Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Yeah, get a good old war in, have an excuse to kill and rape your enemies..... I mean it's been, what 150 years since the last time you have a chance to do that.
Oh yeah man! Maybe we could say ISIS has declared they will see us in New York, and raise their black flag over the White House. And we could get away with it too man (especially since it's TRUE) And we could also cite the 100+ jihadist attacks on us by the international jihad too (9-11, Beltway Sniper, LAX, Fort Hood twice, Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, all the European attacks, and many more (and the coolest part is they're all TRUE). and that's just some of the ones that succeeded. Then there's all the one they attempted and failed (Fort Dix, Lackawanna 6, etc.

EARTH TO FW: Uh, you don't know that the US is ALREADY AT war right now ?
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They were fishing for sound bites they could use as the process rolled along and unfortunately for Trump he bit hook line and sinker. I mean to say that "unfortunate" as in how some of his comments may be used as he faces Clinton.

Hillary may be a lot of things that irritate but she is a seasoned professional politician. In the upcoming debates the media will serve up Trump's comments like raw meat like: "Hillary? Donald has said and I quote, We MUST put a moratorium on allowing Muslims entering our country. Do you agree with that statement?". Even most of the GOP leadership has stated that singling out refugees against entering the U S by their religion would be unconstitutional.
They wouldn't be singling them out by their religion. Islam is not a religion.

Italy: Islam denied income tax revenue - Adnkronos Religion

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Islam Watch - About Us

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam and the Definition of Religion
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protectionist, your reasoning is faulty, your motivation is murderous, and you hoped for events will not happen. Little Joe who was born here is every bit as much a citizen as you.
Protectionist......... What happened to my challenge? So I can give you a first class education about our borders. I sent 2 challenges so far you ignore it because you are a COWARD and full of crap.
Anyone who can read the English language, knows he said MEXICANS.

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Or, taking away pronouns and replacing them with the actual word

"When Mexico sends its people, Mexicans are not sending their best. Mexicans are not sending you. Mexicans are sending you. Mexicans are sending people that have lots of problems, and Mexicans are bringing those problems with us. Mexicans are bringing drugs. Mexicans are bringing crime. Mexicans are rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

That's what he said.
Yes, he said Mexicans. But he didn't say ALL Mexicans. so to anyone who isn't trying to spin his words into something bigoted, because they think that will be a useful tool for them politically, he obviously was talking about those particular Mexicans who ARE rapists, murderers and bringing drugs. Now stop LYING.
Your post illustrates one of Trump's greatest shortcoming. He speaks without thinking. A president must be clear and concise otherwise his words will be turned against him or misinterpreted. Imagine Donald as president and saying blacks are rapist and murders.
If Trump meant one subset of Mexicans then it was his duty to parse the language to make sure its meaning was clear.

He failed.
If Trump meant one subset of Mexicans then it was his duty to parse the language to make sure its meaning was clear.

He failed.
His command of the language is so poor he constantly leaves interviewers scratching their head. In one of his interviews about restricting Muslim entrance to the US, he said none should be allowed into the US. Then he started citing exceptions. By the end of the interview, his audience was totally confused. Later his campaign manager had to clarify his statements.

My favorite Trumpism:
"They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”
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They were fishing for sound bites they could use as the process rolled along and unfortunately for Trump he bit hook line and sinker. I mean to say that "unfortunate" as in how some of his comments may be used as he faces Clinton.

Hillary may be a lot of things that irritate but she is a seasoned professional politician. In the upcoming debates the media will serve up Trump's comments like raw meat like: "Hillary? Donald has said and I quote, We MUST put a moratorium on allowing Muslims entering our country. Do you agree with that statement?". Even most of the GOP leadership has stated that singling out refugees against entering the U S by their religion would be unconstitutional.
They wouldn't be singling them out by their religion. Islam is not a religion.

Italy: Islam denied income tax revenue - Adnkronos Religion

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Islam Watch - About Us

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam and the Definition of Religion

That's some whack chit Sport!

I think you would have a hard time telling that list of links to a Muslim. THEY think their way of life is based on a religious adherence. Ask any one of em and they will tell you Islam is a religion.

I don't think you will get any traction attempting to just wipe the whole idea of Islam and Muslims out of existence because a handful of haters say it's so. Anyway, it doesn't matter what the haters say about it does it. I'm an atheist so I can just wipe out all religion just because it annoys me and because I think they are idiots for believing that crap?

The fact of the matter is that Muslims exist just like Christians exist. Christians believe in sky fairies and heaven and hell and Muslims believe that Muhammed was a prophet just like Jesus and they believe in a sort of heaven also. A bag of virgins and whatever..???

