Are All Of These Stories Of Children Shooting Their Parents Being Faked By The Media?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Every couple of weeks we hear about another toddler pulling a gun on his folks. I think these stories are made up. No 2 or 3 year old has the strength to pull a trigger.

The normal pull for pistols can be anywhere from 6-13 pounds. Most of them are extremely hard to pull if you don't cock them. I find it hard to believe that a 2 or 3 year old has the strength to pull a trigger when they barely have the strength to pick the thing up.

This is a tactic being used by the media to scare the crap out of the public by constantly publishing these stupid stories about babies in diapers shooting their parents. Here's the latest one:

Toddler wounds both parents with 1 shot from handgun
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - A 3-year-old boy found a handgun in his mother's purse and fired just one shot that wounded both his parents at an Albuquerque motel on Saturday, police said.

According to investigators, the toddler apparently reached for an iPod but found the loaded weapon. Police believe the shooting to be accidental.

The bullet first struck his father in the buttock and then hit the right shoulder of his mother, who is eight months pregnant, police said. His 2-year-old sister was present but unhurt.

Both injuries are non-life threatening, authorities said.

Justin Reynolds told KOB-TV (Father shot by 3-year-old son All of a sudden we heard a gun go off that he and his girlfriend, Monique Villescas, were getting ready to order pizza when the toddler fired the shot.

"It was like if I was to get up shake your hand and sat back down. That's how fast it happened," Reynolds said." All of a sudden we heard a gun go off and the next minute I realized my girlfriend was bleeding. Then, I sat down and realized I was shot, too."

Reynolds said he called 911 and grabbed some towels to try to stop her bleeding.

"I was more worried about my girlfriend than myself and anything else that was going on. And my son because I didn't know if he had shot himself or not," said Reynolds. "He was shocked and crying. It was traumatizing."

Jonathan Hutson, a spokesman for the Washington-based Brady Campaign and Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said the shooting should serve as a reminder to all parents to keep guns locked away securely.

Toddler wounds both parents with 1 shot from handgun - New York News

David Arbogast · Top Commenter · Computer Manager at University of Michigan Medical Center
That is true as is the like fact it was a Glock. Any other hand gun has a safety and has a trigger force that is more than a 3 year old can pull.
Reply · Like · 4 · 2 hours ago

Links Trigger Pull Weight
Every couple of weeks we hear about another toddler pulling a gun on his folks. I think these stories are made up. No 2 or 3 year old has the strength to pull a trigger.

The normal pull for pistols can be anywhere from 6-13 pounds. Most of them are extremely hard to pull if you don't cock them. I find it hard to believe that a 2 or 3 year old has the strength to pull a trigger when they barely have the strength to pick the thing up.

This is a tactic being used by the media to scare the crap out of the public by constantly publishing these stupid stories about babies in diapers shooting their parents. Here's the latest one:

Toddler wounds both parents with 1 shot from handgun
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - A 3-year-old boy found a handgun in his mother's purse and fired just one shot that wounded both his parents at an Albuquerque motel on Saturday, police said.

According to investigators, the toddler apparently reached for an iPod but found the loaded weapon. Police believe the shooting to be accidental.

The bullet first struck his father in the buttock and then hit the right shoulder of his mother, who is eight months pregnant, police said. His 2-year-old sister was present but unhurt.

Both injuries are non-life threatening, authorities said.

Justin Reynolds told KOB-TV (Father shot by 3-year-old son All of a sudden we heard a gun go off that he and his girlfriend, Monique Villescas, were getting ready to order pizza when the toddler fired the shot.

"It was like if I was to get up shake your hand and sat back down. That's how fast it happened," Reynolds said." All of a sudden we heard a gun go off and the next minute I realized my girlfriend was bleeding. Then, I sat down and realized I was shot, too."

Reynolds said he called 911 and grabbed some towels to try to stop her bleeding.

"I was more worried about my girlfriend than myself and anything else that was going on. And my son because I didn't know if he had shot himself or not," said Reynolds. "He was shocked and crying. It was traumatizing."

Jonathan Hutson, a spokesman for the Washington-based Brady Campaign and Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said the shooting should serve as a reminder to all parents to keep guns locked away securely.

Toddler wounds both parents with 1 shot from handgun - New York News

David Arbogast · Top Commenter · Computer Manager at University of Michigan Medical Center
That is true as is the like fact it was a Glock. Any other hand gun has a safety and has a trigger force that is more than a 3 year old can pull.
Reply · Like · 4 · 2 hours ago

Links Trigger Pull Weight

There are lots of stupid people that leave cocked guns around.

