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How long will it take me to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow in 25 more seconds?
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How long will it take me to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow in 25 more seconds?

Hours. You'll toss and turn, fretting about all the interesting questions being asked. At 2.30, you will return to the keyboard.

Would you run me over with your car if I left you a million bucks in my will>?
I dont know bob

would you go streaking at Obama's inauguration for a dollar?
I dont know bob

would you go streaking at Obama's inauguration for a dollar?

Where are you getting these questions?????? :clap2:

Absolutely not. It's bloody cold in DC in January!

If you could ask anybody one question, who would it be and what would you ask?
( I make them up in my head) Bob thats a deep question
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bob there is no person I would ask anything to

coffee black or with cream?

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