Arkansas GOP State Rep Thinks Slavery Was Blessing in Disguise for Blacks

Yes you do. You just don't want to.

No, I really don't. No Americans ever murdered 6,000,000 negro slaves, nor 5,000,000 negro slaves, nor 4,000,000, nor 3,000,000 nor 2,000,000, nor 1,000,000 not even a few hundred thousand, not even 10,000. No American ever brought negroes to this nation and placed them in concentration camps until they murdered them, as a matter of fact I'm not even aware of any Americans ever bringing slaves to this nation EVER, so what exacty is your comparrison? Or are you just being a dumbass for the sake of being a dumbass?

Of course not

You are a pastor of our lord

Making four million Americans property means nothing to you. Nor does beating them, raping their wives and daughters, selling their children

You sir, are one proud Christian

my my

jtpr has been mighty busy.

Do the Feds know about this?

Those "negros" will remove his pearly whites if the boy acts out.

jtpr312 is a mere buffoon.

Do you call these great neighbors "negros" when you see them, douchebag?

You're a fucking clown.

Two thngs dumbass.
1. The plural of negro is spelled with an e, Negros is an island in the Phillipines.
2. I personally don't have any negro neighbors.

What a surprise. I guess there's a small chance you have a few of your own teeth left.
Why is it that only the white race is blamed for slavery? You can't honestly point out a single race that didn't practice such a sick behavior!

Like it or hate it...Slavery is why there's 40 million black people in the United states. Playing the blame game is tiring.
Yes you do. You just don't want to.

No, I really don't. No Americans ever murdered 6,000,000 negro slaves, nor 5,000,000 negro slaves, nor 4,000,000, nor 3,000,000 nor 2,000,000, nor 1,000,000 not even a few hundred thousand, not even 10,000. No American ever brought negroes to this nation and placed them in concentration camps until they murdered them, as a matter of fact I'm not even aware of any Americans ever bringing slaves to this nation EVER, so what exacty is your comparrison? Or are you just being a dumbass for the sake of being a dumbass?

Of course not

You are a pastor of our lord

Making four million Americans property means nothing to you. Nor does beating them, raping their wives and daughters, selling their children

You sir, are one proud Christian

Nobody says it means nothing to me, but lets face a simple truth here. I never owned a slave, you or nobody you ever knew was a slave. I never raped a slave, you nor anyone you ever knew was ever raped by someone that owned them. I never sold a child, neither you, nor any kids you ever knew was ever sold, so stop wth the nonsense. The vast, vast majority of slaves, being valuable and expensive commodities, where well taken of. Furthermore Americans only owned slaves for 89yrs and it was Christians that led the fight to free them. What means more to me and effects me more than slavery is the sky high crime rates of the black race in this nation, the sky high unemployment rates of blacks in this nation, the sky high living on some type of govt subsidy rates of blacks in this nation, the sky high single parent rates among blacks in this nation, the sky high drug abuse rates among blacks in this nation, the sky high drop out rates among blacks in this nation, the forget sky high, how about outer space high black on white rape, assault and robbery rates in this nation and the constant whining by so many blacks that the white man owes them something becuase some Dutch or English trader bought their great, great, great, great grand pappy from some african and brought them over here as slaves. See those things I mentioned effect me, my family, my community and my nation, slavery doesn't and never did. EVERY race, and almost EVERY nationality on the planet, has been enslaved at one time or another, they've gotten over it, moved on and became productive to societies everywhere, not so with the negro. Where ever you find large concentrations of negroes, even african ones that never had ancestors in slavery in the nations they emigrated to, you will find the above listed problems among their communities. It's a cultural deficiency that is unrelated to slavery son, it is what it is.
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Then you are talking nonsense, with either 'negros' or 'negroes'. Both are acceptable usages.

Those "negros" will remove his pearly whites if the boy acts out.

jtpr312 is a mere buffoon.

Two thngs dumbass.
1. The plural of negro is spelled with an e, Negros is an island in the Phillipines.
2. I personally don't have any negro neighbors.

Acceptable by you does not mean correct. Google the def of negros and not one dictiionary will tell you it means more than black or african/american person, sorry. EVERY single one of them will tell you the plural of negro is Negroes and that Negros is an island in the Philippines. So no, it is not an accecptable usage by anyone with any knowledge of vacabulary, or the English language buffoon.
Your opinion is immaterial, but if you were right on this, does not mean you are right on your racial conclusions. This is America, and you have the right to say what you want, no matter how wrong.
Your opinion is immaterial, but if you were right on this, does not mean you are right on your racial conclusions. This is America, and you have the right to say what you want, no matter how wrong.

