Are conservatives happier than liberals?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Scholars at the University of Florida and University of Toronto published an extensive study in 2011 titled in part ā€œConservatives Are Happier Than Liberals, But Why?ā€ That paper was based on yet several other studies surveying the attitudes of American adults on life and how those lined up with their political ideologies.
The authors found that ā€œconservatism was positively related to life satisfaction . . . and even after controlling for participantsā€™ age, gender, and family income level . . . conservatives are indeed happier than liberals.ā€ Surveyed students who were more likely to cite personal responsibility and conscientiousness as dominant factors in their lives tended to self-identify as politically conservative and also tended to exude ā€œa more positive outlook and stronger feelings of self-worth, as indicated by greater optimism and self-esteem as well as lower depression and depressive symptomology.ā€
The American Perspectives Survey, conducted in May 2021 by the Survey Center on American Life, found Democrats and liberals were more likely to say they have ended friendships because of political disagreement. Among Republicans, 10% said they had done so. It was double for Democrats. In terms of ideology, 28% of liberals said they had ended friendships over political disagreements. Only 10% of conservatives said the same.
As much as you have something to say, liberals just as assuredly donā€™t want to hear it. This wouldnā€™t be so annoying if they didnā€™t pretend to place so much value on tolerance and diversity. Liberals are nothing if not closed-minded, insolent grumps.
The numbers make clear that not all liberals are necessarily maladjusted wet blankets. But if someone is a liberal, he or she is much more likely to be. Itā€™s their essence. Itā€™s in their DNA. Bitter is their natural state of being. Miserable is their default position.

Eddie Scarry is the author of ā€œLiberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone,ā€ from which this exclusive excerpt is taken.

Conservatives are more mature, pragmatic and wiser than Liberals.
Liberals are immature and prone to grievance obsessions.
Liberals fear phantom problems like Climate Change.
Scholars at the University of Florida and University of Toronto published an extensive study in 2011 titled in part ā€œConservatives Are Happier Than Liberals, But Why?ā€ That paper was based on yet several other studies surveying the attitudes of American adults on life and how those lined up with their political ideologies.
The authors found that ā€œconservatism was positively related to life satisfaction . . . and even after controlling for participantsā€™ age, gender, and family income level . . . conservatives are indeed happier than liberals.ā€ Surveyed students who were more likely to cite personal responsibility and conscientiousness as dominant factors in their lives tended to self-identify as politically conservative and also tended to exude ā€œa more positive outlook and stronger feelings of self-worth, as indicated by greater optimism and self-esteem as well as lower depression and depressive symptomology.ā€
The American Perspectives Survey, conducted in May 2021 by the Survey Center on American Life, found Democrats and liberals were more likely to say they have ended friendships because of political disagreement. Among Republicans, 10% said they had done so. It was double for Democrats. In terms of ideology, 28% of liberals said they had ended friendships over political disagreements. Only 10% of conservatives said the same.
As much as you have something to say, liberals just as assuredly donā€™t want to hear it. This wouldnā€™t be so annoying if they didnā€™t pretend to place so much value on tolerance and diversity. Liberals are nothing if not closed-minded, insolent grumps.
The numbers make clear that not all liberals are necessarily maladjusted wet blankets. But if someone is a liberal, he or she is much more likely to be. Itā€™s their essence. Itā€™s in their DNA. Bitter is their natural state of being. Miserable is their default position.

Eddie Scarry is the author of ā€œLiberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone,ā€ from which this exclusive excerpt is taken.

