Asylum for the lunatic lefties facing the crushing reality that The ONE will lose.


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
I'd like this to be a safe haven for all you long-gone lunatic lefties who will be mourning the Dim Party's loss of the White House come Wednesday.

All you leftwing fubar hacks can comfort each other here.

I intend NOT to conduct ANY victory dances celebrating the all but inevitable defeat of The ONE TERM PROPOSITION in Tuesday's elections in THIS, your thread.

I dedicate this thread to your butthurt.

starting your weekend early are you?


I just see all the leftwing goobers pretending to have compassion for the right wing crew who grasp that The ONE is going to lose.

They are doing their stiff upper lip best to pretend that Mitt is the one who is about to lose.


I figure it's time to reserve their mourning room for them.

The ONE is going down.
starting your weekend early are you?


I just see all the leftwing goobers pretending to have compassion for the right wing crew who grasp that The ONE is going to lose.

They are doing their stiff upper lip best to pretend that Mitt is the one who is about to lose.


I figure it's time to reserve their mourning room for them.

The ONE is going down.

I hope so
We are still likely to win. The undecided vote always goes against the incumbent and all the polling suggests we will be more successful than they will be at turning out our vote. But, early warning signs must be headed.

Bottom line: WORK LIKE HELL!!!
-- Sudden danger signs in polling as Election Day nears | Fox News

What Dick Morris ACTUALLY said.

For some reason Dainty left that part out.

Dainty is one of the lib hacks in the deepest denial.
Let me be the first to say...

WE WUZ ROBBED!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

A buncha illegal dead Mexican felons hacked the voting machines and fixed the election for the Demopublicans.

Don't EVEN try to tell me otherwise. :talktothehand:

Ya know who robbed Team Obama the worst?

President Obama.

It will soon be shown conclusively that he is unable to generate the significant voter turnout he needs to get himself re-elected. And the reason for that is already clear.

As President he is simply atrocious.
Romney is mathematically done, it over.

Boy are you gonna feel even dumber than usual for having posted that after the votes show that Romney has defeated The ONE Term Proposition.

It's over for the incumbent. Thank God.

Not a follower of facts are ya? Pray tell what leads you to make such assinine statements?

Utterly gullible assholes such as you have never figured out how to distill all the crap out of these polls.

You look even more asinine when you can't even spell it correctly. :lol:
Vote for the re-election of Pres. Obama because we NEED to have this schmuck \/ that proverbial one heart-beat away.

[ame=]Biden: "There's Never Been A Day In The Last Four Years I've Been Proud To Be His Vice President" - YouTube[/ame]
Boy are you gonna feel even dumber than usual for having posted that after the votes show that Romney has defeated The ONE Term Proposition.

It's over for the incumbent. Thank God.

Not a follower of facts are ya? Pray tell what leads you to make such assinine statements?

Utterly gullible assholes such as you have never figured out how to distill all the crap out of these polls.

You look even more asinine when you can't even spell it correctly. :lol:

I haven't been around here in a while but don't take this the wrong way: are you really retarded or are you just pulling everybody's leg? Ooooooh also, the typo, you are cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! * you are out of bullets* don't show up on Nov.6 or 7, i'm gonna tear you a new asshole.

Welcome back Mr. Obama.
Not a follower of facts are ya? Pray tell what leads you to make such assinine statements?

Utterly gullible assholes such as you have never figured out how to distill all the crap out of these polls.

You look even more asinine when you can't even spell it correctly. :lol:

I haven't been around here in a while but don't take this the wrong way: are you really retarded or are you just pulling everybody's leg? Ooooooh also, the typo, you are cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! * you are out of bullets* don't show up on Nov.6 or 7, i'm gonna tear you a new asshole.

Welcome back Mr. Obama.

Anyway, I will lower myself to try to educate even a losing moron pussy like you.

Let's use Colorado as an example.

START with some RECENT numbers:
Active Registered Dems as of Oct 2012 = ~ 871,000 +/-

Active Registered Republicans as of Oct 2012 = ~ 912,000 +/-

But, let's look at the Denver Post Poll for Colorado idiots like you rely upon:

The survey sample was 34 percent Republican, 35 percent Democrat and 27 percent unaffiliated
-- Poll: Obama, Romney still essentially tied in Colorado - The Denver Post

Why would a poll that has more Dims than Republicans in a State with more active Republican voters than Dim voters be deemed all that reliable, pray tell?

The slight edge artificially and inaccurately given to the Dims still results in essentially a "tie."

Logic might inform you, if you were not such a hack, that the outcome is more likely to be in favor of the Republican, ESPECIALLY given that it is a weak ass incumbent for whom the Dims would have to get out the vote.

Goodbye Barry! Adios. Hasta la vista, bubbalah. Ciao. Sayonara. Shalom. Aloha. Good riddance.
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Utterly gullible assholes such as you have never figured out how to distill all the crap out of these polls.

You look even more asinine when you can't even spell it correctly. :lol:

I haven't been around here in a while but don't take this the wrong way: are you really retarded or are you just pulling everybody's leg? Ooooooh also, the typo, you are cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! * you are out of bullets* don't show up on Nov.6 or 7, i'm gonna tear you a new asshole.

Welcome back Mr. Obama.

Anyway, I will lower myself to try to educate even a losing moron pussy like you.

Let's use Colorado as an example.

START with some RECENT numbers:
Active Registered Dems as of Oct 2012 = ~ 871,000 +/-

Active Registered Republicans as of Oct 2012 = ~ 912,000 +/-

But, let's look at the Denver Post Poll for Colorado idiots like you rely upon:

The survey sample was 34 percent Republican, 35 percent Democrat and 27 percent unaffiliated
-- Poll: Obama, Romney still essentially tied in Colorado - The Denver Post

Why would a poll that has more Dims than Republicans in a State with more active Republican voters than Dim voters be deemed all that reliable, pray tell?

The slight edge artificially and inaccurately given to the Dims still results in essentially a "tie."

Logic might inform you, if you were not such a hack, that the outcome is more likely to be in favor of the Republican, ESPECIALLY given that it is a weak ass incumbent for whom the Dims would have to get out the vote.

Goodbye Barry! Adios. Hasta la vista, bubbalah. Ciao. Sayonara. Shalom. Aloha. Good riddance.

Its over...welcome back Mr. President, you are truely proof that there is a God. No tax cut for the 1% and tax raise for the middle class...WHEEEEW!

I gotta love the convoluted math the Neocons come up with to explain a loser nominee who can't slaughter a weak incumbent, they should be ashamed. Probably too busy checking their "binders".

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