Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Protectionist's entire fantasy falls apart when he posts the polls don't matter: "The only real yardstick is what matches the total primary popular votes. All your polls flunk."

In other words, polls flunk, including his.

Now he wants to go by primary votes, where Hillary and Bernie both individually outpoll him.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner
Put very simply, a large percent of legal Hispanics in the country have spouses, parents, children, siblings, coworkers, and friends that are in the country illegally and they don't want to see them deported and Trump has made it pretty clear that is exactly what will happen if he is elected.
TOUGH! Who the hell cares if they are "spouses, parents, children, siblings, coworkers, and friends " ?

That doesn't mean squat. The invaders are all lawbreakers, stealing jobs, ripping off the US economy in remittances$$ & welfare, and imposing the long list of harms on ALL the American people. US prisons are full of inmates who have spouses, parents, children, siblings, coworkers, and friends . That didn't stop them from getting the punishment they deserve, and it won't stop the invaders from getting what THEY deserve.

Yes, Trump has made it pretty clear that their mass deportation is exactly what will happen if he is elected. That's why he MUST get elected in November, and he will. OPERATION WETBACK II 8 MONTHS AWAY.
Trump has made it pretty clear that is exactly what will happen if he is elected.
so you are another one who thinks Trump can just snap his fingers and deportation begins....good luck with that..
No. They think "There's a crazy white guy knocking on my door who wants to talk to me. I'll just nod my head and agree with him and he'll go away."
You dumb ass. We're over 200 posts into this thread, and you don't even know I'm Hispanic who speaks Spanish to the people whose doors I knocked on. It was in the OP. You're a negligent poster, making a fool out of yourself.
you can be anything on the internet....just sayin....
No, what you "Know" is what you've decided is the case without looking very far at all. You look at the moon, see it's the same color as cheese and you "know" it's made of cheese.
You can ignore all that posting I did. All the facts in them (and their links). To remain ignorant is what your liberal mind-controllers want and expect. Or you can read, learn, and be free to make up your own mind based on KNOWLEDGE. Your choice.

See Posts # 305 to 326.
you can be anything on the internet....just sayin....
What you're "just saying" is awfully dumb. You've been here since 2008, and you don't know that I'm a Hispanic guy ? It's probably been posted 300 time over the past 3 years. Sheeeesh!

And it doesn't matter if I was Hispanic or not. What it says in the OP and my posts is true no matter what. Forget me, Read Posts 305-326.
Trump has made it pretty clear that is exactly what will happen if he is elected.
so you are another one who thinks Trump can just snap his fingers and deportation begins....good luck with that..
Why not ? Eisenhower did it in 1954. By 1956, illegal immigration was non-existent in america.
Protectionist's entire fantasy falls apart when he posts the polls don't matter: "The only real yardstick is what matches the total primary popular votes. All your polls flunk."

In other words, polls flunk, including his.

Now he wants to go by primary votes, where Hillary and Bernie both individually outpoll him.
FALSE! And Jokey knows it. As I said, the OAN poll is accurate because it matches the primary popular vote. Ho hum. And no Hillary & Bernie DON'T outpoll the Republican candidates. The Republican candidates outpolled (OUTVOTED) THEM (55% to 45%) > exactly as the OAN poll correctly said. :biggrin:
This has nothing to do with my point, which is why some Hispanics & Latinos don't like the guy.
Your "point" included this >> "or his absolutely ridiculous "we're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it", so I refuted it. And why some Hispanics don't like the guy, is because they have been spun lies by Trump-bashers, who have twisted the TRUTH, as I explained in the OP.
Hillary isn't exactly on the left though. Sanders is.

Also, comparing Hillary with Trump is distorted anyway. A lot of people just don't want Trump, he doesn't appeal to anyone with a lot of money. He's a nationalist. So they prefer Hillary.
This country never needed nationalists more than it does now. If we don't get nationalists into power quick, we're not going to be a country any more at all (if we even still are one)
Your opinion and your credibility does not mean a didly shit. Based from all your post. You menstruated your racist and hatred to all minorities.
Yes I help poor American people and veterans.
How about I challenge you to visit my charities here in California and Florida? I will pay your round trip ticket. Send me an email here. How about it?
At the same time I want you prove to me that you are helping poor Americans and veterans.
From #1 to # 17........... WTF are you talking about? Are you saying all immigrants are causing all your miserable life?
Do you have link that Syrian refugees are ISIS invaded this country?
I don't purport for my "opinion" to mean a lot. his is not a matter of opinion. It is a matter of FACTS. Like the $22.8 Billion/year remittances ripped out of our economy and pocketed by Mexico. FACT, not opinion. And you can clownishly play your long-ago worn out race card all you like. Nobody buys that BS anymore, Especially when they guy you're saying hates minorities IS A MINORITY. I'm a Hispanic, you dunce, haven't you been reading this thread ? Sheeesh! Try to keep up, OK ?

