Are we being blackmailed?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Night after night of violent demonstrations, people getting hurt or killed and so much damage being done to both public and private property. What do they really want, or is there actually a goal? Is it Social Justice, whatever that means to all those people out in the streets every night? Is this the right answer and the right way to achieve what you want? Will a solution that is forced through violence actually last, even if it is ever achieved? I think many of these people are out there just to burn and destroy something or somebody, and they don't care who. It kinda feels like we're being blackmailed, all of us. Ok, most of us. Except we don't really know what we're supposed to do about it. Give in to the Far Left demands? Fuck that. In my book you don't get to win through threats of violence.

When it is going to end? The Dems say it'll go down when the Feds leave. Oh really? This shit was happening every night for 6 weeks or so before the Feds ever got involved, so will their absence matter? Maybe the mob will be emboldened even more, cuz the local police and state NatGuard aren't doing anything. Isn't that sort of political blackmail? The Dem mayors and governors and city councils allowed this shit to go on, they could've stopped it in the beginning before it got out of hand, like mayors and governors in red states did. Peaceful protests are one thing, but when it get violent and people get hurt and property gets damaged then they had an obligation to step in but they didn't do it for political reasons. Fuck 'em. Are we to believe that if the Feds leave that the local police and state NG will finally step in? They haven't said so, have they? I wouldn't believe them if they did.

When you let this shit happen and continue then you implicitly invite the violent extemists and anarchists in to incite riots and make things even worse. I'm wondering if the Dems are OK with that. And when you do nothing about it then the violence escalates, cuz that's what outlaws do when they are unopposed. And yes, they are outlaws, not peaceful protesters and those who claim otherwise are liars or fools. It's one thing to march down the street carrying a sign for social justice, but it's another to be out there as part of a mob after the curfew and the rocks and bottles start flying, even if you ain't participating.

This ain't about racial discrimination and police brutality; when it gets dark and the violence begins, then it's about law and order and if you're still out there then you are part of the problem. If you get hit in the eye or the balls by a rubber bullet then my heart bleeds for you dude. When the curfew hits, get off the street you dumbfuck!

This is going to spread you know. Sooner or later we'll see armed groups of people squaring off against each other somewhere and the bullets will start flying. People will be killed or injured, some of whom will be bystanders. I didn't say innocent bystanders, cuz if you're out there when this shit hits the fan then you kinda deserve what you get for being stupid. Almost happened the other day in Louisville, lol some idiot accidently shot some of his own group. But the next time it won't be so funny, people are going to die. Maybe more than a few. Do not underestimate the Far Right, they got lotsa guns and at some point they'll confront the Far Lefties who will also be armed. And it won't be Trump's fault at all, the blame will fall on the fuckwad democrat mayors and governors who let things get out of control in the first place. I hope to God these fuckers get voted out of office come November. If not, well I guess the voters in those states will deserve the gov't they get.

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