Yes, which is why you have the right to say negros when you mean Negroes, no matter how wrong it is. In this nation you certainly have the right to be ignorant, but it's not a right I'd be very proud of if I was you. As for my conclusions on the differences between the races, history, archeology, sociology, crime reports, poverty reports, education reports, my own experiances and current events ALL support my statements and all were used by me to reach my conclusions. Your conclusions are based on what? You saying I'm black, your conclusions offend me, so they can't be true? These are facts son, take it or leave it, won't change the truthfullness of what I say.
You are proud of your racialism. Your conclusions are inaccurate, and you clearly know little about the various academic disciplines. You read narrow, predisposed articles to your preferred viewpoint. You have offered nothing positive on the matter of race in America, other than you prefer to not be around black Americans. These are the facts, son, and you are stuck with them. The truth remains the same.
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You are proud of your racialism. Your conclusions are inaccurate, and you clearly know little about the various academic disciplines. You read narrow, predisposed articles to your preferred viewpoint. You have offered nothing positive on the matter of race in America, other than you prefer to not be around black Americans. These are the facts, son, and you are stuck with them. The truth remains the same.

Yes, the poverty rates, crime rates, incarceration rates, HS drop out rates, single parent family rates, welfare rates, sec 8 housing rates, black on white crime rates, lack of any historical evidence of any type of advanced negro civilizations, cities or empires are all predisposed articles and incorrect. yes, it's a world wide conspiracy to keep the black man down, lol. It is DUE TO these numerous statistics and historical facts that I have formed my viewpoint. As for offering anything positive on matters of race in America, there is nothing else the white man can offer. It's up to the black community to start condemning these types of behaviors and not embracing them. It's up to the black community to teach their kids to value education and to instill a strong work ethic in their kids. It's up to the black community to teach their kids to repsect the law. It's up to the black community to stop their kids from idolizing and looking up to these gangsta rapper thugs as role models. The white man has spent almost 50yrs and countless billions of dollars doing FOR the black man with very little results, time for the black community to stand up, take responsibilty for the plight of their people, and work towards fixing those cultural deficiencies for themselves. I know it's hard for you guys to take responsibilty for your failures, especially know with obama being a top role model for young blacks today and his constant whining that it's not his fault he sucks, it's Bush's fault he sucks, I know that makes your job harder, but until the black community changes it's culture, it will be what it is.
blah, blah, blah. You are a racialist, a hater, and man who knows not light and truth and contentment.

I like America, I think the 21st Century is amazing, and if you are young enough, you should get on board.

You are not going to change American culture. Just what it is, son.
jtpr, waassss uppppp you racist you.

Hey, which do you think is more important; surviving or living some version of the "American Dream"?

If you brought ANY race of people to a different country, made them slaves, abused, misused and did everything that could be done to make these people feel wothless, what kind of people you think you would get after a few generations?

After making them "free" after a couple hundred years as slaves, you then continue to abuse and misuse the group of people that are now the product of "freed slaves. And what kind of people do you think they might be? Educated? Productive? Grateful?

In other words, why the fuck would you EXPECT that the decendends of slaves and the product of generations of racial hatred, would be anything more than what they are now; and that is a people that are trying to survive the best way they can. Just like they have done for a couple hundred years.

The only thing slavery and the racial hatred taught the black men and women of this country was how to survive the best way they could. That's what white people taught them. That knowledge was passed generation to generation. Blacks learned to survive in what ever system they were living in. Survived as slaves, Jim Crow south, etc. Survival in a system is what they know best. What was "taught".

SO now white people have put a government system (feeling guilty?) in place that blacks and whites both work within to survive. (what's the white people's excuse?)

But you hold blacks solely responsible for their current miserable situtation.

I say you reap what you sow.
The racialists are lazy.

"Sentimentality, cliche', pretension, falsity of emotion, vanity, word-deafness, word-blindness, clumsiness, technical ineptitude, unoriginality -- all of these are bad but they are usually subsets and products of laziness." - Stephen Fry, The Ode Less Travelled
jtpr, waassss uppppp you racist you.

