Argument Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority?

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Israel keeps choking the PA. They will no longer be able the continue the security coordination with Israel. That would be a game changer.

The dissolution of the PNSF would come with real costs for Israelis as well as Palestinians. Thousands of Israel Defense Forces soldiers would likely be deployed in the event of a Palestinian security dissolution, and their long-term presence in former Palestinian Authority-controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars to Israeli taxpayers. The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel.

Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy
half of which was funded by international donors

a key point and I would not want to give that aid to Israel to help them build settlements. Israel is daily bulldozing homes as they are keep all attention on Iran and ISIS, personally I think they need someone much stronger than Abbas and Hamas, as Israel is running right over them, and I do believe when someone if attacking you and taking away your home, freedom and elec and ruined your water supply you should fight back. I think the Pals should become more aggressive and take back their land, or leave.
half of which was funded by international donors

a key point and I would not want to give that aid to Israel to help them build settlements. Israel is daily bulldozing homes as they are keep all attention on Iran and ISIS, personally I think they need someone much stronger than Abbas and Hamas, as Israel is running right over them, and I do believe when someone if attacking you and taking away your home, freedom and elec and ruined your water supply you should fight back. I think the Pals should become more aggressive and take back their land, or leave.

Then all Israel needs to do is impose even stricter control measures and curfews. Make the UN aware that unless the P.A. is brought to task then Israel will take whatever measures it can under the Geneva conventions to minimse the risks of civil disturbance and unruly behaviour. If this meand shooting to kill anyone breaking curfew then so be it.

Maybe bulldozing more homes to create a larger buffer zone is one answer, or turning of the gas, water and electricity for 24 hour periods to the whole of the P.A. controlled areas every time the Palestinians engage in violence. Another solution would be to demolish the two carbuncles on the Temple mount and move them to the north of Jerusalem along with the Palestinians.
P F Tinmore, Penelope, et al,

We have to address the condition at present.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
Ultimately, both sides are acting irrationally and taking steps that will do more harm than good. Netanyahu argues that Israel can never withdraw from the West Bank because doing so would leave a failed state in its wake — but he is now taking steps that may very well bring about that outcome. Abbas argues that he cannot continue to govern his people while Israel holds all of the tools of power — but it is hard to imagine how suspending security cooperation or collapsing the Palestinian Authority would have any benefit for the Palestinian people. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

The Article 22 basic requirement was that the indigenous population be "able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world." Our friend "Penelope" points out a very important point.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

This is a prima facie case for the recovery of statehood status, give that the State of Palestine (the Palestinian Authority) is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship with its donor nations; which contribute about half or more to their annual budget.
Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 2.34.28 PM.png
Additionally the American humanitarian contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have averaged over $200 million annually since 2007. When they say donors, they mean that $2.2 Billion comes from the donors, of which $600 Million (37%) comes from the US, the US has NO reasonable expectations of a return in either peace or cooperation. The US makes this contribution to the Palestinians, while NO other member of the Arab League (even the oil rich nations) contributes as as much to the cause of assisting the Arab Palestinians.
Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 2.59.01 PM.png

In 2013, the US contributed near as much to the Palestinian Authority (not counting the separate contribution to the UNRWA) then the entire rest of the donor nations (all sources) in 2014.

Israel keeps choking the PA. They will no longer be able the continue the security coordination with Israel. That would be a game changer.

The dissolution of the PNSF would come with real costs for Israelis as well as Palestinians. Thousands of Israel Defense Forces soldiers would likely be deployed in the event of a Palestinian security dissolution, and their long-term presence in former Palestinian Authority-controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars to Israeli taxpayers. The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel.

Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy

The Palestinians need to consider what is more important to them. They are losing donors faster then then they can replace them. While the many nation of the UN are very much willing to criticize the US and Israel by signing resolutions of a condemning nature, they are certainly certainly not willing to put their money where there mouth is.

