Are we heading into proxy wars with Russia ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Proxy wars are better than direct wars.

Bottom line though, America has to lead loudly and decisively. We need a U.S empire. Start by defending your border ffs and rid the scouge of socialism and treasonous "Cancel Culture" profiteers.
Proxy wars are better than direct wars.

Bottom line though, America has to lead loudly and decisively. We need a U.S empire. Start by defending your border ffs and rid the scouge of socialism and treasonous "Cancel Culture" profiteers.

We're being turned into Venezuela.
Proxy wars are better than direct wars.

Bottom line though, America has to lead loudly and decisively. We need a U.S empire. Start by defending your border ffs and rid the scouge of socialism and treasonous "Cancel Culture" profiteers.
The Middle East is worth protecting, but we've vastly worn out our welcome there.
We can protect Israel, and it's crucial to guard the Suez Canal-- goods from Pakistan to Australia flow to Europe through there....2000 miles less than crossing 2 oceans the other way.
Proxy wars are better than direct wars.

Bottom line though, America has to lead loudly and decisively. We need a U.S empire. Start by defending your border ffs and rid the scouge of socialism and treasonous "Cancel Culture" profiteers.
Direct wars are also good. Anyway, the USA must be prepared to fight a direct (all-out nuclear) war against Russia, else Russia could win any proxy war just by raising bets.
If the Ukraine was smart, they would get off their ass and join NATO.

In fact, I almost laughed when Putin threatened to invade the Ukraine if they joined NATO. He would be much happier hacking off a piece of the country unopposed than to have that happen. And myself, I am seeing more and more that Purin is copying the Hitler guidebook to national expansion.
If the Ukraine was smart, they would get off their ass and join NATO.

In fact, I almost laughed when Putin threatened to invade the Ukraine if they joined NATO. He would be much happier hacking off a piece of the country unopposed than to have that happen. And myself, I am seeing more and more that Purin is copying the Hitler guidebook to national expansion.
Russia have been expansionist long before Hitler was born. They have more than enough "guidebooks". In some ways, the Prussian school of expansionism was created by the Russians. Bismarck was one of the best Gorchakov's pupils.

And yes, reasonable NATO countries don't want Ukraine in the Alliance.

Crossing Russian red lines is not the best idea, I guess.

"The path to real victory is open for China and Russia": US expert on the refusal of a war on two fronts​

If the Ukraine was smart, they would get off their ass and join NATO.

In fact, I almost laughed when Putin threatened to invade the Ukraine if they joined NATO. He would be much happier hacking off a piece of the country unopposed than to have that happen. And myself, I am seeing more and more that Purin is copying the Hitler guidebook to national expansion.
Unlikely to happen. At least in the foreseeable future. Most European countries are too scared of Russia.
If the Ukraine was smart, they would get off their ass and join NATO.

In fact, I almost laughed when Putin threatened to invade the Ukraine if they joined NATO. He would be much happier hacking off a piece of the country unopposed than to have that happen. And myself, I am seeing more and more that Putin is copying the Hitler guidebook to national expansion.
Russia have been expansionist long before Hitler was born. They have more than enough "guidebooks". In some ways, the Prussian school of expansionism was created by the Russians. Bismarck was one of the best Gorchakov's pupils.

And yes, reasonable NATO countries don't want Ukraine in the Alliance.

Crossing Russian red lines is not the best idea, I guess.

And people warned the same thing when Poland and many other former Warsaw Pact nations joined. I think that NATO now includes about half of the members of the Warsaw Pact.

And what gives Russia the right to say if any member joins or not? We did not object when Mongolia applied to join the Warsaw Pact, and did not object that China, North Vietnam, and North Korea were "observer nations" of the alliance. If anything, that only makes me more determined that they be allowed to join. The very purpose of an alliance is joint-protection.

I find the very idea that one nation has the right to prevent another from joining a defense treaty offensive.
If the Ukraine was smart, they would get off their ass and join NATO.

In fact, I almost laughed when Putin threatened to invade the Ukraine if they joined NATO. He would be much happier hacking off a piece of the country unopposed than to have that happen. And myself, I am seeing more and more that Purin is copying the Hitler guidebook to national expansion.
Unlikely to happen. At least in the foreseeable future. Most European countries are too scared of Russia.
Which is why so much of the former Warsaw Pact later joined NATO in the first place.

