Arm Wrestling


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
Check out this kid from Russia!!!
He beats monsters on a regular basis. The only one that didnt have a problem with him was Devon Larratt.
The kids physique would fool you if you didnt know who he was.

Did you know that Neil deGrasse Tyson was the undefeated captain of his high school wrestling team before becoming one of the most famous astrophysicists⁉️

Many years ago I watched an arm wrestling championship on TV, and one of the competitors' arms snapped virtually in half. Can't watch anymore.
Many years ago I watched an arm wrestling championship on TV, and one of the competitors' arms snapped virtually in half. Can't watch anymore.
after NY band The Walkmen finished recording their best album, Bows And Arrows, singer Hamilton Leithauser and guitarist Paul Maroon arm wrestled to celebrate. Ham broke Paul's arm, the same arm he needs to play guitar

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