We need not worry about the Palestinian Authority. It is the Century Old Article 22 Test. It will either become a successful state; or it will become a parasitic failed state. But either way, we will know whether or not the Arab Palestinian is capable of nation building.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, Penelope, et al,

We have to address the condition at present.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
Ultimately, both sides are acting irrationally and taking steps that will do more harm than good. Netanyahu argues that Israel can never withdraw from the West Bank because doing so would leave a failed state in its wake — but he is now taking steps that may very well bring about that outcome. Abbas argues that he cannot continue to govern his people while Israel holds all of the tools of power — but it is hard to imagine how suspending security cooperation or collapsing the Palestinian Authority would have any benefit for the Palestinian people. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

The Article 22 basic requirement was that the indigenous population be "able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world." Our friend "Penelope" points out a very important point.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

This is a prima facie case for the recovery of statehood status, give that the State of Palestine (the Palestinian Authority) is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship with its donor nations; which contribute about half or more to their annual budget.
Additionally the American humanitarian contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have averaged over $200 million annually since 2007. When they say donors, they mean that $2.2 Billion comes from the donors, of which $600 Million (37%) comes from the US, the US has NO reasonable expectations of a return in either peace or cooperation. The US makes this contribution to the Palestinians, while NO other member of the Arab League (even the oil rich nations) contributes as as much to the cause of assisting the Arab Palestinians.

In 2013, the US contributed near as much to the Palestinian Authority (not counting the separate contribution to the UNRWA) then the entire rest of the donor nations (all sources) in 2014.

Israel keeps choking the PA. They will no longer be able the continue the security coordination with Israel. That would be a game changer.

The dissolution of the PNSF would come with real costs for Israelis as well as Palestinians. Thousands of Israel Defense Forces soldiers would likely be deployed in the event of a Palestinian security dissolution, and their long-term presence in former Palestinian Authority-controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars to Israeli taxpayers. The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel.

Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy

The Palestinians need to consider what is more important to them. They are losing donors faster then then they can replace them. While the many nation of the UN are very much willing to criticize the US and Israel by signing resolutions of a condemning nature, they are certainly certainly not willing to put their money where there mouth is.

We need not worry about the Palestinian Authority. It is the Century Old Article 22 Test. It will either become a successful state; or it will become a parasitic failed state. But either way, we will know whether or not the Arab Palestinian is capable of nation building.

Most Respectfully,
This post proves a point.

You don't know jack shit.
Of course, why keep giving money to the Pals when Israel is going to destroy whatever they build. I also question the PA. There needs to be some changes. Its time for the Pals to get someone in there to fight for them. I am very into peace, but this is crazy to let people keep taking your land, home, and killing you off slowly. Those Israelites need to be put in their place, perhaps the Med. Sea. This is crazy how our gov. (the US) is friends with these killing maniacs.

I read this.

Norway may setup committee to oversee rebuilding Gaza

Wednesday, 11 March 2015 12:04

Norway is looking into the possibility of forming a special committee to oversee the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip similar to the committee established by Qatar, a special source told Al-Resalah news site.

The source said that a proposal, submitted to the Norwegian prime minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs last month, provides that Norway establishes a special committee to supervise the channelling of funds to Gaza and reconstruction projects there.

According to the source, a Norwegian delegation arrived in Gaza last week in order to study the idea and its applicability.

The source said the Norwegian government and other European ambassadors are wary of the Palestinian Authority's role in the process and fear that it will hinder rebuilding the enclave or will not send the money to the Gaza Strip.

The source added: "European countries tend to believe that the Palestinian Authority wants to impede reconstruction plans for political benefits, however reports coming from the Gaza Strip warn that the situation could explode at any moment there."

Last month, the UK's Oxfam warned that at the current rate, it would take 100 years to rebuild the Gaza Strip.

The report said the enclave needs 800,000 trucks of reconstruction material to rebuild homes, schools, medical facilities and the necessary infrastructure, which was destroyed by repeated disputes and years of Israeli siege.

Norway may setup committee to oversee rebuilding Gaza
P F Tinmore, Penelope, et al,

We have to address the condition at present.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
Ultimately, both sides are acting irrationally and taking steps that will do more harm than good. Netanyahu argues that Israel can never withdraw from the West Bank because doing so would leave a failed state in its wake — but he is now taking steps that may very well bring about that outcome. Abbas argues that he cannot continue to govern his people while Israel holds all of the tools of power — but it is hard to imagine how suspending security cooperation or collapsing the Palestinian Authority would have any benefit for the Palestinian people. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

The Article 22 basic requirement was that the indigenous population be "able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world." Our friend "Penelope" points out a very important point.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

This is a prima facie case for the recovery of statehood status, give that the State of Palestine (the Palestinian Authority) is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship with its donor nations; which contribute about half or more to their annual budget.
Additionally the American humanitarian contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have averaged over $200 million annually since 2007. When they say donors, they mean that $2.2 Billion comes from the donors, of which $600 Million (37%) comes from the US, the US has NO reasonable expectations of a return in either peace or cooperation. The US makes this contribution to the Palestinians, while NO other member of the Arab League (even the oil rich nations) contributes as as much to the cause of assisting the Arab Palestinians.