Conservatives are more mature, pragmatic and wiser than Liberals.
Liberals are immature and prone to grievance obsessions.
Liberals fear phantom problems like Climate Change.
Of course conservatives are happier we know men can't have babies men can't be women and vice versa and homosexuality is mental illness
Scholars at the University of Florida and University of Toronto published an extensive study in 2011 titled in part ā€œConservatives Are Happier Than Liberals, But Why?ā€ That paper was based on yet several other studies surveying the attitudes of American adults on life and how those lined up with their political ideologies.
The authors found that ā€œconservatism was positively related to life satisfaction . . . and even after controlling for participantsā€™ age, gender, and family income level . . . conservatives are indeed happier than liberals.ā€ Surveyed students who were more likely to cite personal responsibility and conscientiousness as dominant factors in their lives tended to self-identify as politically conservative and also tended to exude ā€œa more positive outlook and stronger feelings of self-worth, as indicated by greater optimism and self-esteem as well as lower depression and depressive symptomology.ā€
The American Perspectives Survey, conducted in May 2021 by the Survey Center on American Life, found Democrats and liberals were more likely to say they have ended friendships because of political disagreement. Among Republicans, 10% said they had done so. It was double for Democrats. In terms of ideology, 28% of liberals said they had ended friendships over political disagreements. Only 10% of conservatives said the same.
As much as you have something to say, liberals just as assuredly donā€™t want to hear it. This wouldnā€™t be so annoying if they didnā€™t pretend to place so much value on tolerance and diversity. Liberals are nothing if not closed-minded, insolent grumps.
The numbers make clear that not all liberals are necessarily maladjusted wet blankets. But if someone is a liberal, he or she is much more likely to be. Itā€™s their essence. Itā€™s in their DNA. Bitter is their natural state of being. Miserable is their default position.

Eddie Scarry is the author of ā€œLiberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone,ā€ from which this exclusive excerpt is taken.

Conservatives are more mature, pragmatic and wiser than Liberals.
Liberals are immature and prone to grievance obsessions.
Liberals fear phantom problems like Climate Change.
Conservatives tend to be religious, and if you look at those who practice their faith, they are happier and live longer than those who are not on average.

Don't make it harder than it actually is.

Also, those who practice their faith roll up their sleeves and help the poor and give more to the poor than those who are not, Atheists, instead, try to guilt everyone into voting for Leftists with the hope that about 9 cents on the dollar of tax money will go to those in need, so they spend all their time complaining about people not voting for them so that the politicians will then force them to give more to government. Trouble is, it just never is enough. Funny that.

Yes, the Left is a miserable bunch.
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Religious folk lean conservative which causes them to be for limited government.

Both sides of the isle see human being as helpless sheeple. The difference is, conservatives have their shepherd as God as where the Left has there shepherd in politicians that lie to them 24/7, let alone who can't seem to complete a sentence half the time.

That is why the Left seeks to destroy the Christian faith as they insist the government guide and direct us for pretty much everything in our lives, as we have seen in Marxist regimes all across the world over the years. They are only Ok with Christianity if Jesus bows his knee to the DNC, like we seem any Left wing churches in the US today.

Scholars at the University of Florida and University of Toronto published an extensive study in 2011 titled in part ā€œConservatives Are Happier Than Liberals, But Why?ā€ That paper was based on yet several other studies surveying the attitudes of American adults on life and how those lined up with their political ideologies.
The authors found that ā€œconservatism was positively related to life satisfaction . . . and even after controlling for participantsā€™ age, gender, and family income level . . . conservatives are indeed happier than liberals.ā€ Surveyed students who were more likely to cite personal responsibility and conscientiousness as dominant factors in their lives tended to self-identify as politically conservative and also tended to exude ā€œa more positive outlook and stronger feelings of self-worth, as indicated by greater optimism and self-esteem as well as lower depression and depressive symptomology.ā€
The American Perspectives Survey, conducted in May 2021 by the Survey Center on American Life, found Democrats and liberals were more likely to say they have ended friendships because of political disagreement. Among Republicans, 10% said they had done so. It was double for Democrats. In terms of ideology, 28% of liberals said they had ended friendships over political disagreements. Only 10% of conservatives said the same.
As much as you have something to say, liberals just as assuredly donā€™t want to hear it. This wouldnā€™t be so annoying if they didnā€™t pretend to place so much value on tolerance and diversity. Liberals are nothing if not closed-minded, insolent grumps.
The numbers make clear that not all liberals are necessarily maladjusted wet blankets. But if someone is a liberal, he or she is much more likely to be. Itā€™s their essence. Itā€™s in their DNA. Bitter is their natural state of being. Miserable is their default position.

Eddie Scarry is the author of ā€œLiberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone,ā€ from which this exclusive excerpt is taken.

Conservatives are more mature, pragmatic and wiser than Liberals.
Liberals are immature and prone to grievance obsessions.
Liberals fear phantom problems like Climate Change.

Look at how liberals were raised, by unhappy narcissistic parents who have used shiny spinny things to babysit them while they go out to meet their drug dealers, and who taught them that screaming will get them whatever they want because giving in to the tantrum is easier than actually parenting.

