Arkansas to become "Stand Your Ground" state, journalist gets Zimmerman case wrong...again...

What part of "it wasn't part of the defense and was never invoked" do you not understand. Zimmerman was pinned to the ground, he had no option to retreat therefore Stand Your Ground was never in play...
George should have never gotten his dumbass self in that position anyway. Call it in, obey dispatcher's advice. He fucked up and then he murdered a teenager, panicked little cop wannabe that he was.


He did follow the dispatchers advice and was leaving the area to meet the police...that is when Martin had doubled back and attacked him......the attack was the fault of Martin, not Zimmerman, since you obviously didn't follow the trial or understand what happened....
Bullshit, you will make endless excuses for the murderer and there's not much else to do here. I'm gonna move on and you have have the last word, you're hopeless on this one.

No excuses need to be made. The jury said he wasn't a murderer and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it but whine, boy.

And all you can do is justify murder Francis. Just murder, no big deal, this is america.

Not when the jury said it wasn't murder. I justify a not guilty verdict. You're the one that thinks because you don't agree it has to be wrong.
George should have never gotten his dumbass self in that position anyway. Call it in, obey dispatcher's advice. He fucked up and then he murdered a teenager, panicked little cop wannabe that he was.


He did follow the dispatchers advice and was leaving the area to meet the police...that is when Martin had doubled back and attacked him......the attack was the fault of Martin, not Zimmerman, since you obviously didn't follow the trial or understand what happened....
Bullshit, you will make endless excuses for the murderer and there's not much else to do here. I'm gonna move on and you have have the last word, you're hopeless on this one.

No excuses need to be made. The jury said he wasn't a murderer and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it but whine, boy.

And all you can do is justify murder Francis. Just murder, no big deal, this is america.

Not when the jury said it wasn't murder. I justify a not guilty verdict. You're the one that thinks because you don't agree it has to be wrong.
We all know what it was, as a society we legalized a murder, it's not at all unusual in our justus system.
He did follow the dispatchers advice and was leaving the area to meet the police...that is when Martin had doubled back and attacked him......the attack was the fault of Martin, not Zimmerman, since you obviously didn't follow the trial or understand what happened....
Bullshit, you will make endless excuses for the murderer and there's not much else to do here. I'm gonna move on and you have have the last word, you're hopeless on this one.

No excuses need to be made. The jury said he wasn't a murderer and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it but whine, boy.

And all you can do is justify murder Francis. Just murder, no big deal, this is america.

Not when the jury said it wasn't murder. I justify a not guilty verdict. You're the one that thinks because you don't agree it has to be wrong.
We all know what it was, as a society we legalized a murder, it's not at all unusual in our justus system.

We all know that it wasn't murder. You're the one equating not liking something with it being wrong.
Bullshit, you will make endless excuses for the murderer and there's not much else to do here. I'm gonna move on and you have have the last word, you're hopeless on this one.

No excuses need to be made. The jury said he wasn't a murderer and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it but whine, boy.

And all you can do is justify murder Francis. Just murder, no big deal, this is america.

Not when the jury said it wasn't murder. I justify a not guilty verdict. You're the one that thinks because you don't agree it has to be wrong.
We all know what it was, as a society we legalized a murder, it's not at all unusual in our justus system.

We all know that it wasn't murder. You're the one equating not liking something with it being wrong.
"I'm scared so I get to kill you" and the jury will read my mind for a verdict. Brilliant concept. The trouble with americans is they're all about believing, but not so much on thinking.
No excuses need to be made. The jury said he wasn't a murderer and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it but whine, boy.

And all you can do is justify murder Francis. Just murder, no big deal, this is america.

Not when the jury said it wasn't murder. I justify a not guilty verdict. You're the one that thinks because you don't agree it has to be wrong.
We all know what it was, as a society we legalized a murder, it's not at all unusual in our justus system.

We all know that it wasn't murder. You're the one equating not liking something with it being wrong.
"I'm scared so I get to kill you" and the jury will read my mind for a verdict. Brilliant concept. The trouble with americans is they're all about believing, but not so much on thinking.

No, it's I'm getting attacked so I can defend myself with deadly force. My State's laws say the same. You weren't there. Zimmerman was.

In a way, juries have to read minds unless all 12 of them were at the scene when something occurred.

The trouble is when you don't like something, you think it's wrong and believe everyone else should think like you.
And all you can do is justify murder Francis. Just murder, no big deal, this is america.

Not when the jury said it wasn't murder. I justify a not guilty verdict. You're the one that thinks because you don't agree it has to be wrong.
We all know what it was, as a society we legalized a murder, it's not at all unusual in our justus system.