In 2013, the US contributed near as much to the Palestinian Authority (not counting the separate contribution to the UNRWA) then the entire rest of the donor nations (all sources) in 2014.

Israel keeps choking the PA. They will no longer be able the continue the security coordination with Israel. That would be a game changer.

The dissolution of the PNSF would come with real costs for Israelis as well as Palestinians. Thousands of Israel Defense Forces soldiers would likely be deployed in the event of a Palestinian security dissolution, and their long-term presence in former Palestinian Authority-controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars to Israeli taxpayers. The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel.

Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy

The Palestinians need to consider what is more important to them. They are losing donors faster then then they can replace them. While the many nation of the UN are very much willing to criticize the US and Israel by signing resolutions of a condemning nature, they are certainly certainly not willing to put their money where there mouth is.

We need not worry about the Palestinian Authority. It is the Century Old Article 22 Test. It will either become a successful state; or it will become a parasitic failed state. But either way, we will know whether or not the Arab Palestinian is capable of nation building.

Most Respectfully,
This post proves a point.

You don't know jack shit.

:lol: :lol:

Coming from you, the guy who gets everything wrong about the I/P conflict, that's hilarious!

I would love to see you refute his post
P F Tinmore, Penelope, et al,

We have to address the condition at present.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
Ultimately, both sides are acting irrationally and taking steps that will do more harm than good. Netanyahu argues that Israel can never withdraw from the West Bank because doing so would leave a failed state in its wake — but he is now taking steps that may very well bring about that outcome. Abbas argues that he cannot continue to govern his people while Israel holds all of the tools of power — but it is hard to imagine how suspending security cooperation or collapsing the Palestinian Authority would have any benefit for the Palestinian people. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

The Article 22 basic requirement was that the indigenous population be "able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world." Our friend "Penelope" points out a very important point.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

This is a prima facie case for the recovery of statehood status, give that the State of Palestine (the Palestinian Authority) is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship with its donor nations; which contribute about half or more to their annual budget.
Additionally the American humanitarian contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have averaged over $200 million annually since 2007. When they say donors, they mean that $2.2 Billion comes from the donors, of which $600 Million (37%) comes from the US, the US has NO reasonable expectations of a return in either peace or cooperation. The US makes this contribution to the Palestinians, while NO other member of the Arab League (even the oil rich nations) contributes as as much to the cause of assisting the Arab Palestinians.

In 2013, the US contributed near as much to the Palestinian Authority (not counting the separate contribution to the UNRWA) then the entire rest of the donor nations (all sources) in 2014.

Israel keeps choking the PA. They will no longer be able the continue the security coordination with Israel. That would be a game changer.

The dissolution of the PNSF would come with real costs for Israelis as well as Palestinians. Thousands of Israel Defense Forces soldiers would likely be deployed in the event of a Palestinian security dissolution, and their long-term presence in former Palestinian Authority-controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars to Israeli taxpayers. The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel.

Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy

The Palestinians need to consider what is more important to them. They are losing donors faster then then they can replace them. While the many nation of the UN are very much willing to criticize the US and Israel by signing resolutions of a condemning nature, they are certainly certainly not willing to put their money where there mouth is.

We need not worry about the Palestinian Authority. It is the Century Old Article 22 Test. It will either become a successful state; or it will become a parasitic failed state. But either way, we will know whether or not the Arab Palestinian is capable of nation building.

Most Respectfully,
This post proves a point.

You don't know jack shit.

:lol: :lol:

Coming from you, the guy who gets everything wrong about the I/P conflict, that's hilarious!

