Are We Imploding?

It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?

No. The blob is the political equivalent of a TV station experiencing "technical difficulties". Eventually, the cancer is eradicated and the body starts to heal.

I hope so.

It seems that a small minority of voters in a few states can set the future for all of us. Not only is that not fair, it is anti democratic, which pleases the current iteration of the GOP. It is time for the Electoral College to be repealed, and allow all of us to judge if the government in place is destructive, is no longer just, and cannot insure domestic tranquility or provide for our common defense.

We the people can no longer tolerate a government which divides us. Yesterday, the AG of the United States proved how destructive the Trump Administration has become in labeling those violent protesters as "
far left extremist groups".

There is no evidence that those who mimicked “Kristallnacht” are leftist, a pejorative used by the far right to suggest that these vandals are Democrat supporters; no evidence exists to prove that Democrats, Libertarians or Republicans support violence as a means (to what end, civil war?).

Those who destroy cities are disaffected, violent anarchists: The idiot Fringe if we are to use a label. But to call them "leftist" is not only wrong, it is one more example of prejudice which dominates Trump&Company's rhetoric.
It's a simple question that deserves an answer. I look around my neighborhood and things are getting worse by the day. The police are useless and definitely not in the business of "protecting and serving" the community. The homeless problem has exploded. Then the virus hits and the Federal government completely abdicates it's responsibility and obligation to its citizens. 40 million Americans are now out of work. Families are trying to find ways to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Something has to give and it appears it is going to be our entire society and its ability to function. I'm going to turn 55 years old later this year. I've had a ringside seat to the destruction that hatred, mistrust, and unbridled capitalism has and continues to have on us as individuals and as a collective society. I'm afraid For the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerely afraid. Fear is a dangerous thing. Living in fear isn't living. Donald Trump is everything that is wrong with this Country. He is a slow, insidious poison that is saturating the very heart of this Country. Now, he wants to pick a fight with China. How much more can our Country take?
Things are looking up...

Places are starting to reopen, and workers are being called back to work...

Unfortunately, a lot of workers are resisting because of those fat unemployment checks, but don't worry... Refusing to return to work will get their unemployment checks terminated (since that is considered to be a "voluntary quit"), and they'll be getting new jobs as soon as they get hungry, lose their homes, and get a few visits from the repo man!!!

What a sad little person you are.
Because I expect Democrats to WORK, like everybody else???

If 1/2 of the nation is red and the other half is blue, math should tell you that 20M blob supporters are drawing unemployment. You calling these victims of the virus lazy is bullshit.

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