Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jewish People


Jan 15, 2004
Among the wide range of the different Jewish religious sects there are two main branches of Judaism the Ashkenazim and Sephardic. Ashkenazim Jewish people are from the region of Germany, Poland and the former Soviet Union. The Sephardic Jewish people are from the Arab nations and Northern Africa. The Ashkenazim Jewish people mostly fair skin light colored hair often with blue eyes and the Sephardic Jewish people have olive to darker color skin with dark colored hair. Many of the Sephardic Jewish family roots stem from the Holy Land. Today in Israel there is a great deal of tension between the Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jewish people.

In the United States almost all the Jewish people are Ashkenazim Jews. For the most part the Ashkenazim Jewish Temples are the wealthier than the Sephardic Jewish Temples sending millions upon millions dollars to the Israel?s Ashkenazim Jewish society. Everyone of Israel Prime Minister is an Ashkenazim Jew as well most of Israel?s national leaders. The Sephardic Jewish people in Israel are more people in numbers with very little to no power or wealth often being discriminated against. The Ashkenazim Jews many the ancestors of the Holocaust are controlling the direction of Israeli?s politics.

Most of the 400,000 Jewish settlers living in the West Bank are Ashkenazim Jewish people from the United States and the former Soviet Union. Today they are on the front line of the fight for the Greater State of Israel. Many of Israeli?s extreme Jewish fundamentalists came to Israel on a religious mission by the word of God. Ashkenazim Jewish people whose family roots come from another land have been the pioneers in the development of the Greater State of Israel. The Sephardic Jewish people native to the Holy Land and those who migrated to Israel had coexisted with their Muslim Arab cousins for over a thousand years up until the late 1800?s. The Sephardic Jewish people could not be the pioneers in the fight with their Arab cousins for the expansion of the Greater Jewish State of Israel. Often the native Sephardic Jewish people became the victims too of the new ways Israel.

Social engineering is the only way of correcting the problems from the past. Many of which were created by social engineering from years ago. Jerusalem, Baghdad and the Holy land the cradle of society to the western world. This region has been under foreign occupation by the Roman, Ottoman and British Empire for over a thousand years. Previous foreign invaders left behind many of the problems that this region suffer from today. During the late 40?s the Arab nations and people?s big complaint was based on the plan for European Jewish people to migrate to Israel. Ashkenazim Jews coming from another land with different foreign customs and culture with Judaism being the only common thread between the people. Today many of the problems in the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis stem from the Ashkenazim Jewish immigrants. Whether it is the Ashkenazim Jewish soldiers, settlers in the West Bank or politicians in the Israeli government many are at the heart of many of the problems today.

The Israeli government position is that ?The terror against Israelis must stop? before there are any movement towards peace negotiations. Unfortunately this will never happen in our lifetime. The best one can work for is defusing the crisis between the people reducing the number of terror acts by terrorist groups. Stopping all state sponsored terrorism on both sides.
Thanks---good info on Isreali ethnicity and culture--many think they act as one and are unaware of inner turmoil.
Daud2004 Posted :

"Social engineering is the only way of correcting the problems from the past."

Define "social engineering" please !!! If it is what I think you meen then I can save you some trouble. There will never be a one state two peoples solution. Israel will not allow the Arab/Muslem World to eradicate it by overpopulating the region. Heck ... the Palestinians can't control their population now !!!
Daud2004 posted:

"Many of the Sephardic Jewish family roots stem from the Holy Land."

You are, not so indirectly, implying that somehow EurAsian Jews have less claim to the land then Separdic Jews. Well let's get something straight. I am an Ashkenazi Jew. My family is partially from the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany. I am also a Cohen .. a priest. This is a position that passes directly from father to son, and as Cohens are not allowed to marry converts, the line is pretty straight. Myself, my father, his father, etc etc. It goes all the way back to Aron, moses' brother. So how is it that I am Askenazi, and yet I can claim my way back to Moses ?!? You even make an ugly genetic remark about blue eyes etc. The reason these Jews looked this way is that they went North ... and yes, I'm certain that their was a certain small amount of mingling .. just like in Christianity and Islam. There are plenty of Arab girls w/ blue eyestoo. With that said understand this : ALL JEWS HAVE ROOTS IN ISRAEL. And the one thing that is 100% certain is that both Jews and Christians where in Palestine before the Palestinians where an itch in Mohamed's pants, so let's get off the subject of who has more historic claim.
Daud2004 posted:

"big complaint was based on the plan for European Jewish people to migrate to Israel. Ashkenazim Jews coming from another land with different foreign customs and culture with Judaism being the only common thread between the people."

