
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Ever since Donald Trump was elected President, the left has been peeing down their own leg. They've are freaked out (not sure why - other than the fact that they buy into propaganda). The upside to it is that they've suddenly embraced the U.S. Constitution. The people who pushed so hard for the federal government to control everything are now talking about "state's rights".

California has taken that to a new level with their proposed healthcare bill. I could not applaud that hell-hole state more. This is 100% constitutional (assuming their state constitution - which admittedly I am not familiar with - doesn't restrict the state in this capacity). This is how the United States was intended to function. Rather then vehemently opposing this as conservatives did with Obamacare at the federal level, none of us outside of the state of California will oppose this (it's none of our business).

If our fascists friends on the left will continue down this path, we can absolutely coexist with them. Achieve your socialism either through foundations (ideally) or at the state level (assuming it does not violate your state constitution).

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test
Ever since Donald Trump was elected President, the left has been peeing down their own leg. They've are freaked out (not sure why - other than the fact that they buy into propaganda). The upside to it is that they've suddenly embraced the U.S. Constitution. The people who pushed so hard for the federal government to control everything are now talking about "state's rights".

California has taken that to a new level with their proposed healthcare bill. I could not applaud that hell-hole state more. This is 100% constitutional (assuming their state constitution - which admittedly I am not familiar with - doesn't restrict the state in this capacity). This is how the United States was intended to function. Rather then vehemently opposing this as conservatives did with Obamacare at the federal level, none of us outside of the state of California will oppose this (it's none of our business).

If our fascists friends on the left will continue down this path, we can absolutely coexist with them. Achieve your socialism either through foundations (ideally) or at the state level (assuming it does not violate your state constitution).

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

The problem is you embrace fascism. Your dear leader drumpf does as well, in fact he thought a president got to be dictator for four years. Fascists have a deep set need to force others to do what they want and one only has to look to your dear leader to see that. He has taken to the notion of threatening every city and state that doesn't do exactly as he says.

We're ignoring him and his supporters, like you. Republicans made it clear they won't abide by elections last year, so no one else does either. Drumpf is no president and will be ridiculed and ignored at all turns. Sorry Charlie.
The problem is you embrace fascism.
You're confused Isaac - I'm a conservative. You were thinking I was a left-winger like you (the side the embraces fascism).
Your dear leader drumpf does as well, in fact he thought a president got to be dictator for four years.
Once again you got confused - that was Barack Obama. President Trump has returned power to the states, snowflake. That is the polar opposite of "fascism". Barack Obama violated the U.S. Constitution and attempted to consolidate all power to his office. That is the quintessential example of fascism.
Fascists have a deep set need to force others to do what they want
Just like you and Barack Obama!
He has taken to the notion of threatening every city and state that doesn't do exactly as he says.
"He" as in Barack Obama? That is true.
Ever since Donald Trump was elected President, the left has been peeing down their own leg. They've are freaked out (not sure why - other than the fact that they buy into propaganda). The upside to it is that they've suddenly embraced the U.S. Constitution. The people who pushed so hard for the federal government to control everything are now talking about "state's rights".

California has taken that to a new level with their proposed healthcare bill. I could not applaud that hell-hole state more. This is 100% constitutional (assuming their state constitution - which admittedly I am not familiar with - doesn't restrict the state in this capacity). This is how the United States was intended to function. Rather then vehemently opposing this as conservatives did with Obamacare at the federal level, none of us outside of the state of California will oppose this (it's none of our business).

If our fascists friends on the left will continue down this path, we can absolutely coexist with them. Achieve your socialism either through foundations (ideally) or at the state level (assuming it does not violate your state constitution).

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test
Are progressives FINALLY starting to get it?

That would mean that the liberals have realized that they were wrong. Nope, Nope, Nope, not going to happen....

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected President, the left has been peeing down their own leg. They've are freaked out (not sure why - other than the fact that they buy into propaganda). The upside to it is that they've suddenly embraced the U.S. Constitution. The people who pushed so hard for the federal government to control everything are now talking about "state's rights".

California has taken that to a new level with their proposed healthcare bill. I could not applaud that hell-hole state more. This is 100% constitutional (assuming their state constitution - which admittedly I am not familiar with - doesn't restrict the state in this capacity). This is how the United States was intended to function. Rather then vehemently opposing this as conservatives did with Obamacare at the federal level, none of us outside of the state of California will oppose this (it's none of our business).

If our fascists friends on the left will continue down this path, we can absolutely coexist with them. Achieve your socialism either through foundations (ideally) or at the state level (assuming it does not violate your state constitution).

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

The problem is you embrace fascism. Your dear leader drumpf does as well, in fact he thought a president got to be dictator for four years. Fascists have a deep set need to force others to do what they want and one only has to look to your dear leader to see that. He has taken to the notion of threatening every city and state that doesn't do exactly as he says.

We're ignoring him and his supporters, like you. Republicans made it clear they won't abide by elections last year, so no one else does either. Drumpf is no president and will be ridiculed and ignored at all turns. Sorry Charlie.
We're ignoring him and his supporters, like you
You have a strange way of showing it

Republicans made it clear they won't abide by elections last year, so no one else does either.

Trump didn't win the Electoral vote?

Or are the Democrats ignoring what actually puts the president in the Oval Office
Ever since Donald Trump was elected President, the left has been peeing down their own leg. They've are freaked out (not sure why - other than the fact that they buy into propaganda). The upside to it is that they've suddenly embraced the U.S. Constitution. The people who pushed so hard for the federal government to control everything are now talking about "state's rights".

California has taken that to a new level with their proposed healthcare bill. I could not applaud that hell-hole state more. This is 100% constitutional (assuming their state constitution - which admittedly I am not familiar with - doesn't restrict the state in this capacity). This is how the United States was intended to function. Rather then vehemently opposing this as conservatives did with Obamacare at the federal level, none of us outside of the state of California will oppose this (it's none of our business).

If our fascists friends on the left will continue down this path, we can absolutely coexist with them. Achieve your socialism either through foundations (ideally) or at the state level (assuming it does not violate your state constitution).

California single-payer healthcare bill passes first committee test

Agree, in theory. But, guess who they come running to when they go broke----Productive America!

Socialists ALWAYS need a bailout.
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