Asian American (and Immigrant) Success Completely Debunks Myth of 'Systemic Racism'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Author: Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’

Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’

'Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit,'

"Asian Americans are an "inconvenient minority" to the liberal media because as their community succeeds based on merit alone, they debunk the critical race theory narrative that opportunities of non-Whites are limited because of systematic racism in the United States.

"Asian-Americans prove that critical race theory is not true, cannot be true. Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit."

"If America is still a systemically racist country for minorities, how come they have allowed Asian-Americans to overtake Whites in education level and socioeconomic status? Asians get higher test scores"

Asian Americans face plenty of problems but doesn't buy into CRT's theory that systemic racism limits opportunities for all non-White Americans.

"The whole idea of critical race theory is developed by saying, ‘Hey, our laws, our society, our structures are inherently stacked against people of color," Xu said. "Asian-Americans prove that, even in the face of whatever racial narratives that you're in, you still can succeed, that this country is the land of opportunity."

I love when Leftist Extremists', Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats', and corrupt, America-hating Marxists' bogus ideology, agendas, and indoctrination attempts get shredded and completely debunked.

Despite all the evidence needed to debunk their crap being presented, Democrats and snowflakes still cling to their emotions and opinions, especially when it comes to calling others 'racist'.

When people walk down the street or ride the subway, they never become tense when they see an Asian teenager or twentysomething, for they know that Asians are the most law-abiding ethnicity in this strange nation.

It's not for nothing that they are considered the Model Minority.

They are a real credit to this nation.
The Motives Behind Anti-Asian American Violence
Asian Americans have suffered from stereotypes and assumptions for years.

By Pawan Dhingra
Over the past year, attacks on Asian Americans have increased more than 150% over the previous year, including the March 16 murders of eight people, including six Asian American women, in Atlanta.
Some of these attacks may be classified as hate crimes. But whether they meet that legal definition or not, they all fit a long history of viewing Asian Americans in particular ways that make discrimination and violence against them more likely.
I have researched and taught on Asian America for 20 years, including on the pernicious effects of stereotypes and attacks on individuals. Race can play a role in violence and prejudice, even if the offender does not clearly express a racist intent.

and then....

There is a long history of suspecting Asian Americans of carrying disease into the U.S., which made it seem natural for people to avoid Asian American-owned businesses. President Donald Trump's repeated public declarations that the "Kung Flu" virus came from China reinforced those feelings.
This race-based and erroneous assumption has resulted in Asian Americans having among the highest unemployment rates in the nation, though they had among the lowest before the pandemic.
It defies logic to claim that race isn't relevant in attacks on Asian Americans unless the perpetrator actively references it. Research has found that most Americans assume a person of Asian descent is foreign-born, unless there is some aspect of their appearance that clearly marks them as American – such as being overweight.
Asian Americans of all types experience this perception of being "forever foreigners" in a wide range of ways. Regardless of whether some or all – or none – of these latest assaults on Asian Americans are proved to be hate crimes or not, race plays a historic role.
When people walk down the street or ride the subway, they never become tense when they see an Asian teenager or twentysomething, for they know that Asians are the most law-abiding ethnicity in this strange nation.

It's not for nothing that they are considered the Model Minority.

They are a real credit to this nation.
Whether they are 'model minorities' or not is not relevant to the focus / point of this thread. The point is Asians are more successful in many areas of academics but also at business, starting up and running small businesses.

CRT is debunked through the stats/fact that Asians are so successful. The fact is they work harder, are more focused, put forth more effort, and 'get it done'.

Blacks looting, damaging, burning, destroying, assaulting, and murdering each other by the bus-load every weekend in big Democrat-run cities in no way supports CRT....unless its advocates are claiming Blacks are racist against other blacks.