To me it's ALL nonsense. There are no sky fairies and no bag-o-virgins. It was all based on fear of what scared them when they made all this crap up and it stuck because people are fearful pussies basically and cannot face their death without it being sugar coated.

I bet aliens just come and hang out in near orbit just for a good laugh. This is the comedy channel for aliens.
protectionist, your reasoning is faulty, your motivation is murderous, and you hoped for events will not happen. Little Joe who was born here is every bit as much a citizen as you.
"murderous" What the F are you yammering about now, nutjob ? As for anchor babies, the founding father author of the 14th amendment disagrees with you.

"[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person.
" [2] (Jacob Howard, May 30, 1866)

Jacob M. Howard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Senator Jacob Howard
That's some whack chit Sport!

I think you would have a hard time telling that list of links to a Muslim. THEY think their way of life is based on a religious adherence. Ask any one of em and they will tell you Islam is a religion.

I don't think you will get any traction attempting to just wipe the whole idea of Islam and Muslims out of existence because a handful of haters say it's so. Anyway, it doesn't matter what the haters say about it does it. I'm an atheist so I can just wipe out all religion just because it annoys me and because I think they are idiots for believing that crap?

The fact of the matter is that Muslims exist just like Christians exist. Christians believe in sky fairies and heaven and hell and Muslims believe that Muhammed was a prophet just like Jesus and they believe in a sort of heaven also. A bag of virgins and whatever..???

To me it's ALL nonsense. There are no sky fairies and no bag-o-virgins. It was all based on fear of what scared them when they made all this crap up and it stuck because people are fearful pussies basically and cannot face their death without it being sugar coated.

I bet aliens just come and hang out in near orbit just for a good laugh. This is the comedy channel for aliens.
It's not a handful of haters. It is most people around the world, and they're not haters, they just recognize that religions have a code of ethics. Islam is a code of UNethics.

And Islam is hate. It hates everything that isn't Islam, and demands submission to it. In fact, that's what the word Islam means in Arabic > submission.

To consider Islam to be a religion, is about the wackiest thing anyone could ever think. It would be like making a serial killer a saint.
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Your post illustrates one of Trump's greatest shortcoming. He speaks without thinking. A president must be clear and concise otherwise his words will be turned against him or misinterpreted. Imagine Donald as president and saying blacks are rapist and murders.
He could use a little adjustment in the speech dept. That's a lot less serious than allowing countries to invade our land, occupy it, and rob our economy and tax treasuries. It's also a lot less serious than inviting 185,000 refugees in with ISIS tucked in among them, all set to detonate nuclear bombs in multiple US cities, and a screwball who opens up America's most top secret information to the whole world.

Also, people need to stop jumping to negative conclusions, calm down, become more UNassuming, and stop bickering.
That's some whack chit Sport!

I think you would have a hard time telling that list of links to a Muslim. THEY think their way of life is based on a religious adherence. Ask any one of em and they will tell you Islam is a religion.

I don't think you will get any traction attempting to just wipe the whole idea of Islam and Muslims out of existence because a handful of haters say it's so. Anyway, it doesn't matter what the haters say about it does it. I'm an atheist so I can just wipe out all religion just because it annoys me and because I think they are idiots for believing that crap?

The fact of the matter is that Muslims exist just like Christians exist. Christians believe in sky fairies and heaven and hell and Muslims believe that Muhammed was a prophet just like Jesus and they believe in a sort of heaven also. A bag of virgins and whatever..???

To me it's ALL nonsense. There are no sky fairies and no bag-o-virgins. It was all based on fear of what scared them when they made all this crap up and it stuck because people are fearful pussies basically and cannot face their death without it being sugar coated.

I bet aliens just come and hang out in near orbit just for a good laugh. This is the comedy channel for aliens.
It's not a handful of haters. It is most people around the world, and they're not haters, they just recognize that religions have a code of ethics. Islam is a code of UNethics.

And Islam is hate. It hates everything that isn't Islam, and demands submission to it. In fact, that's what the word Islam means in Arabic > submission.

To consider Islam to be a religion, is about the wackiest thing anyone could ever think. It would be like making a serial killer a saint.

Hey Bub! You are signing to the choir! If all those silly Muslims came to their senses and stopped believing all that nonsense it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit. Then all it would take to make me REALLY happy would be if the Christians would follow suit. No hocus pocus. Just reality guiding human beings. Some time in the distant or not so distant future a big rock will be heading our way and we will need to focus as one to deal with it. Otherwise it's gonna be EXTINCTION for all of human kind BABY whether you are the god-a-fearin type or not.

