Are Cheerios and Quaker Oats save to eat?


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
That’s what some people may be asking in light of a study released this week by the Environmental Working Group, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit focused on agricultural and chemical-safety laws in the U.S. The study looked at the prevalence of a pesticide called chlormequat in oat-based food products, including cereals like Cheerios and Quaker Oats.

The EWG said it found detectable levels of the chemical in 92% of nonorganic oat-based foods purchased in May 2023.

You can blame the Trump Administration for allowing this pesticide to infect our food supply.

Writes the WSJ:

Chlormequat has not been approved for use on food crops grown in the U.S., according to the EWG, but it can be found in oats and oat products from other countries. Under the Trump administration, the Environmental Protection Agency started allowing imports of such products into the U.S., the EWG noted, which is why chlormequat can be found in some cereals sold in this country.
I buy as little corporate brands as possible.
I just made some fantastic chocolate oatmeal cookies.

I buy this brand - it is employee owned and guaranteed to be chemical free.
It cost $1.50 more than Quaker rolled oats. It is worth it.

Chlormequat Is dangerous to pregnant women and can result in reduced fertility.
And BTW - the OP is disingenuous.
The Biden Administration in 2022, despite early studies showing the dangers, quietly allowed this chemical to be expanded into other crops like Barley and Wheat. Which means, yes, in bread.
They also raised the allowable levels, as did Trumps admin in 2020.

So this is not a "Trump thing" - Biden not only raised the allowable levels, but has expanded it's use by a tremendously to include allowing it in bread.
And BTW - the OP is disingenuous.
The Biden Administration in 2022, despite early studies showing the dangers, quietly allowed this chemical to be expanded into other crops like Barley and Wheat. Which means, yes, in bread.
They also raised the allowable levels, as did Trumps admin in 2020.

So this is not a "Trump thing" - Biden not only raised the allowable levels, but has expanded it's use by a factor of 100 to include allowing it in bread.
The OP was based solely on the WSJ. Do you have a link for your assertion?
When half your grain crop acreage go to ridiculous ethanol scams and soybean for export to feed slave labor regimes like Red China, the diversion will create other problems and drive up prices for domestic consumers. Duh. We don't need to be importing oats, for one.

Just lose about 160 million people who shouldn't be here in the first place. Ship them back home and deport the 'unhappy 'natives', as Jefferson and the Founders would have done in a heartbeat.
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The link you cited directly contradicts your assertion at post 7. You write that the Biden administration quietly allowed the expanded use of chlormequat. That is false based on your link:

“The 2018 regulatory change took place under former President Donald Trump, as did a subsequent increase in the allowed amount in 2020.

Further, the EPA under President Joe Biden has proposed allowing the first-ever use of chlormequat on barley, oats and wheat in response to an application submitted by chlormequat manufacturer Taminco, the researchers said.”

In other words, the Biden Administration has proposed but not allowed use of chlormequat In our domestic food supply.

Unlike the Trump Administration, the Biden is sending this out for review before subjecting the American people to it. The Trump Administration forced Chlormequat down the throats of American consumers without warning.

The Biden Administration should reject this chemical’s use in our domestic food supply.
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Remember George Carlin's theory: It's good for you to be eating microscopic amounts of "shit" because not only is it harmless, it improves the power of your body to fight off disease. If you go through life trying to avoid "germs," your body will become more vulnerable to them. It stands to reason.

I cannot help recalling an article I read in the '70's while in college, about breakfast cereals that were popular at the time. A researcher fed various cereals to lab rats to see how they would fare on a diet exclusively of any cereal. He did not immerse them in milk because that would skew the results. Most of the cereals resulted in a slow and pathetic death to the rats. On a hunch, he ground up the cardboard packages and fed THAT to the rats, and the rats were able to survive on the cardboard - better than the cereal itself.

Parenthetically, I just bought a box of "crunchy" Cheerios. They are pretty good. Considering.
So why are you asking members of a message board instead of making a decision on your health? :dunno:
So, you are in favor of food companies selling you and your family food products tainted by potential poison without your knowledge.

That sounds about right.

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