is progs desire open immigration, which drives wages and the standard of living down, and taxes up. Ever heard of globalization and technology? You figure those have any impact on wages?
How is it those most consistent with racism and GESTAPO in action and words ("liberals") are loudest to accuse others of racism and thought control?

Progs have gone in deep, and it's progressive. Their media and political forces are consumed by racism. But to them that means Trump is without a doubt racist. After all, he said "some are good people". But progressives heard "white nationalists are good people", and that's where much of the nonsense came from. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Sometimes men are women, sometimes women men, sometimes men have babies and marry, otherwise you're a bigot. Nature is the biggest bigot of all. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Trump runs the country, and he's doing the right things for our country, while the Dems wont budge a dollar for a wall. A wall that pencils out in all logic. But reason is not good enough for a prog. What's important is appearances in the name of racism, and the hope it pays off in future elections by migrants and college students. Thought-police dictate walls are now immoral,un-effective, and of course they're racist. Liberal news tells us daily how Trump supporters are made up of bigots, this phobe and that ism. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

When they're not spinning, ever notice the play is an ism card, and/or they direct attention at the object when they can't defend themselves? Concerning the wall they employ both. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

And in comes the Democrat's best in Nancy Pelosi, who desires to take a trip overseas instead of negotiating an end to "TRUMP'S" shutdown. Trump trumped her disposition by not supporting her plane trip. That might make him a womanizer, but I suppose it could be racist. Imagine the heat on Trump if this was reversed, OMG Trump's a trader and worse.

How is it prospective non-US citizens are more important than US citizens? The prog immigration policy acts to reduce the education of it's citizens, increases taxes, disrupts our livelihood, and reduces the standard of living. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

And Pelosi requests a delay in the State of the Union Address. They tell Trump and Americans to bend over and take it for political posturing, and I guarantee they fear Trump's words. Fuck the USA and her culture and traditions, because everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Trump made a great judge appt., and what do Dems do? They raped Kavanaugh and sold out the country by entertaining a story performed by someone who likely has a DSM, compliments the socialist deep state. And remember, women are always right and men pigs. All while it's "conservatives" who are sexist. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

We have an internet that censors conservative views and users, and they promote whatever views they feel righteous. Yet Trump is the traitor, because the Russians entered a minimal amount of resources against Clinton. Interesting to note there's only evidence of Democrats working with the Russians. They've also politicized the FBI etc. Yet somehow it's Trump who is the threat, because of stuff and things like that. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

The left desires to manipulate and revise the Constitution, such as the elect. college, so young Democrat California, and NY can run shit their way. They actively deny rights to conservatives, which is an institutional consistency beginning in school. Imagine kids go to college for an education, but are liberally indoctrinated instead. Our children's socialist education begins in the first grade, because again, it's progs who are the most vocal. - Everyday is indoctrination for the indoctrinated teacher.

But Trump is a traitor and racist, same with his supporters, and if they're non-white they're just stupid. - Everyday is projection for the progressive.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay
It is the rethuglians who are traitors to america these days. Their entire repetitious meanderings all work against a union.
How is it those most consistent with racism and GESTAPO in action and words ("liberals") are loudest to accuse others of racism and thought control?

Progs have gone in deep, and it's progressive. Their media and political forces are consumed by racism. But to them that means Trump is without a doubt racist. After all, he said "some are good people". But progressives heard "white nationalists are good people", and that's where much of the nonsense came from. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Sometimes men are women, sometimes women men, sometimes men have babies and marry, otherwise you're a bigot. Nature is the biggest bigot of all. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Trump runs the country, and he's doing the right things for our country, while the Dems wont budge a dollar for a wall. A wall that pencils out in all logic. But reason is not good enough for a prog. What's important is appearances in the name of racism, and the hope it pays off in future elections by migrants and college students. Thought-police dictate walls are now immoral,un-effective, and of course they're racist. Liberal news tells us daily how Trump supporters are made up of bigots, this phobe and that ism. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

When they're not spinning, ever notice the play is an ism card, and/or they direct attention at the object when they can't defend themselves? Concerning the wall they employ both. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

And in comes the Democrat's best in Nancy Pelosi, who desires to take a trip overseas instead of negotiating an end to "TRUMP'S" shutdown. Trump trumped her disposition by not supporting her plane trip. That might make him a womanizer, but I suppose it could be racist. Imagine the heat on Trump if this was reversed, OMG Trump's a trader and worse.

How is it prospective non-US citizens are more important than US citizens? The prog immigration policy acts to reduce the education of it's citizens, increases taxes, disrupts our livelihood, and reduces the standard of living. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

And Pelosi requests a delay in the State of the Union Address. They tell Trump and Americans to bend over and take it for political posturing, and I guarantee they fear Trump's words. Fuck the USA and her culture and traditions, because everyday is opposite day for the prog.