We all know that it wasn't murder. You're the one equating not liking something with it being wrong.
"I'm scared so I get to kill you" and the jury will read my mind for a verdict. Brilliant concept. The trouble with americans is they're all about believing, but not so much on thinking.

No, it's I'm getting attacked so I can defend myself with deadly force. My State's laws say the same. You weren't there. Zimmerman was.

In a way, juries have to read minds unless all 12 of them were at the scene when something occurred.

The trouble is when you don't like something, you think it's wrong and believe everyone else should think like you.

Sure, and the law expects the jury to be mind readers; was the murderer so scared inside that he's not a murderer. Wax on philosophically if ya like.
Zimmerman used the law to murder a kid, that's the problem with this law; it can too easily be misused/abused. Additionally the silliness of asserting a jury will be mind readers and determine if a proper level of fear was reached to justify the little people’s murdering of each other to reach a verdict is beyond lunacy. The law is very useful as a concept however as a device to further demonize and push fear of the poor. Dovetails very nicely with a wall around society because we’re afraid of poor brown people flowing out of our coups and destabilization efforts in Latin and South America.
There are two problems with SYG laws: the jurisprudence hasn’t sufficiently evolved to where LE and prosecutors have a working legal framework to know when to arrest and prosecute and when to not arrest or prosecute.

And state residents are woefully ignorant of SYG laws, having no understanding as to when they may lawfully use deadly force pursuant to self-defense.
Not when the jury said it wasn't murder. I justify a not guilty verdict. You're the one that thinks because you don't agree it has to be wrong.
We all know what it was, as a society we legalized a murder, it's not at all unusual in our justus system.

We all know that it wasn't murder. You're the one equating not liking something with it being wrong.
"I'm scared so I get to kill you" and the jury will read my mind for a verdict. Brilliant concept. The trouble with americans is they're all about believing, but not so much on thinking.

No, it's I'm getting attacked so I can defend myself with deadly force. My State's laws say the same. You weren't there. Zimmerman was.

In a way, juries have to read minds unless all 12 of them were at the scene when something occurred.

The trouble is when you don't like something, you think it's wrong and believe everyone else should think like you.

Sure, and the law expects the jury to be mind readers; was the murderer so scared inside that he's not a murderer. Wax on philosophically if ya like.

He isn't a murderer because those tasked with determining whether or not he was said NO. Trayvon justifiably died and all you've done is cried (like a pussy).
Zimmerman used the law to murder a kid, that's the problem with this law; it can too easily be misused/abused. Additionally the silliness of asserting a jury will be mind readers and determine if a proper level of fear was reached to justify the little people’s murdering of each other to reach a verdict is beyond lunacy. The law is very useful as a concept however as a device to further demonize and push fear of the poor. Dovetails very nicely with a wall around society because we’re afraid of poor brown people flowing out of our coups and destabilization efforts in Latin and South America.
Ya cause getting your head pounded in to the ground and having your firearm stolen is no threat right RETARD?

That was Zimmie's defense wasn't it. "I'm so much of a pussy I had to shoot the kid". Even had his "trainer" testify as to what a feckless pudgy slob he was.

That "kid" was about 6' tall.....and was on his way to being a career criminal...
Nah, he was black and some folks are scared of black kids, like you for example.
Most conservatives believe that young black men are ‘predisposed’ to crime, where ‘preemptive self-defense’ is ‘justified.’
Arkansas is set to add Stand Your Ground language to it's legal process for self defense......and then the writer of the news article gets the Zimmerman case wrong, again.....Stand Your Ground was never part of the Zimmerman defense...the anti-gunners lied and use it to attack self defense by armed civilians, and this so called journalist repeated the lie......

Zimmerman was on the ground getting pounded...he could not retreat, which is the main point to stand your ground have to have the ability to retreat for it to be a stand your ground defense...

Bill would add 'Stand Your Ground' protection to Arkansas self defense law

A bill set to make its way through the Arkansas legislature would alter the state’s self-defense laws and allow for people to use “stand your ground” provisions in deadly confrontations.

State representative Aaron Pilkington (R – Clarksville) says House Bill 1059 will clear up ambiguities and make Arkansas law line up with our neighboring states.

“there's nowhere in there where I call it a “stand your ground” bill,” Pilkington said. “I call it a right to protect yourself. Other people are calling it a stand your ground bill.”

The label is controversial because Florida neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman avoided jail after he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a black teenager, in 2012.

Unlike Florida, Arkansas would not have allowed Zimmerman to use the defense, and that’s surprising to some in Pilkington’s district.
(Zimmerman's defense team did not use Stand Your Ground, it was never part of the defense, and did not apply to his situation...)