And you can yammer all you like about what you do. So what ? Nobody said anything about that. And it's obvious you are clueless on all this as you say "From #1 to # 17........... WTF are you talking about?" I'm talking about all these HARMS to the American people coming from immigration, THAT'S what I'm talking about. And in upcoming posts, I'm going to go into detail about these HARMS. So don't go away. You're about to get an education (that your liberal OMISSION media routinely withholds from you, which is why you don't know anything about all this)

Lastly, if you don't know that ISIS (Trojan Horse) is planning to come here, and can/will arrive neatly tucked in with the 185,000 alleged Syrian refugees, you must be incredibly stupid.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

'Just wait…' Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe

You're opinion is based from trump text book and if you are claiming to be Hispanics..... Then you are retarded and ignorant. You already lied to me claiming that you support poor Americans and veterans and yet you cannot prove it. So why should I believe you that you are Hispanic? Stupid.
You can post what and however you want...... You are still a racist asshole. You are bitchin because you blame your miserable life to immigrants and I know you are a poor one that cannot compete with refugees. Trojan horse......... Started by Trummpo and you believed it. Do you have a prove stupid? How did you came up with 185,000 refugees? We are only accepting 10,000. idiot. We were talking about Mexican illegals then you switched to Syrian refugees. Try again.
Remittance..... When immigrants sent their US dollars to Mexico. What do you think they do with their dollars? Do they keep them as souvenirs? Save to pay the wall? I want you to answer that. I've been dealing with immigrants most of my entire life so tell me something I don't know about immigrants. You don't know a didly shit.

Facts about the Syrian Refugees

Why Is It So Difficult for Syrian Refugees to Get Into the U.S.?
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This has nothing to do with my point, which is why some Hispanics & Latinos don't like the guy.
Your "point" included this >> "or his absolutely ridiculous "we're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it", so I refuted it. And why some Hispanics don't like the guy, is because they have been spun lies by Trump-bashers, who have twisted the TRUTH, as I explained in the OP.
They're listening to what he's saying, and I provided examples.

He's either responsible for his own words, or he is not.
You're opinion is based from trump text book and if you are claiming to be Hispanics..... Then you are retarded and ignorant. You already lied to me claiming that you support poor Americans and veterans and yet you cannot prove it. So why should I believe you that you are Hispanic? Stupid.
You can post what and however you want...... You are still a racist asshole. You are bitchin because you blame your miserable life to immigrants and I know you are a poor one that cannot compete with refugees. Trojan horse......... Started by Trummpo and you believed it. Do you have a prove stupid? How did you came up with 185,000 refugees? We are only accepting 10,000. idiot.
Remittance..... When immigrants sent their US dollars to Mexico. What do you think they do with their dollars? Do they keep them as souvenirs? Save to pay the wall? I want you to answer that.
The bottom line. You talked too much. I don't really read your whole post because it only meant one thing so save your saliva.

Facts about the Syrian Refugees

Why Is It So Difficult for Syrian Refugees to Get Into the U.S.?

Kerry: US to accept 185,000 refugees through 2017 (you idiot)

What Mexicans do with their dollars is they SPEND them IN MEXICAN STORES IN MEXICO (AKA th eMexican ECONOMY) Thus, the remittance$$ ($23 Billion/year) is extracted out of the US economy, sent south across the border, and reinserted into the Mexican economy. That's like me going to your house, removing a very large sum of money, and taking it to my house, and putting it there. GET IT ? (dummy)

And your race card is just making you look even more dumb. This thread is about the REAL stuff I posted in Post #s 305 - 326. That isn't going to be sidetracked by silly race card spin. Read Baby! Read! You're getting a free education. You're welcome!
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Trump, and his shills like Protectionist, are responsible for their own words.

Protectionist lied about, got caught, shifted, got caught, and is standing like the little boy with his hands behind his back saying, "who, me?"

True Americans will not accept the nativistic jingoism of the protectionists. After the Trump loss, they will slink away into obscurity.
Trump, and his shills like Protectionist, are responsible for their own words.

Protectionist lied about, got caught, shifted, got caught, and is standing like the little boy with his hands behind his back saying, "who, me?"

True Americans will not accept the nativistic jingoism of the protectionists. After the Trump loss, they will slink away into obscurity.
I did not lie, or get caught, or shift, or any of the rest of this drivel you're babbling about. Now shut up, and read posts #305-326, so you can start learning what this thread is all about. You are about to receive an education. You're welcome.

And true Americans will not accept the TREASON of the supporters of foreign invasion. After the Trump victory, the traitors will be in prison. :whip::badgrin:
You lied and got caught, flat fact.

Your nativistic jingoism just does not fly anymore in real America.

You sound as silly as Bill the Butcher the Irish nativist from "Gangs of New York."

If he was dangerous, you are simply pathetic, protectionist.
Trump has made it pretty clear that is exactly what will happen if he is elected.
so you are another one who thinks Trump can just snap his fingers and deportation begins....good luck with that..
Why not ? Eisenhower did it in 1954. By 1956, illegal immigration was non-existent in america.
this aint 1954 anymore.....and there are way more than a million illegals today....and they were all gone by 1956? what happened afterwards?....
You lied and got caught, flat fact.

Your nativistic jingoism just does not fly anymore in real America.

You sound as silly as Bill the Butcher the Irish nativist from "Gangs of New York."

If he was dangerous, you are simply pathetic, protectionist.
Lied about what ? Got caught about what ? Jokey has a problem. He doesn't know. :laugh:

This is what it looks like when a thoroughly programmed, lost-in-the-woods liberal has gotten his ass handed to him in a forum, he starts making wild claims, attached to nothing, and starts lashing out. It's a mental illness. Quite sad really. Especially when you realize this isn't going to end. I'm going to beat his ass in this forum, until he either acknowledges the truth, or turns into computerized mincemeat.

There is a cure >> read Posts 305 to 326 (links included), and think about what you read and learned.

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