Trump made a great judge appt., and what do Dems do? They raped Kavanaugh and sold out the country by entertaining a story performed by someone who likely has a DSM, compliments the socialist deep state. And remember, women are always right and men pigs. All while it's "conservatives" who are sexist. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

We have an internet that censors conservative views and users, and they promote whatever views they feel righteous. Yet Trump is the traitor, because the Russians entered a minimal amount of resources against Clinton. Interesting to note there's only evidence of Democrats working with the Russians. They've also politicized the FBI etc. Yet somehow it's Trump who is the threat, because of stuff and things like that. - Everyday is opposite day for the prog.

The left desires to manipulate and revise the Constitution, such as the elect. college, so young Democrat California, and NY can run shit their way. They actively deny rights to conservatives, which is an institutional consistency beginning in school. Imagine kids go to college for an education, but are liberally indoctrinated instead. Our children's socialist education begins in the first grade, because again, it's progs who are the most vocal. - Everyday is indoctrination for the indoctrinated teacher.

But Trump is a traitor and racist, same with his supporters, and if they're non-white they're just stupid. - Everyday is projection for the progressive.

Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay
there is no express wall building clause in our federal Constitution and our Government should not be shut down over that: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a (functioning) Republican Form of Government
10th post
As Obama proved, the main driver of the US economy is our amazing natural resources and great workers. Now if we could just get the Republicans to stop screwing it up with trade Wars tariff battles corrupt bubbles and busts and basically just screwing the non Rich...
The United States became a rich nation by using tariffs.
B*******. The United States has the greatest natural resources of any country in the world by far and only the greedy idiot bubble and bust corrupt GOP can screw it up, super duper. If they didn't have BS misinformation hate and character assassination propaganda, only the greedy idiot rich would vote 4 them..

How come progs are so tarded now? Did you know the wealthiest people in the USA are "liberals", as are the wealthiest zip codes? For the critical application challenged progs, that means its conservatives who are in their pockets. And of course "only the greedy idiot rich would vote GOP". You really don't have an ounce of credibility. It's kind of not your faul. You're probably young, certainly weak-minded, and today's media preys on the weak minded.

So, only a Republican can fuck up the economy. You like to say shit that sounds cool, I get it, you're a prog. Your problem is history.......

Since 1970:

Early 70s. Nixon and Ford were POTUS, but they pulled out of the Democrat's Vietnam war, which had a direct impact on the economy. But Dems. love war.

Early 80s: Jimmy Carter was POTUS. Turns out Carter was Democrat. Look it up, you'll be surprised.

1990: Bush Sr. was POTUS

2000: Oh fuck, a recession on Clinton's watch before Bush Jr. took office. Say it aint so.

2007-2009: Bush Jr. and O'bummer were POTUS.
1929 1989 2008 ALL GOP bubbles and busts, and now Trump is screwing up Obama's economy with trade Wars and chaos and debt... And somewhere a corrupt bubble I'll bet...

ILMAO.....Say dumbshit, do you know who was running congress in 2008? How about 1929? Course you don't. Care to look or can't you handle it?

Interesting how TRUMP IS DESTROYING OBAMA'S ECONOMY..................The numbers don't support you, but facts are of little relevance to a prog, they just like to say stuff, cuz they so smart.
Spoken like a true propagandist.
Obama's IRS circled around Republican interests and that's proven. Not a soul accountable. Meanwhile there's this Viral 'Tax Loophole' Video is Misleading: Taxpayer Fraud is a Much Bigger Problem.

But Trump is a traitor, because he beat DC and has many interests. Shame they can't come up with something that sticks. I suppose this could go on for the next 6 years. If it ends in 2 progs fucked up. Trump's the right guy for the job. He's proven, and then some.

Pelosi says Trump's canceling her plans for the good of country was "makes the situation far more dangerous". Every day is opposite day for the prog.
Last edited:
Well the Hussein was the de facto leader of ISIS. He started unnecessary wars and created the refugee crisis.

Pelosi is on the payroll of the drug cartels and human traffickers. She represents Mexico and illegal immigrants instead of Americans.

The democrooks have been the enemy of the republic since before Lincoln. They've been increasingly aggravated in their crimes against the country since we freed their slaves. Andrew Jackson was the last of the "decent" ones and he was still a genocidal sociopath. He just hated the globalist banking elite.

Well the Hussein was the de facto leader of ISIS. He started unnecessary wars and created the refugee crisis.

Pelosi is on the payroll of the drug cartels and human traffickers. She represents Mexico and illegal immigrants instead of Americans.

The democrooks have been the enemy of the republic since before Lincoln. They've been increasingly aggravated in their crimes against the country since we freed their slaves. Andrew Jackson was the last of the "decent" ones and he was still a genocidal sociopath. He just hated the globalist banking elite.


I'm interested in how Hawk concludes Pelosi is in the mix with cartels and traffickers. Near I can tells she's just stupid, power hungry, devious, disingenuous and manipulating; somewhat horrifying:badgrin:
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