Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?

So if they don’t like the vote they will revoke it and select the candidate they want...

Hmmm, and if and when Democrats take control of Arizona my bet is those same idiots wanting this will then change their damn tune...
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?

Oh, boy, more faux "outrage" from the driveling hypocrite.

"Look, a leftist blog site said it, so that makes it completely true, and now you must accept it and defend their exact bias on it!!!"

First of all, assuming that I believe Raw Story - which I don't, just as a matter of course, because only fools like you would - it's at least as Constitutional as all those last-minute election changes you and your bullshitting fellow drones kept screaming in defense of.

I have a better idea. Why don't YOU tell me why it's Unconstitutional for a state legislature to pass an election law, but it remains completely Constitutional for governors and Secretaries of State to have done so when it benefitted Grandpa Badfinger? And while you're at it, why don't you tell me why Raw Story's sensationalistic and biased headline of "Steal the Election!!!!" is justified, but it was outrageous bordering on treasonous for anyone to say that about the changes you wanted?
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?

Oh, boy, more faux "outrage" from the driveling hypocrite.

"Look, a leftist blog site said it, so that makes it completely true, and now you must accept it and defend their exact bias on it!!!"

First of all, assuming that I believe Raw Story - which I don't, just as a matter of course, because only fools like you would - it's at least as Constitutional as all those last-minute election changes you and your bullshitting fellow drones kept screaming in defense of.

I have a better idea. Why don't YOU tell me why it's Unconstitutional for a state legislature to pass an election law, but it remains completely Constitutional for governors and Secretaries of State to have done so when it benefitted Grandpa Badfinger? And while you're at it, why don't you tell me why Raw Story's sensationalistic and biased headline of "Steal the Election!!!!" is justified, but it was outrageous bordering on treasonous for anyone to say that about the changes you wanted?
Well stated!
Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?

I don't think it's a good idea, but what makes it unconstitutional? The states can choose their electors in any manner they see fit. They don't even have to hold a popular vote.
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters
Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?

I don't think it's a good idea, but what makes it unconstitutional? The states can choose their electors in any manner they see fit. They don't even have to hold a popular vote.

If it passes, time will tell whether or not it was a good idea. Off the top of my head, I don't see any Constitutional reason they can't pass it, though.
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters

Once again, I ask: how are you not a hypocrite to be fauxraging about "defy the will of the people" and "spirit of representative democracy" in regards to a law duly passed by the representatives elected by the people to do that very thing, when you insisted up one side and down the other that it was perfectly okay and legal and WONDERFUL for election laws to be changed by people who were NOT elected to make law? Why is it suddenly "disenfranchisement" to make laws that you think might negatively affect you?
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters

Once again, I ask: how are you not a hypocrite to be fauxraging about "defy the will of the people" and "spirit of representative democracy" in regards to a law duly passed by the representatives elected by the people to do that very thing, when you insisted up one side and down the other that it was perfectly okay and legal and WONDERFUL for election laws to be changed by people who were NOT elected to make law? Why is it suddenly "disenfranchisement" to make laws that you think might negatively affect you?
You'll have to be more specific . I don't know what election laws you're referring to. I do know thaT numerous courts staffed by Rebublican judges, the Republican dominated SCOTUS, Republican election officials, and the Republican head of the DOJ found no irregularities that would have changed the outcome.
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?
LOL you have your undies in a bunch over something that is PROPOSED that MIGHT be used to revoke a state election certification. Meanwhile you completely ignore all of the Democrat election malfeasance THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED in the 2020 election.
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?
LOL you have your undies in a bunch over something that is PROPOSED that MIGHT be used to revoke a state election certification. Meanwhile you completely ignore all of the Democrat election malfeasance THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED in the 2020 election.
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters
I wish only land owners voted.
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters
I wish only land owners voted.
I could wish that only progressive secular humanists voted. But that would be as stupid and irrational as your wish.
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The era of election thievery is here thanks to the Democrats.

The Republicans may give a shot or two but they are rank amateurs compared to the Democrats.
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters
I wish only land owners voted.
White, male, Christian land owners. Right? Oh, that would be the only kind of landowners that should exist in your racist, mysoginist, bigoted bubble.

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