I would love to see you refute his post
His post does not refute mine. What would you have me say?
P F Tinmore, Penelope, et al,

We have to address the condition at present.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
Ultimately, both sides are acting irrationally and taking steps that will do more harm than good. Netanyahu argues that Israel can never withdraw from the West Bank because doing so would leave a failed state in its wake — but he is now taking steps that may very well bring about that outcome. Abbas argues that he cannot continue to govern his people while Israel holds all of the tools of power — but it is hard to imagine how suspending security cooperation or collapsing the Palestinian Authority would have any benefit for the Palestinian people. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

The Article 22 basic requirement was that the indigenous population be "able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world." Our friend "Penelope" points out a very important point.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

This is a prima facie case for the recovery of statehood status, give that the State of Palestine (the Palestinian Authority) is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship with its donor nations; which contribute about half or more to their annual budget.
Additionally the American humanitarian contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have averaged over $200 million annually since 2007. When they say donors, they mean that $2.2 Billion comes from the donors, of which $600 Million (37%) comes from the US, the US has NO reasonable expectations of a return in either peace or cooperation. The US makes this contribution to the Palestinians, while NO other member of the Arab League (even the oil rich nations) contributes as as much to the cause of assisting the Arab Palestinians.

In 2013, the US contributed near as much to the Palestinian Authority (not counting the separate contribution to the UNRWA) then the entire rest of the donor nations (all sources) in 2014.

Israel keeps choking the PA. They will no longer be able the continue the security coordination with Israel. That would be a game changer.

The dissolution of the PNSF would come with real costs for Israelis as well as Palestinians. Thousands of Israel Defense Forces soldiers would likely be deployed in the event of a Palestinian security dissolution, and their long-term presence in former Palestinian Authority-controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars to Israeli taxpayers. The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel.

Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy

The Palestinians need to consider what is more important to them. They are losing donors faster then then they can replace them. While the many nation of the UN are very much willing to criticize the US and Israel by signing resolutions of a condemning nature, they are certainly certainly not willing to put their money where there mouth is.

We need not worry about the Palestinian Authority. It is the Century Old Article 22 Test. It will either become a successful state; or it will become a parasitic failed state. But either way, we will know whether or not the Arab Palestinian is capable of nation building.

Most Respectfully,
This post proves a point.

You don't know jack shit.

:lol: :lol:

Coming from you, the guy who gets everything wrong about the I/P conflict, that's hilarious!

I would love to see you refute his post
His post does not refute mine. What would you have me say?
Who said he was trying to refute your post?
You responded to his post by saying he doesn't know jack shit. What did he post that is false?
P F Tinmore, Penelope, et al,

We have to address the condition at present.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
Ultimately, both sides are acting irrationally and taking steps that will do more harm than good. Netanyahu argues that Israel can never withdraw from the West Bank because doing so would leave a failed state in its wake — but he is now taking steps that may very well bring about that outcome. Abbas argues that he cannot continue to govern his people while Israel holds all of the tools of power — but it is hard to imagine how suspending security cooperation or collapsing the Palestinian Authority would have any benefit for the Palestinian people. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

The Article 22 basic requirement was that the indigenous population be "able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world." Our friend "Penelope" points out a very important point.

Can Israel Survive with the Palestinian Authority said:
The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel. SOURCE: FP Article 10 MAR 15 by ILAN GOLDENBERG, NICHOLAS HERAS

This is a prima facie case for the recovery of statehood status, give that the State of Palestine (the Palestinian Authority) is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship with its donor nations; which contribute about half or more to their annual budget.
Additionally the American humanitarian contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have averaged over $200 million annually since 2007. When they say donors, they mean that $2.2 Billion comes from the donors, of which $600 Million (37%) comes from the US, the US has NO reasonable expectations of a return in either peace or cooperation. The US makes this contribution to the Palestinians, while NO other member of the Arab League (even the oil rich nations) contributes as as much to the cause of assisting the Arab Palestinians.

In 2013, the US contributed near as much to the Palestinian Authority (not counting the separate contribution to the UNRWA) then the entire rest of the donor nations (all sources) in 2014.

Israel keeps choking the PA. They will no longer be able the continue the security coordination with Israel. That would be a game changer.

The dissolution of the PNSF would come with real costs for Israelis as well as Palestinians. Thousands of Israel Defense Forces soldiers would likely be deployed in the event of a Palestinian security dissolution, and their long-term presence in former Palestinian Authority-controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars to Israeli taxpayers. The Palestinian Authority’s 2014 budget was $4.2 billion, roughly half of which was funded by international donors that would not be willing to foot such a bill if the costs were borne by Israel.

Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy

The Palestinians need to consider what is more important to them. They are losing donors faster then then they can replace them. While the many nation of the UN are very much willing to criticize the US and Israel by signing resolutions of a condemning nature, they are certainly certainly not willing to put their money where there mouth is.

We need not worry about the Palestinian Authority. It is the Century Old Article 22 Test. It will either become a successful state; or it will become a parasitic failed state. But either way, we will know whether or not the Arab Palestinian is capable of nation building.

Most Respectfully,
This post proves a point.

You don't know jack shit.

:lol: :lol:

Coming from you, the guy who gets everything wrong about the I/P conflict, that's hilarious!

I would love to see you refute his post
His post does not refute mine. What would you have me say?
Who said he was trying to refute your post?
You responded to his post by saying he doesn't know jack shit. What did he post that is false?
Rocco's post was a hit piece. I didn't see any relevance to my post.
P F Tinmore, Penelope, et al,

We have to address the condition at present.

The Article 22 basic requirement was that the indigenous population be "able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world." Our friend "Penelope" points out a very important point.

This is a prima facie case for the recovery of statehood status, give that the State of Palestine (the Palestinian Authority) is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship with its donor nations; which contribute about half or more to their annual budget.
Additionally the American humanitarian contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have averaged over $200 million annually since 2007. When they say donors, they mean that $2.2 Billion comes from the donors, of which $600 Million (37%) comes from the US, the US has NO reasonable expectations of a return in either peace or cooperation. The US makes this contribution to the Palestinians, while NO other member of the Arab League (even the oil rich nations) contributes as as much to the cause of assisting the Arab Palestinians.

In 2013, the US contributed near as much to the Palestinian Authority (not counting the separate contribution to the UNRWA) then the entire rest of the donor nations (all sources) in 2014.


The Palestinians need to consider what is more important to them. They are losing donors faster then then they can replace them. While the many nation of the UN are very much willing to criticize the US and Israel by signing resolutions of a condemning nature, they are certainly certainly not willing to put their money where there mouth is.

We need not worry about the Palestinian Authority. It is the Century Old Article 22 Test. It will either become a successful state; or it will become a parasitic failed state. But either way, we will know whether or not the Arab Palestinian is capable of nation building.

Most Respectfully,
This post proves a point.

You don't know jack shit.

:lol: :lol:

Coming from you, the guy who gets everything wrong about the I/P conflict, that's hilarious!

I would love to see you refute his post
His post does not refute mine. What would you have me say?
Who said he was trying to refute your post?
You responded to his post by saying he doesn't know jack shit. What did he post that is false?
Rocco's post was a hit piece. I didn't see any relevance to my post.

Then why did you say that instead of what you posted
Of course, why keep giving money to the Pals when Israel is going to destroy whatever they build. I also question the PA. There needs to be some changes. Its time for the Pals to get someone in there to fight for them. I am very into peace, but this is crazy to let people keep taking your land, home, and killing you off slowly. Those Israelites need to be put in their place, perhaps the Med. Sea. This is crazy how our gov. (the US) is friends with these killing maniacs.

I read this.

Norway may setup committee to oversee rebuilding Gaza

Wednesday, 11 March 2015 12:04

Norway is looking into the possibility of forming a special committee to oversee the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip similar to the committee established by Qatar, a special source told Al-Resalah news site.

The source said that a proposal, submitted to the Norwegian prime minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs last month, provides that Norway establishes a special committee to supervise the channelling of funds to Gaza and reconstruction projects there.

According to the source, a Norwegian delegation arrived in Gaza last week in order to study the idea and its applicability.

The source said the Norwegian government and other European ambassadors are wary of the Palestinian Authority's role in the process and fear that it will hinder rebuilding the enclave or will not send the money to the Gaza Strip.

The source added: "European countries tend to believe that the Palestinian Authority wants to impede reconstruction plans for political benefits, however reports coming from the Gaza Strip warn that the situation could explode at any moment there."

Last month, the UK's Oxfam warned that at the current rate, it would take 100 years to rebuild the Gaza Strip.

The report said the enclave needs 800,000 trucks of reconstruction material to rebuild homes, schools, medical facilities and the necessary infrastructure, which was destroyed by repeated disputes and years of Israeli siege.