When this shit happens, parents should do jail time.
Every couple of weeks we hear about another toddler pulling a gun on his folks. I think these stories are made up. No 2 or 3 year old has the strength to pull a trigger.

The normal pull for pistols can be anywhere from 6-13 pounds. Most of them are extremely hard to pull if you don't cock them. I find it hard to believe that a 2 or 3 year old has the strength to pull a trigger when they barely have the strength to pick the thing up.

This is a tactic being used by the media to scare the crap out of the public by constantly publishing these stupid stories about babies in diapers shooting their parents. Here's the latest one:

Toddler wounds both parents with 1 shot from handgun
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - A 3-year-old boy found a handgun in his mother's purse and fired just one shot that wounded both his parents at an Albuquerque motel on Saturday, police said.

According to investigators, the toddler apparently reached for an iPod but found the loaded weapon. Police believe the shooting to be accidental.

The bullet first struck his father in the buttock and then hit the right shoulder of his mother, who is eight months pregnant, police said. His 2-year-old sister was present but unhurt.

Both injuries are non-life threatening, authorities said.

Justin Reynolds told KOB-TV (Father shot by 3-year-old son All of a sudden we heard a gun go off that he and his girlfriend, Monique Villescas, were getting ready to order pizza when the toddler fired the shot.

"It was like if I was to get up shake your hand and sat back down. That's how fast it happened," Reynolds said." All of a sudden we heard a gun go off and the next minute I realized my girlfriend was bleeding. Then, I sat down and realized I was shot, too."

Reynolds said he called 911 and grabbed some towels to try to stop her bleeding.

"I was more worried about my girlfriend than myself and anything else that was going on. And my son because I didn't know if he had shot himself or not," said Reynolds. "He was shocked and crying. It was traumatizing."

Jonathan Hutson, a spokesman for the Washington-based Brady Campaign and Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said the shooting should serve as a reminder to all parents to keep guns locked away securely.

Toddler wounds both parents with 1 shot from handgun - New York News

David Arbogast · Top Commenter · Computer Manager at University of Michigan Medical Center
That is true as is the like fact it was a Glock. Any other hand gun has a safety and has a trigger force that is more than a 3 year old can pull.
Reply · Like · 4 · 2 hours ago

Links Trigger Pull Weight

Probably... There was a laundry list of Media hysteria planned to coincide with "Fast and Furious". The mass-shooting that rolled out around that time... the Colorado Theater and the Connecticut School shooting.
The mother here in Idaho who was shot by her 3 year old was real. Women tend to carry smaller guns, striker fired. If the safety is off, it doesn't take much effort to work the trigger.

Besides which, kooky conspiracy theories such as "the media is making up gun accident stories" don't have much merit among rational, thinking individuals.
The mother here in Idaho who was shot by her 3 year old was real. Women tend to carry smaller guns, striker fired. If the safety is off, it doesn't take much effort to work the trigger.

Besides which, kooky conspiracy theories such as "the media is making up gun accident stories" don't have much merit among rational, thinking individuals.

I'd buy that, except for all of the obvious conspiring on guns by the media.
It's all a conspiracy!
:rofl: How fucking pathetic.

Not a believer?

Well we have your Peasantpimp Conspiring with your departing Attorney General, both of whom conspired with national print media, to frame US Gun Manufacturers with intentionally selling firearms to known criminal and terrorists. We know this because no less an authority in the matter was witnessed telling Sarah Brady at a Gun-Grabbing Hysteria Fund Raiser that 'we have a number of things working under the radar'.

This was right around the time that the NY Times and the WaPo were running lengthy Op-Ed articles regarding US Gun Manufacturers intentionally selling guns to Mexican Drug Gangs, etc., etc... .

Which is around the time that the whole thing blew up and your boys were exposed as high-criminals.

Now you may not be bright enough to know what conspiracies actually are... but that is a classic demonstration of such.

A better demonstration is Benghazi. That's where your peasantpimp literally committed treason. And I hold out the greatest of hope that his ass is lynched from a White House Oak for that one. (I realize it's a slim chance and that the best odds are that he'll be gunned down by a Seal Team some years after he flees from Justice, post his leaving office. But I have to hold on to that hope, nonetheless.)
The mother here in Idaho who was shot by her 3 year old was real. Women tend to carry smaller guns, striker fired. If the safety is off, it doesn't take much effort to work the trigger.

Besides which, kooky conspiracy theories such as "the media is making up gun accident stories" don't have much merit among rational, thinking individuals.

