Are you a Republican or a Trumpster?

^ Empty meaningless post. One of course can be both a Trump supporter AND a Republican. The denial of that fact is baseless nonsense.

You see, this is when right wingers like you show your ignorance, naivete and reading/hearing comprehension.

It is NOT I that are sating that you CANNOT be both......It is the head of the RNC and Paul Ryan demanding that Trump (as the nominee) needs to comply with the republican platform................Conversely, Trump is openly stating that it is the RNC (and GOP) that need to comply with what his [albeit, murky] policies are since it was he that got the that he....Trump......IS the party.

If there's a grown up around your basement, ask to help you understand.
Just because you consider the blame cast at Obama unfounded, doesn't meant that other people can't reasonably disagree.

It is very, very self serving of you to assume base motives for your ideological enemies.

Wrong.....I disagree with Obama on TONS of his policies.......But when members of your ilk call him the worst president ever.......that Obama racked up the entire deficit and debt on his own.....when right wingers call him a Kenyan Muslim......when Tea Sippers call him a communist/socialist......
THEN and only then, do I have to conclude that the hatred toward him is founded on race.
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^ Empty meaningless post. One of course can be both a Trump supporter AND a Republican. The denial of that fact is baseless nonsense.

You see, this is when right wingers like you show your ignorance, naivete and reading/hearing comprehension.

It is NOT I that are sating that you CANNOT be both......It is the head of the RNC and Paul Ryan demanding that Trump (as the nominee) needs to comply with the republican platform................Conversely, Trump is openly stating that it is the RNC (and GOP) that need to comply with what his [albeit, murky] policies are since it was he that got the that he....Trump......IS the party.

If there's a grown up around your basement, ask to help you understand.

It is NOT I that are sating :lmao: English is not your strength, and that impedes the clarity of your attempts at communicating.

On the other hand, to the extent that you are not the one saying it, good for you. Anybody saying it is being vapid and as generally ignorant as you frequently are.
In all honesty, a voter cannot really be both a republican and a Trump supporter....In a sense, Trump HAS formed a 3rd party.....

As others have posted, Paul Ryan (and Preibus) have called for Trump to comply with GOP policies and ideologies, while Trump has clearly stated that it is not he who will conform to GOP policies and that his voters want the GOP to comply with HIS policies (as murky as these policies may be.)

Fully realizing that my own party is severely divided, the differences between Sanders and Clinton PALE in comparison to what the GOP and RNC is experiencing.......We are living in interesting times.
Excellent post. Trump is running as Trump and not a candidate who gives a rat's ass about the party or its banner.

It is a new day in the world of American politics and interesting times indeed.
Wrong.....I disagree with Obama and TONS of his policies.......But when members of your ilk call him the worst president ever.......that Obama racked up the entire deficit and debt on his own.....when right wingers call him a Kenyan Muslim......when Tea Sippers call him a communist/socialist......
THEN and only then, do I have to conclude that the hatred toward him is founded on race.
While I found your op poignant, this is hogwash. Tying in racism for a visceral dislike, or even hate, it obviously hogwash. It's like saying the criticism of Bush was hatred of WASPS.
It is NOT I that are sating :lmao: English is not your strength, and that impedes the clarity of your attempts at communicating.

On the other hand, to the extent that you are not the one saying it, good for you. Anybody saying it is being vapid and as generally ignorant as you frequently are.

OMG........You're so "right" I did not type a "t" when writing sTating.....that MUST then allow nitwits to disregard the rest of the post......
Get a life, imbecile..
While I found your op poignant, this is hogwash. Tying in racism for a visceral dislike, or even hate, it obviously hogwash. It's like saying the criticism of Bush was hatred of WASPS.

Well, yes and no.......I, for one, never "hated" GWB.....I disliked the way he was manipulated by more evil and much smarter folks like Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz and many other neocons.......However, six of the 8 years of Obama's administration have been with a hate-filled right wing majority in congress, supreme court, and state legislatures.........Placing blame on Obama for republican dissatisfaction boils down to mostly escapism or ignorance.
Well, yes and no.......I, for one, never "hated" GWB.....I disliked the way he was manipulated by more evil and much smarter folks like Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz and many other neocons.......However, six of the 8 years of Obama's administration have been with a hate-filled right wing majority in congress, supreme court, and state legislatures.........Placing blame on Obama for republican dissatisfaction boils down to mostly escapism or ignorance.
You are inconsistent. We have gone from racism to escapism and ignorance. Your op was spot on, but from there you went from the insightful to the hackneyed.