“I had a constituent reach out to me letting me know that we weren't a stand your ground state and after kind of looking at the laws and how they were he was right,” Pilkington said. “We're one of the few states that are duty to retreat.”

Pilkington would take the retreat requirement out of the law. After the Martin shooting, critics predicted similar killings across the country.
Wrong, this is a lie.

The Arkansas measure would remove from state law the ‘duty to retreat’ provision, where Florida self-defense law likewise has no ‘duty to retreat.’

Consequently, the journalist didn’t get anything ‘wrong,’ as Zimmerman’s acquittal was the result of Florida law having no retreat requirement; and if this law passes, Arkansas will have a similar self-defense law as Florida – the same law that allowed Zimmerman go free.
Don't care what state allows whatever. You break into my house you won't see me trying to climb out of a window. I am going to shoot you.
And here is a perfect example of the type of ignorance common to most on the right with regard to knowing and following one’s state’s self-defense laws – in this case willful ignorance.
Blah Blah Blah the right, blah bah... Give it a rest. The left gave us Hillary Clinton. Nuff said.

Back to OP:
Hurricane Rita. Alone, secluded, flooded, no electric, no phone. 1:30 am. 2 men deciding which window to break to get in. And you think for one minute my mind was on my state's do's and dont's or who was going to win the primary? The only thing between me and them was a pane of glass and a rifle. And I just knew they weren't there to bake me a cake.
In this case, willful whatever it takes to stay alive, was the primary objective. My life trumps my state. If you break into my home I am going to automatically assume you are there to do me harm.

Anyway, glad you're not my child.
You'd have me dropping from a third story high rise because my state said, "flee".<Ignorance.
Don't want shot? Don't break into my house. I will not be fleeing. I will be defending. <Wisdom.
Arkansas is set to add Stand Your Ground language to it's legal process for self defense......and then the writer of the news article gets the Zimmerman case wrong, again.....Stand Your Ground was never part of the Zimmerman defense...the anti-gunners lied and use it to attack self defense by armed civilians, and this so called journalist repeated the lie......

Zimmerman was on the ground getting pounded...he could not retreat, which is the main point to stand your ground have to have the ability to retreat for it to be a stand your ground defense...

Bill would add 'Stand Your Ground' protection to Arkansas self defense law

A bill set to make its way through the Arkansas legislature would alter the state’s self-defense laws and allow for people to use “stand your ground” provisions in deadly confrontations.

State representative Aaron Pilkington (R – Clarksville) says House Bill 1059 will clear up ambiguities and make Arkansas law line up with our neighboring states.

“there's nowhere in there where I call it a “stand your ground” bill,” Pilkington said. “I call it a right to protect yourself. Other people are calling it a stand your ground bill.”

The label is controversial because Florida neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman avoided jail after he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a black teenager, in 2012.

Unlike Florida, Arkansas would not have allowed Zimmerman to use the defense, and that’s surprising to some in Pilkington’s district.
(Zimmerman's defense team did not use Stand Your Ground, it was never part of the defense, and did not apply to his situation...)

“I had a constituent reach out to me letting me know that we weren't a stand your ground state and after kind of looking at the laws and how they were he was right,” Pilkington said. “We're one of the few states that are duty to retreat.”

Pilkington would take the retreat requirement out of the law. After the Martin shooting, critics predicted similar killings across the country.
Wrong, this is a lie.

The Arkansas measure would remove from state law the ‘duty to retreat’ provision, where Florida self-defense law likewise has no ‘duty to retreat.’

Consequently, the journalist didn’t get anything ‘wrong,’ as Zimmerman’s acquittal was the result of Florida law having no retreat requirement; and if this law passes, Arkansas will have a similar self-defense law as Florida – the same law that allowed Zimmerman go free.

Wrong....the "no retreat" wasn't part of the Zimmerman case since he was pinned to the ground.....but thanks for playing.
Stand your ground means if you are armed and you feel threatened you can kill anyone you wish
Zimmerman used the law to murder a kid, that's the problem with this law; it can too easily be misused/abused. Additionally the silliness of asserting a jury will be mind readers and determine if a proper level of fear was reached to justify the little people’s murdering of each other to reach a verdict is beyond lunacy. The law is very useful as a concept however as a device to further demonize and push fear of the poor. Dovetails very nicely with a wall around society because we’re afraid of poor brown people flowing out of our coups and destabilization efforts in Latin and South America.

You are so full of shit on so many levels....

On the side,

If Zimmerman hadn't shot the thug pounding his head in the sidewalk...

Someone else would have....

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