As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

You have it wrong. Capitalism always fails. Boom and bust cycles prove it.

Socialism has been bailing us out, since 1929.

No, it doesn't. That is just the "emotional wishful thinking" of the right wing. AnCaps, always fail; it is just a matter of time.

Do you know the definition of Socialism?

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism · social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement
Special pleading with political jargon?

You have to resort to an Encyclopedia to do more than that.
The people voted in AZ and passed higher wages.
Most votes from larger cities with dems voted for it.
Since then we have had 2 mom and pop restaurants that's been in business for many years closed down because they can't afford it.
This is how socialist democracy destroys it and growth.
It destroys middle class businesses.
Structural forms of unemployment is Natural under Capitalism. The right wing Only complains when capitalists become "unemployed" not when Labor gets, mass layoffs, from corporate raiding on a for-profit basis.

This ideology is why the Dems lost.
Your liberal polices have harmed small businesses and has nothing to do with the big corporations.
Don't muddle the two together.
Big Corporations can afford the governments forced higher wages.
Independent small businesses can't. They are forced to close down because the higher wages takes away any profits, they can no longer afford to keep the business when going into the red like the government does.
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In the Age of Corporate Welfare? The right wing is so, droll.
Uh...your side is the side that created "corporate welfare". As usual, you people create the problem and the whine the loudest about it.
Even funnier is how the right wing only wants to cut social benefits for poor Individuals and not corporate welfare for rich corporations.
The people voted in AZ and passed higher wages.
Most votes from larger cities with dems voted for it.
Since then we have had 2 mom and pop restaurants that's been in business for many years closed down because they can't afford it.
This is how socialist democracy destroys it and growth.
It destroys middle class businesses.
Structural forms of unemployment is Natural under Capitalism. The right wing Only complains when capitalists become "unemployed" not when Labor gets, mass layoffs, from corporate raiding on a for-profit basis.

This ideology is why the Dems lost.
Your liberal polices have harmed small businesses and has nothing to do with the big corporations.
Don't muddle the two together.
Big Corporations can afford the governments forced higher wages.
Independent small businesses can't. They are forced to close down because the higher wages takes away any profits, they can no longer afford to keep the business when going into the red like the government does.
We lost because the right wing prefers socialism on a national basis. Capitalism means nothing to the right wing, in that case.
The people voted in AZ and passed higher wages.
Most votes from larger cities with dems voted for it.
Since then we have had 2 mom and pop restaurants that's been in business for many years closed down because they can't afford it.
This is how socialist democracy destroys it and growth.
It destroys middle class businesses.
Structural forms of unemployment is Natural under Capitalism. The right wing Only complains when capitalists become "unemployed" not when Labor gets, mass layoffs, from corporate raiding on a for-profit basis.

This ideology is why the Dems lost.
Your liberal polices have harmed small businesses and has nothing to do with the big corporations.
Don't muddle the two together.
Big Corporations can afford the governments forced higher wages.
Independent small businesses can't. They are forced to close down because the higher wages takes away any profits, they can no longer afford to keep the business when going into the red like the government does.
We lost because the right wing prefers socialism on a national basis. Capitalism means nothing to the right wing, in that case.

It's the far left who are the national socialists.
They love micro managing.

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