At Knoxville, Whites Make Their Stand


Well, what would you call the constant stream of media, government, educational and cultural denigration of whites, insults toward whites, calls for black "justice," demands that whites "pay up" to blacks, reparations, affirmative action, lectures that whites caused all black problems, daily, hourly stories in the media about how black problems are caused by white racism, white hatred and white selfishness, constant discussions of slavery, of quote "racism," on and on and on and on, without stop?

That, friends, is the real incitement. Black violence against whites is a statistically verifiable EPIDEMIC, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT, not the damn Republicans, not Bush, not the media, not the Anti-Defamation League, not the NYT, not the powers that be.

How do you suppose we get crimes where a black admits, "I just wanted to kill some white people"? They don't come from nowhere. The system makes this happen, because it wants it to happen. I say destroy this system before it destroys white people. I'm not a crazy racist, and I am NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES WHAT'S HAPPENING. There are many of us, and you can arrest us, put us in jail, ban us from chatboards, call us Nazis all day long, but the injustice is RANK and justice must be fought for. Alex Linder may be radical but you will see more of him.
Well, what would you call the constant stream of media, government, educational and cultural denigration of whites, insults toward whites, calls for black "justice," demands that whites "pay up" to blacks, reparations, affirmative action, lectures that whites caused all black problems, daily, hourly stories in the media about how black problems are caused by white racism, white hatred and white selfishness, constant discussions of slavery, of quote "racism," on and on and on and on, without stop?

That, friends, is the real incitement. Black violence against whites is a statistically verifiable EPIDEMIC, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT, not the damn Republicans, not Bush, not the media, not the Anti-Defamation League, not the NYT, not the powers that be.

How do you suppose we get crimes where a black admits, "I just wanted to kill some white people"? They don't come from nowhere. The system makes this happen, because it wants it to happen. I say destroy this system before it destroys white people. I'm not a crazy racist, and I am NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES WHAT'S HAPPENING. There are many of us, and you can arrest us, put us in jail, ban us from chatboards, call us Nazis all day long, but the injustice is RANK and justice must be fought for. Alex Linder may be radical but you will see more of him.

Have you noticed how easy it is to incite the idiots to your pov? As opposed to mine? Yeah, you do. You are smart. You won't deny that either. So you are happy leading the lowest common denominators to break the law, rather than work within the system to reform it.

Not everyone can be a military member. Not everyone can serve in state or federal legislatures or courts, much less as executive in either arena. You however, seem to glory in the leadership of idiots, that don't know better, with your rhetoric in their mouths and minds. Shame on you.
Well, what would you call the constant stream of media, government, educational and cultural denigration of whites, insults toward whites, calls for black "justice," demands that whites "pay up" to blacks, reparations, affirmative action, lectures that whites caused all black problems, daily, hourly stories in the media about how black problems are caused by white racism, white hatred and white selfishness, constant discussions of slavery, of quote "racism," on and on and on and on, without stop?

That, friends, is the real incitement. Black violence against whites is a statistically verifiable EPIDEMIC, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT, not the damn Republicans, not Bush, not the media, not the Anti-Defamation League, not the NYT, not the powers that be.

How do you suppose we get crimes where a black admits, "I just wanted to kill some white people"? They don't come from nowhere. The system makes this happen, because it wants it to happen. I say destroy this system before it destroys white people. I'm not a crazy racist, and I am NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES WHAT'S HAPPENING. There are many of us, and you can arrest us, put us in jail, ban us from chatboards, call us Nazis all day long, but the injustice is RANK and justice must be fought for. Alex Linder may be radical but you will see more of him.

Have you noticed how easy it is to incite the idiots to your pov? As opposed to mine? Yeah, you do. You are smart. You won't deny that either. So you are happy leading the lowest common denominators to break the law, rather than work within the system to reform it.

Not everyone can be a military member. Not everyone can serve in state or federal legislatures or courts, much less as executive in either arena. You however, seem to glory in the leadership of idiots, that don't know better, with your rhetoric in their mouths and minds. Shame on you.

Where exactly is this happening? I would love to think that fair-minded white people are starting to see what's happening to them. They're "idiots" for waking up to the truth? But sadly, most whites seem either blissfully uninterested in these issues, or keen to rip me to shreds for being a terrible racist.

If you're saying it's possible that a person of bad intent could be a "racist," i.e., supporter of the white cause, well, certainly. This is hardly cause for concern, though. Do you know how many idiots take the anti-white cause? Where's your concern about that? As Sam Francis said, if there are whites who seek to harm non-whites just because they're non-white, these whites should be punished severely.