If the Ukraine was smart, they would get off their ass and join NATO.

In fact, I almost laughed when Putin threatened to invade the Ukraine if they joined NATO. He would be much happier hacking off a piece of the country unopposed than to have that happen. And myself, I am seeing more and more that Purin is copying the Hitler guidebook to national expansion.
Unlikely to happen. At least in the foreseeable future. Most European countries are too scared of Russia.
Which is why so much of the former Warsaw Pact later joined NATO in the first place.

Yes, it is. But they fear to 'provoke' Russia. And that is not much about East European countries. That is more about Western Europe.
A proxy war until the economy withers enough.

Then comes the FDR solutionj - World War.

Only this time there is no America to earn victory. Only a fragment of what once was. Populated by lay-abouts asking "What's In It For Me".
I don't think Biden is really in charge. Democrats instinctively don't trust the Military. LBJ kept the generals on the sidelines while clerks and nerds and sinister characters in the CIA ran the show in Vietnam. LBJ might have been a crook but what we have today is far worse. My guess is that CIA clerks and analysts are in charge and the media condones it as long as a democrat is in the W.H. God only knows what's going to happen as the president's mental condition deteriorates. .
Biden is already openly sabre rattling with Putin over Ukraine
and behind the scenes building our military presence back up in Syria.

I think it's already started, but not with proxy wars any more, with hacking.
If the Ukraine was smart, they would get off their ass and join NATO.

In fact, I almost laughed when Putin threatened to invade the Ukraine if they joined NATO. He would be much happier hacking off a piece of the country unopposed than to have that happen. And myself, I am seeing more and more that Purin is copying the Hitler guidebook to national expansion.
Unlikely to happen. At least in the foreseeable future. Most European countries are too scared of Russia.
Which is why so much of the former Warsaw Pact later joined NATO in the first place.

Yes, it is. But they fear to 'provoke' Russia. And that is not much about East European countries. That is more about Western Europe.
Or, may be, they are too scary of the Ukrainians. You know - Volyn's Massacre, Lvov's Pogrom, Burning in Khatyn, etc... Say nothing about modern crimes of the Ukrainian Nazies.
I find the very idea that one nation has the right to prevent another from joining a defense treaty offensive.
Have you actually heard that the United States is opposed to the construction of a civilian (not military!) gas pipeline from Russia to Germany? I imagine a tantrum in the White House (no matter who will be sitting there) if Russia and Germany entered into a military alliance. Or Russia and China.
And then I would listen to these words of yours about rights to join defense treaties... Before you saying something political, turn off hypocrisy switch.
I imagine a tantrum in the White House (no matter who will be sitting there) if Russia and Germany entered into a military alliance. Or Russia and China.
And in response, you spin a web of fantasy.

Russia and Germany? OK, now I can only imagine you are a kid, so do not have any comprehension of the history of those nations. But think on this, for half a century the Soviets ruled over half of that nation with an iron fist. Literally cutting it and it's major city in half with a giant wall. Once trying to starve the citizens of West Berlin into submission through an embargo. Then killing anybody that tried to enter West Berlin. Shooting and killing over 200 people that simply wanted to leave East Germany. Many thousands more were killed at the actual border themselves trying to flee East Germany. Even going so far as to make home made balloons to try and get over it.

And you really think that Germany is going to turn away from NATO, and move to an alliance with their prior slave masters? You must have absolutely no knowledge of Cold War history, or are delusional.

And come now, Russia and China? They tried that, multiple times. And each time it never lasted long, and actually resulted in multiple border conflicts and almost into shooting wars. And their relations are currently at a fairly low place, as the Russians are now barely dealing with them. Once again, your even proposing that shows you have absolutely no comprehension of anything about those two nations are just throwing things out at random.

Might as well talk about how the US would react if Japan or the Philippines was suddenly to decide to break off military relations with the US, and take up defense treaties with China. If you want to be taken even a little bit seriously, you can not start it with a fantasy so absurd that it makes absolutely no sense.
Silver Cat Yes, we know. YOU are a sycophant and absolutely adore the Russians, and hate the Ukrainians.

And nothing you say is ever of any importance because you will always respond no matter what into how it falls along those beliefs.

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