Then there is that sun dying thing in the distant future that will be a show stopper. We need to start early to deal with that one also. It won't be an angry god that eventually smites us Pilgrim. It will be a collision with some space invader or our sun burning out. Wasting time praying about it will just ensure our demise.
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Your post illustrates one of Trump's greatest shortcoming. He speaks without thinking. A president must be clear and concise otherwise his words will be turned against him or misinterpreted. Imagine Donald as president and saying blacks are rapist and murders.
He could use a little adjustment in the speech dept. That's a lot less serious than allowing countries to invade our land, occupy it, and rob our economy and tax treasuries. It's also a lot less serious than inviting 185,000 refugees in with ISIS tucked in among them, all set to detonate nuclear bombs in multiple US cities, and a screwball who opens up America's most top secret information to the whole world.

Also, people need to stop jumping to negative conclusions, calm down, become more UNassuming, and stop bickering.
He speaks just fine. His problem is he can't carry on an intelligent conversation. He's great at ad libs and one liners but he just doesn't seem to be able to organize his thoughts and express them logically. That's a hell of handicap for a president.
Yeah, get a good old war in, have an excuse to kill and rape your enemies..... I mean it's been, what 150 years since the last time you have a chance to do that.
Oh yeah man! Maybe we could say ISIS has declared they will see us in New York, and raise their black flag over the White House. And we could get away with it too man (especially since it's TRUE) And we could also cite the 100+ jihadist attacks on us by the international jihad too (9-11, Beltway Sniper, LAX, Fort Hood twice, Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, all the European attacks, and many more (and the coolest part is they're all TRUE). and that's just some of the ones that succeeded. Then there's all the one they attempted and failed (Fort Dix, Lackawanna 6, etc.

EARTH TO FW: Uh, you don't know that the US is ALREADY AT war right now ?

So..... ISIS existed in 2003?

Oh, wait, no. Earth to Proto.... the right made ISIS so they can keep you down.
Protectionist......... What happened to my challenge? So I can give you a first class education about our borders. I sent 2 challenges so far you ignore it because you are a COWARD and full of crap.
I know nothing about any challenge of yours. You're not qualified to challenge your teacher. I have already educated you about the border, and now you have your first exam to take. 20 questions, each worth 5 points.

JakeStarkey and friigidweirdo, this exam is for you too. :biggrin:

1. In 2012, according to Pew research, how much money was extracted out o the US economy by Mexico, in remittances ?

2. In 2012, according to Pew research, how much money was extracted out of the US economy by China, in remittances ?

3. In 2012, according to Pew research, how much money was extracted out of the US economy by all countries, in remittances ?

4. When did Vicente Fox gloat publicly about US remittance ?

5. What did he say about them ?

6. Out of the 472 occupations CIS studied, how many had a majority of Americans working in them ?

7. How many were immigrant majority ?

8. What can happen to Nashville, TN if the Wolf Creek Dam breaks open ?

9. What is the principal reason that the natural rate (births less deaths) of population increase is so much higher in the U.S. than in Europe.

10. How much higher is the fertility rate for US Hispanic women compared to all others ?

11. What caused US energy consumption to increase (1973-2007), while per capita energy consumption decreased ?

12. Even with $15 billion in planned road improvements, traffic congestion will increase 400 percent by 2020, in what US city ?

13. How many leprosy cases are discovered in the US each year, among immigrants ?

14. Of the following diseases, according to recent studies, how many of them are associated with immigration, ?>> tuberculosis, dysentary, pork tapeworm, typhoid, cysticercosis, river blindness, malaria, guinea worm

15. In how many 3rd world countries is cholera still active ?

16. What law bans the hiring (knowingly) of illegasl aliens ?

17. Is crossing the border without inspection by immigration authorities a crime, or just a civil offense (tort) ?

18. What is the name of the program devised by George W. Bush and Vicente Fox to allow customers without Social Security numbers (illegal aliens) to wire money through the Federal Reserve System to Mexico's central bank (Banco de Mexico) at little cost ?

19. Which of the following cities, from a recent Columbia University Water Center study on water scarcity in the U.S, could be deeply effected by water shortages in the not too distant future:>> El Paso, Texas, San Antonio, Texas, Houston, Texas, Los Angeles, California, San Francisco Bay Area, California, Atlanta, Georgia, Miami, Florida, Washington, D.C, Lincoln, Nebraska, Salt Lake City, Utah, Cleveland, Ohio

20. What does the EMTALA law do ?
He speaks just fine. His problem is he can't carry on an intelligent conversation. He's great at ad libs and one liners but he just doesn't seem to be able to organize his thoughts and express them logically. That's a hell of handicap for a president.
He's been able to organize his thoughts enough to have a massive real estate empire all over the world, and a $10 Billion net worth. And yours is ? :badgrin:

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