As I have Stated...'GOP should dump McConnell for obstructing Trump agenda'

and why government needs to be removed. I like something I saw last night, have the congress bring in doctors and medical reps to put together a bill. They know health management.
Are you seriously attempting to use intelligence and common sense? WTF is wrong with you?

If a problem exists that can NOT be solved by a butt-load of extremely partisan politically-divided, self/party-serving millionaire lawyers then the problem just can NOT be solved.

McConnell and Ryan rule the SWAMP. I told you during the primary this is a battle between Trump and the GOP establishment the Democrats don't really factor in. Watching Ryan and McConnell shit all over the tea party after the tea party gave them back control of congress told you all you need to know about those two backstabbing assholes.
these idiots didn't learn to listen to the statement from the president about draining the swamp. he has exposed the gators and they will be ousted during next elections they are in. I can't wait for the primaries and the take over of these rinos.

RINO's have rigged the elections in their favor, elections are largely rigged by the two parties to make sure an establishment candidate who can be controlled wins vs a primary challenger. The swamp will not be drained without a fight.
I know, they throw all their money in the kitty to silence any opponent of their person. that's why there should no longer be party money influence in elections. let's remove that funding and expect a candidate to collect their own money. grassroots shit my man. grassroots. let's save our country from these rinos.
OH COME ON....he is much prettier than 2-burka losi

At least Pelosi has a chin... With McConnell, it looks like his throat is trying to swallow his face...whereas with Pelosi you just WISH her throat would swallow her face.

I think that no matter who gets elected, the Establishment is like City just can't win a fight with it.

I think that both Bushs, the Clintons, Obama and even Trump ALL must submit to the machine called the Establishment. The Establismnet fully controls the Intelligence Community and that is why ALL Americans are spied on.

I think the American People are the real victims and are abused on a grand scale to the benefit of politicians and the elite.
The US government is nothing more than a tool for the use and benefit.

The American people are strategically kept at each others throats with such skill and precision that the vast majority are completely unaware and the feeble minded are easily able to be turned into useful idiots raging against their fellow American.

It's a sad epitaph to a once great and promising nation.

Human nature can be exploited beyond most peoples wildest imaginations.
Mc Connell should go because he has been there 40 years Never put out one piece of major anything , and his state is suffering.
Erick Erickson says GOP should dump McConnell for obstructing Trump agenda

“Well he doesn’t seem to be down with the president’s agenda, I mean where is the wall, where’s tax reform, where’s Obamacare repeal? These are all things that go to the Senate and then they suddenly die.”

“It’s not like there aren’t the votes in the Senate to get them passed.”

It's no secret 'Mitchie Rich' McConnell did not / does not like Trump and wanted him out of the election, wanted him to lose the election.

He is a flaming Washington Establishment, status-quo, gutless cowardly Republican who was born a follower who loves power and will do anything to keep it rather than a leader.

“Mitch McConnell, in public, says he wants to pass a health care reform plan that repeals ObamaCare,” Erickson wrote. “But behind the scenes, McConnell has been working over liberal senators to assure them his plan will not actually scrap the Medicaid expansion and that he will undermine Senator Ted Cruz’s amendment to provide individual freedom in health care choices.”

“McConnell, again and again, stacks the deck against conservatives,” he added, “setting them up to be the fall guy for his own failures.”
Trump would need an agenda first.
Trump would need an agenda first.
He's already successfully accomplished the 1st and most important item on his agenda - beating Hillary's criminal ass despite snowflakes predicting a landslide victory for Hillary. :p
Speaking of Snowflakes.......

I keep seeing confused snowflakes posting their confusion all over the for their benefit.....

A political label for a person who associates themselves with one or more of the following political entities....

Democrat - Left - Progressive - Liberal - FruitCakes - AssClowns - Antifa - Bernie Sanders - Clinton Foundation - Any other Left wing association

Notice that in no circumstance can "Snowflake" in any way refer to a person NOT associated with one of the aforementioned political organizations
To do so clearly exhibits a lack of touch with reality and desperation to validate an unorthodox and irrational set of ideals known to collectively identify a Leftist.
You stated John Boehner didn't do a dam thing. I just gave you the reason why John Boehner couldn't do anything, which is the same reason Mitch McConnell can't do anything.

As JOHN BOEHNER stated in February--Republicans never agree on health care, and he also stated that all the repeal/replace rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Watch the video in that link--

Are you defending the GOP???

Yes I agree Republicans have had plenty of time to do something about the issues at, budget, tax name it. So has Democrats and both have failed for whatever reasons. Mostly as I see it, is because they'd rather fight anything from the other side, just because it's the other side and has little to do with what is good for this country and it's people as a whole

The only person that was campaigning on the real problem with health care--Prescription drugs was Hillary Clinton. Yes Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote. But two years later Republicans took over both houses, and anytime an Obamacare issue came up--it was "not let's fix this"--Oh hell no it was were going to Repeal the whole dam thing. So really Obama couldn't do anything with Obamacare either during his last 6 years.
U.S. Consumers Foot the Bill for Cheap Drugs in Europe and Canada
EpiPen priced more than $600, while experts argue its medicinal value at $1

What's going to happen is Republicans will eventually sit down with Democrats to fix what needs to be fixed in Obamacare while keeping the structure intact.

This is the number ONE most important issue in this country today, and it's plain to see any mistakes from here on out are going to be noticed.

There are more problems with our healthcare system than just Prescription drugs...
yes, that is correct, it's called tort reform. the price a doctor charges to pay for his malpractice insurance. prices doubled in the last five years.

there is a whole laundry list of BS that effects the healthcare industry and it's failures
it starts with government and lawyers.
I think that no matter who gets elected, the Establishment is like City just can't win a fight with it.

I think that both Bushs, the Clintons, Obama and even Trump ALL must submit to the machine called the Establishment. The Establismnet fully controls the Intelligence Community and that is why ALL Americans are spied on.

I think the American People are the real victims and are abused on a grand scale to the benefit of politicians and the elite.
The US government is nothing more than a tool for the use and benefit.

The American people are strategically kept at each others throats with such skill and precision that the vast majority are completely unaware and the feeble minded are easily able to be turned into useful idiots raging against their fellow American.

It's a sad epitaph to a once great and promising nation.

Human nature can be exploited beyond most peoples wildest imaginations.
excuse me, but trump belongs to no party.

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