Asian American Growth in California


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago

The white population shrank to 36%, the Black population has dropped to 4-5%, the Latino population grew to 38%, but is growing very slowly now, but the Asian population is booming to 16-18%, doubling from a decade ago.

Whites, Blacks and Hispanics are leaving the state and not even illegals seem to picks ultra expensive CA. More prefer AZ, NM, TX and other states.

If it keeps up over the next few decades Asian Americans can be biggest racial group in CA. Asians traditionally were Republicans, they could be again. They are hard working, successful, praise education and suffer greatly from the leftist war against the police. We need to start winning them over.

Winning Asians could put places like IL, MN and other blue states in play. We need to start doing this.
LOL they will get replaced by millions more of illegal South Americans. They are just are where the blacks were a few decades ago.

California used to be the best state, then mass immigration turned it into the shittiest state. California has the highest poverty rate now, more than Mississippi. That’s Democrat policy for you, and it’s coming to the rest of the country. California was the blueprint, and it’s a proven “winner” if you’re the type that wants to destroy America.
LOL they will get replaced by millions more of illegal South Americans. They are just are where the blacks were a few decades ago.

California used to be the best state, then mass immigration turned it into the shittiest state. California has the highest poverty rate now, more than Mississippi. That’s Democrat policy for you, and it’s coming to the rest of the country. California was the blueprint, and it’s a proven “winner” if you’re the type that wants to destroy America.
Actually CA is getting to unaffordable for even illegals, and believe it or not, it is very hard to pay be under the table with BSA/AML and electronic accounting now.

Asians on the other hand flow to CA. Many already educated with some resources.
If it keeps up over the next few decades Asian Americans can be biggest racial group in CA. Asians traditionally were Republicans, they could be again. They are hard working, successful, praise education and suffer greatly from the leftist war against the police. We need to start winning them over.

Keep on calling it the Kung Flu. That's sure to work
Asians are republicans at almost the same rates whites are

It just varies by education

If all white men went to college then you'd see them at 80+ democrat too.

Might be slight differences in rates but the real hurdle republicans have is Asians went to college and so Asians will overwhelmingly vote democratic. Until that stops being the dividing line I suspect Asians will always vote democrat. Native born Asians anyway. Foreign born Asians have their own concerns like the Cubans, many Vietnamese are rabildy anti commie etc and even if you sent them to harvard they'd be republicans.

IMO that's also about the democratic party being the more feminine of the two in 2021. And education is their key power base along with entertainment. Women don't have control of much else. Although that's changing because my generation's men want to institute their rules at their employers buahahah. You may be able to ignore a secretary revolt but good luck when MIT grads aren't taking interviews. That doesn't play well if you haven't been socialized by the matriarchy in school.
If it keeps up over the next few decades Asian Americans can be biggest racial group in CA. Asians traditionally were Republicans, they could be again. They are hard working, successful, praise education and suffer greatly from the leftist war against the police. We need to start winning them over.

Keep on calling it the Kung Flu. That's sure to work
Said by Democrats as much as it is by others. Democrats are far more racists against Asian, but nice try.
Asians are republicans at almost the same rates whites are

It just varies by education

If all white men went to college then you'd see them at 80+ democrat too.

Might be slight differences in rates but the real hurdle republicans have is Asians went to college and so Asians will overwhelmingly vote democratic. Until that stops being the dividing line I suspect Asians will always vote democrat. Native born Asians anyway. Foreign born Asians have their own concerns like the Cubans, many Vietnamese are rabildy anti commie etc and even if you sent them to harvard they'd be republicans.

IMO that's also about the democratic party being the more feminine of the two in 2021. And education is their key power base along with entertainment. Women don't have control of much else. Although that's changing because my generation's men want to institute their rules at their employers buahahah. You may be able to ignore a secretary revolt but good luck when MIT grads aren't taking interviews. That doesn't play well if you haven't been socialized by the matriarchy in school.
I went to college very liberal and got into the work place and became conservative.
Asians are republicans at almost the same rates whites are

It just varies by education

If all white men went to college then you'd see them at 80+ democrat too.

Might be slight differences in rates but the real hurdle republicans have is Asians went to college and so Asians will overwhelmingly vote democratic. Until that stops being the dividing line I suspect Asians will always vote democrat. Native born Asians anyway. Foreign born Asians have their own concerns like the Cubans, many Vietnamese are rabildy anti commie etc and even if you sent them to harvard they'd be republicans.

IMO that's also about the democratic party being the more feminine of the two in 2021. And education is their key power base along with entertainment. Women don't have control of much else. Although that's changing because my generation's men want to institute their rules at their employers buahahah. You may be able to ignore a secretary revolt but good luck when MIT grads aren't taking interviews. That doesn't play well if you haven't been socialized by the matriarchy in school.
I went to college very liberal and got into the work place and became conservative.

...80% still leaves 1/5. Almost all of them men

Which IME is about what i saw in Illinois at various campuses

At least at secular schools.