Norway may setup committee to oversee rebuilding Gaza
Yeah, just like the building materials that were sent for this "reconstruction" before, that went into building attack tunnels. Nope, The pals don't deserve squat until they start acting like humans.
Of course, why keep giving money to the Pals when Israel is going to destroy whatever they build. I also question the PA. There needs to be some changes. Its time for the Pals to get someone in there to fight for them. I am very into peace, but this is crazy to let people keep taking your land, home, and killing you off slowly. Those Israelites need to be put in their place, perhaps the Med. Sea. This is crazy how our gov. (the US) is friends with these killing maniacs.

I read this.

Norway may setup committee to oversee rebuilding Gaza

Wednesday, 11 March 2015 12:04

Norway is looking into the possibility of forming a special committee to oversee the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip similar to the committee established by Qatar, a special source told Al-Resalah news site.

The source said that a proposal, submitted to the Norwegian prime minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs last month, provides that Norway establishes a special committee to supervise the channelling of funds to Gaza and reconstruction projects there.

According to the source, a Norwegian delegation arrived in Gaza last week in order to study the idea and its applicability.

The source said the Norwegian government and other European ambassadors are wary of the Palestinian Authority's role in the process and fear that it will hinder rebuilding the enclave or will not send the money to the Gaza Strip.

The source added: "European countries tend to believe that the Palestinian Authority wants to impede reconstruction plans for political benefits, however reports coming from the Gaza Strip warn that the situation could explode at any moment there."

Last month, the UK's Oxfam warned that at the current rate, it would take 100 years to rebuild the Gaza Strip.

The report said the enclave needs 800,000 trucks of reconstruction material to rebuild homes, schools, medical facilities and the necessary infrastructure, which was destroyed by repeated disputes and years of Israeli siege.

Norway may setup committee to oversee rebuilding Gaza
Yeah, just like the building materials that were sent for this "reconstruction" before, that went into building attack tunnels. Nope, The pals don't deserve squat until they start acting like humans.

Well gee if Egypt can close the tunnels without destroying buildings and entering Gaza, why can't the Israel, too stupid?
"P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure what a "hit piece" is.

Rocco's post was a hit piece. I didn't see any relevance to my post.

I thought the question was going in the wrong direction. It should be about the consequences of the PA Action. The question "Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy" presupposes that the Palestinians have a Foreign Policy on which Israel depends upon for its survival. That is not at all obvious. And your opening tied that to budget and funding; suggesting that financial issue are somehow tied to the question on Israeli dependence on Palestinian Foreign Policy. And again, I don't think that is at all obvious.

The base argument suggests that the long-term impact of losing the Palestinian contribution to security (policy and cooperation) for Palestinian controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars MORE to the Israeli taxpayers. And that would be true if the Israelis were at all concerned about lawlessness in the former Palestinian controlled areas. But suppose that Israel doesn't care whether the Palestinians burn their portion of the West Bank down? And the Palestinian Foreign Policy in the broader sense, has already expended a vast majority of their energy. What more damage can they inflict in politically upon Israel --- versus --- how much more damage can Israel inflict on the West Bank and Gaza? (I suggest that is no contest.)

The question should be focused and shaped differently. And that is where I started my Posting #4. What impact can the self-inflicted wound (Palestinian inaction and lack of deceive self-supporting government) have on the Palestinian people. And how much are the people of the West Bank dependent on outside hand-outs (unable to stand alone)?

Remembering that: Article 22 criteria was "until such time as they are able to stand alone." If the State of Palestine government now declares that they are incapable of governing themselves because they are dependent on the Israelis and foreign donors (Israel keeps choking the PA); that should NOT matter if they are capable of standing alone? What does that say about their abilities to meet the century old criteria to be independent.

Does that make the claim by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s --- "that if the Israelis leave the West Bank that the State of Palestine will fail" --- any less sound and valid?

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
"P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure what a "hit piece" is.

Rocco's post was a hit piece. I didn't see any relevance to my post.

I thought the question was going in the wrong direction. It should be about the consequences of the PA Action. The question "Can Israel Survive Without the Palestinian Authority Foreign Policy" presupposes that the Palestinians have a Foreign Policy on which Israel depends upon for its survival. That is not at all obvious. And your opening tied that to budget and funding; suggesting that financial issue are somehow tied to the question on Israeli dependence on Palestinian Foreign Policy. And again, I don't think that is at all obvious.

