Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election

Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?
Raw Sewage....The fakest of fake nooz.
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters
I wish only land owners voted.
White, male, Christian land owners. Right? Oh, that would be the only kind of landowners that should exist in your racist, mysoginist, bigoted bubble.
Wouldn't have to be white, Christian, or even men....They could even be hysterical homo freaks like you, as long as they had their buy-in of being a freeholder.
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?
Raw Sewage....The fakest of fake nooz.
So you say that this is not happening?
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters
I wish only land owners voted.
I could wish that only progressive secular humanists voted. But that would be as stupid and irrational as your wish.
Its not stupid or irrational. The voting block is stupid and irrational.
Why wouldnt it be Constitutional?
Actually I will conceed that point. The constitution state that electors shall be chosen in a maner detyermind by the state legislatue. But having siaid that, do you honestly believe that to defy the will of the people is in keeping with the spirit of a representitive democracy? Do you think that it is appropriate or politcally wise to disenfranchise a majority of voters
I wish only land owners voted.
White, male, Christian land owners. Right? Oh, that would be the only kind of landowners that should exist in your racist, mysoginist, bigoted bubble.
Nope. Any land owners. Not just your ignorant assumption.
Perfect example of this country being filled with stupid people.
Nope. Any land owners. Not just your ignorant assumption
Why only landowners? Why a person which works legally and pays taxes cant have a right to vote?
There are decent, intelligent people that don't own land but that doesn't matter.
A majority of people vote with emotion.
Our politicians are proof of that.
Why that doesn't matter? It actually matters. There are not too many doubts that universal suffrage isnt wise practice. But narrowing the voting right only to landowners isnt wise, either.
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?

Oh, boy, more faux "outrage" from the driveling hypocrite.

"Look, a leftist blog site said it, so that makes it completely true, and now you must accept it and defend their exact bias on it!!!"

First of all, assuming that I believe Raw Story - which I don't, just as a matter of course, because only fools like you would - it's at least as Constitutional as all those last-minute election changes you and your bullshitting fellow drones kept screaming in defense of.

I have a better idea. Why don't YOU tell me why it's Unconstitutional for a state legislature to pass an election law, but it remains completely Constitutional for governors and Secretaries of State to have done so when it benefitted Grandpa Badfinger? And while you're at it, why don't you tell me why Raw Story's sensationalistic and biased headline of "Steal the Election!!!!" is justified, but it was outrageous bordering on treasonous for anyone to say that about the changes you wanted?

Assuming it's true, do you think it's a good idea for a state legislature to be able to overturn an election certification by simple majority vote, for any reason?
Nope. Any land owners. Not just your ignorant assumption
Why only landowners? Why a person which works legally and pays taxes cant have a right to vote?
There are decent, intelligent people that don't own land but that doesn't matter.
A majority of people vote with emotion.
Our politicians are proof of that.
Why that doesn't matter? It actually matters. There are not too many doubts that universal suffrage isnt wise practice. But narrowing the voting right only to landowners isnt wise, either.
I respectfully disagree.
Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?

I don't think it's a good idea, but what makes it unconstitutional? The states can choose their electors in any manner they see fit. They don't even have to hold a popular vote.

If it passes, time will tell whether or not it was a good idea. Off the top of my head, I don't see any Constitutional reason they can't pass it, though.
You'll think that it a good idea if Republicns use it to overturn an election tht they lost but a bad idea if Democrats do it. Don't lie
Nope. Any land owners. Not just your ignorant assumption
Why only landowners? Why a person which works legally and pays taxes cant have a right to vote?
There are decent, intelligent people that don't own land but that doesn't matter.
A majority of people vote with emotion.
Our politicians are proof of that.
Why that doesn't matter? It actually matters. There are not too many doubts that universal suffrage isnt wise practice. But narrowing the voting right only to landowners isnt wise, either.
I respectfully disagree.
What do you hate our Republic, the Constitution and the concept of a representitve democracy so much? You know, there are places where you can go where you would not have to deal those pesky inconvieniences . Please do
Nope. Any land owners. Not just your ignorant assumption
Why only landowners? Why a person which works legally and pays taxes cant have a right to vote?
There are decent, intelligent people that don't own land but that doesn't matter.
A majority of people vote with emotion.
Our politicians are proof of that.
Why that doesn't matter? It actually matters. There are not too many doubts that universal suffrage isnt wise practice. But narrowing the voting right only to landowners isnt wise, either.
I respectfully disagree.
What do you hate our Republic, the Constitution and the concept of a representitve democracy so much? You know, there are places where you can go where you would not have to deal those pesky inconvieniences . Please do
But he is right, partially at least. The voting right shouldn't be given automatically when one passes a certain age (too low now I should admit). If you want to have a say on the society's future, you should be contributing something to it beforehand.
Nope. Any land owners. Not just your ignorant assumption
Why only landowners? Why a person which works legally and pays taxes cant have a right to vote?
There are decent, intelligent people that don't own land but that doesn't matter.
A majority of people vote with emotion.
Our politicians are proof of that.
Why that doesn't matter? It actually matters. There are not too many doubts that universal suffrage isnt wise practice. But narrowing the voting right only to landowners isnt wise, either.
I respectfully disagree.
What do you hate our Republic, the Constitution and the concept of a representitve democracy so much? You know, there are places where you can go where you would not have to deal those pesky inconvieniences . Please do
But he is right, partially at least. The voting right shouldn't be given automatically when one passes a certain age (too low now I should admit). If you want to have a say on the society's future, you should be contributing something to it beforehand.
And who is it that would decide what a worthy contribution is? What would your criteria be?
Tell us again which party wants to steal elections. Tell us again which part would respect the will of the people and believes in free and fair election. Tell us again which party wishes to preserve the integrity of our Representative Democracy.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism

"The legislation would give state legislators the authority, by a majority vote, to 'revoke' the state certification of the presidential election in the state. Such a subversion of the democratic process was exactly what President Trump was pushing for in Arizona and other battleground states that elected Joe Biden."

Lets hear from those who think that this is a good idea. Who thinks that it is constitutional and why?
Raw Sewage....The fakest of fake nooz.
So you say that this is not happening?
If Raw Sewage reported it, the likelihood of it not happening as on the order of 99%
Nope. Any land owners. Not just your ignorant assumption
Why only landowners? Why a person which works legally and pays taxes cant have a right to vote?
There are decent, intelligent people that don't own land but that doesn't matter.
A majority of people vote with emotion.
Our politicians are proof of that.
Why that doesn't matter? It actually matters. There are not too many doubts that universal suffrage isnt wise practice. But narrowing the voting right only to landowners isnt wise, either.
I respectfully disagree.
What do you hate our Republic, the Constitution and the concept of a representitve democracy so much? You know, there are places where you can go where you would not have to deal those pesky inconvieniences . Please do
But he is right, partially at least. The voting right shouldn't be given automatically when one passes a certain age (too low now I should admit). If you want to have a say on the society's future, you should be contributing something to it beforehand.
And who is it that would decide what a worthy contribution is? What would your criteria be?
Well that is a difficult question. For example, an able-bodied person who lives on state allowances for a certain period of time (naturally, the retired wont be included in this). Or a person who doesn't pay taxes for a certain period of time.

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