Hey, which do you think is more important; surviving or living some version of the "American Dream"?

If you brought ANY race of people to a different country, made them slaves, abused, misused and did everything that could be done to make these people feel wothless, what kind of people you think you would get after a few generations? If you then freed these same people, gave them all kinds of subsidies, spent billions of dollars trying to help them, by housing them, feeding them, educating them, all for free I would expect more than we currently get from the average negro. When we look at the many, many other peoples that where either dragged from their homes to a foreign nation and made slaves, or where made slaves by nations that conquered theirs we'd see they advanced enough to bring us some of the greatest civilizations in the world, and all this without the govt handouts. Hell, at one time Rome had just about every known people enslaved, the actual word slave comes from the word Slavic because they were the the most enlsaved people in history, and yet they mangaged to build great civilizations in a matter of a few generations after gaining their freedom. Same with the Jews.

After making them "free" after a couple hundred years as slaves, you then continue to abuse and misuse the group of people that are now the product of "freed slaves. And what kind of people do you think they might be? Educated? Productive? Grateful? I'd expect nothing from that culture, because the negro culture never contributed very much to civilization before they were slaves. Like I said, look to the Jews, the Slavs and every other European people that were enslaved by their conquerers.

In other words, why the fuck would you EXPECT that the decendends of slaves and the product of generations of racial hatred, would be anything more than what they are now; and that is a people that are trying to survive the best way they can. Just like they have done for a couple hundred years. Why would I expect it? Because EVERY other group that went through what they went through when they got free, they contributed to the building of the greatest civilizations the world ever knew. So what are you telling me, that the black is not the cultural equal of the white man? I know that, that's my whole point.

The only thing slavery and the racial hatred taught the black men and women of this country was how to survive the best way they could. That's what white people taught them. That knowledge was passed generation to generation. Blacks learned to survive in what ever system they were living in. Survived as slaves, Jim Crow south, etc. Survival in a system is what they know best. What was "taught". Waaa, waaaa waaa. Cry me a freaking river. They weren't the only ones to ever be slaves in this world, they just seem to be the only ones that can't prosper as a culture outside of slavery.

SO now white people have put a government system (feeling guilty?) in place that blacks and whites both work within to survive. (what's the white people's excuse?) Excuse for what? We don't have near the same per capita poverty rates, single parent household rates, welfare rates, incarceration rates, drug abuse rates, drop out rates, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

But you hold blacks solely responsible for their current miserable situtation. Yes, I do. NOBODY forces the blacks to live and act the way they do. The ONLY thing holding back the black race, is the black man.

I say you reap what you sow. Then that's bad news for the negro, because they sow murder, drug abuse, promiscuity, fatherless kids, disdain for education and following the law. They are alread reaping what they sow which is why 33% of the black males in this nation are or have been on parole/probation or are in jail or prison, and the cycle continues because the negro culture teaches their kids this lifestyle.
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Ah, RacistMan is blah blah blahing his hatred again.

Said little man, that jtpr. Who wonder who is posing in the avi?
blah, blah, blah. You are a racialist, a hater, and man who knows not light and truth and contentment.

I like America, I think the 21st Century is amazing, and if you are young enough, you should get on board.

You are not going to change American culture. Just what it is, son.

How am I a hater? By telling you the truth? If you hate the truth try to do something about the plight. Calling me a hater for pointing out the truth, and nothing I said was a lie, doesn't help your people at all. Burying your head in the sand and denying the truth is part of the problem.
It's earned the blessing of living off the government teat for about 10 to 11 percent of the total population of this country, for those descendants of slaves who are being paid reparations in the form of welfare. So he could be correct.
blah, blah, blah. You are a racialist, a hater, and man who knows not light and truth and contentment.

I like America, I think the 21st Century is amazing, and if you are young enough, you should get on board.

You are not going to change American culture. Just what it is, son.

How am I a hater? By telling you the truth? If you hate the truth try to do something about the plight. Calling me a hater for pointing out the truth, and nothing I said was a lie, doesn't help your people at all. Burying your head in the sand and denying the truth is part of the problem.

Thankfully, our culture has moved on without you

You are still free to post anonymous hatred on a message board and when challenged say....Who me?
Haters hate. He has horrible (I love this!) hilent hissies?

Poh poh, jtpr.

You will pass, hopefully many decades now, and then you and your hatred will be forgotten. Forever.

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