Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Yet Another Reason to Discontinue Immigration.

How do terrorists get into the USA ? Do they sneak in ? Stow away on boats or planes ?

Nah! They just accept invitations known as VISAS calmly handed out by "our" mindless politicians and government employees. Pheeeeeeewww !!!

And let's not forget how the 9-11 terrorists got in here. On VISAs.
Overcrowding in hospital ERs. It's been a longstanding problem ever since immigrant-friendly Ronald Reagan signed the EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act), in 1986. EMTALA requires ERs to screen, treat, and stabilize patients whether or not they are insured, “documented,” or able to pay. Hospital ERs must have doctors available to them at all times from every department and specialty covered by the hospital. They must have translators.

Signed by Ronald Reagan in 1986, EMTALA defines an “emergency” as any complaint brought to the ER, from hangovers to hangnails, from gunshot wounds to AIDS. Any patient requesting “emergency” care must be treated until ready for discharge, or stabilized for transfer. A woman in labor must remain to deliver her child.
Lack of insurance leads many immigrants to use hospital emergency departments — the most expensive source of health care — as their primary care provider. This leads to overcrowded conditions for citizens who seek emergency care. Nationwide, half of hospital admissions came through emergency departments in 2006, up from 36 percent in 1996.3

The hottest ER diagnosis, according to the late medical lawyer Madeleine Cosman, is “permanent disability” — a vaguely defined condition that covers mental, social, and personality disorders. Drug addiction and alcoholism are among the most common “disabilities.”4

A disability diagnosis makes patients eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), a federally funded cash transfer payment. Once an individual qualifies for SSI, they automatically become eligible for Medicaid, Food Stamps, and housing vouchers. So when some illegals enter the ER, they receive medical care plus what amounts to a long-term financial annuity.

Nineteen eighty-six is also the year that Ronald Reagan signed an immigration amnesty: The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA.) The timing is no coincidence. While IRCA increased the number of illegal alien workers available to U.S. businesses, EMTALA shifted their medical insurance costs to non-business payers. Taken together, the two laws constitute a powerful subsidy to illegal alien employers — a subsidy paid for by native workers and taxpayers.
Furthermore, >>> Whether people know it or not, whether people appreciate it or not, access to emergency room care became a right in this country in 1986. But the law that did that never addressed the question of whose responsibility it was to deal with the cost.

EMTALA is an unfunded federal mandate imposed on U.S. healthcare providers. A very expensive mandate: annual unreimbursed medical expenses for the uninsured are estimated at between $9 billion and $11 billion. Some of these costs are absorbed by county welfare departments or hospitals obligated to provide treatment; some of them are shifted to privately insured patients. The average added cost an insured individual pays to cover treatment of the uninsured has been put at $370 a year, while for a family it is an additional $1,000 a year.

The federal government imposes stiff fines on any physician or hospital refusing to treat an ER patient, even when the patient has been screened and declared a non-emergency case by ER personnel. Amazingly, ER patients are given the private right to sue hospitals for any “financial loss” stemming from EMTALA violations.

The inescapable inference: illegal aliens can sue U.S. doctors and hospitals for alleged EMTALA violations.
Even Mexicans in Mexico regard EMTALA as their entitlement: Ambulances drive from Mexico to U.S. border hospitals, drop off indigent patients, and leave secure in the knowledge that their fares will be admitted. The drivers apparently know that EMTALA requires hospitals to accept anyone who is within 250 yards of a hospital — no matter how they got there.

EMTALA is not just for immigrants, of course. Any uninsured person — native or foreign-born — receives the same ER privileges. But foreign-born are far more likely to be uninsured, and as such their use of ERs, adding to overcrowding of them is of major proportions.


Madeleine Pelzer Cosman, “Illegal Aliens and American Medicine,” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Spring 2005.

FAIR, The Sinking Lifeboat, 2009
Thomas Gustafson, Testimony, July 26, 2006. 2006.07.26: Hospitals and Immigration
So what might be done ??? Ans SHOULD be done ?

Is it enough to increase funding to ICE, CBP. the FBI, DEA et al involved in fighting illegal immigration ? Or to set a moratorium on legal immigration, and the issuance of visas ? Or to step up arrests of illegal employers and deportations of illegal aliens ? Nope. What more needs to be done is to take MEXICO to task >>>

Well, after hundreds of thousands of US military members sacrificed their lives to prevent invasions of the US from Japan and Nazi Germany, one would think that we would at least try to stop this massive attack on our nation, no ? So what actually should be done about this then ?

I would propose the following:

We should give Carlos Slim and all the rest of his plutocrat rat pack 3 months to break up the monopolies, and initiate reforms that would open Mexico's economy to Mexican small business entrepreneurs, who then could hire millions of Mexicans to good jobs. This would also create some badly needed respect for Mexican authority, and help to spur public cooperation in stamping out the drug gangs.