Think about what you're saying here. In America today, taking the pro-white stance in too public a fashion means 1) getting fired from your job, 2) being investigated by the FBI, or 3) being totally shunned socially, mocked, spit on, etc. In Europe, it means GOING TO JAIL, period. Are you seriously suggesting that people are glomming on to this for fun?

K, taking the "I hate racists" position in America today is just the opposite: it guarantees you big bucks, promotions, adulatory treatment in the media, praises from government, calls from the White House, contracts, business, feel-good doses, sound sleep, comfy jobs, you name it! I think the people of truly bad character are the ones who angle for this, not the harder road of sticking up for whites. Sticking up for whites means you're scum in modern society --- worse than a child molester. You have to have some serious fortitude to take THIS stand in public. I'm safe behind my computer, but the folks who have a little more gumption, I admire them. I personally have in my lifetime been told I can't have a job because I'm white, and been physically attacked and insulted for being white. This isn't bullshit. There are real problems here.

Probably going against slavery was the same in another time. You did that back then, and you risked death. So I guess I look back on those folks and feel like they might have had good character. But today it's the reverse: the pro-white people are the ones fighting incredible odds.
Where exactly is this happening? I would love to think that fair-minded white people are starting to see what's happening to them. They're "idiots" for waking up to the truth? But sadly, most whites seem either blissfully uninterested in these issues, or keen to rip me to shreds for being a terrible racist.

If you're saying it's possible that a person of bad intent could be a "racist," i.e., supporter of the white cause, well, certainly. This is hardly cause for concern, though. Do you know how many idiots take the anti-white cause? Where's your concern about that? As Sam Francis said, if there are whites who seek to harm non-whites just because they're non-white, these whites should be punished severely.

Think about what you're saying here. In America today, taking the pro-white stance in too public a fashion means 1) getting fired from your job, 2) being investigated by the FBI, or 3) being totally shunned socially, mocked, spit on, etc. In Europe, it means GOING TO JAIL, period. Are you seriously suggesting that people are glomming on to this for fun?

K, taking the "I hate racists" position in America today is just the opposite: it guarantees you big bucks, promotions, adulatory treatment in the media, praises from government, calls from the White House, contracts, business, feel-good doses, sound sleep, comfy jobs, you name it! I think the people of truly bad character are the ones who angle for this, not the harder road of sticking up for whites. Sticking up for whites means you're scum in modern society --- worse than a child molester. You have to have some serious fortitude to take THIS stand in public. I'm safe behind my computer, but the folks who have a little more gumption, I admire them. I personally have in my lifetime been told I can't have a job because I'm white, and been physically attacked and insulted for being white. This isn't bullshit. There are real problems here.

Probably going against slavery was the same in another time. You did that back then, and you risked death. So I guess I look back on those folks and feel like they might have had good character. But today it's the reverse: the pro-white people are the ones fighting incredible odds.

I almost understand what you are saying, WJ. How about this? The US may have gone too far in 'guaranteeing rights' of minorities and women, (women are not a minority). This has caused serious harm to white males, especially those that are coming of age. Problem is, the beneficiaries of previous over zealous actions were not black males, but women of all races. Figure that one out.
the beneficiaries of previous over zealous actions were not black males, but women of all races. Figure that one out.

I think that's probably true. You can see this at work in New York law firms, for instance, where Asian females are all over the place (one is even called "The Tea House" for this phenomenon). Black females also dominate as figures in both journalism and law, the professions I know. I think it's because they're maybe a little calmer and more inclined to work. Sexist? Yes, but could be true... black males are nowhere to be found. I even had a hiring editor, who had about 4 or 5 black women he'd hired, say "I just don't know how to get a black male. I've never even had one apply, and if I did, I'd hire him if he could spell his name." (Not an exact quote but the sentiment is captured.)
I think that's probably true. You can see this at work in New York law firms, for instance, where Asian females are all over the place (one is even called "The Tea House" for this phenomenon). Ok, there might or might not be discrimination here.Black females also dominate as figures in both journalism and law, the professions I know. I think it's because they're maybe a little calmer and more inclined to work. Damn, you are giving credit that a mud person might be capable of not only working hard, but enough to ganrner the attention of a NY firm? Sexist? Yes, but could be true... black males are nowhere to be found. I even had a hiring editor, who had about 4 or 5 black women he'd hired, say "I just don't know how to get a black male. I've never even had one apply, and if I did, I'd hire him if he could spell his name." (Not an exact quote but the sentiment is captured.)
So the black male is falling into the abyss of the white male.
the law regarding:

Hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) are crimes motivated by bias against an identifiable social group, usually groups defined by race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, or political affiliation.

seems if harm done to a white person by a non white person, that says he hates whites, would also be a hate crime?

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