I'd buy that, except for all of the obvious conspiring on guns by the media.

The worst the media can do is give inordinate focus one some stories while ignoring others. They certainly don't highlight defensive gun use. But this thread is claiming they're outright making up gun accident stories. That's some BSC talk right there and I'm not game with that.
The mother here in Idaho who was shot by her 3 year old was real. Women tend to carry smaller guns, striker fired. If the safety is off, it doesn't take much effort to work the trigger.

Besides which, kooky conspiracy theories such as "the media is making up gun accident stories" don't have much merit among rational, thinking individuals.

I'd buy that, except for all of the obvious conspiring on guns by the media.

The worst the media can do is give inordinate focus one some stories while ignoring others. They certainly don't highlight defensive gun use. But this thread is claiming they're outright making up gun accident stories. That's some BSC talk right there and I'm not game with that.

Well, let me just say that there is no objectivity remaining in the US MSM. Absent objectivity, there truly is no reason that they would not make stuff up.

We saw this with DAN RATHER... who was second only to Walter Cronkite in terms of public trust of a News Anchor. He flat out fabricated "News".

I'm not saying that they HAVE but we can rest assured that they will and it should come as no surprise when that happens.
It's all a conspiracy!
:rofl: How fucking pathetic.

Not a believer?

Well we have your Peasantpimp Conspiring with your departing Attorney General, both of whom conspired with national print media, to frame US Gun Manufacturers with intentionally selling firearms to known criminal and terrorists. We know this because no less an authority in the matter was witnessed telling Sarah Brady at a Gun-Grabbing Hysteria Fund Raiser that 'we have a number of things working under the radar'.

This was right around the time that the NY Times and the WaPo were running lengthy Op-Ed articles regarding US Gun Manufacturers intentionally selling guns to Mexican Drug Gangs, etc., etc... .

Which is around the time that the whole thing blew up and your boys were exposed as high-criminals.

Now you may not be bright enough to know what conspiracies actually are... but that is a classic demonstration of such.

A better demonstration is Benghazi. That's where your peasantpimp literally committed treason. And I hold out the greatest of hope that his ass is lynched from a White House Oak for that one. (I realize it's a slim chance and that the best odds are that he'll be gunned down by a Seal Team some years after he flees from Justice, post his leaving office. But I have to hold on to that hope, nonetheless.)
Sandy Hook was a hoax too! :rofl:

How pathetic is it that you have to create conspiracy theories. Just fucking stupid.
The mother here in Idaho who was shot by her 3 year old was real. Women tend to carry smaller guns, striker fired. If the safety is off, it doesn't take much effort to work the trigger.

Besides which, kooky conspiracy theories such as "the media is making up gun accident stories" don't have much merit among rational, thinking individuals.

I'd buy that, except for all of the obvious conspiring on guns by the media.

The worst the media can do is give inordinate focus one some stories while ignoring others. They certainly don't highlight defensive gun use. But this thread is claiming they're outright making up gun accident stories. That's some BSC talk right there and I'm not game with that.

Well, let me just say that there is no objectivity remaining in the US MSM. Absent objectivity, there truly is no reason that they would not make stuff up.

We saw this with DAN RATHER... who was second only to Walter Cronkite in terms of public trust of a News Anchor. He flat out fabricated "News".

I'm not saying that they HAVE but we can rest assured that they will and it should come as no surprise when that happens.

It's hard to falsify news based on actual police reports.
It's all a conspiracy!
:rofl: How fucking pathetic.

Not a believer?

Well we have your Peasantpimp Conspiring with your departing Attorney General, both of whom conspired with national print media, to frame US Gun Manufacturers with intentionally selling firearms to known criminal and terrorists. We know this because no less an authority in the matter was witnessed telling Sarah Brady at a Gun-Grabbing Hysteria Fund Raiser that 'we have a number of things working under the radar'.

This was right around the time that the NY Times and the WaPo were running lengthy Op-Ed articles regarding US Gun Manufacturers intentionally selling guns to Mexican Drug Gangs, etc., etc... .

Which is around the time that the whole thing blew up and your boys were exposed as high-criminals.

Now you may not be bright enough to know what conspiracies actually are... but that is a classic demonstration of such.

A better demonstration is Benghazi. That's where your peasantpimp literally committed treason. And I hold out the greatest of hope that his ass is lynched from a White House Oak for that one. (I realize it's a slim chance and that the best odds are that he'll be gunned down by a Seal Team some years after he flees from Justice, post his leaving office. But I have to hold on to that hope, nonetheless.)
Sandy Hook was a hoax too! :rofl:

How pathetic is it that you have to create conspiracy theories. Just fucking stupid.

