Armed SWAT team violently storms family’s home, kidnaps three children for not being vaccinated

LOL, they can say or make up anything they want.
Wait, what, idiot? So are youclaiming the child did NOT have a >105 degree fever? What the fuck are you even saying? Doctors should not warn police of child enndagerment, because some idiot on a message board says they COULD lie, if they wanted to? What is this absurd bullshit?
LOL, they can say or make up anything they want.
Wait, what, idiot? So are youclaiming the child did NOT have a >105 degree fever? What the fuck are you even saying? Doctors should not warn police of child enndagerment, because some idiot on a message board says they COULD lie, if they wanted to? What is this absurd bullshit?

Bro YOU are the absurd bullshit. I've seen Dr.'s make shit up. Go kill a white man, you'll FEEL better.
Once more it isn't stated the child had measles. If fever went back up they could have just as easily gone to hospital then.
Would you do that when the doctor said, "No, even if it is down now, go to the ER."
Dont know. Fevers usually dont break that fast which introduces several questions we dont have answers too in the story. This is all Monday morning quarterbacking without all the facts. I'm guessing the child was fine since there is no righteous gloating that the officers saved the kids life and how. People need to mind their own business.
I disagree. Minding your own business is fiine with adults, but not when there is a danger to the children. Not mentioned, too, was the chance the other two children would come down with it and they might not seek help at all since they denied help this time.

They may have saved his life just by getting him medical attention in time.
So far no proof of danger has been given other than a maybe they were which isn't good enough because that can be massaged to death by govt types
Not sure if I understand your post.
Story leaves out too much to agree with the assessment child was in imminent danger.
I've seen Dr.'s make shit up.
So, you are claiming the doctor lied. Oh, and the nurses, too. Dont forget them. Remember, they are the ones who took his temperature.

Oh, and don't forget, the mom is lying, too. She took the kid to the emergency room for the high fever.

Wow, it's hard to believe all these people lied just to give a dishonest little weasel like you something to whine about. Like, impossible to believe.
Not when police showed up so
100% wrong. The reasonable expectation of child endangerment DID still exist, when the police showed up. And, when they showed up to do a wellness check on a little child, the parents refused to open the door.

In what universe would they then get in their cars and leave?

Also, where do you get your medical degree or experience that allows you to know with any certainty that the fever would not elevate again?

Youre not thinking any of this through.
"A family in Arizona is having to endure the wrath of the medical police state after a doctor decided to call the Department of Child Safety (DCS) on them for not vaccinating their children – resulting in an armed SWAT team raiding the family’s home and violently seizing their three children, all of whom were placed in temporary foster homes.

It all started when one of the children, a two-year-old, developed a fever that exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit, prompting the child’s mother to take him to see the doctor in question. Because the child hadn’t been vaccinated, the doctor assumed out of nowhere that he probably had meningitis and needed to be taken to the emergency room right away.

While the mother initially agreed to the doctor’s extreme and unusual recommendation, her child’s fever broke not long after leaving the doctor’s office, having stated that he was “laughing and playing with his siblings” like normal. After taking the boy’s temperature and seeing that it was now normal, the mother called the doctor and said she would no longer be taking him to the emergency room, to which the doctor responded that she should still go anyway."

Armed SWAT team violently storms family's home, kidnaps three children for not being vaccinated

Good lord.
So, basically, the thread title is a lie, and the house was stormed because the doctor felt the woman was putting her child in danger by not following his care directions regarding a possibly life-threatening event..

Nope, the Doc has no business butting in.
You? You're a totalitarian hack.
Did you read that the temperature was OVER 105? Of course the doctor has a right, matter of fsact that is the law. He has to report child abuse and neglect situations. If something had happened to that child satying in the house, he could have been found responsible.

The mother is 9 months pregnant!! Oy Vey!
If your child has a fever of >105, and a doctor orders you to take him to an emergenecy room...and you don't..I hope you get arrested and your child gets a little vacation from you for a little while.
Is there another link. I am not familiar with "Natural News."

Arizona police officers forcibly removed 2-year-old boy with fever from home, video shows

There is NOTHING in the original story about vaccinations, or the lack thereof, being the reason all this happened. The mother was advised by a doctor to take her child to the hospital because of the high fever, according to the mother the fever broke, she went home with the kid, called the doctor to tell him what's what, concerned for the kid's well being, he reported it, and the rest is ugly.
Not when police showed up so
100% wrong. The reasonable expectation of child endangerment DID still exist, when the police showed up. And, when they showed up to do a wellness check on a little child, the parents refused to open the door.

In what universe would they then get in their cars and leave?

Also, where do you get your medical degree or experience that allows you to know with any certainty that the fever would not elevate again?

Youre not thinking any of this through.
Didnt did it.....hrs later child was still fine. No evidence rescue was needed....but hey at least ya saddled em with a huge unnecessary medical bill among other things...well done deputy dumbass
Not when police showed up so
100% wrong. The reasonable expectation of child endangerment DID still exist, when the police showed up. And, when they showed up to do a wellness check on a little child, the parents refused to open the door.

In what universe would they then get in their cars and leave?

Also, where do you get your medical degree or experience that allows you to know with any certainty that the fever would not elevate again?

Youre not thinking any of this through.
Didnt did it.....hrs later child was still fine. No evidence rescue was needed....but hey at least ya saddled em with a huge unnecessary medical bill among other things...well done deputy dumbass
Everyone was following the law. Something these people should take to heart. When the cops come to your door, open it. I hope they do a follow up feature to let us know how the child is, and the new baby when it comes.
Didnt did it.....hrs later child was still fine.
My, your hindsight is 20/20. Do you not think you sound ridiculous to say the police should have known what would happen hours later, when deciding to make sure the child was okay?

And how do you know the current health status of the child? oops, ya made that up, too.

By the way, the children were all covered in vomit, and their rooms were covered with unidentified stains. The parents are both charged with child abuse domestic violence. Thank goodness the cops burst in and saved those children.
Didnt did it.....hrs later child was still fine.
My, your hindsight is 20/20. Do you not think you sound ridiculous to say the police should have known what would happen hours later, when deciding to make sure the child was okay?

And how do you know the current health status of the child? oops, ya made that up, too.
It was hours later when they busted the door down....ooooops
It was hours later when they busted the door down....ooooops
Haha, that's even more stupid, on your part. Now you are back to implying the cops should have known the status of the child by some sort of magical means, when they rightfully busted down the door.
Not when police showed up so
100% wrong. The reasonable expectation of child endangerment DID still exist, when the police showed up. And, when they showed up to do a wellness check on a little child, the parents refused to open the door.

In what universe would they then get in their cars and leave?

Also, where do you get your medical degree or experience that allows you to know with any certainty that the fever would not elevate again?

Youre not thinking any of this through.
Didnt did it.....hrs later child was still fine. No evidence rescue was needed....but hey at least ya saddled em with a huge unnecessary medical bill among other things...well done deputy dumbass
Everyone was following the law. Something these people should take to heart. When the cops come to your door, open it. I hope they do a follow up feature to let us know how the child is, and the new baby when it comes.
I think we can assume the child is just fine no thanks to govt......govt usually brags all it over itself when it can and doesn't look like they had grounds here so they didnt
It was hours later when they busted the door down....ooooops
Haha, that's even more stupid, on your part. Now you are back to implying the cops should have known the status of the child by some sort of magical means, when they rightfully busted down the door.
Not what I said….I said the child was fine hrs later,,,when the police busted door down....never claimed they knew anything...claimed it wasn't necessary.

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