That's the dividing line. Education. Not IQ. Only personality traits can make you resist it seems. Worked for me as well college turned me into an independent. But that's not the norm.

The white population shrank to 36%, the Black population has dropped to 4-5%, the Latino population grew to 38%, but is growing very slowly now, but the Asian population is booming to 16-18%, doubling from a decade ago.

Whites, Blacks and Hispanics are leaving the state and not even illegals seem to picks ultra expensive CA. More prefer AZ, NM, TX and other states.

If it keeps up over the next few decades Asian Americans can be biggest racial group in CA. Asians traditionally were Republicans, they could be again. They are hard working, successful, praise education and suffer greatly from the leftist war against the police. We need to start winning them over.

Winning Asians could put places like IL, MN and other blue states in play. We need to start doing this.

Why do you think the Demonicrats are victimizing Asians now?
Told my kids years ago and continue to today, Asians are buying up the USA, so it's either buy a place or pay them 5-6K rent in 30 years.
You guys realize most asians are poor as fuck...Right?

We're not Canada the Chinese cannot buy us. Just like the Russians can't buy us

Their cash reserves are in (equal to just a little stimulus bill from us by the way)

Don't confuse what you see in some little shit holes for what happens in the US. Do the chinese have a presence here? Yes

We have a much bigger presence in literally every country on the planet outside China than they do. Our brands and propaganda dominate the planet and you're worried about some little confucian schools like they bought us all? Hah

A few of us maybe. Beyond that get real people. They are certainly a rising peer but they are not nearly as competent as skilled asian immigrants make them seem. Indians are the highest earning of the immigrant groups and best educated. You would not find that pattern replicating itself if you just brought random Indians over. Same for the Chinese, although they're certainly on average more competent than Indians*. You'll still see the chinese shit in the street because they don't know to look for a bathroom and yet have the money to travel to the west. You won't find Indians who have money who do shit like that.

They are still a very very backwards place.
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You guys realize most asians are poor as fuck...Right?

We're not Canada the Chinese cannot buy us. Just like the Russians can't buy us

Their cash reserves are in

Don't confuse what you see in some little shit holes for what happens in the US. Do the chinese have a presence here? Yes

We have a much bigger presence in literally every country on the planet outside China than they do. Our brands and propaganda dominate the planet and you're worried about some little confucian schools like they bought us all? Hah

A few of us maybe. Beyond that get real people.

China has already bought LA. Hollywood to be more precise.
You guys realize most asians are poor as fuck...Right?

We're not Canada the Chinese cannot buy us. Just like the Russians can't buy us

Their cash reserves are in

Don't confuse what you see in some little shit holes for what happens in the US. Do the chinese have a presence here? Yes

We have a much bigger presence in literally every country on the planet outside China than they do. Our brands and propaganda dominate the planet and you're worried about some little confucian schools like they bought us all? Hah

A few of us maybe. Beyond that get real people.

China has already bought LA. Hollywood to be more precise.

They didn't have to buy hollywood, couldn't afford it anyway. If they could they'd make good Chinese movies constantly. They do not

Hollywood caved to them because tehy have a massive consumer market

Just like the NBA caved because they have a massive consumer market and little chinese kids are taught basketball in their elite schools. That is one of their go to team sports. Maybe their most popular one IDK.

That's just capitalsim at work. They're responding the the market incentives no one had to buy ....You don't like capitalism? Shoulda kept the CHinese poor which also is anti free trade. You need to look at your own belief system not whine about the NBA and hollywood responding to the mess our pro market policy made. Should have cut them off the moment the USSR fell.

They're just being good corporate citizens with a fiduciary responsibility to their investors.
While the attention is at the southern border our shipyards are beaming with Asian illegal immigrants...many of whom are from China....
You guys realize most asians are poor as fuck...Right?

We're not Canada the Chinese cannot buy us. Just like the Russians can't buy us

Their cash reserves are in

Don't confuse what you see in some little shit holes for what happens in the US. Do the chinese have a presence here? Yes

We have a much bigger presence in literally every country on the planet outside China than they do. Our brands and propaganda dominate the planet and you're worried about some little confucian schools like they bought us all? Hah

A few of us maybe. Beyond that get real people.

China has already bought LA. Hollywood to be more precise.

They didn't have to buy hollywood, couldn't afford it anyway. If they could they'd make good Chinese movies constantly. They do not

Hollywood caved to them because tehy have a massive consumer market

Just like the NBA caved because they have a massive consumer market and little chinese kids are taught basketball in their elite schools. That is one of their go to team sports. Maybe their most popular one IDK.

That's just capitalsim at work. They're responding the the market incentives no one had to buy ....You don't like capitalism? Shoulda kept the CHinese poor which also is anti free trade. You need to look at your own belief system not whine about the NBA and hollywood responding to the mess our pro market policy made. Should have cut them off the moment the USSR fell.