Great place to remind people of Charles Barkley's comments about how Blacks will never be as successful as whites 'and it has nothing to do with white people'. He said, for example, Blacks intimidate, berate, insult, and abuse blacks who are really smart and put forth effort to academically succeed - those who do are considered 'attempting to be 'too white' or being 'too white'. He said blacks believe the moronic idea that going to jail gives them 'street cred'....and more.

Some immigrants come to the US with absolutely nothing yet they work their assess off, stay focused, and sacrifice to succeed...and do so. Nothing stops ANYONE else from doing the same thing except themselves. For many, working so hard and for so long is 'too hard'. They want the easy shortcut.
Author: Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’'systematic racism’

Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’

'Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit,'

"Asian Americans are an "inconvenient minority" to the liberal media because as their community succeeds based on merit alone, they debunk the critical race theory narrative that opportunities of non-Whites are limited because of systematic racism in the United States.

"Asian-Americans prove that critical race theory is not true, cannot be true. Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit."

"If America is still a systemically racist country for minorities, how come they have allowed Asian-Americans to overtake Whites in education level and socioeconomic status? Asians get higher test scores"

Asian Americans face plenty of problems but doesn't buy into CRT's theory that systemic racism limits opportunities for all non-White Americans.

"The whole idea of critical race theory is developed by saying, ‘Hey, our laws, our society, our structures are inherently stacked against people of color," Xu said. "Asian-Americans prove that, even in the face of whatever racial narratives that you're in, you still can succeed, that this country is the land of opportunity."

I love when Leftist Extremists', Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats', and corrupt, America-hating Marxists' bogus ideology, agendas, and indoctrination attempts get shredded and completely debunked.

Despite all the evidence needed to debunk their crap being presented, Democrats and snowflakes still cling to their emotions and opinions, especially when it comes to calling others 'racist'.

Asians are systemically the most racist group after Blacks.
Author: Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’'systematic racism’

Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’

'Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit,'

"Asian Americans are an "inconvenient minority" to the liberal media because as their community succeeds based on merit alone, they debunk the critical race theory narrative that opportunities of non-Whites are limited because of systematic racism in the United States.

"Asian-Americans prove that critical race theory is not true, cannot be true. Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit."

"If America is still a systemically racist country for minorities, how come they have allowed Asian-Americans to overtake Whites in education level and socioeconomic status? Asians get higher test scores"

Asian Americans face plenty of problems but doesn't buy into CRT's theory that systemic racism limits opportunities for all non-White Americans.

"The whole idea of critical race theory is developed by saying, ‘Hey, our laws, our society, our structures are inherently stacked against people of color," Xu said. "Asian-Americans prove that, even in the face of whatever racial narratives that you're in, you still can succeed, that this country is the land of opportunity."

I love when Leftist Extremists', Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats', and corrupt, America-hating Marxists' bogus ideology, agendas, and indoctrination attempts get shredded and completely debunked.

Despite all the evidence needed to debunk their crap being presented, Democrats and snowflakes still cling to their emotions and opinions, especially when it comes to calling others 'racist'.

You must not realize that foreign success PROVES systemic racism. My father came to this country and immediately was treated better than blacks who've been here for 500 years.

Also, how come in a country as diverse as ours there are so few mexican, black, asian, arabic CEO's and VP's? How come so few women VP's and CEO's? Why are they almost entirely white men? You think we are smarter than all those other demographics?
Author: Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’

Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’

'Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit,'

"Asian Americans are an "inconvenient minority" to the liberal media because as their community succeeds based on merit alone, they debunk the critical race theory narrative that opportunities of non-Whites are limited because of systematic racism in the United States.

"Asian-Americans prove that critical race theory is not true, cannot be true. Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit."

"If America is still a systemically racist country for minorities, how come they have allowed Asian-Americans to overtake Whites in education level and socioeconomic status? Asians get higher test scores"

Asian Americans face plenty of problems but doesn't buy into CRT's theory that systemic racism limits opportunities for all non-White Americans.

