Armed Patriots In Idaho Protect Library From Fascist Books

Good grief, you're nothing but a living talking point.

Should public libraries give children access to porn?
No...and they are not. Putting aside the fact that none of these books are in the library's collection....none of them are porn.
Books on racism are not porn. Books on climate change are not porn. Books relating to gay youth coming out are not porn.
Porn is defined by a prurient interest that is missing in the reader...and by the author.

Perhaps you could give us an example of porn in the given that you've actually read?
Porn is not the issue. Why should freedom to choose what one wants to read be abridged, where it would not need to be? If libraries have material available readers should be able to see those. Parental limits for their underage children is the only sensible limit there would be needed.
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"CNN’s Nick Watt is in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, where locals are pushing back against activists trying to get more than 400 books banned from the library — books that the library doesn’t even have."

Good thing they were able to put a stop to this fascist librarian and her evil plot to turn kids in Idaho into radical leftist fascists.......thanks to the hardwork of Conservative patriots, those books were banned...even if those books were not books the library actually, had -- it's good to make sure just in case....also, that librarian has resigned and that library will most likely close because insurance companies consider it too high risk to cover....there are more victories like this happening across the how in the liberal bastion of Louisiana, liberals tried to have a library teach kids about voting rights -- and thankfully that was shut down by freedom loving have no business learning about voting rights at such a young age....

We have long warned about the dangers that libraries pose -- the minute libraries were desegregated, that was the beginning of the end -- because of that, public libraries are perhaps one of the most dangerous, Satanic, Anti-American institutions in America today..

Why do you call these patriots "morons", "inbred imbeciles" and "MAGAts"?
Where is the list of books banned? Why do we never get to see that? The people of the nation are entitled to see the list. ENTITLED.
What book was that?
When the left decided that God didnt belong in school, then the children would grow up without knowing good vs evil, right vs wrong.

Banning books to prevent fascism. More "oxy" in that moron than can even be measured.
When the left decided that God didnt belong in school, then the children would grow up without knowing good vs evil, right vs wrong.

Yeah, because nobody knows killing people and cheating on your spouse is wrong without the Bible. I pity the fool who can't simply figure that out himself without reading it somewhere. Someone who is that much of a simpleton probably ISN'T that good to begin with. Personally I never needed Biblical direction to know such things are wrong.
Yeah, because nobody knows killing people and cheating on your spouse is wrong without the Bible. I pity the fool who can't simply figure that out himself without reading it somewhere. Someone who is that much of a simpleton probably ISN'T that good to begin with. Personally I never needed Biblical direction to know such things are wrong.
Good for you, that you didnt need directions, but since i have grown up during the time that God was allowed in public education, there just wasnt much death and destruction by US citizens on each other, as we see today.
Good for you, that you didnt need directions, but since i have grown up during the time that God was allowed in public education, there just wasnt much death and destruction by US citizens on each other, as we see today.
I also grew up in that time, and while not explicitly religious I never had a problem with "under God". However there is HUGE amalgam of reasons and instruments for the deterioration of this country. I don't believe it simply boils down to the Bible. That was just another symptom of malignant liberalism like losing weight, blood in stools and feeling nauseous are symptoms of having cancer.
Good for you, that you didnt need directions, but since i have grown up during the time that God was allowed in public education, there just wasnt much death and destruction by US citizens on each other, as we see today.
There has always been plenty of death and destruction by US citizens on each other. Always. And who is going to tell God to get out of the classroom.

an aside: I remember dad telling mom that Mrx X, a methodist, told the teacher, a two-seed Baptist, that she would slug her if she prayed in her kid's classroom. Dad laughed, but mom seriously said to the extent that "that kind of Baptist" can't be praying over the kids.
There has always been plenty of death and destruction by US citizens on each other. Always. And who is going to tell God to get out of the classroom.

an aside: I remember dad telling mom that Mrx X, a methodist, told the teacher, a two-seed Baptist, that she would slug her if she prayed in her kid's classroom. Dad laughed, but mom seriously said to the extent that "that kind of Baptist" can't be praying over the kids.
Did i say that there wasnt any death and destruction? NO! I said that once God was removed from Public education establishment, more events have happned. Before you start accusing people of things they havent done, reread the post before you make yourself look silly.
Did i say that there wasnt any death and destruction? NO! I said that once God was removed from Public education establishment, more events have happned. Before you start accusing people of things they havent done, reread the post before you make yourself look silly.
You made an assertion you did not support, and we have always had death, violence, and destruction, and you think God has something do with it. God is in the classroom.

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