Gun control had nothing to do with the genocide this society perpetrated upon those already on this land mass before the virus arrived. It was rather a religious perceptual realty that commoditized everything on the planet including humanity; a male dominator God culture obsessed with wealth and possessions, devoid of any sense of either personal responsibility or humility. Genociding a people off of a land mass to avoid purchasing costs while enslaving another group of people to avoid labor costs is not entrepreneurial nor manifest.
Donald Trump Tweeter feed AKA Total Whine .....

Give a Man a Fish and you have fed him for a day
Teach a man to fish and you have fed him for a life time
Give a man a "mullet haircut" and teach him that the Mexicans and the Blacks took his fish and he needs a wall to keep his fvcking fish and you have taught him to be a Trump go "Where no man has gone before"


Gun control had nothing to do with the genocide this society perpetrated upon those already on this land mass before the virus arrived. It was rather a religious perceptual realty that commoditized everything on the planet including humanity; a male dominator God culture obsessed with wealth and possessions, devoid of any sense of either personal responsibility or humility. Genociding a people off of a land mass to avoid purchasing costs while enslaving another group of people to avoid labor costs is not entrepreneurial nor manifest.
Take it up with "Goofy Squaw" Warren.
It is NOT I that are sating :lmao: English is not your strength, and that impedes the clarity of your attempts at communicating.

On the other hand, to the extent that you are not the one saying it, good for you. Anybody saying it is being vapid and as generally ignorant as you frequently are.

OMG........You're so "right" I did not type a "t" when writing sTating.....that MUST then allow nitwits to disregard the rest of the post......
Get a life, imbecile..

Aside from the typo, you utter moron, you ALSO said that "it is not I that are ...." Have an adult help you with the most basic of English grammar, you dipshit. I have a life. You have your ignorance. Muddle on ya twit.
While I agree with some of Elizabeth's rhetoric about "Wall Street," etc., she did use her alleged "native American" status for self gain purposes, which makes her just as untrustworthy as those she talks about in my book.
While I agree with some of Elizabeth's rhetoric about "Wall Street," etc., she did use her alleged "native American" status for self gain purposes, which makes her just as untrustworthy as those she talks about in my book.

I actually agree with virtually all of the disdain that Warren has towards the gamblers and crooks that populate Wall Street banks....HOWEVER, I fully agree with you that Elizabeth has made a fatal political mistake with that "Cherokee descendant" allegation. As a non-Indian who has worked with Natives for almost 40 years, I can readily state that nothing pisses off tribal folks than "wanna-bes" especially when they use that false status for some advantage....and in Warren's case a scholarly advantage.

She'll make a decent senator....but never really rise above that in an elected position (perhaps she may be appointed to a higher one, but never elected.).
While I agree with some of Elizabeth's rhetoric about "Wall Street," etc., she did use her alleged "native American" status for self gain purposes, which makes her just as untrustworthy as those she talks about in my book.

I actually agree with virtually all of the disdain that Warren has towards the gamblers and crooks that populate Wall Street banks....HOWEVER, I fully agree with you that Elizabeth has made a fatal political mistake with that "Cherokee descendant" allegation. As a non-Indian who has worked with Natives for almost 40 years, I can readily state that nothing pisses off tribal folks than "wanna-bes" especially when they use that false status for some advantage....and in Warren's case a scholarly advantage.

She'll make a decent senator....but never really rise above that in an elected position (perhaps she may be appointed to a higher one, but never elected.).

Chief Warren Hutch is already a Senator, but is far from decent. Descent, perhaps.
Are you a Republican or a Trumpster?

Neither. I'm a human and an American.
I don't want him in power, but I'd like his pretty face and pretty eyes as a FOX analyst.