"The whole idea of critical race theory is developed by saying, ‘Hey, our laws, our society, our structures are inherently stacked against people of color," Xu said. "Asian-Americans prove that, even in the face of whatever racial narratives that you're in, you still can succeed, that this country is the land of opportunity."

I love when Leftist Extremists', Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats', and corrupt, America-hating Marxists' bogus ideology, agendas, and indoctrination attempts get shredded and completely debunked.

Despite all the evidence needed to debunk their crap being presented, Democrats and snowflakes still cling to their emotions and opinions, especially when it comes to calling others 'racist'.

Asians are systemically the most racist group after Blacks.
Asians know there is a pecking order. They are above blacks but below whites.
Author: Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’

Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’

'Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit,'

"Asian Americans are an "inconvenient minority" to the liberal media because as their community succeeds based on merit alone, they debunk the critical race theory narrative that opportunities of non-Whites are limited because of systematic racism in the United States.

"Asian-Americans prove that critical race theory is not true, cannot be true. Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit."

"If America is still a systemically racist country for minorities, how come they have allowed Asian-Americans to overtake Whites in education level and socioeconomic status? Asians get higher test scores"

Asian Americans face plenty of problems but doesn't buy into CRT's theory that systemic racism limits opportunities for all non-White Americans.

"The whole idea of critical race theory is developed by saying, ‘Hey, our laws, our society, our structures are inherently stacked against people of color," Xu said. "Asian-Americans prove that, even in the face of whatever racial narratives that you're in, you still can succeed, that this country is the land of opportunity."

I love when Leftist Extremists', Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats', and corrupt, America-hating Marxists' bogus ideology, agendas, and indoctrination attempts get shredded and completely debunked.

Despite all the evidence needed to debunk their crap being presented, Democrats and snowflakes still cling to their emotions and opinions, especially when it comes to calling others 'racist'.

You must not realize that foreign success PROVES systemic racism.


Immigrants and Asian Americans enter the same country, the same conditions, the same atmosphere in a land of great OPPORTUNITY and bust their asses to succeed. They don't loot, steal, jack cars, sell drugs, join gangs, murder each other, have pretty solid families instead of single-parent homes where the father abandons his kid / wife, and don't set records for abortions. They don't blame others for their problems, and don't insist someone / everyone OWES them.

Sorry, your claim is debunked, just like CRT.
Author: Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’'systematic racism’

Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’

'Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit,'

"Asian Americans are an "inconvenient minority" to the liberal media because as their community succeeds based on merit alone, they debunk the critical race theory narrative that opportunities of non-Whites are limited because of systematic racism in the United States.

"Asian-Americans prove that critical race theory is not true, cannot be true. Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit."

"If America is still a systemically racist country for minorities, how come they have allowed Asian-Americans to overtake Whites in education level and socioeconomic status? Asians get higher test scores"

Asian Americans face plenty of problems but doesn't buy into CRT's theory that systemic racism limits opportunities for all non-White Americans.

"The whole idea of critical race theory is developed by saying, ‘Hey, our laws, our society, our structures are inherently stacked against people of color," Xu said. "Asian-Americans prove that, even in the face of whatever racial narratives that you're in, you still can succeed, that this country is the land of opportunity."

I love when Leftist Extremists', Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats', and corrupt, America-hating Marxists' bogus ideology, agendas, and indoctrination attempts get shredded and completely debunked.

Despite all the evidence needed to debunk their crap being presented, Democrats and snowflakes still cling to their emotions and opinions, especially when it comes to calling others 'racist'.

guess we have come a long since the Chinese Exclusion and Page Acts...
Asians and indians are quite successful in america. Especially near me is a town that is primarily asian and indians that make a lot of money.

They never needed support or programs or slogans or anything else because they succeeded on their merit, desire, willpower, intelligence and desire to achieve.