This would have to be backed up by a stern warning that non-cooperation would result in US military action against Mexico, which would likely result in the complete conquest of Mexico, and establishment of it as a US territory or state, under full US control. A buildup of US military along the Mexican border including fleets of US warships along both Mexican coasts would be in order as well, to give teeth to the demand.

On the US side, the 14th amendment should be revised to abolish birth citizenship. The Mexican border double fence (mandated by the 2006 Secure Fence Act) should be fully built, as it was supposed to have been done by now.
And President Obama's joking remark about adding a moat filled with alligators, wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Congress, with tax increases on the US employee super rich (which 3/4 of the American people support), should hire thousands of new ICE agents, CBP officers, immigration court officials, and build more immigration jails, and engage in a mass deportation program, which can easily be done as long as the will and resources are allocated to it.
This should also include a crackdown on illegal employers of illegal aliens, with arrests based on the 1986 IRCA law, as well as arrests of US mayors (starting with Michael Bloomberg of New York) and city councilmembers passing illegal sanctuary laws, and illegally giving sanctuary to illegal aliens. In addition, vested interest pro-immigration groups like the US Democratic Party, many churches, unions, and ethnocentrist organizations like La Raza, LULAC, MALDEF, et al should be investigated for their roles, and held accountable for any/all illegal activities on their parts.
While we know that deportation by attrition is the basic answer to our immigration woes, and the presence of an occupying army of invaders, we must also realize that enforcement doesn't happen just by telling the invaders to leave, or by telling employers to play by the rules. FORCE is what's necessary and force costs money. Much more than what is being spent right now.

Whether Republicans like it or not, they are part of the problem here, with their obstructionist, Reaganist objections to taxation on the super rich (supported by 3/4 of Americans), and the resulting shortage of manpower and everything else needed to stop immigration and facilitate mass deportation.

Also, just denying illegal aliens jobs, that will not necessarily cause a mass deportation by attrition. We should remember that even if illegals are denied here in the US, things are just as bad for them in Mexico. So why make a 1000 mile + journey back to Mexico, to go where things are no better ?

The missing ingredient, rarely ever mentioned, is the Mexican plutocracy and the monoplistic control of Mexico's economy that causes all this to begin with. If we want Mexicans in the US to return to Mexico, they need to have a good reason to do so. That reason won't happen as long as Mexico continues to keep their monoplies (Pemex, Telex, etc), denying Mexican small businessmen the opportunity to compete, and hire millions of workers.

As distastful as it may seem, Mexicans won't head for the border unless Mexico cleans up its act, and that won't happen without strong pressure from the US govt, possibly as much as another 1848 style ass-kicking, this time with the US acquiring ALL of Mexico, and then properly cleaning up the train wreck to our south.
The problem with farms is they want to make a profit. In order to make the highest profit they want to have the cheapest workers for the amount of work they put in.

Native USAers don't want to be doing this work. Foreigners will do this work because the wages for them are better than for the native USAers, because the amount they can buy with this money in their home country is far more than in the USA.

Now, profit and all of that is more a policy of the right than the left. Squeezing as much out of the people is definitely a right wing sort of aspiration.

Actually, profit is a policy of the left in this 2016 election, where a whopping 73% of Hillary's contributions$$$ are coming from Wall St big banks, investment companies, hedge funds, etc. In contrast, only 7% of Trump's are coming from big business. If the GOP and big business were in cahoots in past years, that's changed now. Now it's Hillary who is doing their bidding.

Sen. Hillary Clinton: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator Career | OpenSecrets

Top Donors data for Donald Trump, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets
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The problem with farms is they want to make a profit. In order to make the highest profit they want to have the cheapest workers for the amount of work they put in.

Native USAers don't want to be doing this work. Foreigners will do this work because the wages for them are better than for the native USAers, because the amount they can buy with this money in their home country is far more than in the USA.

Now, profit and all of that is more a policy of the right than the left. Squeezing as much out of the people is definitely a right wing sort of aspiration.

Actually, profit is a policy of the left in this 2016 election, where a whopping 73% of Hillary's contributions$$$ are coming from Wall St big banks, investment companies, hedge funds, etc. In contrast, only 7% of Trump's are coming from big business. If the GOP and big business were in cahoots in past years, that's changed now. Now it's Hillary who is doing their bidding.

Hillary isn't exactly on the left though. Sanders is.

Also, comparing Hillary with Trump is distorted anyway. A lot of people just don't want Trump, he doesn't appeal to anyone with a lot of money. He's a nationalist. So they prefer Hillary.
The problem with farms is they want to make a profit. In order to make the highest profit they want to have the cheapest workers for the amount of work they put in.

Native USAers don't want to be doing this work. Foreigners will do this work because the wages for them are better than for the native USAers, because the amount they can buy with this money in their home country is far more than in the USA.

