At 9/11 ceremony, Biden beclowns himself in public


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Democrats claimed that finally the adults are back in the White House.
Oh really?


September 12, 2021

At 9/11 ceremony, Biden beclowns himself in public​

By Monica Showalter

At 9/11's ceremonies, presented as pictures on the news, many former presidents were featured.

At Ground Zero, Democratic presidents were the story. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama stood dignified together for the ceremony as befits the solemn occasion.
Joe Biden, though, who was with them, presented a very weird exception.
He had been scheduled to speak at the event -- and then curiously, he wasn't.

He stood at attention with them, but that didn't stop him from embarrassing himself. Unlike the other two presidents standing together at ground zero, Biden couldn't maintain himself in public.

Start with this, according to CBS, which considered it a detail important enough to report:
Before the event began, a jet flew overhead in an eerie echo of the attacks, drawing a glance from Mr. Biden toward the sky.

Really? Biden looked up and around while everyone else was standing still? The former presidents were able to stand still for the occasion, but Biden somehow was not. He was looking around as if he were a ten-year-old kid, which doesn't transmit the word 'presidential.' In a way, he was looking at his watch.
There was other bizarre Biden behavior that showed additional tone-deaf idiocy.
There was this, which I screen-shotted from a shareable VOA video with AP pool footage.

In that screen shot, he was doing that cheesy thing politicians like to do, which is to wink, point, and pretend to recognize someone in the crowd, which looks very funny on any solemn occasion. One wonders if he does it at funerals, too.

Here's a truly embarrassing photo taken by the pros at Getty Images with no accompanying video -- Biden pulling down his mask and gape-mouthed shouting to someone out there as Obama looks on with disapproval. This, at the 9/11 ceremony which requires some presidential decorum. Unlike Obama or Clinton, Biden's yelling like he's in a stadium. We don't have the copyright to the photo, so won't use even the Twitter embed. But Getty's captured image in that photo is worth looking at as it is more than a little telling.

And it's made him a figure of fun.

Biden showed that he was unable to present a picture of presidential dignity, as well as unable to read a room, even for a short, solemn, anniversary marking a well-known occasion, where presumably, he could fake it.

And if there was any question of about his declining faculties, all he had to do was open his mouth...

Pray for America

There are big big changes coming
The changes coming are exciting. I think a lot of danger is coming, but I think many of us have reached the end of our ability to be fearful. That makes us dangerous adversaries and I say bring it on. I'm a 67 year old woman who is ready to fight with all I've got. The little bit of life that I have still ahead of me doesn't really amount to much, so I just want them to bring it. Let's get it started.
Here's another ceremony where he has people very uncomfortable.

Go to the video at about half way down the page. Jill is giving some kind of talk in DC and joe is on the stage. At one point he walks off the stage. That's nothing. THAT Is not the problem.

The problem is he put his hands on this young manchild. And if you watch the video'll see that the kid is always checking where President Fiden is.

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