No, you pretending to be black and race hustling is a hoax.
It's all a conspiracy!
:rofl: How fucking pathetic.

Not a believer?

Well we have your Peasantpimp Conspiring with your departing Attorney General, both of whom conspired with national print media, to frame US Gun Manufacturers with intentionally selling firearms to known criminal and terrorists. We know this because no less an authority in the matter was witnessed telling Sarah Brady at a Gun-Grabbing Hysteria Fund Raiser that 'we have a number of things working under the radar'.

This was right around the time that the NY Times and the WaPo were running lengthy Op-Ed articles regarding US Gun Manufacturers intentionally selling guns to Mexican Drug Gangs, etc., etc... .

Which is around the time that the whole thing blew up and your boys were exposed as high-criminals.

Now you may not be bright enough to know what conspiracies actually are... but that is a classic demonstration of such.

A better demonstration is Benghazi. That's where your peasantpimp literally committed treason. And I hold out the greatest of hope that his ass is lynched from a White House Oak for that one. (I realize it's a slim chance and that the best odds are that he'll be gunned down by a Seal Team some years after he flees from Justice, post his leaving office. But I have to hold on to that hope, nonetheless.)
Sandy Hook was a hoax too! :rofl:

How pathetic is it that you have to create conspiracy theories. Just fucking stupid.

No, you pretending to be black and race hustling is a hoax.
Praying to Mary, playing with beads, and worshiping the Pope as a god is a hoax.
It's all a conspiracy!
:rofl: How fucking pathetic.

Not a believer?

Well we have your Peasantpimp Conspiring with your departing Attorney General, both of whom conspired with national print media, to frame US Gun Manufacturers with intentionally selling firearms to known criminal and terrorists. We know this because no less an authority in the matter was witnessed telling Sarah Brady at a Gun-Grabbing Hysteria Fund Raiser that 'we have a number of things working under the radar'.

This was right around the time that the NY Times and the WaPo were running lengthy Op-Ed articles regarding US Gun Manufacturers intentionally selling guns to Mexican Drug Gangs, etc., etc... .

Which is around the time that the whole thing blew up and your boys were exposed as high-criminals.

Now you may not be bright enough to know what conspiracies actually are... but that is a classic demonstration of such.

A better demonstration is Benghazi. That's where your peasantpimp literally committed treason. And I hold out the greatest of hope that his ass is lynched from a White House Oak for that one. (I realize it's a slim chance and that the best odds are that he'll be gunned down by a Seal Team some years after he flees from Justice, post his leaving office. But I have to hold on to that hope, nonetheless.)
Sandy Hook was a hoax too! :rofl:

How pathetic is it that you have to create conspiracy theories. Just fucking stupid.

No, you pretending to be black and race hustling is a hoax.
Praying to Mary, playing with beads, and worshiping the Pope as a god is a hoax.

If you think so then don't do it.
It's all a conspiracy!
:rofl: How fucking pathetic.

Not a believer?

Well we have your Peasantpimp Conspiring with your departing Attorney General, both of whom conspired with national print media, to frame US Gun Manufacturers with intentionally selling firearms to known criminal and terrorists. We know this because no less an authority in the matter was witnessed telling Sarah Brady at a Gun-Grabbing Hysteria Fund Raiser that 'we have a number of things working under the radar'.

This was right around the time that the NY Times and the WaPo were running lengthy Op-Ed articles regarding US Gun Manufacturers intentionally selling guns to Mexican Drug Gangs, etc., etc... .

Which is around the time that the whole thing blew up and your boys were exposed as high-criminals.

Now you may not be bright enough to know what conspiracies actually are... but that is a classic demonstration of such.

A better demonstration is Benghazi. That's where your peasantpimp literally committed treason. And I hold out the greatest of hope that his ass is lynched from a White House Oak for that one. (I realize it's a slim chance and that the best odds are that he'll be gunned down by a Seal Team some years after he flees from Justice, post his leaving office. But I have to hold on to that hope, nonetheless.)
Sandy Hook was a hoax too! :rofl:

How pathetic is it that you have to create conspiracy theories. Just fucking stupid.
No, you pretending to be black and race hustling is a hoax.
Praying to Mary, playing with beads, and worshiping the Pope as a god is a hoax.

If you think so then don't do it.
I am not a cult member...I don't

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