They're just being good corporate citizens with a fiduciary responsibility to their investors.

California and Hollywood, of course, caved to them only for one reason, and one reason only. MONEY.

Shame on them. Total scum.
You guys realize most asians are poor as fuck...Right?

We're not Canada the Chinese cannot buy us. Just like the Russians can't buy us

Their cash reserves are in

Don't confuse what you see in some little shit holes for what happens in the US. Do the chinese have a presence here? Yes

We have a much bigger presence in literally every country on the planet outside China than they do. Our brands and propaganda dominate the planet and you're worried about some little confucian schools like they bought us all? Hah

A few of us maybe. Beyond that get real people.

China has already bought LA. Hollywood to be more precise.

They didn't have to buy hollywood, couldn't afford it anyway. If they could they'd make good Chinese movies constantly. They do not

Hollywood caved to them because tehy have a massive consumer market

Just like the NBA caved because they have a massive consumer market and little chinese kids are taught basketball in their elite schools. That is one of their go to team sports. Maybe their most popular one IDK.

That's just capitalsim at work. They're responding the the market incentives no one had to buy ....You don't like capitalism? Shoulda kept the CHinese poor which also is anti free trade. You need to look at your own belief system not whine about the NBA and hollywood responding to the mess our pro market policy made. Should have cut them off the moment the USSR fell.

They're just being good corporate citizens with a fiduciary responsibility to their investors.

California and Hollywood, of course, caved to them only for one reason, and one reason only. MONEY.

Shame on them. Total scum.

Yea they have a literal fiduciary* responsibility to do that

Basic underpinning of trusting some one in business

The problem is we let them get rich and made the NBA and Hollywood have to make this chioce. The problem is not Hollywood or the NBA. It was Henry Kissinger, Nixon, and the rest of our absurdly naive neo liberal elites who didn't understand the issues that raising such a large nation out of poverty woudl bring. I can only blame their racism because if China was full of white people they would have had the respect to say "maybe arming the billion whites isn't a great idea for us in the long run". That's more people than Europe, which we have fought two obscenely bloody wars to prevent unifying.

But because we have some delusions about markets and how the chinese are fundamentally different from us here we are.

Again the problem is in our economic and foreign policy. The NBA and Hollywood are jsut symptoms of our elites fuck ups.

Blaming the NBA after Bush Sr and Nixon are the ones who did this makes you sound very ignorant of what is going on here. (nixon started the relationship, bush sr should have ended it when the USSR fell)
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The white population shrank to 36%, the Black population has dropped to 4-5%, the Latino population grew to 38%, but is growing very slowly now, but the Asian population is booming to 16-18%, doubling from a decade ago.

Whites, Blacks and Hispanics are leaving the state and not even illegals seem to picks ultra expensive CA. More prefer AZ, NM, TX and other states.

If it keeps up over the next few decades Asian Americans can be biggest racial group in CA. Asians traditionally were Republicans, they could be again. They are hard working, successful, praise education and suffer greatly from the leftist war against the police. We need to start winning them over.

Winning Asians could put places like IL, MN and other blue states in play. We need to start doing this.

Why do you think the Demonicrats are victimizing Asians now?
Exactly. That is the reason for StopAsianHate. They want to victimize Asians. Dems do good when they make a group see themselves as victims.

The white population shrank to 36%, the Black population has dropped to 4-5%, the Latino population grew to 38%, but is growing very slowly now, but the Asian population is booming to 16-18%, doubling from a decade ago.

Whites, Blacks and Hispanics are leaving the state and not even illegals seem to picks ultra expensive CA. More prefer AZ, NM, TX and other states.

If it keeps up over the next few decades Asian Americans can be biggest racial group in CA. Asians traditionally were Republicans, they could be again. They are hard working, successful, praise education and suffer greatly from the leftist war against the police. We need to start winning them over.

Winning Asians could put places like IL, MN and other blue states in play. We need to start doing this.
Well, the Chinese Communist Party had to set up roots somewhere and California was their choice.
Asians are republicans at almost the same rates whites are

It just varies by education

If all white men went to college then you'd see them at 80+ democrat too.

Might be slight differences in rates but the real hurdle republicans have is Asians went to college and so Asians will overwhelmingly vote democratic. Until that stops being the dividing line I suspect Asians will always vote democrat. Native born Asians anyway. Foreign born Asians have their own concerns like the Cubans, many Vietnamese are rabildy anti commie etc and even if you sent them to harvard they'd be republicans.

IMO that's also about the democratic party being the more feminine of the two in 2021. And education is their key power base along with entertainment. Women don't have control of much else. Although that's changing because my generation's men want to institute their rules at their employers buahahah. You may be able to ignore a secretary revolt but good luck when MIT grads aren't taking interviews. That doesn't play well if you haven't been socialized by the matriarchy in school.
I went to college buffoon ..and I would never vote for the Stalinist Dems

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