Liberals/leftists/Dems/Dogfuckers/DemSocs ....These are some miserable, humorless motherfuckers. They seem disabled emotionally. It is like they lack the ability to feel joy and laugh. "But How cAn I be hAppY when The eArf is Burning and Duuuhhh-MockriEsseeY is dying?" SMACK!! Right upside their empty fucking heads! That's what they need. If you are going to be in the perpetually crying pussy brigade, then fuck off and go to China. We don't need you here.

America is for real men and real women. This country was pioneered by brave and hearty people. Some died. The rest carried on, knowing that death awaits them in the future, whether injun arrow, bear mauling, starvation, or pneumonia. But they carried on and persevered!! Why? Because they had BALLS!

When the skeevy Crown started fucking with us, we rebelled and fought back. We won, too. When the nation had a disagreement about federalism, we have a fucking civil war. Thousands died. They we pulled back together. Just a little skirmish between brothers. Less men would never been able to reconcile like we did.

When Europe went nuts just after the turn of the century, we went over there and straightened shit out. When a German prick and a slant eyed dictator went sideways, we killed them all and saved the world. Could we have relied upon the French fags? How about the rotten toothed limey pricks? No. It took America to save the day. Why? Because America is made up of real men and women who do not surrender over a hang nail.

This is our heritage. It does not comport with what we are seeing today as the Dem cuckdom of appeasers, queers, perverts, and general unhappiness. FUCK THAT SHIT!!! I have 3 words for you: GET THE FUCK OUT!!!! America is not a place for today's Demofags and borderline commie filth.
Your avatar is perfect it is exactly what I saw in Biden last week when he was pounding his fist on the lectern

I must have missed that. I don't watch any TV.

But, yeah. It actually looks quite like the whole dem machine, Including all the leftists here on this board.

Liberals seem to be on the side of legalizing drugs. Which is better, working on a car and entering a stock car race or sucking smoke from a burning weed in your mom's basement?
Scholars at the University of Florida and University of Toronto published an extensive study in 2011 titled in part ā€œConservatives Are Happier Than Liberals, But Why?ā€ That paper was based on yet several other studies surveying the attitudes of American adults on life and how those lined up with their political ideologies.
The authors found that ā€œconservatism was positively related to life satisfaction . . . and even after controlling for participantsā€™ age, gender, and family income level . . . conservatives are indeed happier than liberals.ā€ Surveyed students who were more likely to cite personal responsibility and conscientiousness as dominant factors in their lives tended to self-identify as politically conservative and also tended to exude ā€œa more positive outlook and stronger feelings of self-worth, as indicated by greater optimism and self-esteem as well as lower depression and depressive symptomology.ā€
The American Perspectives Survey, conducted in May 2021 by the Survey Center on American Life, found Democrats and liberals were more likely to say they have ended friendships because of political disagreement. Among Republicans, 10% said they had done so. It was double for Democrats. In terms of ideology, 28% of liberals said they had ended friendships over political disagreements. Only 10% of conservatives said the same.
As much as you have something to say, liberals just as assuredly donā€™t want to hear it. This wouldnā€™t be so annoying if they didnā€™t pretend to place so much value on tolerance and diversity. Liberals are nothing if not closed-minded, insolent grumps.
The numbers make clear that not all liberals are necessarily maladjusted wet blankets. But if someone is a liberal, he or she is much more likely to be. Itā€™s their essence. Itā€™s in their DNA. Bitter is their natural state of being. Miserable is their default position.

Eddie Scarry is the author of ā€œLiberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone,ā€ from which this exclusive excerpt is taken.

Conservatives are more mature, pragmatic and wiser than Liberals.
Liberals are immature and prone to grievance obsessions.
Liberals fear phantom problems like Climate Change.
How is it that three people have started topics on this subject?

Did Tucker Carlson give you all this to parrot? Do you all have a big red firebell over your cots to alert you to the latest narrative to propagate?

Seriously. What the hell is going on in your little hiveminds?
Liberals are immature and prone to grievance obsessions.
Oh my god. Textbook projection. Donald Trump and his entire hivemind are STILL whining about the 2020 election. And Obama. And Hillary.

Trump literally can't open his mouth without whining about the 2020 election.

Liberals fear phantom problems like Climate Change.
Like the Jewish space laser? Like George Soros? Like the Covid vaccination? Like the imminent death of Joe Biden? Like the bribes Joe Biden received? Like groomers under your beds?

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