Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

At the end of the day, they'll kick the can down the road again and these people who live the life of Reilly will go on with their fancy pensions and 35 vacation days/year!!


oh for the moment perhaps, but sooner or later, my God, these people are going to get smacked upside of the head:2up:


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Greece s No Vote EU Is Partially to Blame National Review Online
This is how it's done in Greece:
You can retire with up to 70% of the monthly income you earned in the last two years of your employement at age 50.
Your BIL who you work for pays you four times what you would normally be earning for doing the same job for someone else.
You of course cash the BIL's cheque and return 3/4 back to him in cash. Now he has the cash to conduct most of his business in the 'Gray Market' which is essentially the economic system in Greece and has been for decades. Virtually no one pays income tax.
Now at age 50 you can retire and receive a life long pension from the Socialist corrupt government based on the bloated salary you were supposedly earning fixing broken windows.
Of course well before your first pension cheque arrives in your bank account you have already been making money in the Gray Market.
How do 50% of young people living in Greece, who have never had a job and never will, get to wear the latest fashions/own the latest model scooters/travel/eat at good restaurants?
They make money in the Gray Market. That's how.
So when they tell the Germans to go fuck themselves when the Germans want their money back who can blame the young people? Makes zero difference to them one way of the other.
It's really a shame China didn't lend Greece the money the EU has.
I'd LOVE to watch what would happen if Tsipras told Beijing to go fuck themselves. And in the next breath beg for more money.
On Socialist Death Spirals Manhattan Contrarian
Zorba The Greek was the quintessential national image for all things Greek. Grubby, lazy, sneaky, begging, lying, bullying their neighbors. Cashing in with the Nazis when the going looked good then flip flopping only when it was certain the Nazis were going to lose.
Telling the people who helped them ought of financial collapse time and time again then begging a pleading for yet another handout from clean cut, hard working, honest, self reliant, non-Socialist countries.
Why don't the Greeks ask the other Sociali run countries for a handout? Because the other Socialist countries are fucking flat broke and also in debt up to their Chairman Mao hats.
The Greeks voted NO to austerity measures last week. This week the Socialist PM is back telling his supporters in fact that 'NO' is going to have to end up being a 'YES'.
Only in a Socialist country.

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