Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

A likely contender to see the SCOTUS.

The legislation prohibits abortion in the state unless a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life. A legal challenge to the bill is virtually certain.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

It is a stupid bill for several reasons, there is no exceptions for rape and incest on it.

It is going to be overturned by SCOTUS.

Personally I think 3rd Trimester and Partial Birth abortions should be criminalized since they had plenty of time to decide. 1st and 2nd Trimesters be allowed for Abortions, but she pays the cost herself since it is "her body" that is pregnant, the public who didn't fuck the woman shouldn't have to subsidize her sexual lifestyle decisions.
A likely contender to see the SCOTUS.

The legislation prohibits abortion in the state unless a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life. A legal challenge to the bill is virtually certain.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

It is a stupid bill for several reasons, there is no exceptions for rape and incest on it.

It is going to be overturned by SCOTUS.

On what grounds? The issue before SCOTUS will be state's rights, not abortion.
" The Ploy Of Fake Moral Outrage "

* Render Unto Caesar *

Ahh, the paradigm shift in morality when it involves a brown baby at the border...I see the fake form of Christianity that abodes in the heart of Trumpets. They alwasy need hookers, mules and construction laborers and meat packers in the USA and American citizens do not want them jobs.
The issue is citizenship and their privilges , christianity does not have anything to do with it , other than as an instrument by the left to fabricate a false association , and for the left to promote its own anti-racist racist against the evil whitey scapegoat .

The religion of secular humanism needs to get donations for its charitable causes from private , philanthropic , donations and carry their blubbering rants on a mission south of the border .
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" How To Commandeer Public Coffers To Grease The Palms of The Legal System And Political Donors Through Idiotic Legislation "

* Poorly Informed Prejudices *

It is a stupid bill for several reasons, there is no exceptions for rape and incest on it.
It is going to be overturned by SCOTUS.
Personally I think 3rd Trimester and Partial Birth abortions should be criminalized since they had plenty of time to decide. 1st and 2nd Trimesters be allowed for Abortions, but she pays the cost herself since it is "her body" that is pregnant, the public who didn't fuck the woman shouldn't have to subsidize her sexual lifestyle decisions.
The late second trimester and third trimester abortions are nearly always for fetal abnormality , that has nothing do with puritanical obsessions for sexual decisions by individuals from the religious reich .

The roe v wade decision deferred to states , according to us 10th amendment , for whether to proscribe abortion in the third trimester .
" Us Ninth Amendment Precedes The Tenth "

* Nothing To Do With State Wrights Until Equal Protection With Citizens That Requires Birth *

On what grounds? The issue before SCOTUS will be state's rights, not abortion.
The decision would occur on grounds that abortion is based upon the onset of state interests that pertain to citizens who must have been born , or to non citizens who must also have been born for equal protection .

The roe v wade court concluded that - post natural viability the standard of parturition , live birth , was relative and a state interest could begin in the third trimester .
A likely contender to see the SCOTUS.

The legislation prohibits abortion in the state unless a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life. A legal challenge to the bill is virtually certain.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

The start of turning another southern state purple.

After enough states are either blue or purple, and make no mistake about it, states are either becoming blue or purple. SCOTUS will be a moot point on abortion in the not so distant future.

Which makes you wonder what the next troll cause will be.
" Skewed Out Of Scope "

* A Fool Bragging About Destroying Free Enterprise And Individual Liberty *

The start of turning another southern state purple.
After enough states are either blue or purple, and make no mistake about it, states are either becoming blue or purple. SCOTUS will be a moot point on abortion in the not so distant future.
Which makes you wonder what the next troll cause will be.
Biden and the entire left wing are practicing idiocy .

About the only issue the left has correct is abortion and both the left and the right clueless to explain it , so we are at a stalemate based on two groups babbling idiocy .
A likely contender to see the SCOTUS.

The legislation prohibits abortion in the state unless a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life. A legal challenge to the bill is virtually certain.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

The start of turning another southern state purple.

After enough states are either blue or purple, and make no mistake about it, states are either becoming blue or purple. SCOTUS will be a moot point on abortion in the not so distant future.

Which makes you wonder what the next troll cause will be.

You should know that elective abortion rights are very unpopular in Arkansas. There is only one abortion clinic in the state currently if I recall correctly.

Governor Hutchinson (who is considered a relatively moderate and very popular governor who cannot run for reelection anyway) has tended to take centrist positions compared to the state legislature.

So I'm basically hearing, "Unless you're willing to give me lots of money, I HAVE to kill my baby!"

In actual fact, of course, there is already a lot of assistance out there for women who are pregnant and not financially healthy. But you do so like your narrative of "You're so MEAN to want babies to live, and I'm compassionate to want them killed", we wouldn't want facts to get in your way.
Yes, with a DNA test.
Most likely, none of those are human.
You leftist turds need to find a better argument for murder than "look, theses embryos all look the same, durrr".

Leftists actually believe their own ignorance is an argument in favor of things. Also, they seem obsessed with the surface appearance of things.

A DNA test isn't actually necessary. Just information. An embryologist would be able to tell you at a glance what species an embryo belonged to, because they have the information to do it.
So many decisions determine life and death for those already in the world. Given that fact, this concern over a woman's decision she doesn't want to carry a pregnancy to term is highly suspect. The noisiest proponents of interfering in that choice have no moral qualms paying taxes for and supporting policies and actions that kill innumerable individuals who have done no wrongs to them.
We should be better educating our children about life and choices rather than forbidding choices necessitated by lack of understanding.
You can't do drugs, you can't prostitute yourself, and you can't kill yourself
Why is that? And who is to prevent you from that? A vice squad?

Well, yes, law enforcement DOES prevent you from doing all those things, as much as they possibly can.
Yes, that is true. The question is to what extent they should be involved in these cases.

Well, that requires answering a deeper and more fundamental question: Do we want to live in a society that treats people as disposable?
You can't do drugs, you can't prostitute yourself, and you can't kill yourself
Why is that? And who is to prevent you from that? A vice squad?

Well, yes, law enforcement DOES prevent you from doing all those things, as much as they possibly can.
Yes, that is true. The question is to what extent they should be involved in these cases.

Well, that requires answering a deeper and more fundamental question: Do we want to live in a society that treats people as disposable?
Surely, you are not suggesting that we do not already?
You can't do drugs, you can't prostitute yourself, and you can't kill yourself
Why is that? And who is to prevent you from that? A vice squad?

Well, yes, law enforcement DOES prevent you from doing all those things, as much as they possibly can.
Yes, that is true. The question is to what extent they should be involved in these cases.

Well, that requires answering a deeper and more fundamental question: Do we want to live in a society that treats people as disposable?
I think that the first question should be: Do we want to live in a free society? And what a free society actually is?
You can't do drugs, you can't prostitute yourself, and you can't kill yourself
Why is that? And who is to prevent you from that? A vice squad?

Well, yes, law enforcement DOES prevent you from doing all those things, as much as they possibly can.
Yes, that is true. The question is to what extent they should be involved in these cases.

Well, that requires answering a deeper and more fundamental question: Do we want to live in a society that treats people as disposable?
Surely, you are not suggesting that we do not already?

No, although we have moved quite a ways that direction, and are continuing to move that way.

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