Assholes Not Activists

The fact that there are people in this country that view protesters as terrorists, is proof that we need a anti-inbreeding campaign

So you never said the Protesters in Oregon were terrorists?? You are one of the few libtards that didn't in that case.


The insurgents in Oregon took over public buildings and declared war on the United States, because they didn't get to use public lands for free. Protesters in Chicago brought banners to a fascist political event, and were attacked by fascists.

I see that since you are not aware of these facts, you must only watch far-right news sources. G'day.
The political event as a PRIVATE event. NOT a public event.
So if a bunch of pro Trump 'protesters' got into a Sanders PRIVATE rally and begins to scream obscenities and threats and tear Sander's sign away from the Sander's supporters and rip them up and get into fist fists you think that would be OK?
Let's see what you post when not if that starts to happen.

Sanders rallies have been disrupted before.
That's right! Fucking GOLD STAR!
And now you are going to post who the people were that disrupted Sander's rally right?
Or don't you have the integrity?
Thought not.
The 'disrupters' were fucking BLM negroes. Good old Bernie left the stage like he needed a fast dump.
I'm beginning to think you have never been outside of the country.

No, but I've been to 13 states in my lifetime, that may soon double in a few months. And if you truly are a foreigner lobbing your opinions from yonder lands about what you consider "American ideals," then as I said earlier, you have no place lecturing any American citizen on how to be an American.

And before I go, I need to ask you a question about a post I quoted earlier:

Just because you come from the nation of America doesn't necessarily mean that you hold what we consider to be traditional American ideals.

Who is "we?"
Just because I've traveled the world doesn't mean I'm not American. In fact, traveling the world helped me to realize how awesome being raised in America has been and really valued the core American ideas that I have grown up with. As reference, I was raised in the South and have been to 26 (living in 3 of those) states myself.

We...the majority of Americans.

Again, I'll repeat that you simply must not have traveled the world. When you meet people from elsewhere you will get a better sense of different cultures, different idea sets, and it will better highlight the values that you grew up with that maybe others don't really believe in as much. It is fine that you don't agree with me, it is pretty clear that it is simply a difference in life experience at this point. I'm sure that, being that you traveled to 13 states yourself, that you have seen the great diversity in both the American geography and the people that live in different places. I'll agree, 100%, with you there...however, that doesn't mean that there still aren't common threads we all grow up and believe in.

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