Now, profit and all of that is more a policy of the right than the left. Squeezing as much out of the people is definitely a right wing sort of aspiration.

Actually, profit is a policy of the left in this 2016 election, where a whopping 73% of Hillary's contributions$$$ are coming from Wall St big banks, investment companies, hedge funds, etc. In contrast, only 7% of Trump's are coming from big business. If the GOP and big business were in cahoots in past years, that's changed now. Now it's Hillary who is doing their bidding.

Hillary isn't exactly on the left though. Sanders is.

Also, comparing Hillary with Trump is distorted anyway. A lot of people just don't want Trump, he doesn't appeal to anyone with a lot of money. He's a nationalist. So they prefer Hillary.

Hillary and Sanders are closet capitalists and so is everybody else.
The problem with farms is they want to make a profit. In order to make the highest profit they want to have the cheapest workers for the amount of work they put in.

Native USAers don't want to be doing this work. Foreigners will do this work because the wages for them are better than for the native USAers, because the amount they can buy with this money in their home country is far more than in the USA.

Now, profit and all of that is more a policy of the right than the left. Squeezing as much out of the people is definitely a right wing sort of aspiration.

Actually, profit is a policy of the left in this 2016 election, where a whopping 73% of Hillary's contributions$$$ are coming from Wall St big banks, investment companies, hedge funds, etc. In contrast, only 7% of Trump's are coming from big business. If the GOP and big business were in cahoots in past years, that's changed now. Now it's Hillary who is doing their bidding.

Hillary isn't exactly on the left though. Sanders is.

Also, comparing Hillary with Trump is distorted anyway. A lot of people just don't want Trump, he doesn't appeal to anyone with a lot of money. He's a nationalist. So they prefer Hillary.

Hillary and Sanders are closet capitalists and so is everybody else.

Well, I doubt there are many people who are in the political elite (even at state level) who aren't capitalists. I've met some Communists and the like, and they don't get very far.
And you can't tell who is an immigrant or not, so stay away from people who are darker than you are.
Sorry, that won't work, some illegal aliens are lighter than me. I'm half Hispanic, and there are 50,000 of these guys in America >> (illegal)


Almost looks like a Mexican flag, doesn't it ?

Legalize the Irish: the Legacy of the IIRM | Glucksman Ireland House | New York University

Oh, now you want to introduce rationality to the debate, after flinging insults and swearwords and making all sorts of nonsense, now you've decided a rational argument should be heard, we have to change back to rationality.
Oh, now you want to introduce rationality to the debate, after flinging insults and swearwords and making all sorts of nonsense, now you've decided a rational argument should be heard, we have to change back to rationality.
You should be reading (and LEARNING) my posts, not talking.
And you can't tell who is an immigrant or not, so stay away from people who are darker than you are.
Sorry, that won't work, some illegal aliens are lighter than me. I'm half Hispanic, and there are 50,000 of these guys in America >> (illegal)


Almost looks like a Mexican flag, doesn't it ?

Legalize the Irish: the Legacy of the IIRM | Glucksman Ireland House | New York University

Northern Ireland is a thorn in Eire. Move the dad burn Englishmen (Oranges) back to jolly ole England and that crisis is over using Occam's Razor.
Northern Ireland is a thorn in Eire. Move the dad burn Englishmen (Oranges) back to jolly ole England and that crisis is over using Occam's Razor.
I was talking about Irish illegal aliens in the USA. Stealing American's jobs. Sending remittances$$. Pretty much same thing as the Mexicans. I guess the race carders will be disappointed though. :itsok: :badgrin:
Yes, and what does this mean? One fact doesn't tell a story, never has, never will.
YOU KNOW what it means. WE ALL know.

Now do your reading. I didn't post all that stuff for nothing. And there will be a quiz later today. :biggrin:

No, what you "Know" is what you've decided is the case without looking very far at all. You look at the moon, see it's the same color as cheese and you "know" it's made of cheese.
I guess it's entirely possible that you "see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude". However, the fact that you don't see it doesn't mean that the reason doesn't exist.

Support for Trump among the Hispanics/Latinos in my family is roughly what national polls are showing. Those who don't care for him formed their opinion based on what he has actually said. Whether it's his astonishing "rapists" comment, his insulting "I love Hispanics" comment while eating a Tex-Mex meal or his absolutely ridiculous "we're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it", no one who harbors pride in their heritage can be blamed for looking at him sideways. Or worse.

I think most reasonable people can understand that.
You have bought into the liberal :bsflag: Read the OP and my posts for your DEPROGRAMMING. If you think for one second that Mexico can't be forced to pay for the wall, you have no idea how off base you are. The wall is only a $10-14 Billion development. That's half of what Mexico takes from the US just in one year, in remittances. Get it ?
This has nothing to do with my point, which is why some Hispanics & Latinos don't like the guy.

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