Lets face it, most blacks have none of those qualities. Name me how many things in mankinds history that blacks have created, I mean like the motor, medicines, electronics, cars, planes, building materials, science equipment, tools, or anything really. Tell me how many countries founded by blacks are today advanced and civilized as 1st world country or even a 2nd world country vs other civilized nations founded and still here by people other than blacks?

Simply put if you look at the history of the world the blacks have contributed the least amount in the entire world in all of mankind's history. That isn't racism or misinformation, that is a stone cold fact.
Asians and indians are quite successful in america. Especially near me is a town that is primarily asian and indians that make a lot of money.

They never needed support or programs or slogans or anything else because they succeeded on their merit, desire, willpower, intelligence and desire to achieve.

Lets face it, most blacks have none of those qualities. Name me how many things in mankinds history that blacks have created, I mean like the motor, medicines, electronics, cars, planes, building materials, science equipment, tools, or anything really. Tell me how many countries founded by blacks are today advanced and civilized as 1st world country or even a 2nd world country vs other civilized nations founded and still here by people other than blacks?

Simply put if you look at the history of the world the blacks have contributed the least amount in the entire world in all of mankind's history. That isn't racism or misinformation, that is a stone cold fact.
Come on..really??...Black Americans and Their Major Contributions to History | Southern Council
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guess we have come a long since the Chinese Exclusion and Page Acts...View attachment 512287

Ummmm....YEAH - those were 1882 and 1875, respectively...OVER 100 YEARS AGO.
And yet today we have a spike in hate crimes against Asians because some white nationalists like to remind everybody the pandemic originated in an Asian country.

And that hate crime against asians comes 95% from blacks. And has NOTHING to do with the virus. It has to do with asians generally dont like blacks and they are more upfront about it because they arent gimped by white guilt, mexicans like them even less but the blacks dont mess with mexicans because the asians are seemingly weaker and easier targets and most blacks are cowards.

And it did come from asia, hence calling it the wuhan virus or china virus. German measles, st louis fever, west nile virus, spanish flu, and dozens and dozens of other illnesses are named after where they came from and originally found at. Jesus, no one throws a hissy fit everytime some black dude gets his ass kicked and blaming it on ebola virus being named after the ebola river it was discovered at.
guess we have come a long since the Chinese Exclusion and Page Acts...View attachment 512287

Ummmm....YEAH - those were 1882 and 1875, respectively...OVER 100 YEARS AGO.
And yet today we have a spike in hate crimes against Asians because some white nationalists like to remind everybody the pandemic originated in an Asian country.

And that hate crime against asians comes 95% from blacks. And has NOTHING to do with the virus. It has to do with asians generally dont like blacks and they are more upfront about it because they arent gimped by white guilt, mexicans like them even less but the blacks dont mess with mexicans because the asians are seemingly weaker and easier targets and most blacks are cowards.

And it did come from asia, hence calling it the wuhan virus or china virus. German measles, st louis fever, west nile virus, spanish flu, and dozens and dozens of other illnesses are named after where they came from and originally found at. Jesus, no one throws a hissy fit everytime some black dude gets his ass kicked and blaming it on ebola virus being named after the ebola river it was discovered at.
95% are from blacks?..seems like every time a Karen makes the news, she's white.
guess we have come a long since the Chinese Exclusion and Page Acts...View attachment 512287

Ummmm....YEAH - those were 1882 and 1875, respectively...OVER 100 YEARS AGO.
And yet today we have a spike in hate crimes against Asians because some white nationalists like to remind everybody the pandemic originated in an Asian country.

1. COVID-19 DID come from China, snowflake.

2. Yeah, look at that 'white supremacist' attack that Asian:


Author: Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’'systematic racism’

Asian American success in US debunks myth of 'systematic racism’

'Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit,'

"Asian Americans are an "inconvenient minority" to the liberal media because as their community succeeds based on merit alone, they debunk the critical race theory narrative that opportunities of non-Whites are limited because of systematic racism in the United States.

