Arkansas governor to sign bill nullifying gun restrictions


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

This is just more inane political theater from the ridiculous right.
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

This is just more inane political theater from the ridiculous right.
They can’t do that freak boy. Federal refs take precedence. Trumpscum are the stupidest people in the world
; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures,
No one I've heard expound on the topic has claimed otherwise. If the Schutzstaffel (*FBI) or the Brownshirts(DHS) decide to roust some rednecks with guns, no one in state government will get in their way. These "sanctuary" laws are no more nor less an insult to the Supremacy Clause than Blue State Immigration Sanctuary States during the Bad Orange Man's tenure. So, why the anxiety?
They can’t do that freak boy.
Yeah? Watch us. In fact, I expect that more than 1/3 of the states will eventually be giving you Nazis the middle-finger salute. You people get off on totalitarian power but your Federal Sturmtruppen doesn't have the ability to cash THESE kinds of checks. They're fine at rousting prominent political opponents of the Marxists but going against MASSED civil disobedience would require tens of thousands of armed enforcers and one HELL of a lot more jail cells than exist, currently.
I could be mistaken but I think America would be a bit resistant to scenes of internment camps springing up around the nation. If your little Nazis decided to play rough and start shooting people, well, let's just say they'd QUICKLY lose control of the situation and unlike their supporters, THEY aren't THAT stupid.
The Arkansas state courts, much less the feds, will turn the law over if it passes. The law places an undue burden on state law enforcement and the state courts.
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

This is just more inane political theater from the ridiculous right.
Sanctuary cities ? Hypocrite much ?
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

Then you need not be concerned.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

The SCOTUS is not mistake free. In the end, the people decide.

"Shall not be infringed" is not negotiable. It applies to the federal government, and to the states via the 14th Amendment.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

Too funny. I have just the place you can put your case law, and precedent with it.
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

This is just more inane political theater from the ridiculous right.
The Republicans know how to not make laws and waist time.
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

This is just more inane political theater from the ridiculous right.
They can’t do that freak boy. Federal refs take precedence. Trumpscum are the stupidest people in the world

So you can't buy weed in california?
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

This is just more inane political theater from the ridiculous right.
They can’t do that freak boy. Federal refs take precedence. Trumpscum are the stupidest people in the world

Actually. They can. It is why Sanctuary Cities were and are legal. Local authorities have neither the requirement nor the authority to enforce Federal Laws on Immigration.

The Sanctuary Cities did not interfere with Federal Law Enforcement. They just didn’t lift a finger to help them. Perfectly legal.

Now it is legal for the local police to refuse to assist in an investigation. An arrest warrant is another issue. The police must arrest someone who has a warrant out on them. Even a federal warrant.

A search warrant may be another issue as well. The police may not have to assist with those.
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

This is just more inane political theater from the ridiculous right.
They can’t do that freak boy. Federal refs take precedence. Trumpscum are the stupidest people in the world

Actually. They can. It is why Sanctuary Cities were and are legal. Local authorities have neither the requirement nor the authority to enforce Federal Laws on Immigration.

The Sanctuary Cities did not interfere with Federal Law Enforcement. They just didn’t lift a finger to help them. Perfectly legal.

Now it is legal for the local police to refuse to assist in an investigation. An arrest warrant is another issue. The police must arrest someone who has a warrant out on them. Even a federal warrant.

A search warrant may be another issue as well. The police may not have to assist with those.
Most cops I know throw away the reports if they don't like you.
They can’t do that freak boy.
Cant do what?

all the law says is that local authorities will not assist the federal government in enforcing new gun laws

and there is nothing wrong with that according to open borders libs who disapprove of deporting illegal aliens
“Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said Wednesday that he'll sign a bill that would bar state and local law officers from helping enforce new and future federal gun restrictions — a move critics say would be unconstitutional and create confusion about which gun limits the state does recognize.

The new legislation, which is a scaled back version of a bill Hutchinson vetoed, declares invalid in the state any federal gun restrictions enacted on or after Jan. 1, 2021, that violate the constitutional right to bear arms. Lawmakers voted largely along party lines early Wednesday to send the measure to the Republican governor for his consideration.”

This ‘legislation’ is as idiotic as it is meaningless.

The Constitution already prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local authorities from enforcing Federal laws; this ‘legislation’ is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.

And only the Supreme Court has the authority to determine if a firearm regulatory measure violates the Second Amendment, not the states.

Any Federal firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law is perfectly Constitutional and does not violate the Second Amendment; and such a measure would be binding on the states and local jurisdictions – there’s nothing state and local authorities can do about it; Federal authorities would be at liberty to enforce those measures, gun dealers doing business pursuant to a Federal firearm license would be compelled to follow all Federal firearm laws and regulations.

This is just more inane political theater from the ridiculous right.

Actually, it is simply legal wrangling.

It has always gone on and will always go on.

I agree with your perspective on specific points. Your moronic conclusion, however, does not follow.

AZ went back and forth with Obama on the border, knowing full well it was out of line. But it was pushing Obama to do more.

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