Zone1 Are these People of Color Sell-Outs?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
I just watched a "Carter Family" video (see below). They support the concept of color blindness. Do they really believe what they say, or are they simply doing it for clicks and YouTube revenue?

Some on this board label any black person that takes a conservative/personal responsibility on race as being Sell-Outs. Are these people Sell-Outs? Is it possible that they actually believe what they are saying and they it's not for the purpose of "Selling Out?

For those that are going to complain that they are not going to watch a 13 minute video, you can get the gist of this video in the first 3 minutes. That's enough to determine if you think they are Sell-Outs or not.
It's all about IQ.


Demographic groups with low average IQ's can easily be led around by their figurative noses, and the Democrats have perfected that stratagem w/r/t America's " Black" population. If you want to see another example of it, look at the polling of the general population (often called, "innocent civilians") in Gaza. The average IQ in Gaza is barely 85, and they OVERWHELMINGLY support Hamas. In the U.S., Black folks OVERWHELMINGLY support the Democrat party and they have for generations. Democrats typically get AT LEAST 90% of Black votes, but it's usually more than that.

And it drives intelligent Blacks up the figurative wall. They perceive that, at the very least, Black people should be open to the possibility that Democrats have truly not done them any favors in the past fifty years, but their admonitions fall on deaf ears.

The occasional Conservative, "moderate," or even open-minded Black is called a "sell-out." They have to be demonized with names because there is no logical reason to despise them.

It's all about IQ. Sorry.
“Color blindness” was the status quo for a long time. Racial relations during that time were much better than they are today. Judging someone for who they are is the way to go. Today the woke demand imposing an intersectional identity upon someone based on the color of their skin. It’s just bigotry repackaged for liberal dim-wits. The wide-spread acceptance of this bigotry is why racial relations are in such a sad state these days.
I've watched these guys. White conservatives don't know what personal responsibility is. Blaming ourselves for problems created by white racism is not taking personal responsibility. It is possible to call white racists out for the systemic racism they want to maintain and demand that blacks do what it takes not to let that racism make them a negative statistic. Right wing whites have been race pimped to believe that blacks who call out white racism are opposed to personal responsibility and that blacks who repeat what racists say are independent thinkers who are taking a personal responsibility stance. But in reality they are the ones not taking responsibility. Are these guys sellouts? Any black person who cannot articulate a position that can explain to whites the impact of racism on blacks but can only blame blacks for problems is a sellout.
I've watched these guys. White conservatives don't know what personal responsibility is. Blaming ourselves for problems created by white racism is not taking personal responsibility. It is possible to call white racists out for the systemic racism they want to maintain and demand that blacks do what it takes not to let that racism make them a negative statistic. Right wing whites have been race pimped to believe that blacks who call out white racism are opposed to personal responsibility and that blacks who repeat what racists say are independent thinkers who are taking a personal responsibility stance. But in reality they are the ones not taking responsibility. Are these guys sellouts? Any black person who cannot articulate a position that can explain to whites the impact of racism on blacks but can only blame blacks for problems is a sellout.
Blacks have suupported the concept of colorblindness since slavery.. But that did not happen and the damage caused by the color conscious policies of the United Sttates will not be fixed by colorbliind policies.. It's time whites on the right stopped cherrypicking videos by non descript black amateurs who say what they want to hear and watched videos by black professionals who have studied the poliicies that have created the problem.
Are these guys sellouts? Any black person who cannot articulate a position that can explain to whites the impact of racism on blacks but can only blame blacks for problems is a sellout.
Are these guys sellouts?
I answered that question. Stop cherrypicking amateurs who tell you what you want to hear.
Since you are saying that they are "Amateurs who tell you what they want to hear" I will take it that you do consider them sellouts. If you don't consider them sellouts then say they are not sellouts.
The folly of today's Black activists can easily be seen by the fact that they cannot cite a single example of any Black person, male or female, being denied a job, an acceptance, a promotion, or any other benefit because of his/her race.

It does not happen.

On the contrary, there are mountains of examples of lesser-qualified Blacks getting jobs, acceptances, promotions and other benefits because of their race.

Furthermore, as has been stated countless times in this forum, the greatest causes of Black wretchedness in our society have nothing to do with race, but with behavior...dropping out of school, petty criminality, bastardy, substance abuse, horrible life choices...the list is almost endless. None of it has anything to do with "white" racism or race.
Since you are saying that they are "Amateurs who tell you what they want to hear" I will take it that you do consider them sellouts. If you don't consider them sellouts then say they are not sellouts.
I will say what I want. When you ask other white right wingers the same thing about how other whites who have opinions that ratify fallse stereotypes about whites, or who bellieve things that are harmful to every white person in America come back and ask me about sellouts.
The folly of today's Black activists can easily be seen by the fact that they cannot cite a single example of any Black person, male or female, being denied a job, an acceptance, a promotion, or any other benefit because of his/her race.

It does not happen.

On the contrary, there are mountains of examples of lesser-qualified Blacks getting jobs, acceptances, promotions and other benefits because of their race.

Furthermore, as has been stated countless times in this forum, the greatest causes of Black wretchedness in our society have nothing to do with race, but with behavior...dropping out of school, petty criminality, bastardy, substance abuse, horrible life choices...the list is almost endless. None of it has anything to do with "white" racism or race.
You've been shown this example of multiple times.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic nameis probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

Now stop being white and lying about this. You know it happens because you've probably done it. And yes, it's been stated countless times that it is all about behavior, white racist behavior.

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