"Asian-Americans prove that critical race theory is not true, cannot be true. Asian Americans never needed politics to succeed in this country. They just want to be treated based on merit."

"If America is still a systemically racist country for minorities, how come they have allowed Asian-Americans to overtake Whites in education level and socioeconomic status? Asians get higher test scores"

Asian Americans face plenty of problems but doesn't buy into CRT's theory that systemic racism limits opportunities for all non-White Americans.

"The whole idea of critical race theory is developed by saying, ‘Hey, our laws, our society, our structures are inherently stacked against people of color," Xu said. "Asian-Americans prove that, even in the face of whatever racial narratives that you're in, you still can succeed, that this country is the land of opportunity."

I love when Leftist Extremists', Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats', and corrupt, America-hating Marxists' bogus ideology, agendas, and indoctrination attempts get shredded and completely debunked.

Despite all the evidence needed to debunk their crap being presented, Democrats and snowflakes still cling to their emotions and opinions, especially when it comes to calling others 'racist'.

You must not realize that foreign success PROVES systemic racism.


Immigrants and Asian Americans enter the same country, the same conditions, the same atmosphere in a land of great OPPORTUNITY and bust their asses to succeed. They don't loot, steal, jack cars, sell drugs, join gangs, murder each other, have pretty solid families instead of single-parent homes where the father abandons his kid / wife, and don't set records for abortions. They don't blame others for their problems, and don't insist someone / everyone OWES them.

Sorry, your claim is debunked, just like CRT.
Neither do a lot of black people but look at how you view black people. Look how differently you view asians. See? You're proving my point. And no matter how hard asians work they'll always be considered less than white but better than blacks.
The Motives Behind Anti-Asian American Violence
Asian Americans have suffered from stereotypes and assumptions for years.

By Pawan Dhingra
Over the past year, attacks on Asian Americans have increased more than 150% over the previous year, including the March 16 murders of eight people, including six Asian American women, in Atlanta.
Some of these attacks may be classified as hate crimes. But whether they meet that legal definition or not, they all fit a long history of viewing Asian Americans in particular ways that make discrimination and violence against them more likely.
I have researched and taught on Asian America for 20 years, including on the pernicious effects of stereotypes and attacks on individuals. Race can play a role in violence and prejudice, even if the offender does not clearly express a racist intent.

and then....

There is a long history of suspecting Asian Americans of carrying disease into the U.S., which made it seem natural for people to avoid Asian American-owned businesses. President Donald Trump's repeated public declarations that the "Kung Flu" virus came from China reinforced those feelings.
This race-based and erroneous assumption has resulted in Asian Americans having among the highest unemployment rates in the nation, though they had among the lowest before the pandemic.
It defies logic to claim that race isn't relevant in attacks on Asian Americans unless the perpetrator actively references it. Research has found that most Americans assume a person of Asian descent is foreign-born, unless there is some aspect of their appearance that clearly marks them as American – such as being overweight.
Asian Americans of all types experience this perception of being "forever foreigners" in a wide range of ways. Regardless of whether some or all – or none – of these latest assaults on Asian Americans are proved to be hate crimes or not, race plays a historic role.
It ain't 1940 anymore.
Asians and indians are quite successful in america. Especially near me is a town that is primarily asian and indians that make a lot of money.

They never needed support or programs or slogans or anything else because they succeeded on their merit, desire, willpower, intelligence and desire to achieve.

Lets face it, most blacks have none of those qualities. Name me how many things in mankinds history that blacks have created, I mean like the motor, medicines, electronics, cars, planes, building materials, science equipment, tools, or anything really. Tell me how many countries founded by blacks are today advanced and civilized as 1st world country or even a 2nd world country vs other civilized nations founded and still here by people other than blacks?

Simply put if you look at the history of the world the blacks have contributed the least amount in the entire world in all of mankind's history. That isn't racism or misinformation, that is a stone cold fact.
Stormfront must be down again.

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