This has always been the Arabs complaint. It's only OK as long as Arab Muslems are in control. God forbid that another people come home. ALL THE LAND BELONGS TO ARABS !!! You Jews can't have jack. There have always been Jews in Israel and now the only difference is that there is an actual Jewish state that really was a hundred years in the making. Just like all the Arab Muslim states are for Arabs, Israel is for Jews. Can I go to Saudi Arabia and build a synagogue ?! So why can a Muslem build a mosque in Israel .. but he can. That's the difference that people so often overlook. Forced from Eastern Europe and then from Western Europe, you betcha we came home. And by goly we set up a dandy little state. And it has to be all Jewish because even before 48, Arafat was murdering Jews. So why don't the Palestinians just keep their backwards, Jew hating asses on that side of the wall and see what they can do. I think the World will soon see what you where affraid they would see .. That left to their own devices, the Palestinians are not capable of controling any facet of their society from violence, to corruption, and are certainly no partner for peace.
DaTroof said:
Daud2004 posted:

"big complaint was based on the plan for European Jewish people to migrate to Israel. Ashkenazim Jews coming from another land with different foreign customs and culture with Judaism being the only common thread between the people."

This has always been the Arabs complaint. It's only OK as long as Arab Muslems are in control. God forbid that another people come home. ALL THE LAND BELONGS TO ARABS !!! You Jews can't have jack. There have always been Jews in Israel and now the only difference is that there is an actual Jewish state that really was a hundred years in the making. Just like all the Arab Muslim states are for Arabs, Israel is for Jews. Can I go to Saudi Arabia and build a synagogue ?! So why can a Muslem build a mosque in Israel .. but he can. That's the difference that people so often overlook. Forced from Eastern Europe and then from Western Europe, you betcha we came home. And by goly we set up a dandy little state. And it has to be all Jewish because even before 48, Arafat was murdering Jews. So why don't the Palestinians just keep their backwards, Jew hating asses on that side of the wall and see what they can do. I think the World will soon see what you where affraid they would see .. That left to their own devices, the Palestinians are not capable of controling any facet of their society from violence, to corruption, and are certainly no partner for peace.

2 sides, where neither has the stomach for compromise, will continue to kill each other. It's a shame other countries fund this never ending cockfight.
I just have to add that Sepharad Jews were Jews from Spain. Spain is Sepharad. Sephardic Jews only ended up in Northern Africa and Arab countries because Ferdinand and Isabella kicked them out after the Reconquest.

I guess technically Spain was an arab country when the Jews remembered it as Sepharad. But we dont consider it an arab country now.
"2 sides, where neither has the stomach for compromise, will continue to kill each other. It's a shame other countries fund this never ending cockfight."

This could have ended a long time ago. When have you ever seen a cockfight where one cock could obliterate another and instead allows the other to peck at it and simply retaliates for these actions ?! You make this sound like an actual match, which it is not. This really can be over by the end of the weekend. You'll have a mini-Darfur on the Egyption anfd Jordanian borders, but that's about it.

Let's not call this a cock fight. Let's view this as what it really is. Israel restraining it's pitbulls out of respect for human life, for which the other side shows wanton disregard. It's a religious strife which is about to become much harder once the wall is completed. Regardless of whatever appeasements you propose, unless you suggest the eradication of the State of Israel, the Muslems will never be happy. So let's not try to appease those who have used terror as a standard poitical tool and force that part of the world into the 21st century.
DaTroof said:
"2 sides, where neither has the stomach for compromise, will continue to kill each other. It's a shame other countries fund this never ending cockfight."

This could have ended a long time ago. When have you ever seen a cockfight where one cock could obliterate another and instead allows the other to peck at it and simply retaliates for these actions ?! You make this sound like an actual match, which it is not. This really can be over by the end of the weekend. You'll have a mini-Darfur on the Egyption anfd Jordanian borders, but that's about it.

Let's not call this a cock fight. Let's view this as what it really is. Israel restraining it's pitbulls out of respect for human life, for which the other side shows wanton disregard. It's a religious strife which is about to become much harder once the wall is completed. Regardless of whatever appeasements you propose, unless you suggest the eradication of the State of Israel, the Muslems will never be happy. So let's not try to appease those who have used terror as a standard poitical tool and force that part of the world into the 21st century.

true---so is the Israeli stategy of merely keeping the Muslims at arms length a religious one or is it simply trying not to bring down the wrath of the world upon them ?
I imagine a bit of both really. By that I mean that there are certainly compromises that Israel makes which are not in it's best interest. Many are done as a show of good will. I'm not sure I agree with them all, but what do I know about diplomacy ? (Not much if you've read some of my prior work)

I also mean that religiously, Israel wants to be an armslength from it's Muslem neighbors. I don't think this is such a crazy thing to ask for. It is in fact a necessity. I can name off dozens of bad neighborly acts between Muslem states and their neighbors. A lot of them are going on right now. I believe the Dutch just got the message when the director who was critical of Islam was killed in Holland. There is no such thing as "arms length" anymore, but you have to do what you can.
Avatar4321 said:
I just have to add that Sepharad Jews were Jews from Spain. Spain is Sepharad. Sephardic Jews only ended up in Northern Africa and Arab countries because Ferdinand and Isabella kicked them out after the Reconquest.

I guess technically Spain was an arab country when the Jews remembered it as Sepharad. But we dont consider it an arab country now.

Is that like the Baptists were Christians coming from Greece and the Lutherans from Germany. Does that mean that Hindenburg kicked the Unitarians out of the Sudetenland because these religions were killing each other in Northern Ireland?

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