As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

The people voted in AZ and passed higher wages.
Most votes from larger cities with dems voted for it.
Since then we have had 2 mom and pop restaurants that's been in business for many years closed down because they can't afford it.
This is how socialist democracy destroys it and growth.
It destroys middle class businesses.
Structural forms of unemployment is Natural under Capitalism. The right wing Only complains when capitalists become "unemployed" not when Labor gets, mass layoffs, from corporate raiding on a for-profit basis.

This ideology is why the Dems lost.
Your liberal polices have harmed small businesses and has nothing to do with the big corporations.
Don't muddle the two together.
Big Corporations can afford the governments forced higher wages.
Independent small businesses can't. They are forced to close down because the higher wages takes away any profits, they can no longer afford to keep the business when going into the red like the government does.
We lost because the right wing prefers socialism on a national basis. Capitalism means nothing to the right wing, in that case.

It's the far left who are the national socialists.
They love micro managing.
Cut benefits for the poor, lately? Simply reducing taxes helps the rich grow richer, faster and easier.
Social services cost around fourteen an hour, not right wing, red herring, fantasy.

So what? What happened to personal responsibility?

Leftists don't like the idea of personal responsibility, because they can't handle the pressure of being responsible for themselves, and they assume everyone is as dysfunctional as they are.
Y'all just don't realize y'all, simply "like to hate on the poor", that is all.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Simple poverty can easily be solved via public policy.
You know what can't be solved? Your astounding stupidity mixed with your astounding idealism. Poverty is a simple reality of life. It will never be "solved". It is literally as stupid as saying that we can create a front without a back.

You cannot have any form of an economic system without poverty. The question is - which system mitigated poverty, empowers people, and gives the most opportunities. That systems is unquestionably the free market.

If you don't like it, you're free to move to Cuba any time you'd like.
Simple poverty can easily be solved via public policy.
You know what can't be solved? Your astounding stupidity mixed with your astounding idealism. Poverty is a simple reality of life. It will never be "solved". It is literally as stupid as saying that we can create a front without a back.

You cannot have any form of an economic system without poverty. The question is - which system mitigated poverty, empowers people, and gives the most opportunities. That systems is unquestionably the free market.

If you don't like it, you're free to move to Cuba any time you'd like.

You are absolutely correct.
Even our founders knew this.
Free market is the best, out of all.
Simple poverty can easily be solved via public policy.
You know what can't be solved? Your astounding stupidity mixed with your astounding idealism. Poverty is a simple reality of life. It will never be "solved". It is literally as stupid as saying that we can create a front without a back.

You cannot have any form of an economic system without poverty. The question is - which system mitigated poverty, empowers people, and gives the most opportunities. That systems is unquestionably the free market.

If you don't like it, you're free to move to Cuba any time you'd like.

You are absolutely correct.
Even our founders knew this.
Free market is the best, out of all.
Everyone knows it. Even Daniel there. But he's willing to make all of society suffer just so he doesn't have to support himself.
Simple poverty can easily be solved via public policy.
You know what can't be solved? Your astounding stupidity mixed with your astounding idealism. Poverty is a simple reality of life. It will never be "solved". It is literally as stupid as saying that we can create a front without a back.

You cannot have any form of an economic system without poverty. The question is - which system mitigated poverty, empowers people, and gives the most opportunities. That systems is unquestionably the free market.

If you don't like it, you're free to move to Cuba any time you'd like.
You merely confuse poor with poverty; typical of the right wing. Just clueless and Causeless.
Simple poverty can easily be solved via public policy.
You know what can't be solved? Your astounding stupidity mixed with your astounding idealism. Poverty is a simple reality of life. It will never be "solved". It is literally as stupid as saying that we can create a front without a back.

You cannot have any form of an economic system without poverty. The question is - which system mitigated poverty, empowers people, and gives the most opportunities. That systems is unquestionably the free market.

If you don't like it, you're free to move to Cuba any time you'd like.

You are absolutely correct.
Even our founders knew this.
Free market is the best, out of all.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.
Simple poverty can easily be solved via public policy.
You know what can't be solved? Your astounding stupidity mixed with your astounding idealism. Poverty is a simple reality of life. It will never be "solved". It is literally as stupid as saying that we can create a front without a back.

You cannot have any form of an economic system without poverty. The question is - which system mitigated poverty, empowers people, and gives the most opportunities. That systems is unquestionably the free market.

If you don't like it, you're free to move to Cuba any time you'd like.

You are absolutely correct.
Even our founders knew this.
Free market is the best, out of all.
Everyone knows it. Even Daniel there. But he's willing to make all of society suffer just so he doesn't have to support himself.
Y'all are just, lousy capitalists. Simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect.
Y'all are just, lousy capitalists. Simply circulating capital engenders a positive multiplier effect.
Says the idiot who claims socialism "bails out" societies despite its catastrophic failure world wide.

Venezuela was one of the wealthiest nations in the world at one time. Socialism "bailed it out" of prosperity and into poverty.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.
That's why we operate under right-wing economics and law here in the U.S., uh genius?

You're crying about the "wonders" of communism becuase nobody takes the left seriously about economics, law, politics, history, science, business, ethics, literacy, grammar, or technology.
Nobody knows how to take low-wage jobs and turn them into no wage jobs like the left...

This burger-flipping robot could soon be in every fast food kitchen in America
Capitalism has a Natural Rate of Unemployment. It is why the left is advocating for Compensation, simply for being naturally unemployed.
This wasn't "natural" you nitwit. It was the direct result of the idiotic, failed left-wing policies that you advocate for. :laugh:
Nobody knows how to take low-wage jobs and turn them into no wage jobs like the left...

This burger-flipping robot could soon be in every fast food kitchen in America
Capitalism has a Natural Rate of Unemployment. It is why the left is advocating for Compensation, simply for being naturally unemployed.
Who provides that "compensation"? And don't say "government" because they have no money. Aside from being $20 trillion in debt, government has no income. Their revenue comes from taking money from the citizens (weren't you ever taught that it is wrong to take?).

I'm not paying someone not to work. That's idiotic on a level rational people can't even begin to comprehend. If you parasites want my money - you need to earn it. There better be a crew of these people at my house every day mowing the lawn, weeding, cleaning windows, cleaning siding, etc.

Then I'll happily pay them. And guess what? They won't be "naturally" unemployed any more. They will be employed. A concept foreign to you parasites.
Y'all just don't realize y'all, simply "like to hate on the poor", that is all.
Not nearly as much as your envy causes you to love to "hate on the wealthy".
Just cronies for capitalists, right wingers.
Just an idiotic statement deflecting from your envy induced hate for successful people.
lol. successful people do not have a problem with something as simple as taxes.

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