Are Republicans secretly rooting for the Jan 6 Committee?

One minute they're saying their deity is irrelevant, the next they're posting threads about how important and influential he is.
Who is "they"

If you think I have said any of that then quote the post.
You do realize, don't you, that the worst thing you can do to TRUMP! is to ignore him, right? His power and influence is only as great as the amount of attention he generates. Republicans aren't talking about him, they're talking about Quid Pro Joe and the terrible job he's doing. It is democrats who constantly talk about TRUMP!.
I agree that Trump isn't the problem. It's never about one person. It's much bigger than that, and he's just the current symbol of it.
I guess it's possible, but that would mean that they're willing to have the body die to kill the cancer.

Looks to me like it's too late. The loons are winning elections from coast to coast. This thing is going to be around for a while.
Afraid you may be right

MAGA is thoroughly entrenched in certain areas of the country
Unlike traditional Republicans, they are incapable of compromise and would rather destroy than build.

Most troubling is their embrace of Conspiracy Theories without question.
Trump is a perfect fit
Democrats desperately need TRUMP! They can't talk about what a great job their administration is doing with total control of government, so they HAVE to have a bogeyman they can point at and pretend the election never happened. Seriously, they act like he's still president.
I doubt Biden could beat a traditional Republican

But we saw 84 million turn out against Trump in the last election.
In 2016, they asked…..How bad can he be?
In 2020…We saw

The masses will turn out to vote against Trump in 2024
They won’t for another Republican
I agree that Trump isn't the problem. It's never about one person. It's much bigger than that, and he's just the current symbol of it.
The thing is, it's not necessarily a problem. You view it as such because you support democrats more than Republicans, but it reflects the vast and growing dissatisfaction a large portion of the country feels with the way the government is pushing us. Look at it this way, was the Civil Rights struggle of the 60's a "problem"? No, it was a growing dissatisfaction a large portion of the country felt with the way the government was treating black Americans.
I doubt Biden could beat a traditional Republican

But we saw 84 million turn out against Trump in the last election.
In 2016, they asked…..How bad can he be?
In 2020…We saw

The masses will turn out to vote against Trump in 2024
They won’t for another Republican
Of course, that's what you're desperately hoping is the case, but here's political reality. Most of the voters just don't pay that much attention to politics and vote by the national mood. If we're in the midst of a recession or depression, Quid Pro Joe very likely gets the boot, even against TRUMP!.
Of course, that's what you're desperately hoping is the case, but here's political reality. Most of the voters just don't pay that much attention to politics and vote by the national mood. If we're in the midst of a recession or depression, Quid Pro Joe very likely gets the boot, even against TRUMP!.

Trump can’t beat Biden regardless of Biden’s record

His brand is that spoiled
But MAGA will force Trump on you and you will lose again in 2024
Trump can’t beat Biden regardless of Biden’s record

His brand is that spoiled
But MAGA will force Trump on you and you will lose again in 2024
Of course you are hoping so. You would hate to see your efforts of the last 6 years blow up in your face.
How the hell do you "root for a committee"? It seems that most sane Americans are waiting for the charade to be over so congress can get back to work on important items like the freaking economy.
Even New Yorkers are now furious with the Biden/Dem sky high gas and food prices. They are not buying the Putin/Ukraine BS. Some are now working 2nd jobs. Meanwhile Dems start these Trump TDS threads both declaring Trump a threat and irrelevant simultaneously. :auiqs.jpg:
Even New Yorkers are now furious with the Biden/Dem sky high gas and food prices. They are not buying the Putin/Ukraine BS. Some are now working 2nd jobs. Meanwhile Dems start these Trump TDS threads both declaring Trump a threat and irrelevant simultaneously. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump lost his home town by over a million votes

He has done nothing to win them back
While they don’t like the dirty laundry being aired, are Republicans rooting for Trump to be politically damaged enough so they can run a less controversial candidate in 2024?

Last thing Republicans need is a candidate still screaming about stolen elections in 2020. They also don’t need the anti-Trump vote surging to the polls.
No. You must believe the committee bears some semblance to an honest proceeding.

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