The base argument suggests that the long-term impact of losing the Palestinian contribution to security (policy and cooperation) for Palestinian controlled areas would likely cost billions of dollars MORE to the Israeli taxpayers. And that would be true if the Israelis were at all concerned about lawlessness in the former Palestinian controlled areas. But suppose that Israel doesn't care whether the Palestinians burn their portion of the West Bank down? And the Palestinian Foreign Policy in the broader sense, has already expended a vast majority of their energy. What more damage can they inflict in politically upon Israel --- versus --- how much more damage can Israel inflict on the West Bank and Gaza? (I suggest that is no contest.)

The question should be focused and shaped differently. And that is where I started my Posting #4. What impact can the self-inflicted wound (Palestinian inaction and lack of deceive self-supporting government) have on the Palestinian people. And how much are the people of the West Bank dependent on outside hand-outs (unable to stand alone)?

Remembering that: Article 22 criteria was "until such time as they are able to stand alone." If the State of Palestine government now declares that they are incapable of governing themselves because they are dependent on the Israelis and foreign donors (Israel keeps choking the PA); should that matter if they are capable of standing alone?) What does that say about their abilities to meet the century old criteria to be independent.

Does that make the claim by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim --- "that if the Israelis leave the West Bank that the State of Palestine will fail" --- any less sound and valid?

Most Respectfully,
You missed the point.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is possible that I tried to shift the discussion on the topic.

P F Tinmore, et al,

No I don't think so.

You missed the point.

It is a case "misdirection;" a technique used when performing trying to shift the impact and Feint an alternative political strategy.

Indeed, you did try to shift focus.

There is absolutely no Palestinian Foreign Policy on which Israeli survival is dependent? In the absence of such a policy --- we should properly reframe the argument.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is possible that I tried to shift the discussion on the topic.

P F Tinmore, et al,

No I don't think so.

You missed the point.

It is a case "misdirection;" a technique used when performing trying to shift the impact and Feint an alternative political strategy.

Indeed, you did try to shift focus.

There is absolutely no Palestinian Foreign Policy on which Israeli survival is dependent? In the absence of such a policy --- we should properly reframe the argument.

Most Respectfully,
The OP is not about Palestinian foreign policy.
Of course, why keep giving money to the Pals when Israel is going to destroy whatever they build. I also question the PA. There needs to be some changes. Its time for the Pals to get someone in there to fight for them. I am very into peace, but this is crazy to let people keep taking your land, home, and killing you off slowly. Those Israelites need to be put in their place, perhaps the Med. Sea. This is crazy how our gov. (the US) is friends with these killing maniacs.

I read this.

Norway may setup committee to oversee rebuilding Gaza

Wednesday, 11 March 2015 12:04

Norway is looking into the possibility of forming a special committee to oversee the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip similar to the committee established by Qatar, a special source told Al-Resalah news site.

The source said that a proposal, submitted to the Norwegian prime minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs last month, provides that Norway establishes a special committee to supervise the channelling of funds to Gaza and reconstruction projects there.

According to the source, a Norwegian delegation arrived in Gaza last week in order to study the idea and its applicability.

The source said the Norwegian government and other European ambassadors are wary of the Palestinian Authority's role in the process and fear that it will hinder rebuilding the enclave or will not send the money to the Gaza Strip.

The source added: "European countries tend to believe that the Palestinian Authority wants to impede reconstruction plans for political benefits, however reports coming from the Gaza Strip warn that the situation could explode at any moment there."

Last month, the UK's Oxfam warned that at the current rate, it would take 100 years to rebuild the Gaza Strip.

The report said the enclave needs 800,000 trucks of reconstruction material to rebuild homes, schools, medical facilities and the necessary infrastructure, which was destroyed by repeated disputes and years of Israeli siege.

Norway may setup committee to oversee rebuilding Gaza
Yeah, just like the building materials that were sent for this "reconstruction" before, that went into building attack tunnels. Nope, The pals don't deserve squat until they start acting like humans.

Well gee if Egypt can close the tunnels without destroying buildings and entering Gaza, why can't the Israel, too stupid?
How many rockets have been launched from Gaza into Egypt?

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